One Life Global Welfare

About One Life Global Welfare

Charity No. 1165390
UK based charity
Projects to help local communities
Projects to help alleviate poverty worldwide



One Life Global Welfare Water Is Life Projects Yemen
2nd week June 2019
... More than 110,000 litres of water delivered to areas inside Sana'a and Hajjah this week. . . Benefitting poor families who struggle each day due to lack of clean water.
Please continue support:
Β£25 per truck of water (4500 litres)
Ref: yem water
One Life Global Welfare
TSB BANK Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660 IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660 BIC (SWIFT): TSBSGB2AXXX
For more info. Brother Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
Follow us on Instagram for latest updates πŸ‘‡ #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
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One Life Global Welfare Water Is Life Projects Yemen
1st week June 2019
... More than 110,000 litres of water delivered to areas inside Sana'a and Hajjah this week. Benefitting thousands of people and there children who struggle each day due to lack of clean water.
Please continue support:
Β£25 per truck of water (4500 litres)
Ref: yem water
One Life Global Welfare
TSB BANK Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660 IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660 BIC (SWIFT): TSBSGB2AXXX
For more info. Brother Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
Follow us on Instagram for latest updates πŸ‘‡ #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
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One Life Global Welfare Water Is Life Projects Myanmar (Burma)
... More water pumps provided for families in Rackine state (Arakan).
#SadaqahJariyah #CleanWater #SafetyForFamilies
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One Life Global Welfare Container Projects Somalia
June 2019
... Alhamdulilah,
Another container loaded with 25 tonnes of aid.
Hygiene items Medical consumables School apparatus Clothing Toys
Thanks to sister Farheem and all the masjids in manchester/Oldham who collected aid.
Thanks to Edie for collection of crutches, knee braces.
Thank to sister Hannah (Widows project) for facilitating important aid for women and children.
Thanks to Maria and there team from Scotland for collection of thousands of new under clothing.
Thanks to Jane and the team for cloth nappies.
Thanks to everyone who contributes and collects aid for container projects.
Insha Allah, once this aid has reached Mogadishu, Somalia. The clothing and hygiene items will be distributed for displaced families. Medical items will be given to Medina hospital (free treatment).
Br. Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare Reg. No. 1165390
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One Life Global Welfare Ramadhan 1440/2019
... This Ramadhan tens of thousands of families benefited with food aid and water in some of the most poorest and neglected parts of the world. As we aim to help the most deprived communities.
Our teams were able to access and distribute aid in Al hodaydah, Al Amran, Hajjah, Turbah, Sana'a, Mahweet, Tahamah (N.Yemen) numerous times.
In Burma, food aid was not only provided in Sittwe but also Rathedaung and Bathedaung (most oppressed areas of Burma)
Aid was also provided in Baidoa, Somalia where some of the most poorest of people live in Idp camps who struggle for not only food but water and aid was also provided for disabled families living in Mogadishu.
In Uganda, food aid was provided for elderly, disabled and orphan families.
In Togo, aid was provided for poor families.
Aid was also provided in Central Africa Republic where there was much suffering in previous years.
Due to recent terrorist attacks in Sri lanka, muslim communities are struggling each day due to lock down. Food aid was provided to some of the poorest families.
In Pakistan, food aid was provided in villages in Tharparker, a region which is very poor and desert like.
In Gaza, Palestine, aid was provided in camps for families who struggle each day.
In Nigeria, we prioritised food aid for special boarding schools for blind and deaf children.
At refugee camps on the border of Bangladesh food packs were provided for rohingya refugees.
Food aid was also provided for Families living in poverty in Cox bazaar, Bangladesh.
In Surinama, South africa. Food aid was povided for poor families.
More than 65,000 meals were provided during Ramadhan.
3,000+ food packs were provided in the above countries prioritising many areas which are hard to access.
More than 700,000 litres of water were provided in Yemen, Palestine and Somalia.
Milk powder support continue for children in Hajjah, Yemen.
Weekly bread distributions continue for families in Gaza and N. Yemen.
Work has also started on 300 wells (water pumps and large wells) in africa and Burma. (New and repairs).
6 containers prepared (5 x Yemen/1 x Somalia). 125 tonne of food aid. 25 tonne of medical and hygiene aid. Total 150,000 kg of aid.
Thanks to everyone for entrusting One Life Global Welfare with amanah.
Allah Swt guide you and bless you all. Ameen.
The blessed month of Ramadhan is complete but suffering of the ummah continues. Insha Allah, our help does not stop. Please continue supporting one life global.

Br. Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare
Follow us on instagram #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
Charity no. 1165390
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One Life Global Welfare Water Is Life Projects Yemen
1st week June 2019
... More than 100,000 litres of water delivered to areas inside Sana'a and Hajjah this week. Benefitting thousands of people and there children who struggle each day due to lack of clean water.
Please continue support:
Β£25 per truck of water (4500 litres)
Ref: yem water
One Life Global Welfare
TSB BANK Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660 IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660 BIC (SWIFT): TSBSGB2AXXX
For more info. Brother Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
Follow us on Instagram for latest updates πŸ‘‡ #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
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One Life Global Welfare Water Is Life Projects Gaza
Ramadhan 1440 / 2019
... Supporting poor families every week with much needed clean water.
Please continue donating so we can continue providing regular clean water ..πŸ’¦
Β£55 per 5500 litres (provides one community/area)
Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660
IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660
For more info. One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
Instagram πŸ‘‡ #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
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One Life Global Welfare Food Aid Somalia
240 families living in idp camps in Baidoa provided food aid. Some were called to a secure location and for those unable to travel our team delivered aid to the camps.
... Many of these people collect water from the trucks sent out by one life global teams each week. (Unable to pay for water or unable to find water).
Living conditions are tough. These families struggle each day.
Your donations help make a difference.
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One Life Global Welfare Food Aid Somalia
240 families living in idp camps in Baidoa provided food aid. Some were called to a secure location and for those unable to travel our team delivered aid to the camps.
... Many of these people collect water from the trucks sent out by one life global teams each week. (Unable to pay for water or unable to find water).
Living conditions are tough. These families struggle each day.
Your donations help make a difference.
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One Life Global Welfare Food Aid Burma
150 families in Thein Tan village, Buthidaung township, Arakan provided staple food.
... Bathedaung is one of the most oppressed areas in which rohingyas live.
Thanks to Al Ihsaan Foundation, mauritious supporting vital aid projects.
One Life Global Welfare 1165390
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One Life Global Welfare Zakah Tul Fitr Update
For all those who have paid for Fitrana.... Staple food (Quality rice) was given to poor families in Arakan, Burma and Mbale, Uganda.
Allah Swt accept them all. Ameen
One Life Global Welfare Reg. 1165390
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One Life Global Welfare Container project Yemen
Ramadhan 1440/2019
... Alhamdulilah
Container no.5 loaded with 25 tonnes of food aid.
#Destination #AdenYemen
Thanks to blackburn community for working together.
One Life Global Welfare 1165390
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One Life Global Welfare Monthly Milk Project Hajjah Yemen
Ramadhan may 1440 /2019
... Alhamdulillah monthly milk provided to children in hajjah district .
#alqahatinah #Aalhanikah #alhamiriah #wedhrah #ashwaf #shab_quful #marwah
Please continue donating so we together can Help support children in yemen with milk
Monthly milk for each child costs Β£15 e
One Life Global Welfare
Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660
IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660
For more info. One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
Follow us on Instagram for more updates #onelifeglobalwelfarecharity
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One Life Global Welfare Food Aid Uganda
Ramadhan 2019
... Another 50 poor families in Mbale, Uganda provided with food aid.
Β£30 per pack
Ref: UG aid e
One Life Global Welfare
Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660
IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660
For more info. One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
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One Life Global Welfare Zakat Al Fitr
Zakat al-Fitr is an important part of Ramadan and a key charity given for the love of Allah (SWT). It must be given before Eid prayer in the form of what is considered as staple food in the community.
... Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: β€œThe Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ordained Zakat ul Fitr to purify the fasting person from indecent words or actions, and to provide food for the needy. It is accepted as zakah for the person who gives it before the Eid prayer; but it is a mere sadaqah for the one who gives it after the prayer.” [Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah]
This year, we will be providing One Saa of staple food in Myanmar and Uganda for poor families.
Β£4 per person
Ref: Fitr
One Life Global Welfare
Sort 77-19-46 Acc 35612660
IBAN: GB16TSBS77194635612660
For more info. Br. Zahir Uddin One Life Global Welfare 07462 111 469
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One Life Global Welfare Food Aid Yemen
Ramadhan 1440/2019
... Alhamdulilah
More food aid provided for families in Tahamah:
Aldabaiah Alqafrah Alhdeah Habil alqaz Alkhadish Bani almshta Almahraqah Almnadher Alhdeah Bani haigan
Because of your support, our teams are able to help those families in need of help.
One Life Global Welfare 1165390
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More about One Life Global Welfare

One Life Global Welfare is located at Mcr paper co. Williams Rd, Gorton, M18 7 Manchester, United Kingdom