Sass Yoga & Wellbeing

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:30
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Sass Yoga & Wellbeing

Founder l Yoga and Movement Teacher l Wellbeing Promoter

Consultant at Sass Skincare & Beauty https://www. /698008884061198 /

Brand Ambassador at Digital Yoga Academy https://members.

Sass Yoga & Wellbeing Description

Fall in love with taking care of your body, mind and soul.

I’ve loved fitness and exercise for as long as I can remember; I’ve danced from the age of the three, I loved Physical Education in school, I joined numerous sports clubs and teams and I studied dance at college. Then I achieved my fitness instructing and personal training qualifications and stepped into the world of fitness on a whole new level.

From then on, it was no longer just about me – it was about how I could help others. Help them to get fit and feel healthy, to lose weight, to release stress, to have fun, to meet new people, to be happy – to achieve their goals. I loved introducing people to exercise and healthy eating, and I loved the rewards – the joy on their face when they’d hit a target weight, the thrill when they’d tried out a new recipe, the excitement in class when they got together with friends. Sharing my love of fitness made me happy.

Then I was introduced to Yoga

I took an 8-week beginners course with an Iyenga teacher and I was hooked. I’m an all or nothing girl, so after a year or so of regular classes and an online membership, the only next step was to turn my passion into a qualification.

Yoga makes me happy. Teaching Yoga to others makes me happier. And now, I not only want to teach Yoga, I want to share my true love for it. I want to let people know how it can really make your soul happy.

I work with complete beginners right through to other Yoga teachers who are looking for support or to be challenged in a certain area. I hold regular group classes around Saddleworth, Tameside and Manchester and I provide Private Tuition on a 1: 1 or duo basis.

I've experienced for myself how Yoga can change your life and I want others to experience this too!

The other half of my business focusses on health and beauty through the power of Aloe Vera. Forever Living Products is a one-of-a-kind, life-changing company, producing life-changing products. With over 40 years of experience and innovative new ideas, they’re award-winning leaders in the health and beauty industry and I'm so excited to have my only little part of it! But, don't take my word for it - the products speak for themselves and once you've experienced them, you won't look back. From skincare to weight loss and health concerns to sport supplements, I can advise and support you with whatever product you need!

So have a browse, check out my timetable and contact me with any queries or questions you may have! I look forward to meeting you soon.




Despite feeling a little delicate 🥂 and in desperate need of a nap, I've managed my first blog post...another tick off the business 'things to do' list! It will be linked from my website shortly, but thought I'd share it here for now... let me know what you think! 🙏


💕 S A S S Y 💕 . I’m all about good vibes, big goals, amazing experiences, more happiness, less pain, healthy relationships and staying focused on what matters. . As we hit halfway through the year, find some time to reflect - on what has been and the lessons learned, and what lies ahead... you create your future.... . Stay positive, don’t stop dreaming, surround yourself with cheerleaders and love every single inch of you - exactly as you are. . Happy Friday beautiful souls! 😍
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Do we still create fancy shapes? Yes. Do we still play around with inversions and arm balances? Yes. But only when we’ve put the work in to enjoy them safely and in specifically, tailored workshops.... I think you catch my drift... . We used to ‘crow’ or ’headstand’ every week when I first started teaching - I presumed it was what everyone wanted - the crazy stuff - the things they see on Instagram, performed by scantily clad, size 4, de-boned women...🙄 boy, I was away with t...he fairies...🤦🏼‍♀️ . Thank goodness I had a word with myself. After researching and simply talking to my students - my paying customers - my teaching massively changed - and still is doing - every single week. . The big realisation was - even I didn’t need that mad, so-called ‘Yoga’ stuff in a class! I mean, how can a handstand help me walk to the shops when I’m 92??? . So now a classic Sass class is just that - classic, with some modern mixed in. And obviously, whilst working hard, we have fun. How can you expect people to return if they don’t have fun? . We focus on traditional yoga poses with a modern twist; combining movement and mobility with strength. . A Sass class enables ALL bodies to join in, whilst overcoming challenges at their own pace. But most importantly, people can take some of what they learn into their real lives; you know the ones with stress, long working hours, kids, pets, cleaning, traffic jams...those lives where sometimes there’s not even a minute to think, never mind balance on your hands with your legs wrapped around your neck. 😳
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💪🏼 S T R O N G 💪🏼
Nearly two weeks off training at the gym and I’ve ended my session with a smug face. 😏
I’d normally be punishing myself for missing it, not keeping up with a regular routine and making excuses for why I’m so rubbish. Not today. Today I impressed myself and even the husband...
... I’ve not lost any strength in my upper body at all. Why? Yoga. Focusing my yoga practise around strength and mobility has helped increase my weight lifting ability without stepping foot in the gym! Working on range of movement whilst adding weight gradually has improved my form too.
And what I’m practising, I’m teaching in class - so everyone else can experience the benefits and enjoy wearing a smug face too! 💪🏼
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🤯 S T R E S S H E A D 🤯 . Not all stress is bad; healthy levels of positive stress can help us perform better. However, too much negative stress is associated with mental health imbalances and chronic pain, as well as some of the serious illnesses, including cancer, stroke and heart disease. . Those who have more negative reactions to stress are more likely to experience negative health issues.... . Yoga is an effective tool for managing stress because it aids regulation of our emotional responses by teaching us to become the observer of our thoughts and feelings, and through improving our mind-body connection. . As a result, yoga can lead to more positive health outcomes. 🙏🏼
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👧🏼 M I N I Y O G I 👦🏻
#TBT last weekend - camping, climbing, time with friends and yoga with a mini me! 😍
As adults, we have a choice to try something new, to experience the benefits and reap the rewards. As children, it’s usually our parents who take that first step for us...
... If you’re a parent, and you’re already reaping the rewards from yoga, don’t you wish you started sooner - or younger? I know I do.
What do you think of ‘Family Yoga Workshops?’ Time together, learning and having fun, whilst moving your body and allowing your mind some space? Drop me a DM or comment below with your thoughts.......🙏🏼 . My mini partner in crime comes courtesy of @clairedeacs ❤️
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😍 S U P P O R T L O C A L 😍
As part of National Fiver Fest 2019, Totally Locally Saddleworth are working with local businesses to highlight the importance of shopping locally!
And I’m super-excited to be involved! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
... On Saturday 8 and 15 June, you can attend my Delph class for only £5!
Book online at and use the promo code FIVERFEST.
You can book one class or why not come to both for this great price? 🙏🏼
#fiverfest #totallylocallysaddleworth
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When an opportunity presents itself that could change your life completely, what do you do? . Knowing that if it succeeded, it would be the best thing that could ever happen - a dream come true... but knowing that if it failed, it would be the biggest learning curve ever imaginable....😳 (plus a loss of money and a major sucker-punch to your ego and self confidence). . What strategies do you use or what questions do you ask yourself to help make a decision? 🙏🏼


☀️ G O O D M O R N I N G ☀️
This morning’s class in Delph is GOING AHEAD! 8.30am - Delph Methodist Church 🙏🏼
There are still a few places left for any last minute decision-makers..... come and join me at this gorgeous location - surrounded by the sounds of birds and sheep...😂😂😂
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😖 F R U S T R A T I O N 😖
I’m such a bad patient; just ask the husband - I am not good when it comes to being ill. I’m even worse now I’m a business owner - especially when I absolutely love what I do!
I’ve spent the last few days behind my laptop, curled up in a ball in pain after being struck with a nasty virus. I’ve been really productive despite being laid up in bed but I’ve not been teaching - and that’s what could drive me crazy!
... I hate to let people down but I hate even more not being able to give my students my all - and that’s why I cancelled classes ...(I’m also contagious apparently 😳)
It causes major frustration but with my yoga practice and supportive words from my students, I have to just let these thoughts go; do whatever I can and then make up for what I’ve missed when I’m feeling better.
Previously, there would’ve been tears, anger and pure hate for my body but now, I understand why my body is doing this - I’m grateful for how quickly it heals and how it teaches me lessons. Things take time. Frustration gets us nowhere. Stop, breathe, accept and move on. My flow will be back in no time at all. 🙏🏼
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This retreat was fully booked before I could advertise it but I now have two spaces available - the Early Bird rate is still on until Friday 7 June.... who wants in?!?!


😌 A L O N E T I M E 😌 . I believe a really important lesson to learn is to enjoy the pleasure of your own company. . I used to hate being on my own - I’d get anxious and want someone to be with me - even just to sit in the same room as me...... . Now I love my ‘own time’ 😍 Look at it as a kind of self-care; whether you head out for lunch, go for a walk or just sit and read or listen to a podcast - spend time checking in with YOU - how you’re feeling in your mind and your body. Use this time to reflect on what’s happening in your life. . I know it’s not easy because our lives are just so busy, but having an hour or so to yourself to enjoy what you like doing is a great reset. . My alone time has considerably increased since reducing my corporate hours, and being a sole business owner, I’m regularly just out and about with myself and my laptop! One thing I’ve noticed - it’s made me appreciate time with friends, family and my husband even more. 🙏🏼
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Okay, please don’t be mad with me... I’m showered, dressed and have just loaded up the car.... to realise I’m really not well enough to teach tonight.
I’m so so sorry to you all - I hate letting people down!
Will be back after my week away next week in full health and ready to rock! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


So excited to be a part of this local campaign! 🙌🏼
#fiverfest #discountedyoga #villagelife


❤️ U R G E N T M E S S A G E ❤️
(Wednesday) Tonight’s classes are cancelled.... I’m so so sorry guys but I’m not very well! Have progressively got worse over the day with serious stomach pains. I’ve messaged all attendees but like to have a back up in case someone hasn’t received the message! 🙏🏼


And the day one is live now too!! 3 spaces already filled - whoop whoop! 🙌🏼


Booking is now live online for my August Twilight Retreat!
Early bird rate available until 12 July - come and join me for Yoga, relaxation, time in the hot tub and food and fizz! 😍

More about Sass Yoga & Wellbeing

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:30
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -