See More Fitness Gym - Body, Health And Motivational Coaching - Huntingdon

Monday: 06:15 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:15 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:15 - 20:30
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 11:00

About See More Fitness Gym - Body, Health And Motivational Coaching - Huntingdon

’┐Į See More Fitness Gym ’┐Į Huntingdon UK ’┐Į. ’┐Į Results based training | ’┐Į Coaching | ’┐Į Nutrition | ’┐Į Motivational environment

See More Fitness Gym - Body, Health And Motivational Coaching - Huntingdon Description

See More Fitness is revolutionising the way people exercise with our functional, precise and powerful workout programs. Regardless of training history, whether you are experienced or a beginner, we deliver a service for any fitness level. We have a proven track record that will ensure fantastic results for everyone.

We are against the monotony of unplanned and time consuming workouts that do not get results. We provide exciting and structured workouts which change the lives of our clients. Exercise combined with practical nutrition that is tailored to fit the busy and hectic schedules that many of us lead these days.

We have the recipe for success.

Capitalising on time, and ensuring everyone receives the best possible workout in their time spent at our facility, without having to devote hours and hours each week to see the body shape changes they desire.

Our fitness facility offers exclusive training to people who either wish to train on their own or under the instruction of our highly qualified team. With Bootcamp style group training, fitness classes (boxing, kettlebells, pilates), one to one personal training and online training. We are confident that we will deliver the health, fitness and fat loss results you need.

We provide an intimate environment to exercise in, with focus on the client and their unique requirements. Our atmosphere is fun and friendly.

Our main goal is to provide exceptional results for our members which is why we offer bespoke programs, nutrition information and ongoing support from Fitness Professionals.

Prices start from just ┬Ż20



Looking forward to filling this board with all manner of challenges and achievements. Watch this space members... ­¤śÅ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤öź


Buzzing Hard Core session at 6.15am this morning! Great work from all involved, youŌĆÖll be feeling the burn tomorrow! ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤öź
This session is built to bullet proof your abŌĆÖs. We focus on the main abdominal muscle groups that together with muscles in the back form the core. Benefits include a more stable and balanced body, which protects the spine allowing more movement and promotes good posture. A workout which contains a wide range of strength and mobility exercises. As well as a cheeky dose of high intensity interval training.
Fancy giving it a go? ŌĆöŌĆö>< br>


We have lots of new challenges planned for our members over the coming months....
With new classes on the timetable that allow us to focus even more on different aspects of fitness, power, strength and conditioning we are buzzing to see the results.
In tonightŌĆÖs Spartan class we were working on pull ups as part of the upper body workout. We are excited to progress and develop the technique and strength with the ultimate goal of unassisted pull ups for reps.
... If youŌĆÖre keen to finish 2018 stronger than you started then check out our range of classes and get in touch to start making some positive changes to your body and mind ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖé’Ė Å ŌĆöŌĆö>< br> See More


James and I had a change around today in light of the new classes starting this month. The Spartan gym is looking on point ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗. Hours of graft have gone into moving stuff around and weŌĆÖre happy with the result ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤Åŗ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ


Just waiting for a couple more victims... I mean clients... then itŌĆÖs time to smash the spartan workout. Damn this beard makes my face look round ­¤īæ #moonhead


TodayŌĆÖs nemesis ­¤æŖ­¤Å╗ done. G.V.T Deadlift: 10 sets of 10 at 117kg with 1 minute rest between sets. That means I picked up and put down 11,170kg or 11.17 tonnes. Not bad for 25 minutes work. Legs were feeling it big time on reps 90-100 ­¤śé­¤öź. IŌĆÖll definitely look to improve this. I want 15 tonnes by 20th of December... you heard it here first ­¤śØ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗ #progression #goals


You know youŌĆÖve worked hard when you have earned a Superman logo on your chest ­¤śé­¤śģ­¤Æ” #feelingsuper #spartan #bigworkout #sweatisfatcrying­¤Æ” Awesome session with Jimi Lombardi and the rest of the gang ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗ #seemorefitness #seemoreresults


IŌĆÖm a long way from where I want to be, but closer than I was yesterday. #stayfocused ft. Smudged Mirror


Saturday shout out for Caroline! Fantastic progress in her first month of working with us. Really great stuff ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗. YouŌĆÖve heard the phase ŌĆśnothing ventured nothing gainedŌĆÖ. LetŌĆÖs look at how working with us stacks up based on that theory.
Caroline ventured: A ┬Ż239 investment in herself. 3 hours from her week.
... Caroline gained: Half a stone in weight loss. A drop of 9cm in measurements. A reduction in body fat %. Stronger and more defined muscles. Increased fitness and stamina. Improved form and technique with exercises. A boost in self confidence. Loads of new friends. A positive switch in mindset. Knowledge on nutrition. A nutrition tracking system. A powerful understanding of what her body is capable of when it comes to pushing herself.
Not bad for 4 weeks into a 12 week program.
Now off on a cheeky holiday, Caroline has mentioned its great that her clothes are fitting better, which is an amazing feeling as we all know!
My personal favourite quote of the week: ŌĆśIŌĆÖve still being enjoying a gin and tonic!ŌĆÖ
This is what itŌĆÖs all about... a sustainable, achievable and realistic lifestyle. Work hard, enjoy your wins, celebrate a little, but overall constant steps forward towards the goal.
WeŌĆÖre well on track for the Christmas target of one stone and a set of full press ups ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗.
Thank you to Caroline for allowing me to share her progress, and to the other ladies and gents who are working on the program with us. All the stats are going in the right direction and we as coaches couldnŌĆÖt be happier.
Looking forward to the rest of the check ins next week.
Have a brilliant weekend Ō£ī­¤Å╗
See More


