Parish Of Christ The King And St Kentigern, Blackpool

Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 10:15
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 10:15
Friday: 09:30 - 10:15
Saturday: 18:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 09:45 - 10:45

About Parish Of Christ The King And St Kentigern, Blackpool

The Parish of Christ the King and St Kentigern, is part of the Blackpool Deanery and Diocese of Lancaster.

Parish Of Christ The King And St Kentigern, Blackpool Description

Towards the end of the 19th century, the town of Blackpool began to grow at a very fast rate. It grew so fast that the Sacred Heart School was unable to cope with the high demand for places for Catholic schoolchildren. A new school and parish were needed.

In 1896, the Jesuits of Sacred Heart began the search for a suitable plot of land on which to build this school. This venture attracted the attention of the Parish Priest of St. Peter’s in Lytham, who was no admirer of the Society of Jesus, and who saw this as an opportunity to establish another diocesan parish in Blackpool. The whole affair went before the Archbishop of Liverpool, who decided against the Jesuits, and permission was granted to open a new mission to be run by the secular clergy.

This new mission was dedicated to St. Kentigern, the first Catholic enterprise to be dedicated to him since before the Reformation in the 16th century. Unfortunately, it is not known why this new parish and school were to bear his name.

In 1897, tenders went out for the construction of a new school and chapel, which were to be used together until such time as funds were available to build a separate church. Despite this undertaking, for reasons which are again unclear, work did not start on the building until 1904.

On 6th November 1904, the Archbishop of Liverpool, Thomas Whiteside, formally opened the new mission. The site of this building is today occupied by St. Kentigern’s School. The first rector was to be Father Blundell. An inaugural mass was celebrated by the Archbishop, who although delighted at the opening of a new parish, spoke in his homily of the heavy burden of debt which the new parish had taken on.

Over the years, much was done to reduce this debt quite considerably. One striking example of how money was raised was the "Fancy Fair" held over a period of three days November 1911 in the Indian Lounge of the town’s Winter Gardens. This was a grand, town-wide affair, intended to bring together the Catholic community of Blackpool. This particular ‘Fancy Fair’ raised £1650. 00, the equivalent of between £85, 000 to £100, 000 by today’s standards.

Father Blundell remained as Parish Priest at St. Kentigern’s until 1923, when he moved on to St. Peter’s in Lancaster. Two Parish Priests followed in quick succession Father Roche, and Father Hall.

It was in 1926 that Father Robert McManus became Parish Priest, and he arrived with a brief to build a new church for the parish. The Bishop of the newly-founded diocese of Lancaster, Thomas Pearson, took a keen interest in this project, since it was to be the first church built in the new diocese. Father McManus was known as a man of taste, and consequently the new church was to be constructed of the finest building materials available at that time, something which had the effect of pushing the cost of the project well over budget.

Despite the cost, the church was completed and opened in 1931, and thanks to the combination of legacies and the overall generosity of the parishioners, by 1947 St. Kentigern’s was free of debt.

Father McManus, or rather Canon McManus as he was by now, remained Parish Priest until his death in 1951. He was succeeded by Father Burrows, who inherited a parish which was by now well-established. The school was well-attended, and there were plenty of organisations within the parish for the people join. Father Burrows stayed as Parish Priest until 1968.

His successor was Father Gerry Farrell, who came to St. Kentigern’s from the parish of St. Maria Goretti, in Preston. Father Farrell oversaw major renovations of the school during his time as Parish Priest, and one of his greatest achievements was the building and opening of a Parish social centre.

Father Farrell retired in 1981, to be succeeded by Father John Foulkes. He achieved many things during his time at St. Kentigern’s, building on the work of his predecessors. One of the major structural changes was the moving forward of the High Altar. The parish and the school continued to thrive, with groups like the Parish Council, the S. V. P, and the R. C. I. A. The school has a very active P. T. F. A, and under its current head teacher, Frances Wygladala, and continues to be a popular choice for parents each year.

The Parish of St. Kentigern’s began life as the result of rivalry between the secular clergy, and the Jesuits, and it has seen many changes throughout its 110 year history, yet thanks to its priests and parishioners, the church is still there to serve the people of its congregation, the school and the local community.

Fr Foulkes retired in 2010 and was succeeded by Fr David Burns who oversaw the merger of St Kentigern's parish and neighbouring Christ the King parish into one parish - the Parish of Christ the King and St Kentigern. Fr John Winstanley succeeded Fr Burns in August 2013 who amongst other things, oversaw the completion of the new Christ the King church and the further integration of the two former parishes.

Our current Parish Priest is Fr Andrew Dawson appointed in January 2018.



Found this in the Presbytery, can anyone shed any light on it?

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User posts/2474509409239360/


Happy Feast Day!
Holy, Holy, Holy, Merciful and mighty, God in Three Persons... Blessed Trinity.
See More


The fruits of the spirit help us to make the world a better place. Let's use them always in our daily lives with situations and people we encounter. God bless.


May the Holy Spirit give LIFE to support you; COURAGE to guide you; LOVE to unite you. #pentecost


The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost gave the disciples a new strength and vigour to spread the word of God. Through the Sacraments we all possess the gifts given. They are; wisdom, knowledge, understanding, courage, right judgement, reverence, awe and wonder. Guard them well and use them for the glory of God.


Our thanks to Siobhan and the other flower ladies for our beautiful Pentecost flower displays and the other displays they’ve created over the Easter season.


What we saw when we left church today at St Kentigern's.


It started in the Holy Night with Easter Vigil but after 50 days of Eastertide we have finally reached Pentecost, the end of the Easter season and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. Our Paschal Candles, representing the light of the risen Christ, are now moved from the Sanctuary to the Baptistry and the church resumes Ordinary Time, last seen on Shrove Tuesday all the way back in March. Lumen Christi, Thanks be to God, Alleluia!


Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 103)
Today is Pentecost Sunday, 50 days after the Resurrection, marking the birthday of the Church. Please join us in the parish community at one of our Masses today. At St Kentigern's Mass is celebrated at 9.45am and at Christ the King at 11.15am. Refreshments are served after both Masses. We'll be sharing various reflections and photos with you over the next few days, so please use them to have some quiet time in prayer wherever you are. God bless.


Thank you to the extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion from both churches in the parish who came to our catch up session today. It was a great opportunity to spend time in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament, reflect on the importance of the ministry and discuss practicalities.


Tomorrow morning at 11am the Parish Eucharistic Ministers are invited to meet at St Kentigern's for a period of recollection prior to their re-commissioning on the Feast of Corpus Christi in a few weeks time. 3712931/


Don’t forget to come along to the Quiz tonight!


Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, D-Day. In his homily at St John Vianney last night, the Bishop reminded us of Fr Peter Firth, a young Lancaster Diocese priest of St. Margaret Mary’s parish in Carlisle. Fr Firth was a #MilitaryChaplain on the mission who sadly died on Normandy in the service of his country. A memorial to him can be found in his former parish. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord......


Congratulations to our friends and neighbours Canon Tim Sullivan on his Diamond Jubilee and Fr Janusz Kopec on his Silver Jubilee. Mass was celebrated for the occasion by them with many other Deanery and Diocesan priests and Bishop Paul in attendance at St John Vianney this evening. Ad Multos Annos!


Beautiful blue sky in Blackpool today....


You are warmly invited to a Layton Churches Together Pizza Party at St Anne's Greenlands on Saturday, June 8th at 5.30 pm for an hour or so. Please let Sisters Anne or Philomena know on 01253 275439 if you intend coming so that we can cater for the right numbers and check on allergies!

More about Parish Of Christ The King And St Kentigern, Blackpool

Parish Of Christ The King And St Kentigern, Blackpool is located at 25A Newton Drive, FY3 8BT Blackpool
Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 10:15
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 10:15
Friday: 09:30 - 10:15
Saturday: 18:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 09:45 - 10:45