Patterdale Village Store And Post Office

About Patterdale Village Store And Post Office

We are your friendly local shop and sell just about everything you might need from newspapers to hot bacon butties and Nespresso coffee.

Patterdale Village Store And Post Office Description

We are a friendly local shop and post office that is open just about every day. We have just about anything you might need - walking gear, bacon butties, Nespresso coffee, Lakeland icecream, groceries, home made bread, wine, newspapers, hot sandwiches, gifts, Wainwright books, Coast to Coast information and souvenirs, Patterdale Terrier giftware, post cards, post office services (limited opening) . . . . . . and loads more.

More about Patterdale Village Store And Post Office

Patterdale Village Store And Post Office is located at A592, CA11 0NW Patterdale, Cumbria