Ruqyah Manchester Uk Services

About Ruqyah Manchester Uk Services

Ruqyah Shariah - According to Quran and Sunnah

Ruqyah Manchester Uk Services Description

Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of Qur'an, seeking of refuge in Allah, remembrance and supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems.

Email us if you have any Inquires /questions -

Please private message us if you think you may be suffering from Magic (Sihir), Evil Eye (Ay3en) or Jinn Possession. . .

If you would like to book an appointment with us please email us or private message us on our Facebook page: https://www.



'The nature of affliction is that it removes creation from the picture. You've got nothing to turn to but ALLAH عز وجل ...#ALLAH #wisdom ....


Jinns also often play a role in illnesses and physical pains to disturb the body’s natural functioning..The most powerful way that the Jinn use to disturb human is to mentally disturb the victim: as if people are speaking in your head....


You can’t go forward if you’re always looking back. You can’t see the new blessings things you LORD has in store if you’re focused on what’s is the shaytaan who is making you focus on your past so don't look back keep moving forward...The LORD you serve is bigger than any of the problems you encounter.
Abu yahya


The Reality of Tawakkul
ALLAH said, (And they put their trust in their Lord.)
... Therefore, the believers hope in none except ALLAH, direct their dedication to Him alone, seek refuge with Him alone, invoke Him alone for their various needs and supplicate to Him alone. They know that whatever He wills, occurs and that whatever He does not will never occurs, that He alone is the One Who has the decision in His kingdom, without partners; none can avert the decision of ALLAH and He is swift in reckoning. Hence the statement of Sa`id bin Jubayr, "Tawakkul of ALLAH is the essence of faith.
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"You have become too weak even to close your eyes..." #Fearofenemy
Abu Yahya


Sometimes, we may feel lost in the snow that is life. Unable to see clearly, or find our way. But you’ll find your way holding tight to the Quran&Sunnah
Abu Yahya


Don't believe everything comes to mind Thoughts... Shaytan is telling you his stories... be careful


"Whatever is worrying you right now..whether is blackmagic /jinn possession /Envy /Evileye/financial/Sickness./your Sick Enemies....don't let it break you, stay strong, stay positive & have faith in ALLAH,...
لَا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا
"Do not grieve; indeed ALLAH is with us."... -Suratul tawbah-
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#Divorcing His Wife Without Knowing #
This young brother realised he had a very serious problem as soon as he got married he started hating his wife as soon as the nikah was done he would become very angry toward her and in laws and ALLAH blessed him with a child he would become very angry with the child too....he felt no peace and happiness around his wife as soon as he sees her he would find her unattractive dislikes her voice like a sharp needle going through his brai...n ...but when he is away from his wife he is full of love for her wants to be around her wants to hear her voice starts missing her but as soon as he sees her again he feels like something is taking over him his blood starts boiling and becomes aggressive and would divorce his wife without even knowing soo many times but it wasn't him who was divorcing the wife ... the brother realised after 3 years of suffering he had a problem. He had sihr (witchcraft blackmagic) & ashiq jinn which came by blackmagic...and fell in love wih him and that was causing all the problems in his life ....these tyoes o jinns are so filthy..the jinn was giving him thoughts to be gay. May ALLAH give him shiffa and all those that are suffering....
Contact us don't suffer in silence
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"Being jealous of other people's blessings can cause you discomfort and miss out on your own blessings."


Story of morroco family part2
...Finaly Umm Omar got divorced...
The message to Umm Omar was clear: The woman she invited into her home sought to destroy her happiness through black magic/witchcraft
... (Umm Omar is since remarried)
Warning of the growing trend of witchcraft, which is causing dissent and divorces within families and conflicts among relatives that led to dispute between kinship cases like these are very common these days in UK
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•••Not everyone that hugs you is your brother•••Know your circle•••
Abu Yahya


••••Whoever is trying to bring you down through WITCHCRAFT/MAGIC is already below you••••
Abu Yahya


Story of morroco family
Witchcraft widespread in world
Belief in witchcraft, spells, the occult and protective charms runs deep, despite Islam bans/kufr against using magic.... When Tara Umm Omar was a young bride in her first marriage, she and her Moroccan husband took the youngest sister of a family friend into their home. On the day the young Moroccan woman arrived, she gave Umm Omar a doll, which Umm Omar promptly placed in a dresser drawer.
When Umm Omar told a friend of the doll, the friend suspected it was an item for black magic and suggested the doll be destroyed. Instead, Umm Omar tossed it in the garbage. That’s when household items disappeared, the family dog barked incessantly, Umm Omar started fighting with her husband and she began seeing strange insects in the house. When the guest finally moved out, the couple found their bed sheets and an identical doll to Umm Omar’s among the woman’s discarded belongings.
This is the dangers of magic the women threw the doll away without destroying it properly. Before you throw anything away consult a professional person in the ruqya field Islam from the quran and sunnah.
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ُ وَمَنْ يَتَبَدَّلِ الْكُفْرَ بِالْإِيمَانِ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ سَوَاءَ السَّبِيلِ
And whoever exchanges faith for disbelief has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.••


•••If you feel so far from ALLAH ﷻ and you have lost that connection you once had or you never had••
Then ask yourself this•••Who moved you
Abu Yahya


•••You can make progress or you can make excuses, but you can't do both•••and If you can't control your thoughts, you will not be able to control what you do•••
Abu Yahya


•••Some people will hate you just because you're doing better in life than them. Don't let such people get to you. Ignore them and carry on••••
Abu Yahya


"Sickening to see how people find happiness in others downfall."


May Allah help the brothers & sisters in many ways in this world & in the hereafter who have started this very important project.


Mashallah fantastic brother & highly recommended ! Humble servant of Allah SWT : very good Quran recitation too .. Keep up the good work and keep us in your duas akhi


MashaAllah. Keep up with the good works, May Allah reward you abundantly.


Masha allah very usefull page .


Maa shaaa Allah Tabarakallah bro Jazakallahu khayra and proud of you barakallahu fik bro keep it up


MaShaAllah very humble brother and strict following of the Quran and sunnah


MA shaa Allah a very good Raqi may Allah reward u




May Allah help the brothers & sisters in many ways in this world & in the hereafter who have started this very important project.


Mashallah fantastic brother & highly recommended ! Humble servant of Allah SWT : very good Quran recitation too .. Keep up the good work and keep us in your duas akhi


MashaAllah. Keep up with the good works, May Allah reward you abundantly.


Masha allah very usefull page .


Maa shaaa Allah Tabarakallah bro Jazakallahu khayra and proud of you barakallahu fik bro keep it up


MaShaAllah very humble brother and strict following of the Quran and sunnah


MA shaa Allah a very good Raqi may Allah reward u




May Allah help the brothers & sisters in many ways in this world & in the hereafter who have started this very important project.


Mashallah fantastic brother & highly recommended ! Humble servant of Allah SWT : very good Quran recitation too .. Keep up the good work and keep us in your duas akhi


MashaAllah. Keep up with the good works, May Allah reward you abundantly.


Masha allah very usefull page .


Maa shaaa Allah Tabarakallah bro Jazakallahu khayra and proud of you barakallahu fik bro keep it up


MaShaAllah very humble brother and strict following of the Quran and sunnah


MA shaa Allah a very good Raqi may Allah reward u




May Allah help the brothers & sisters in many ways in this world & in the hereafter who have started this very important project.


Mashallah fantastic brother & highly recommended ! Humble servant of Allah SWT : very good Quran recitation too .. Keep up the good work and keep us in your duas akhi


MashaAllah. Keep up with the good works, May Allah reward you abundantly.


Masha allah very usefull page .


Maa shaaa Allah Tabarakallah bro Jazakallahu khayra and proud of you barakallahu fik bro keep it up


MaShaAllah very humble brother and strict following of the Quran and sunnah


MA shaa Allah a very good Raqi may Allah reward u



More about Ruqyah Manchester Uk Services

Ruqyah Manchester Uk Services is located at Manchester, United Kingdom