Imagine the joy when I laid my eyes upon the #bigdaddy. It was love at first sight ­¤śŹ. Nearly half a kg of steak ­¤ź® beast ­¤æŖ­¤Å╗


LetŌĆÖs give Mark congratulations on his 4 week results with us. Fantastic stuff! All credit to him for sticking to our nutrition guidelines as best as possible around work and other commitments, with a few treats here and there of course. ItŌĆÖs a lifestyle not a diet that we promote after all. Dedication to training twice a week, and a healthy dose of determination has achieved these changes. Well done mate ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗. Next stop 2 stone ­¤öź


Lots of members getting their midday See More Fitness fix ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤śŹ­¤öź


IŌĆÖm sharing this post for one of our members whoŌĆÖs working hard to raise money for a close friend of his. If the words below resonate with you then please take action. Any support will be received with heartfelt appreciation from Chris and his family. Thanks, Luke.
Just over a year ago our close friend Chris Charnock was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. At just 35 years old this was a huge shock to Chris and his young family.
... Motor neurone disease is an awful debilitating condition that will ultimately take Chris away from his beautiful wife and children. They are a hardworking, generous and genuine family that shouldnŌĆÖt have to be suffering this awful tragedy.
Various close friends and family have run marathons and cycled across the country doing great work to raise awareness and money for the MNDa charity, a testament to how loved and popular Chris is.
But now as ChrisŌĆÖ condition worsens, we are asking for direct help to adapt his house, to enable him to stay at home during his final years. We would really like to make this happen, so he can spend as much time with his wife and children as possible.
Chris has been assessed for a disability support grant to fund the modifications to his house, but he was not deemed eligible. Now as his health deteriorates he has had to sign off on long term sick, and there is no feasible way of him affording the changes required to live out his life with as much dignity as a man of his age should be allowed.
As it stands he has been quoted ┬Ż40,000 pounds to make all the alterations to his house, so that he can live downstairs, in a motorised wheelchair accessible extension with suitable bathroom. Chris will have to pay for any modifications to his home that cost more than ┬Ż1000.
I cannot tell you how much this would mean to them and we would greatly appreciate any help in supporting this wonderful family at their time of need. It would be amazing to help share some of the burden and relieve at least some of the stress they are having to deal with, at this difficult time.
Thank you for reading and please give generously. ock-and-his-family
See More


IŌĆÖve got nothing but appreciation for how hard you guys are working at the moment. The workouts have really been stepped up and youŌĆÖre doing me proud ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤öź


­¤öź Quick Hiit ­¤öź A cheeky little bodyweight workout that you can do anywhere. Perfect if you need to burn a few extra calories ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗. ­¤æē­¤Å╗ sweat is fat crying ­¤æł­¤Å╗


Check out Mrs BŌĆÖs transformation ­¤æĆ
After being a devoted member of our 6.15am early bird sessions 3 times a week for 6 months, Mrs B has carved out a life changing result for herself. We couldnŌĆÖt be more proud of her.
Dedication, commitment and a positive attitude has produced a lifestyle switch that perhaps 7 months ago Mrs B didnŌĆÖt think was possible. It goes to show what can be achieved when you put your mind to it! Small sacrifices like getting up a bit earlier and down on treats must be made, but as you can see the benefits are more than worth it. The small changes mount up to big ones.
Ask yourself if 6 months ago you wanted to take control of your health and impact your body shape in a positive way? Now 6 months on if youŌĆÖre still in the same place, surely you canŌĆÖt wait another 6 months. Take action now! Not next Monday, not January but today.
Procrastination is bad for your health.
Be more like Mrs B.
See More


Look toward your goals, whether itŌĆÖs 3 months or 6 months, but never forget that you must work TODAY in order to achieve them ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗


FAQ - Quiz the Coach! ­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤żō


What an amazing first week!! I had been thinking about joining Luke at See More Fitness for a while but never took the final step however this summer I did and what a step it was! I have loved every minute of it so far. Luke has been great and clearly has a passion for his job and fitness. I am looking to get fitter/healthier and fit back into my size 12 jeans. The facilities are great and Everyone is so kind and supportive. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to what the next 3 weeks brings! #thisgirlcan ’┐Į’┐Į


Well my 4 weeks are up tomorrow at the Spartan sessions .....loved it so much I'm in for the long haul now cannot recommend James and Luke enough fantastic ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Somehow I always seem to grin like a loon when I do Boot Camp with Luke. If grinning burned calories IŌĆÖd be a waif by now but fortunately (I think) itŌĆÖs hard work and motivation that builds up the muscles and stamina. DonŌĆÖt get me wrong, IŌĆÖve still a long way to go, but LukeŌĆÖs Boot Camp sessions combine hard work with good humour, great music and a large dose of feel-good vibes. IŌĆÖve never been an exercise keenie, but I can genuinely say I look forward to Boot Camp for the friends IŌĆÖve made and the positivity itŌĆÖs brought into my life both emotionally and physically. 5 stars with bells and whistles on. Ace.


Luke's Bootcamp's have completely changed my life and I feel so much better about myself.

I joined, on my own, nearly 3years ago, which was a bit scary but soon met loads of lovely people.

Don't know what I would do with out Bootcamp now, never in my life did I ever think I would enjoy exercise, but I am now totally addicted!


Just about to start my third year of training with Luke, I love every minute. The sessions are varied hitting every spot possible. We have fun but work hard. The nutritional support is superb and so is the emotional, both from Luke and all the wonderful friends IŌĆÖve made along the way. See More Fitness is so much better than just going to the gym - itŌĆÖs a lifestyle. Love it ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝


Ive been going to Lukes sessions since August 2017. I do 3 sessions per week which suits me around work and other commitments. I enjoy meeting new people and have made great friends since joining. I enjoy the varied sessions so each one is different to the next. My favourite sessions are the boxing ones.....although i still cant stand burpees. I also have weights at home so i come away learning the correct techniques to be able to work out at home too. Highly recommended.


If you hate the gym (sweaty/boring/full of posers) but love getting your heart rate up, Luke is your guy. Fun environment, great supportive network, and a load of cool equipment! The level of improvement on fitness and confidence in your own physical ability is thanks to Luke's energy and drive. Best place to work out!


I've tried so many gyms in the hope I'd find an atmosphere which would keep me motivated enough to stay. And after being with See More Fitness for four months, I now couldn't imagine going anywhere else. I train with James in the Spartan sessions so I can focus on getting my strength up but I also get so much support from Luke, checking in on my progress and encouraging me with my own goals. Both trainers are so committed and will make sure during your sessions that you're getting enough attention, checking on your form and helping to push you, even when your legs feel like they'll give in. I honestly look forward to going to the gym now and I'm closer to my goals than I ever have been ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


I've been training at See More Fitness since late 2017, after trying other local options which didn't fully meet my needs and schedule. Luke plans his sessions really carefully, and doesn't put anything to you that you can't do. Saying this, he will gently encourage you to take a step further and push yourself.

Hoping to be more regular as I always leave the sessions on a massive high, from someone who hated PE in school , I'm now someone that looks forward to my fix of training.

There's never a session that feels the same as previous one. You won't feel out of place, a massive range of members with different ability levels and all as accepting as Luke. Can not fault one part of this gym. You will not be disappointed. Highly recommended! :)


I started in September and still loving it! Luke is very welcoming and a great mix of people come. Every session is different and there are so many that it is easy to fit in around a busy week. Loads of healthy and tasty meal ideas too. Feeling fitter and stronger ’┐Į CanŌĆÖt recommend it enough!!


I joined See More Fitness on 31st May 2017 aged 56 - I remember the exact date because was the best thing IŌĆÖve done in a long time. I really enjoy the three early morning boot camps I go to. They are always varied, paced and challenging. I also have one personal training session a week with Luke and again this pushes me yet I feel like have made achievements after each and every session. I have met some great people there, all with the same mindset. I have lost 17 lbs and 10 inches since I started but most of all I have found my fitness, strength (inner and outer), muscles I never knew I had and a new love of exercise, healthier eating and some really good friends. ’┐Į’┐Į


I joined See More Fitness about 3 months ago after a year off from regular exercise after moving to the area and chronic Achilles tendonitis. I didnŌĆÖt want to join a gym again as it was too easy to lose motivation and then not attend. I havenŌĆÖt looked back since joining See More Fitness. Every class is different but equally as challenging as the last. It's the fastest hour of the day. Every class seems to fly by. IŌĆÖve noticed an improvement in not only my energy levels but how I feel mentally and physically. My tendonitis since starting training regularly has given me fewer issues even with the explosive movements that used to stop me dead.

Luke and James and the other members have been amazing and very supportive and are always ready with words of encouragement. As a music fiend, I canŌĆÖt stop singing through the workouts, which gives me more strength to push myself even further. I have to travel for work a lot and miss the atmosphere and the workouts but havenŌĆÖt let that stop me as I now have a workout plan from Luke that I can do anywhere which is great.

I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to recommend See More to anyone thinking about joining. I didn't know anyone when I first started and that worried me at first but everyone has been so welcoming. If youŌĆÖre worried about not being able to do the exercises or youŌĆÖre too unfit, donŌĆÖt. There is always more than one variation of every exercise and you can do more than you think when someone is encouraging you to just try one and see what happens. If you try one class, you definitely wonŌĆÖt look back.


I have been training at See More Fitness for about 4 weeks properly now & it is absolutely brilliant...bloody tough but brilliant!! I havenŌĆÖt been to a single session yet that I have not enjoyed, every session has been different & always very challenging! In the short time that I have been going I am already noticing big improvements in the way I feel..IŌĆÖve got a long way to go to get to a place where IŌĆÖd be happy in myself but IŌĆÖm very motivated currently to get there! Luke & James are great at what they do & really do push you to your limits!


I have been going to See More Fitness for a bout a year now and I can honestly say this is the only gym I have ever managed to get any results. I had been part of about 4 gyms before and found myself just wondering around not really knowing what to do. See more fitness is great because you get PT instructed Work out but with out the pressure of being on your own. Not only that, we have a good laugh too and IŌĆÖve made some really close friends! IŌĆÖve gained so much more body confidence and my fitness has got so much better that IŌĆÖm even attempting a half marathon (and I am not a runner!!). I would really recommend it to anyone! ­¤śŖ


I have been going to See More Fintness for over 2 years now. I have never stuck to anything for this long, and I can honestly say I enjoy it so much for so many reasons. It is a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere where I have met so many nice people over the years. We always have a laugh amongst the sweat!

Luke himself is such great trainer, positive attitude every day, really varied exercises every day, will help you with anything and adapt things for you if you need.

ItŌĆÖs the best thing I have done for myself in a very long time, I am stronger and fitter than I have been for over 20 years! And I have lost 32 Ibs! I couldnŌĆÖt not recommend enough.


I have bee training with Luke for nearly 2 years Wow I never thought IŌĆÖd hear myself say that!! Luke provides a great variety of sessions and the session flexibility is fantastic now. You can train 7 days a week with a selection of different times on offer. I hated pe at school and I have NEVER stuck to anything like I have bootcamp. I love it, couldnŌĆÖt be without it in my life!!. Luke is always available for advice and support. Provided me with a diet plan tailored to me too. Bring on my next season of the week, met some fantastic people and made some great friends x x


I LOVE my sessions at See More Fitness. Luke provides not only the know-how on fitness and nutrition but he goes above and beyond by getting to know each and every one who joins. He motivates you to help you achieve your goals and he genuinely cares.

The sessions are fun and go so quick! When I first joined I was worried about not knowing anyone but honestly, everyone is so welcoming. A very friendly bunch.


Having joined See More Fitness earlier this year I can honestly say that IŌĆÖm thrilled to bits with the results IŌĆÖm already starting to see! The variety of exercises and great group atmosphere have helped to keep me super motivated with both my diet and the daunting task of attending the gym multiple times a week. Both Luke and James are great , would highly recommend to anyone who wants to change their lifestyle for good!


CanŌĆÖt thank Luke & SeeMore Fitness enough. They always go the extra mile. Nutrition / Exercise, anything you need. Highly recommend and I personally have achieved goals and beyond in a small space of time.


What an amazing first week!! I had been thinking about joining Luke at See More Fitness for a while but never took the final step however this summer I did and what a step it was! I have loved every minute of it so far. Luke has been great and clearly has a passion for his job and fitness. I am looking to get fitter/healthier and fit back into my size 12 jeans. The facilities are great and Everyone is so kind and supportive. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to what the next 3 weeks brings! #thisgirlcan ’┐Į’┐Į


Well my 4 weeks are up tomorrow at the Spartan sessions .....loved it so much I'm in for the long haul now cannot recommend James and Luke enough fantastic ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Somehow I always seem to grin like a loon when I do Boot Camp with Luke. If grinning burned calories IŌĆÖd be a waif by now but fortunately (I think) itŌĆÖs hard work and motivation that builds up the muscles and stamina. DonŌĆÖt get me wrong, IŌĆÖve still a long way to go, but LukeŌĆÖs Boot Camp sessions combine hard work with good humour, great music and a large dose of feel-good vibes. IŌĆÖve never been an exercise keenie, but I can genuinely say I look forward to Boot Camp for the friends IŌĆÖve made and the positivity itŌĆÖs brought into my life both emotionally and physically. 5 stars with bells and whistles on. Ace.


Luke's Bootcamp's have completely changed my life and I feel so much better about myself.

I joined, on my own, nearly 3years ago, which was a bit scary but soon met loads of lovely people.

Don't know what I would do with out Bootcamp now, never in my life did I ever think I would enjoy exercise, but I am now totally addicted!


Just about to start my third year of training with Luke, I love every minute. The sessions are varied hitting every spot possible. We have fun but work hard. The nutritional support is superb and so is the emotional, both from Luke and all the wonderful friends IŌĆÖve made along the way. See More Fitness is so much better than just going to the gym - itŌĆÖs a lifestyle. Love it ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝


Ive been going to Lukes sessions since August 2017. I do 3 sessions per week which suits me around work and other commitments. I enjoy meeting new people and have made great friends since joining. I enjoy the varied sessions so each one is different to the next. My favourite sessions are the boxing ones.....although i still cant stand burpees. I also have weights at home so i come away learning the correct techniques to be able to work out at home too. Highly recommended.


If you hate the gym (sweaty/boring/full of posers) but love getting your heart rate up, Luke is your guy. Fun environment, great supportive network, and a load of cool equipment! The level of improvement on fitness and confidence in your own physical ability is thanks to Luke's energy and drive. Best place to work out!


I've tried so many gyms in the hope I'd find an atmosphere which would keep me motivated enough to stay. And after being with See More Fitness for four months, I now couldn't imagine going anywhere else. I train with James in the Spartan sessions so I can focus on getting my strength up but I also get so much support from Luke, checking in on my progress and encouraging me with my own goals. Both trainers are so committed and will make sure during your sessions that you're getting enough attention, checking on your form and helping to push you, even when your legs feel like they'll give in. I honestly look forward to going to the gym now and I'm closer to my goals than I ever have been ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


I've been training at See More Fitness since late 2017, after trying other local options which didn't fully meet my needs and schedule. Luke plans his sessions really carefully, and doesn't put anything to you that you can't do. Saying this, he will gently encourage you to take a step further and push yourself.

Hoping to be more regular as I always leave the sessions on a massive high, from someone who hated PE in school , I'm now someone that looks forward to my fix of training.

There's never a session that feels the same as previous one. You won't feel out of place, a massive range of members with different ability levels and all as accepting as Luke. Can not fault one part of this gym. You will not be disappointed. Highly recommended! :)


I started in September and still loving it! Luke is very welcoming and a great mix of people come. Every session is different and there are so many that it is easy to fit in around a busy week. Loads of healthy and tasty meal ideas too. Feeling fitter and stronger ’┐Į CanŌĆÖt recommend it enough!!


I joined See More Fitness on 31st May 2017 aged 56 - I remember the exact date because was the best thing IŌĆÖve done in a long time. I really enjoy the three early morning boot camps I go to. They are always varied, paced and challenging. I also have one personal training session a week with Luke and again this pushes me yet I feel like have made achievements after each and every session. I have met some great people there, all with the same mindset. I have lost 17 lbs and 10 inches since I started but most of all I have found my fitness, strength (inner and outer), muscles I never knew I had and a new love of exercise, healthier eating and some really good friends. ’┐Į’┐Į


I joined See More Fitness about 3 months ago after a year off from regular exercise after moving to the area and chronic Achilles tendonitis. I didnŌĆÖt want to join a gym again as it was too easy to lose motivation and then not attend. I havenŌĆÖt looked back since joining See More Fitness. Every class is different but equally as challenging as the last. It's the fastest hour of the day. Every class seems to fly by. IŌĆÖve noticed an improvement in not only my energy levels but how I feel mentally and physically. My tendonitis since starting training regularly has given me fewer issues even with the explosive movements that used to stop me dead.

Luke and James and the other members have been amazing and very supportive and are always ready with words of encouragement. As a music fiend, I canŌĆÖt stop singing through the workouts, which gives me more strength to push myself even further. I have to travel for work a lot and miss the atmosphere and the workouts but havenŌĆÖt let that stop me as I now have a workout plan from Luke that I can do anywhere which is great.

I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to recommend See More to anyone thinking about joining. I didn't know anyone when I first started and that worried me at first but everyone has been so welcoming. If youŌĆÖre worried about not being able to do the exercises or youŌĆÖre too unfit, donŌĆÖt. There is always more than one variation of every exercise and you can do more than you think when someone is encouraging you to just try one and see what happens. If you try one class, you definitely wonŌĆÖt look back.


I have been training at See More Fitness for about 4 weeks properly now & it is absolutely brilliant...bloody tough but brilliant!! I havenŌĆÖt been to a single session yet that I have not enjoyed, every session has been different & always very challenging! In the short time that I have been going I am already noticing big improvements in the way I feel..IŌĆÖve got a long way to go to get to a place where IŌĆÖd be happy in myself but IŌĆÖm very motivated currently to get there! Luke & James are great at what they do & really do push you to your limits!


I have been going to See More Fitness for a bout a year now and I can honestly say this is the only gym I have ever managed to get any results. I had been part of about 4 gyms before and found myself just wondering around not really knowing what to do. See more fitness is great because you get PT instructed Work out but with out the pressure of being on your own. Not only that, we have a good laugh too and IŌĆÖve made some really close friends! IŌĆÖve gained so much more body confidence and my fitness has got so much better that IŌĆÖm even attempting a half marathon (and I am not a runner!!). I would really recommend it to anyone! ­¤śŖ


I have been going to See More Fintness for over 2 years now. I have never stuck to anything for this long, and I can honestly say I enjoy it so much for so many reasons. It is a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere where I have met so many nice people over the years. We always have a laugh amongst the sweat!

Luke himself is such great trainer, positive attitude every day, really varied exercises every day, will help you with anything and adapt things for you if you need.

ItŌĆÖs the best thing I have done for myself in a very long time, I am stronger and fitter than I have been for over 20 years! And I have lost 32 Ibs! I couldnŌĆÖt not recommend enough.


I have bee training with Luke for nearly 2 years Wow I never thought IŌĆÖd hear myself say that!! Luke provides a great variety of sessions and the session flexibility is fantastic now. You can train 7 days a week with a selection of different times on offer. I hated pe at school and I have NEVER stuck to anything like I have bootcamp. I love it, couldnŌĆÖt be without it in my life!!. Luke is always available for advice and support. Provided me with a diet plan tailored to me too. Bring on my next season of the week, met some fantastic people and made some great friends x x


I LOVE my sessions at See More Fitness. Luke provides not only the know-how on fitness and nutrition but he goes above and beyond by getting to know each and every one who joins. He motivates you to help you achieve your goals and he genuinely cares.

The sessions are fun and go so quick! When I first joined I was worried about not knowing anyone but honestly, everyone is so welcoming. A very friendly bunch.


Having joined See More Fitness earlier this year I can honestly say that IŌĆÖm thrilled to bits with the results IŌĆÖm already starting to see! The variety of exercises and great group atmosphere have helped to keep me super motivated with both my diet and the daunting task of attending the gym multiple times a week. Both Luke and James are great , would highly recommend to anyone who wants to change their lifestyle for good!


