Ribbleton Avenue Infant School

About Ribbleton Avenue Infant School

The Ribbleton Avenue Infant School Facebook page provides parents with key information and events going on at school.



Happy Easter everyone! The caterpillars have grown lots this week! They are moving around the pot lots and have shed their skins a number of times. There is also lots of webbing inside the pot. The caterpillars spin webbing to help them stick to leaves and plants in the natural environment, then they don't get blown away by the wind. I hope you've had a lovely Easter and enjoyed some treats! 🐰🌻🐣


Hi everyone! The caterpillars have been moving about a lot today and climbing up the sides of the pot! They look a little bit bigger too. Have you seen the little black balls in the pot? They are actually the caterpillars' skins! They are called 'exoskeletons' and they shed them a number of times as they grow. I will post again when there are some more changes.


Hi everyone! At our house, we have had a delivery of some caterpillars! I will post a daily update on here for you to see their changes. You could make a little diary of their changes and draw some pictures too 🐛


How to read this: 1. Press play on this link- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LanCLS_hIo4 2. Read ... 3. Pat yourself on the back!
Dear Mums, Dads, Carers Please remember one thing on your list of 400 today.. You are not a teacher. You are a parent. You’re not home schooling, you’re ‘crisis’ schooling. You cannot possibly become a teacher or nursery nurse overnight and do it whilst the world around you grinds to a halt. Your job is to continue some sort of a ‘fun’ learning structure, with love. Patience above anything. That’s your goal every day. This is hard mean, it’s really hard. If you get through this with nothing achieved or ‘taught’ but you kept everyone safe and calm… You are a warrior. The kids will learn when they are back in school. From you, right now, they will learn that they are loved and that their family are legends. They held it together. That’s enough. It’s so very much enough. When her hard times come, she will look back, straighten her crown and remember whose daughter she is. Or he will remember whose son he is. And that, is pretty amazing work, if you ask me. You got this. We got this. And for that, we salute you!
From the staff at Ribbleton Avenue, we truly do salute you!
Happy Easter grow-ups 🐣 Eat Chocolate, have fun and remember to have some me time!
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Good Evening 🌻 It’s officially the Easter Holidays! So here’s a alternative story for you tonight, it’s called We’re going in a Egg Hunt 🥚 If you have this book at home can you spot the similarities to the original story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt? 🐻 If not here an audio version for you listen to: https://soundcloud.com/kiboomu/going-on-a n-easter-egg-hunt
Oh and Happy Easter 🐣... see you soon!


The Family Support Surgery is now available until 3pm. If you need to speak to somebody please send a private message and I will call you back.


Here are the links to host your own singing assembly this morning 🎵
The songs are: Spring Chicken 🐤 Wake up Shake up 🏃🏻‍♂️ ... A little bit of kindness 🌈 Well Done 👍🏻
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu .be&v=IEey4LZLeGw
Enjoy 🌻
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Good Morning, it’s Friday! 🌻 Join us at 10am where Miss. Kitt will host a singing assembly from the comfort your own home! It’s simple, easy and well a little bit of fun. Don’t worry if 10am is during your yoga session or breakfast, the links will be active all day!


Let’s go on our own Bear Hunt 🐻 Send us a private message with a picture of your child going on a Bear Hunt and we will send you a certificate for you to print!
Enjoy and stay whilst practicing our social distancing 🌻


Bedtime Story 🐻 We’re going on a Bear Hunt 🌲


Who is ready to go on an adventure tonight? Join Miss.Kitt at 6.30pm 🐻 “Uh-uh! Mud! Thick oozy mud. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We will have to go ...!!!”


Creative writing activity:
NEWS ALERT 🚨 A dinosaur has been found walking around a classroom! It was found roaming a Reception classroom in Preston eating the left over fruit. Reports are suggesting it sneaked through the door whilst the caretaker was taking out the bins this morning. It’s your job to write a newspaper article, reporting these new and exciting findings!
Here is the CCTV footage : https://youtu.be/ssIeIcRYyHQ
... Good luck! 🦖🦕
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Good Afternoon 🌻 Today’s activities are all linked with Imaginative and Creative writing 🦋 Have a go a writing a short fantasy story!
Here are a few ideas 💡
Story Starters: ... Long, long ago... I looked up at the clouds and ... I peered through the reeds .... At first, I didn’t know where to look ...
Interesting Vocabulary: Adventure Amazement Enchanting Fantasy Forest Joyful Magical Wonderful Faraway Paradise Shipwrecked Treasure Survival Uninhabited Croak Prince Princess Wish Transform Atmosphere Landscape Entangled Mysterious Overgrown
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Good morning 🦋 Here is a little mindfulness activity you can try this morning. Put some soothing music on a and practice some star breathing! Remember star breathing is all about breathing in and HOLDING before breathing out and HOLDING just like a tip of a star 🌟 Let us know how you get on! 🌻


Hope you all enjoyed our Interactive PHSE session where we looked at the story “Silly Billy” by Anthony Browne. It was all about a little boy called Billy who used to worry a lot before a visit from his Grandma. Who told him all about Worry Dolls and how if he told his worry’s to the Worry Dolly’s and put them under his pillow at night, his worries would go away. 🧸 Why not have a go at making a Worry Doll or Worry Monster at home. Here are a few ideas and some poems that can sit by your Worry Monster or go inside a little bag with you Worry Dolls. You could make them out of sticks, pegs, lolly sticks or even paper.
Remember to tag us if you make a Worry Doll or Monster 🌻


LIVe Interactive PHSE session and Story with Miss Kitt 🌻


1 hour to go till our Interactive PHSE session with Miss. Kitt (3pm) 🌻 Why not have a go at this creative, fun and simple activity? Feeling Faces Magazine Art 🖼 1) Find a load of old magazines. 2) Cut out different facial features such as eye, nose, mouth, ears. You could even cut out different hair styles. 3) Using the poster from this morning. Create different feeling Art Work.
... Challenge: Can you think of a time you were feeling a certain emotion? When was it? Why do you think you were feeling this emotion? How did that emotion look? What could you see on your face? How did your body feel? Did you body feeling change? Use your “feeling senses” 👁 👃 👂🏼 🖐 👄
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To access Mrs. Bailey's blog on our website please use the link below
http://www.ribbleton.lancsngfl.ac.uk/inde x.php…

More about Ribbleton Avenue Infant School

Ribbleton Avenue Infant School is located at Ribbleton Ave, PR1 5RU Preston, Lancashire
01772 796037