Parry And Welch Solicitors - Dog Law Specialists

Monday: 09:30 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 12:00
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Parry And Welch Solicitors - Dog Law Specialists

On this page we will try to bring you all the relevant dog news from the Courts as soon as we possibly can. As well as bringing you news of our own cases, we will also provide links to those who work with us to challenge this unfair law.



It says something about priorities when dog breeders are arrested for tax evasion, but where unregulated puppy farmers appear to continue to get away with their vile trade without proper enforcement: perhaps the government might like to invest the money raised to put unregistered puppy farmers out of business and to enforce proper welfare standards.ŌĆ”/taxman-ne ts-5m-from-illegal-dŌĆ”


A big well done to our James Parry for finishing his 5k for Carla Lane Animals in Need ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ


Can Anyone help????


If you are out and about with your dog please donŌĆÖt become another livestock attack statistic: - itŌĆÖs an offence not to keep dogs on a lead in an enclosure containing livestock; - livestock are very protective of their young; donŌĆÖt get between cows and their calves. Only walk through a field if you have to and keep to the edges.


Research suggests your dog doesnŌĆÖt understand much of what you say, which no doubt is why in our house there are banned words and phrases such as ŌĆ£walkŌĆØ and ŌĆ£letŌĆÖs goŌĆØ.ŌĆ”/dogs-under stand-hardly-any-worŌĆ”


HAPPY EASTER: Whilst some of us may enjoy chocolate are four legged friends donŌĆÖt. The best advice is to keep you dog and chocolate apart, but should they meet the advice given in the attached link will help you assess the seriousness of the situation and decide what needs to be done.ŌĆ” /dog-eaten-chocolate/


Whilst the law continues to treat dogs as property, rather than sentient beings, we must expect more of this, but people please remember a dog gives you their life and attention unconditionally. They donŌĆÖt deserve to be put out with the rubbish.ŌĆ”/family- slammed-selling-dog-ŌĆ”


Dog Bite Problem? Free Initial Legal Advice is a Phone Call Away Now 0151 480 4061Dog Bite Problem? Free Initial Legal Advice is a Phone Call Away Now 0151 480 4061


Dog Seized? We are to help now. For urgent legal help call 0151 480 4061Dog Seized? We are to help now. For urgent legal help call 0151 480 4061


Urgent dog related legal problem? We're here over the holidays on 0151 480 4061Urgent dog related legal problem? We're here over the holidays on 0151 480 4061


We donŌĆÖt usually get involved in the fund raising side of cases but Dave is a very special case. This is not a case we are making any profit on or will and Gill has worked so hard to save him. I couldnŌĆÖt not share the post.


DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A CAR UNATTENDED its going to be hot over the Easter Holiday. Your dog can die from the heat in a car. Your car windows may be smashed to save the dog. You can be prosecuted under the Animal Welfare Act and be sent to prison and be disqualified from keeping dogs for the rest of your life.


TAKING YOUR DOG OUT OVER THE HOLIDAY? Please remember your dog must be kept on a lead on open access land between March 1 and July 31 to protect ground nesting birds. There maybe restrictions imposed at other locations - you find out more by checking put the local council's website or the Countryside CodeŌĆ”/the-countryside-cŌ Ć”/the-countryside-code


We hope you don't need us over the Easter Holidays, but our emergency service will be available on 0151 480 4061 to provide help with dog bite allegations, seized dogs and any dog related case where there is police or local authority involvement. Your first call is always free.


Earlier this week we gave the LAA notice that we will not accept further legal aid instructions after July 31st, 2019. We would like to reassure those of you who have a legal aid case with us that this will not affect the way in which your case is prepared and conducted, even if it does not end before July 31. We have taken this decision because we are committed to providing access to justice for as many of you as possible. That rates paid under legal aid orders have not been... increased since 1998 and have been cut by 40% over the past five years. That has created a situation where the rate paid to us is now so low that we cannot prepare legal aid cases to the standards we demand and you are entitled to expect without subsidising that work from other sources. Many of you are excluded from legal aid, either because your case is a civil case, even though it might be heard in a magistratesŌĆÖŌĆÖ court or because you are employed and are financially ineligible for legal aid, or because although legal aid is available in the Crown Court, the financial contributions the LAA demand are far more than you can afford and exceed the fees we would expect to receive from legal aid. This means that if we were to continue to offer legal aid, those of you who have been excluded from the scheme would have to pay higher prices to subsidise the cost of those who get representation for free under the legal aid scheme. That is not fair on you or the groups who so valiantly assist with fundraising for those in need. By stopping the provision of legal aid we will be able to keep the fees we charge to those of you who have to pay us privately lower than we would if we continued with the provision of that service. The government has excluded so many of you from the legal aid scheme that we have concluded that we can help more of you more effectively by stopping the provision of legal aid. In short, we will be able to provide expert legal advice to more of you who need it by keeping are charges low, than we would be able to do if we are hampered by providing legal aid. As individuals and a firm we have fought hard to attempt to influence the government to properly support and fund criminal legal aid. We observe that we can find no evidence to suggest that the government has any intention of preserving the legal aid scheme and therefore it has been with some regret that we have made this decision, but we have concluded that it is the only way to serve our clients better. We remain committed to putting our clients first.
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DO BULL BREEDS GET A BAD NAME? Two of the major news stories last week concerned an incident in Hawick where a child was injured by a dog and an incident over the weekend in Cornwall where a 9 year old child is reported as having died as a result of a dog atrack. Two points must be made: we do not know exactly what happened in either case and the breeds of the dogs in question is not positively established.
What we can say is that: - prohibited breeds account for less that a... third of reported incidents (source The Times citing results of an FOI request); - injuries and deaths as a result of dog incidents are extremely rare. That's why they are sensationally reported. The death rate has risen slightly since the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 came into force in the 1990's it was less than two fatalities per year. It's now just over two. Compare that with the fact that by March 8, 2019 there had been 100 murders in the UK, the average is about 700 per year; - the Dangerous Dogs Act has not been effective. We spend about ┬Ż4 million in police kennelling costs alone per year yet the number of injuries and the death rate has risen, albeit slightly; - many cases arise because of poor handling and a failure to appreciate risks. If that ┬Ż4 million were spent on public education about dogs and dog handling, many of those risks could be reduced.
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA) the RSPCA, The Dogs' Trust and other leading charities and judges when hearing cases have all been clear that the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 is not fit for purpose and have called for its reform. Mr Give's DEFRA disagrees and chooses to do nothing.
Knee jerk reactions based on reports of two cases is not the answer. Considered and sensible reforms that avoids the need for killing innocent dogs, promote education, reduces risk is the way forward and will reduce the financial, human and canine costs of poor and ineffective legislation.
What we can say is that the prohibited breeds of dog do not account for the majority of dog related incidents; according to The Times they account for less than a third.
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our own James Parry is running a 5k on the 25th April to help raise funds for Carla Lane Animals in Need's new kennel development! any donations would be appreciated no matter how small as we work a lot with this local charity and love being able to help give back!

More about Parry And Welch Solicitors - Dog Law Specialists

Parry And Welch Solicitors - Dog Law Specialists is located at 129 Albert Road, WA8 6LB Widnes
0151 480 4061
Monday: 09:30 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 12:00
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -