Ormskirk Maternity

About Ormskirk Maternity

If you have a pregnancy-related emergency or require urgent advice, please telephone our 24 hour triage service on 01695 656604.

Ormskirk Maternity Description

Ormskirk maternity unit is part of Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and serves the population of Southport, Formby and West Lancashire.

Last year we delivered over 2, 700 babies in our maternity unit at Ormskirk hospital and at home.

If you have a pregnancy-related emergency please do not contact the midwives via facebook, telephone our 24 hour triage service on 01695 656604.



Do you know a member of staff working at our hospitals who deserves special recognition? Members of the public are being invited to nominate a member of staff at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust for an honour in the 10th annual staff awards.
Nominations for the People’s Health Hero Award are open until Sunday 19th August. Any member of staff, in any role, is eligible for a nomination providing they have worked for the Trust over the past 12 months.
... Follow the link to place your vote. ūüėĀ
See More


Today‚Äôs the day! Don‚Äôt forget to join us for ‚Äúthe big latch on‚ÄĚ. Please arrive early to get registered. See you there. ūü§ĪūüŹĽūü§ĪūüŹľūü§ĪūüŹĹūü§ĪūüŹĺ #thebiglatchon www.biglatchon.org


Don‚Äôt forget to join us for the big Latch on. ūü§ĪūüŹĽūü§ĪūüŹĽūü§ĪūüŹĽūü§ĪūüŹľūü§ĪūüŹĹū ü§ĪūüŹĺūü§ĪūüŹŅ


Come and join us for the big latch on Friday 3rd August.


Congratulations to our student midwife Kim Moncado! She has just finished her placement with the community midwives at Ormskirk and is at the end of her first year of training. Her mentors, Val and Alison, have praised her on how fantastic she is, they couldn‚Äôt fault her work and her communication with the women and their families is outstanding. We all agree that the ‚ÄėYou are Amazing‚Äô certificate is well deserved! Keep up the hard work Kim. ūüėĀ


You have the choice of where you can receive your maternity care. Did you know our midwives can provide all your maternity care irrespective of where you live? Have you chosen to have your baby at Ormskirk? If so, please contact us direct to self refer for your booking appointment on 01695 656924. (Monday-Friday 9-5) In order to receive your booking appointment promptly please contact us on the number above. It is not necessary to see your GP.


Due to refurbishment, there will be no aquanatal at splashworld in Southport this week.


Due to unforseen circumstances there will be no babybox collections until further notice.


Hope you enjoy the football today. Anyone else got a football bump? Don’t forget we are here 24:7 if you need us. 01695 656604.


The first babies born in 1948. Happy 70th birthday to our NHS. ūüéā


If your looking for a way to cool down in this warm weather remember our Midwife Led Aquanatal session is on this evening at Dunes Splashworld in Southport. It's starts at 6.15pm. We would love to see you there.


Due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be giving out baby boxes tomorrow. ( Tuesday 3rd July)


Here we are! All ready for our home birth evening. See you soon.


Thank you to Gary, the manager of the Co op on Wigan road in Ormskirk for kindly donating cakes for our 70th celebrations. #NHS70 #coop


Don’t forget our home birth evening today. Share your experience, come and ask questions, learn more about having a home birth. 6.30pm in the parentcraft room, at Ormskirk.


If your feeling hot in this warm weather then come and cool down at Midwife Led Aquanatal class tonight 6:15-7pm @ Dunes Splashworld in Southport. Refreshments will follow class.


We have just finished the hypnobirthing course. Kelsey, Donna and Louise were brilliant, so passionate about their job and so positive and knowledgable. The course has made me feel so much more positive and confident and has reduced my anxiety so much. I would recommend it to everyone, it was well worth doing. Kelsey makes amazing cakes too ÔŅĹ


We gave birth to or beautiful boy three weeks ago and our prenatal and postnatal care from Ormskirk has been truly remarkable! Thank you to the whole team at Ormskirk and the community teams but a special thank you to Sarah Tipney, our community midwife who has been amazing and has gone above and beyond in supporting us! Thank you also to Gemma for safely delivering our boy!


Wanted to thank all the people involved in the birth of my beautiful baby girl weighing 8lbs 4pounds and a 1/2 haha! Born on June 8th 2018 at 17:25. Thanks to the lady on night staff who I'm sorry I cannot remember the name for and for the day staff Sarah and Ali who welcome my daughter with professtional and welcoming arms! Being incuded and going on the drip at 12 and only being 1cm dilated to 2:00pm at 2cm and then a massive jump to 8cm and startinf pushing at 4:30pm! If It wasent for sarah and ali I wouldnt of been so brave and would of had a epidural but at this stage they helped me see if through :)


Thank you to everyone I met during my induction and subsequent cesarean last week. I'd had a bad experience with my first child and was disappointed and worried when I realised I'd have to have a cesarean again, but I explained my worries and was so reassured by everyone. In particular Katie who talked me through each stage and came into theatre with me, and the fantastic anaesthetist who worked with skill and really put me at ease - I am so grateful and pleased to report I am now recovering well with my beautiful new baby! x


Thank you to all the staff who looked after my daughter whilst her and her partner where at Ormskirk Hospital yesterday ÔŅĹ I am a midwife at Ormskirk but I must say it was special to be looked after by such fantastic professional warm friendly staff on the team. My daughter Rachael and her partner Ste were delighted with their care. A special thank you to Emma on triage and Vicki and Mandy in the deliver room Abbi who continued the care and Lesley xx a big thank you to Marie and the lovely care you alway provide x you are all amazing and make the place of Ormskirk maternity hospital a special place to have your baby. I would definitely recommend it to friends and family and all the staff I met on the day shared our joy thank you ÔŅĹ keran xxx


Thank you to all the staff involved with the safe delivery of our baby boy Ryan James on 11th March. You worked so well with us - the night team loved our musical approach to labour and the day team really got me through the tiredness and drained hours - you really are troopers and deserve medals. Unfortunately I can only remember Jen & Gill from the day team as the names were on the board but please pass on my thanks to the night team too and all on the maternity ward ÔŅĹ


Started coming since week 34 when I needed a growth scan and the staff on the MAU were fantastic!

They explained everything really clearly so I understood what they were doing and why and then recommended a medication to relieve the symptoms of my HG.

Since then I struggled to get my GP to prescribe the medication so have been back 3 times, twice admitted overnight to get my urinalysis back to a healthy status and both times the ward has been incredibly welcoming, staff friendly and approachable and rooms really clean.

I feel so lucky to have this facility on my doorstep and would recommend to all local ladies!


Recently got transferred here from my local hospital and I just wanted to say what a amazing hospital this is. I have never been here before and if it was closer to my home this would definitely be my first choice to have my baby. Everything from the appearance to the food to porters were amazing. Big thank you to all the staff who looked after me on the maternity ward. Every member of staff had my best interest at heart and nothing was too much trouble. Thank you for making my stay a lot less stressful that it should of been. Thanks again xx


Paul & I chose to have our first baby at Ormskirk. Throughout our pregnancy we had to visit all different wards, departments etc. The support, compassion & skill of the people who work within the teams is beyond admirable.

We would like to especially thank Abbie (maternity assessment unit), Jenny & Amie (student midwife) and Lauren (student midwife). You all helped make quite a long and traumatic experience manageable and calm.

We wish all the best and a huge thank you to everyone who helped bring our special girl, Isla into the world safely!

Thank you ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ xxxx


Our baby boy Noah Jacob was born 5th June with the help of the amazing Jo. I suffered some complications after birth and ended up in theatre and can honestly say all the maternity staff were incredible! The care, attention and friendliness we received was consistent and second to none. I am so glad we chose ormskirk as our hospital. Have to also give a special mention to Mr Sharma and our super star consultant Neera, both a credit to their profession and the NHS.


It's almost a week late! But I would like to just thank all the lovely staff at the maternity unit! I had my little girl there on the 29/7.. Little Saoìrse Lila..

I wanted a water birth but it didn't quiet go to plan as I had to be monitored throughout.

The lovely midwife Bethany so young but so confident and reassuring in her work I would just like to say a massive thank you. Also there was a paramedic Gary what a really lovely guy! Thank you ÔŅĹ You both done a great job and I will be forever gratefulÔŅĹ

To the whole staff team that were there when I delivered thank you xoxox


I went to triage with reduced fetal movement on Thursday 19/04. After being monitored and scanned there were some concerns with my placenta and the decision was made to bring me in the following day (at 37 weeks) to be induced. I arrived on the maternity assessment unit at 8am the following morning and was there until Sunday morning when I was taken to delivery suite to have my waters broken. While I was on the ward every midwife I came across was an absolute pleasure to deal with. The process was explained to me and I was so well looked after during a difficult and frustrating few days. Once I finally made it to delivery suite I was looked after by Rachel Buck and a couple of other midwives on the ward. They made my first experience of labour something I will never forget. I felt safe and secure in their care and Rachel listened to me and laughed with me and was able to reassure me when I needed it. We initially thought Rachel’s shift would have finished before our little boy arrived, but obviously he wanted to meet her too and labour progressed quite quickly towards the end. Another midwife Rebecca who had looked after me during induction also assisted with the delivery which made the experience even more personal and very special. Zachary James Wright was born 19:00 on 22/04/18 at 6 lb 7.5oz. When I was taken to the labour ward afterwards the support with breast feeding was overwhelming. We struggled at first but with encouragement, information and support from the midwives (particularly Lauren who showed me a trick to blow on him when he kept falling asleep on the boob!) we soon got the hang of it and were discharged after 2 nights. Our little boy is now thriving and weight 6lb 10 already. I can’t recommend Ormskirk Maternity enough. I have been raving about them to everyone who stops to look at Zachary. This is a vital unit full of wonderful and professional staff and would choose them every time without question. Thank you so much to all the wonderful Midwives that looked after us. You should all be proud x


I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the community midwives- in particular Claire Albo. Having had our dream home birth yesterday evening, I can not thank the community midwives enough for the support, care and genuine thoughtfulness that myself and my partner received. Claire guided us through everything calmly and actively ensured we used our hypnobirthing techniques. We are absolutely delighted with the level of care we have received and preach to anyone who will listen on the positives of having a home birth!

Thank you so much!

Love The Howards



I had my baby boy at Ormskirk on the 9th November and cannot praise the staff enough. Particularly our lovely midwife Maggie who was amazing, she really went out of her way to make sure I was ok and knew exactly what to do to put me at ease. Lisa who looked after me on the maternity ward was also fantastic, it was lovely to see a familiar face as she also taught the hypnobirthing course with Stacey that I attended back in September.

The course was fantastic, so well run. Lisa and Stacey were brilliant instructors who gave us plenty of opportunities to ask questions or go over any concerns we had. I found the hypnobirthing techniques really valuable in Labour and I think it’s fantastic that Ormskirk offer this course. I am surprised the course isn’t being publicised more as i found it to be so worthwhile.


I had a home birth with the most amazing support of the community midwife team. Home visits before,during and after were easy and I felt my wishes were listened to and carried out throughout. We had a particularly long labour- where the hospital probably would have given pain relieve or made things happen quicker, we were actually clinically fine and loved our time at home. The midwife team stood by us throughout and we had the most amazing birth, with no pain relief and enjoyed the team effort to bring our baby into the world. I highly recommend home birth, I was so much more relaxed at home than near a hospital. It was a bit of a party actually! ūüéČ and we will be forever thankful to Pam, Sarah, Kate and Bev.


I am totally overwhelmed by the love and support my daughter received and is still receiving here, I have to say I'm hugely impressed by the care given to her and my new grand daughter, we couldn't have got any better anywhere else of that I'm positive.

From Laura in assessment to Kat in delivery and also the amazing Jenny who pacified and guided my daughter amazingly well right until Ophelia arrived, for you and student Amy I am eternally grateful and forever thankful. Amy you are going to make an amazing midwife when you qualify, Imogen loved you both, Jenny is the perfect person to learn from, soak her up!

The entire team looking after my family were perfect!

Thank you ever so much xx


Had my 4th baby by elective section here on the 2nd Jan. All 4 of mine have been born here and I don’t have a bad word to say. I was really well looked after this pregnancy by Consultant Alice Bird. After my 3rd baby was born in 2015 he became very poorly quickly and it was heartbreaking and a real concern for us during this pregnancy that it would happen again. Alice Bird reassured me every step of the way and was amazing during my section providing reassurance throughout and Yasmin the Dr and Abbie the midwife were brilliant too. I will forever be extremely grateful. Big shout out to Chris on Maternity Assessment who looked after me during my iron transfusions and Claire on postnatal who looked after me and Leo. All the staff are amazing. Thanks for a fantastic experience xxx


From the minute we walked onto the maternity assessment unit to the second we left with our little boy, Ormskirk maternity service was absolutely fantastic and I can’t fault my experience and care. A big thank you to Abi who looked after us before and after Wyatt’s arrival and to Cheryl who delivered him. And also to all the other staff who helped along the way!


Absolutely amazing team of people help bring our 2nd baby girl into the world. Each and everyone of the staff where happy and supportive the three days we were in from the 21st of December. The staff were just as brilliant when we welcomed out first daughter into the world 5 years ago. I can't recommend this hospital, staff and community midwifes enough for anyone about to have a baby. Right from the start of the pregnancy to after the birth and beyond they are fantastic. Thank you to you all.


We have just finished the hypnobirthing course. Kelsey, Donna and Louise were brilliant, so passionate about their job and so positive and knowledgable. The course has made me feel so much more positive and confident and has reduced my anxiety so much. I would recommend it to everyone, it was well worth doing. Kelsey makes amazing cakes too ÔŅĹ


We gave birth to or beautiful boy three weeks ago and our prenatal and postnatal care from Ormskirk has been truly remarkable! Thank you to the whole team at Ormskirk and the community teams but a special thank you to Sarah Tipney, our community midwife who has been amazing and has gone above and beyond in supporting us! Thank you also to Gemma for safely delivering our boy!


Wanted to thank all the people involved in the birth of my beautiful baby girl weighing 8lbs 4pounds and a 1/2 haha! Born on June 8th 2018 at 17:25. Thanks to the lady on night staff who I'm sorry I cannot remember the name for and for the day staff Sarah and Ali who welcome my daughter with professtional and welcoming arms! Being incuded and going on the drip at 12 and only being 1cm dilated to 2:00pm at 2cm and then a massive jump to 8cm and startinf pushing at 4:30pm! If It wasent for sarah and ali I wouldnt of been so brave and would of had a epidural but at this stage they helped me see if through :)


Thank you to everyone I met during my induction and subsequent cesarean last week. I'd had a bad experience with my first child and was disappointed and worried when I realised I'd have to have a cesarean again, but I explained my worries and was so reassured by everyone. In particular Katie who talked me through each stage and came into theatre with me, and the fantastic anaesthetist who worked with skill and really put me at ease - I am so grateful and pleased to report I am now recovering well with my beautiful new baby! x


Thank you to all the staff who looked after my daughter whilst her and her partner where at Ormskirk Hospital yesterday ÔŅĹ I am a midwife at Ormskirk but I must say it was special to be looked after by such fantastic professional warm friendly staff on the team. My daughter Rachael and her partner Ste were delighted with their care. A special thank you to Emma on triage and Vicki and Mandy in the deliver room Abbi who continued the care and Lesley xx a big thank you to Marie and the lovely care you alway provide x you are all amazing and make the place of Ormskirk maternity hospital a special place to have your baby. I would definitely recommend it to friends and family and all the staff I met on the day shared our joy thank you ÔŅĹ keran xxx


Thank you to all the staff involved with the safe delivery of our baby boy Ryan James on 11th March. You worked so well with us - the night team loved our musical approach to labour and the day team really got me through the tiredness and drained hours - you really are troopers and deserve medals. Unfortunately I can only remember Jen & Gill from the day team as the names were on the board but please pass on my thanks to the night team too and all on the maternity ward ÔŅĹ


Started coming since week 34 when I needed a growth scan and the staff on the MAU were fantastic!

They explained everything really clearly so I understood what they were doing and why and then recommended a medication to relieve the symptoms of my HG.

Since then I struggled to get my GP to prescribe the medication so have been back 3 times, twice admitted overnight to get my urinalysis back to a healthy status and both times the ward has been incredibly welcoming, staff friendly and approachable and rooms really clean.

I feel so lucky to have this facility on my doorstep and would recommend to all local ladies!


Recently got transferred here from my local hospital and I just wanted to say what a amazing hospital this is. I have never been here before and if it was closer to my home this would definitely be my first choice to have my baby. Everything from the appearance to the food to porters were amazing. Big thank you to all the staff who looked after me on the maternity ward. Every member of staff had my best interest at heart and nothing was too much trouble. Thank you for making my stay a lot less stressful that it should of been. Thanks again xx


Paul & I chose to have our first baby at Ormskirk. Throughout our pregnancy we had to visit all different wards, departments etc. The support, compassion & skill of the people who work within the teams is beyond admirable.

We would like to especially thank Abbie (maternity assessment unit), Jenny & Amie (student midwife) and Lauren (student midwife). You all helped make quite a long and traumatic experience manageable and calm.

We wish all the best and a huge thank you to everyone who helped bring our special girl, Isla into the world safely!

Thank you ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ xxxx


Our baby boy Noah Jacob was born 5th June with the help of the amazing Jo. I suffered some complications after birth and ended up in theatre and can honestly say all the maternity staff were incredible! The care, attention and friendliness we received was consistent and second to none. I am so glad we chose ormskirk as our hospital. Have to also give a special mention to Mr Sharma and our super star consultant Neera, both a credit to their profession and the NHS.


It's almost a week late! But I would like to just thank all the lovely staff at the maternity unit! I had my little girl there on the 29/7.. Little Saoìrse Lila..

I wanted a water birth but it didn't quiet go to plan as I had to be monitored throughout.

The lovely midwife Bethany so young but so confident and reassuring in her work I would just like to say a massive thank you. Also there was a paramedic Gary what a really lovely guy! Thank you ÔŅĹ You both done a great job and I will be forever gratefulÔŅĹ

To the whole staff team that were there when I delivered thank you xoxox


I went to triage with reduced fetal movement on Thursday 19/04. After being monitored and scanned there were some concerns with my placenta and the decision was made to bring me in the following day (at 37 weeks) to be induced. I arrived on the maternity assessment unit at 8am the following morning and was there until Sunday morning when I was taken to delivery suite to have my waters broken. While I was on the ward every midwife I came across was an absolute pleasure to deal with. The process was explained to me and I was so well looked after during a difficult and frustrating few days. Once I finally made it to delivery suite I was looked after by Rachel Buck and a couple of other midwives on the ward. They made my first experience of labour something I will never forget. I felt safe and secure in their care and Rachel listened to me and laughed with me and was able to reassure me when I needed it. We initially thought Rachel’s shift would have finished before our little boy arrived, but obviously he wanted to meet her too and labour progressed quite quickly towards the end. Another midwife Rebecca who had looked after me during induction also assisted with the delivery which made the experience even more personal and very special. Zachary James Wright was born 19:00 on 22/04/18 at 6 lb 7.5oz. When I was taken to the labour ward afterwards the support with breast feeding was overwhelming. We struggled at first but with encouragement, information and support from the midwives (particularly Lauren who showed me a trick to blow on him when he kept falling asleep on the boob!) we soon got the hang of it and were discharged after 2 nights. Our little boy is now thriving and weight 6lb 10 already. I can’t recommend Ormskirk Maternity enough. I have been raving about them to everyone who stops to look at Zachary. This is a vital unit full of wonderful and professional staff and would choose them every time without question. Thank you so much to all the wonderful Midwives that looked after us. You should all be proud x


I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the community midwives- in particular Claire Albo. Having had our dream home birth yesterday evening, I can not thank the community midwives enough for the support, care and genuine thoughtfulness that myself and my partner received. Claire guided us through everything calmly and actively ensured we used our hypnobirthing techniques. We are absolutely delighted with the level of care we have received and preach to anyone who will listen on the positives of having a home birth!

Thank you so much!

Love The Howards



I had my baby boy at Ormskirk on the 9th November and cannot praise the staff enough. Particularly our lovely midwife Maggie who was amazing, she really went out of her way to make sure I was ok and knew exactly what to do to put me at ease. Lisa who looked after me on the maternity ward was also fantastic, it was lovely to see a familiar face as she also taught the hypnobirthing course with Stacey that I attended back in September.

The course was fantastic, so well run. Lisa and Stacey were brilliant instructors who gave us plenty of opportunities to ask questions or go over any concerns we had. I found the hypnobirthing techniques really valuable in Labour and I think it’s fantastic that Ormskirk offer this course. I am surprised the course isn’t being publicised more as i found it to be so worthwhile.


I had a home birth with the most amazing support of the community midwife team. Home visits before,during and after were easy and I felt my wishes were listened to and carried out throughout. We had a particularly long labour- where the hospital probably would have given pain relieve or made things happen quicker, we were actually clinically fine and loved our time at home. The midwife team stood by us throughout and we had the most amazing birth, with no pain relief and enjoyed the team effort to bring our baby into the world. I highly recommend home birth, I was so much more relaxed at home than near a hospital. It was a bit of a party actually! ūüéČ and we will be forever thankful to Pam, Sarah, Kate and Bev.


I am totally overwhelmed by the love and support my daughter received and is still receiving here, I have to say I'm hugely impressed by the care given to her and my new grand daughter, we couldn't have got any better anywhere else of that I'm positive.

From Laura in assessment to Kat in delivery and also the amazing Jenny who pacified and guided my daughter amazingly well right until Ophelia arrived, for you and student Amy I am eternally grateful and forever thankful. Amy you are going to make an amazing midwife when you qualify, Imogen loved you both, Jenny is the perfect person to learn from, soak her up!

The entire team looking after my family were perfect!

Thank you ever so much xx


Had my 4th baby by elective section here on the 2nd Jan. All 4 of mine have been born here and I don’t have a bad word to say. I was really well looked after this pregnancy by Consultant Alice Bird. After my 3rd baby was born in 2015 he became very poorly quickly and it was heartbreaking and a real concern for us during this pregnancy that it would happen again. Alice Bird reassured me every step of the way and was amazing during my section providing reassurance throughout and Yasmin the Dr and Abbie the midwife were brilliant too. I will forever be extremely grateful. Big shout out to Chris on Maternity Assessment who looked after me during my iron transfusions and Claire on postnatal who looked after me and Leo. All the staff are amazing. Thanks for a fantastic experience xxx


From the minute we walked onto the maternity assessment unit to the second we left with our little boy, Ormskirk maternity service was absolutely fantastic and I can’t fault my experience and care. A big thank you to Abi who looked after us before and after Wyatt’s arrival and to Cheryl who delivered him. And also to all the other staff who helped along the way!


Absolutely amazing team of people help bring our 2nd baby girl into the world. Each and everyone of the staff where happy and supportive the three days we were in from the 21st of December. The staff were just as brilliant when we welcomed out first daughter into the world 5 years ago. I can't recommend this hospital, staff and community midwifes enough for anyone about to have a baby. Right from the start of the pregnancy to after the birth and beyond they are fantastic. Thank you to you all.

More about Ormskirk Maternity

Ormskirk Maternity is located at Wigan Road, L39 2AZ Ormskirk