CanŌĆÖt thank Luke & SeeMore Fitness enough. They always go the extra mile. Nutrition / Exercise, anything you need. Highly recommend and I personally have achieved goals and beyond in a small space of time.


What an amazing first week!! I had been thinking about joining Luke at See More Fitness for a while but never took the final step however this summer I did and what a step it was! I have loved every minute of it so far. Luke has been great and clearly has a passion for his job and fitness. I am looking to get fitter/healthier and fit back into my size 12 jeans. The facilities are great and Everyone is so kind and supportive. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to what the next 3 weeks brings! #thisgirlcan ’┐Į’┐Į


Well my 4 weeks are up tomorrow at the Spartan sessions .....loved it so much I'm in for the long haul now cannot recommend James and Luke enough fantastic ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Somehow I always seem to grin like a loon when I do Boot Camp with Luke. If grinning burned calories IŌĆÖd be a waif by now but fortunately (I think) itŌĆÖs hard work and motivation that builds up the muscles and stamina. DonŌĆÖt get me wrong, IŌĆÖve still a long way to go, but LukeŌĆÖs Boot Camp sessions combine hard work with good humour, great music and a large dose of feel-good vibes. IŌĆÖve never been an exercise keenie, but I can genuinely say I look forward to Boot Camp for the friends IŌĆÖve made and the positivity itŌĆÖs brought into my life both emotionally and physically. 5 stars with bells and whistles on. Ace.


Luke's Bootcamp's have completely changed my life and I feel so much better about myself.

I joined, on my own, nearly 3years ago, which was a bit scary but soon met loads of lovely people.

Don't know what I would do with out Bootcamp now, never in my life did I ever think I would enjoy exercise, but I am now totally addicted!


Just about to start my third year of training with Luke, I love every minute. The sessions are varied hitting every spot possible. We have fun but work hard. The nutritional support is superb and so is the emotional, both from Luke and all the wonderful friends IŌĆÖve made along the way. See More Fitness is so much better than just going to the gym - itŌĆÖs a lifestyle. Love it ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝


Ive been going to Lukes sessions since August 2017. I do 3 sessions per week which suits me around work and other commitments. I enjoy meeting new people and have made great friends since joining. I enjoy the varied sessions so each one is different to the next. My favourite sessions are the boxing ones.....although i still cant stand burpees. I also have weights at home so i come away learning the correct techniques to be able to work out at home too. Highly recommended.


If you hate the gym (sweaty/boring/full of posers) but love getting your heart rate up, Luke is your guy. Fun environment, great supportive network, and a load of cool equipment! The level of improvement on fitness and confidence in your own physical ability is thanks to Luke's energy and drive. Best place to work out!


I've tried so many gyms in the hope I'd find an atmosphere which would keep me motivated enough to stay. And after being with See More Fitness for four months, I now couldn't imagine going anywhere else. I train with James in the Spartan sessions so I can focus on getting my strength up but I also get so much support from Luke, checking in on my progress and encouraging me with my own goals. Both trainers are so committed and will make sure during your sessions that you're getting enough attention, checking on your form and helping to push you, even when your legs feel like they'll give in. I honestly look forward to going to the gym now and I'm closer to my goals than I ever have been ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


I've been training at See More Fitness since late 2017, after trying other local options which didn't fully meet my needs and schedule. Luke plans his sessions really carefully, and doesn't put anything to you that you can't do. Saying this, he will gently encourage you to take a step further and push yourself.

Hoping to be more regular as I always leave the sessions on a massive high, from someone who hated PE in school , I'm now someone that looks forward to my fix of training.

There's never a session that feels the same as previous one. You won't feel out of place, a massive range of members with different ability levels and all as accepting as Luke. Can not fault one part of this gym. You will not be disappointed. Highly recommended! :)


I started in September and still loving it! Luke is very welcoming and a great mix of people come. Every session is different and there are so many that it is easy to fit in around a busy week. Loads of healthy and tasty meal ideas too. Feeling fitter and stronger ’┐Į CanŌĆÖt recommend it enough!!


I joined See More Fitness on 31st May 2017 aged 56 - I remember the exact date because was the best thing IŌĆÖve done in a long time. I really enjoy the three early morning boot camps I go to. They are always varied, paced and challenging. I also have one personal training session a week with Luke and again this pushes me yet I feel like have made achievements after each and every session. I have met some great people there, all with the same mindset. I have lost 17 lbs and 10 inches since I started but most of all I have found my fitness, strength (inner and outer), muscles I never knew I had and a new love of exercise, healthier eating and some really good friends. ’┐Į’┐Į


I joined See More Fitness about 3 months ago after a year off from regular exercise after moving to the area and chronic Achilles tendonitis. I didnŌĆÖt want to join a gym again as it was too easy to lose motivation and then not attend. I havenŌĆÖt looked back since joining See More Fitness. Every class is different but equally as challenging as the last. It's the fastest hour of the day. Every class seems to fly by. IŌĆÖve noticed an improvement in not only my energy levels but how I feel mentally and physically. My tendonitis since starting training regularly has given me fewer issues even with the explosive movements that used to stop me dead.

Luke and James and the other members have been amazing and very supportive and are always ready with words of encouragement. As a music fiend, I canŌĆÖt stop singing through the workouts, which gives me more strength to push myself even further. I have to travel for work a lot and miss the atmosphere and the workouts but havenŌĆÖt let that stop me as I now have a workout plan from Luke that I can do anywhere which is great.

I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to recommend See More to anyone thinking about joining. I didn't know anyone when I first started and that worried me at first but everyone has been so welcoming. If youŌĆÖre worried about not being able to do the exercises or youŌĆÖre too unfit, donŌĆÖt. There is always more than one variation of every exercise and you can do more than you think when someone is encouraging you to just try one and see what happens. If you try one class, you definitely wonŌĆÖt look back.


I have been training at See More Fitness for about 4 weeks properly now & it is absolutely brilliant...bloody tough but brilliant!! I havenŌĆÖt been to a single session yet that I have not enjoyed, every session has been different & always very challenging! In the short time that I have been going I am already noticing big improvements in the way I feel..IŌĆÖve got a long way to go to get to a place where IŌĆÖd be happy in myself but IŌĆÖm very motivated currently to get there! Luke & James are great at what they do & really do push you to your limits!


I have been going to See More Fitness for a bout a year now and I can honestly say this is the only gym I have ever managed to get any results. I had been part of about 4 gyms before and found myself just wondering around not really knowing what to do. See more fitness is great because you get PT instructed Work out but with out the pressure of being on your own. Not only that, we have a good laugh too and IŌĆÖve made some really close friends! IŌĆÖve gained so much more body confidence and my fitness has got so much better that IŌĆÖm even attempting a half marathon (and I am not a runner!!). I would really recommend it to anyone! ­¤śŖ


I have been going to See More Fintness for over 2 years now. I have never stuck to anything for this long, and I can honestly say I enjoy it so much for so many reasons. It is a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere where I have met so many nice people over the years. We always have a laugh amongst the sweat!

Luke himself is such great trainer, positive attitude every day, really varied exercises every day, will help you with anything and adapt things for you if you need.

ItŌĆÖs the best thing I have done for myself in a very long time, I am stronger and fitter than I have been for over 20 years! And I have lost 32 Ibs! I couldnŌĆÖt not recommend enough.


I have bee training with Luke for nearly 2 years Wow I never thought IŌĆÖd hear myself say that!! Luke provides a great variety of sessions and the session flexibility is fantastic now. You can train 7 days a week with a selection of different times on offer. I hated pe at school and I have NEVER stuck to anything like I have bootcamp. I love it, couldnŌĆÖt be without it in my life!!. Luke is always available for advice and support. Provided me with a diet plan tailored to me too. Bring on my next season of the week, met some fantastic people and made some great friends x x


I LOVE my sessions at See More Fitness. Luke provides not only the know-how on fitness and nutrition but he goes above and beyond by getting to know each and every one who joins. He motivates you to help you achieve your goals and he genuinely cares.

The sessions are fun and go so quick! When I first joined I was worried about not knowing anyone but honestly, everyone is so welcoming. A very friendly bunch.


Having joined See More Fitness earlier this year I can honestly say that IŌĆÖm thrilled to bits with the results IŌĆÖm already starting to see! The variety of exercises and great group atmosphere have helped to keep me super motivated with both my diet and the daunting task of attending the gym multiple times a week. Both Luke and James are great , would highly recommend to anyone who wants to change their lifestyle for good!


CanŌĆÖt thank Luke & SeeMore Fitness enough. They always go the extra mile. Nutrition / Exercise, anything you need. Highly recommend and I personally have achieved goals and beyond in a small space of time.


What an amazing first week!! I had been thinking about joining Luke at See More Fitness for a while but never took the final step however this summer I did and what a step it was! I have loved every minute of it so far. Luke has been great and clearly has a passion for his job and fitness. I am looking to get fitter/healthier and fit back into my size 12 jeans. The facilities are great and Everyone is so kind and supportive. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to what the next 3 weeks brings! #thisgirlcan ’┐Į’┐Į


Well my 4 weeks are up tomorrow at the Spartan sessions .....loved it so much I'm in for the long haul now cannot recommend James and Luke enough fantastic ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Somehow I always seem to grin like a loon when I do Boot Camp with Luke. If grinning burned calories IŌĆÖd be a waif by now but fortunately (I think) itŌĆÖs hard work and motivation that builds up the muscles and stamina. DonŌĆÖt get me wrong, IŌĆÖve still a long way to go, but LukeŌĆÖs Boot Camp sessions combine hard work with good humour, great music and a large dose of feel-good vibes. IŌĆÖve never been an exercise keenie, but I can genuinely say I look forward to Boot Camp for the friends IŌĆÖve made and the positivity itŌĆÖs brought into my life both emotionally and physically. 5 stars with bells and whistles on. Ace.


Luke's Bootcamp's have completely changed my life and I feel so much better about myself.

I joined, on my own, nearly 3years ago, which was a bit scary but soon met loads of lovely people.

Don't know what I would do with out Bootcamp now, never in my life did I ever think I would enjoy exercise, but I am now totally addicted!


Just about to start my third year of training with Luke, I love every minute. The sessions are varied hitting every spot possible. We have fun but work hard. The nutritional support is superb and so is the emotional, both from Luke and all the wonderful friends IŌĆÖve made along the way. See More Fitness is so much better than just going to the gym - itŌĆÖs a lifestyle. Love it ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╝


Ive been going to Lukes sessions since August 2017. I do 3 sessions per week which suits me around work and other commitments. I enjoy meeting new people and have made great friends since joining. I enjoy the varied sessions so each one is different to the next. My favourite sessions are the boxing ones.....although i still cant stand burpees. I also have weights at home so i come away learning the correct techniques to be able to work out at home too. Highly recommended.


If you hate the gym (sweaty/boring/full of posers) but love getting your heart rate up, Luke is your guy. Fun environment, great supportive network, and a load of cool equipment! The level of improvement on fitness and confidence in your own physical ability is thanks to Luke's energy and drive. Best place to work out!


I've tried so many gyms in the hope I'd find an atmosphere which would keep me motivated enough to stay. And after being with See More Fitness for four months, I now couldn't imagine going anywhere else. I train with James in the Spartan sessions so I can focus on getting my strength up but I also get so much support from Luke, checking in on my progress and encouraging me with my own goals. Both trainers are so committed and will make sure during your sessions that you're getting enough attention, checking on your form and helping to push you, even when your legs feel like they'll give in. I honestly look forward to going to the gym now and I'm closer to my goals than I ever have been ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


I've been training at See More Fitness since late 2017, after trying other local options which didn't fully meet my needs and schedule. Luke plans his sessions really carefully, and doesn't put anything to you that you can't do. Saying this, he will gently encourage you to take a step further and push yourself.

Hoping to be more regular as I always leave the sessions on a massive high, from someone who hated PE in school , I'm now someone that looks forward to my fix of training.

There's never a session that feels the same as previous one. You won't feel out of place, a massive range of members with different ability levels and all as accepting as Luke. Can not fault one part of this gym. You will not be disappointed. Highly recommended! :)


I started in September and still loving it! Luke is very welcoming and a great mix of people come. Every session is different and there are so many that it is easy to fit in around a busy week. Loads of healthy and tasty meal ideas too. Feeling fitter and stronger ’┐Į CanŌĆÖt recommend it enough!!


I joined See More Fitness on 31st May 2017 aged 56 - I remember the exact date because was the best thing IŌĆÖve done in a long time. I really enjoy the three early morning boot camps I go to. They are always varied, paced and challenging. I also have one personal training session a week with Luke and again this pushes me yet I feel like have made achievements after each and every session. I have met some great people there, all with the same mindset. I have lost 17 lbs and 10 inches since I started but most of all I have found my fitness, strength (inner and outer), muscles I never knew I had and a new love of exercise, healthier eating and some really good friends. ’┐Į’┐Į


I joined See More Fitness about 3 months ago after a year off from regular exercise after moving to the area and chronic Achilles tendonitis. I didnŌĆÖt want to join a gym again as it was too easy to lose motivation and then not attend. I havenŌĆÖt looked back since joining See More Fitness. Every class is different but equally as challenging as the last. It's the fastest hour of the day. Every class seems to fly by. IŌĆÖve noticed an improvement in not only my energy levels but how I feel mentally and physically. My tendonitis since starting training regularly has given me fewer issues even with the explosive movements that used to stop me dead.

Luke and James and the other members have been amazing and very supportive and are always ready with words of encouragement. As a music fiend, I canŌĆÖt stop singing through the workouts, which gives me more strength to push myself even further. I have to travel for work a lot and miss the atmosphere and the workouts but havenŌĆÖt let that stop me as I now have a workout plan from Luke that I can do anywhere which is great.

I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to recommend See More to anyone thinking about joining. I didn't know anyone when I first started and that worried me at first but everyone has been so welcoming. If youŌĆÖre worried about not being able to do the exercises or youŌĆÖre too unfit, donŌĆÖt. There is always more than one variation of every exercise and you can do more than you think when someone is encouraging you to just try one and see what happens. If you try one class, you definitely wonŌĆÖt look back.


I have been training at See More Fitness for about 4 weeks properly now & it is absolutely brilliant...bloody tough but brilliant!! I havenŌĆÖt been to a single session yet that I have not enjoyed, every session has been different & always very challenging! In the short time that I have been going I am already noticing big improvements in the way I feel..IŌĆÖve got a long way to go to get to a place where IŌĆÖd be happy in myself but IŌĆÖm very motivated currently to get there! Luke & James are great at what they do & really do push you to your limits!


I have been going to See More Fitness for a bout a year now and I can honestly say this is the only gym I have ever managed to get any results. I had been part of about 4 gyms before and found myself just wondering around not really knowing what to do. See more fitness is great because you get PT instructed Work out but with out the pressure of being on your own. Not only that, we have a good laugh too and IŌĆÖve made some really close friends! IŌĆÖve gained so much more body confidence and my fitness has got so much better that IŌĆÖm even attempting a half marathon (and I am not a runner!!). I would really recommend it to anyone! ­¤śŖ


I have been going to See More Fintness for over 2 years now. I have never stuck to anything for this long, and I can honestly say I enjoy it so much for so many reasons. It is a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere where I have met so many nice people over the years. We always have a laugh amongst the sweat!

Luke himself is such great trainer, positive attitude every day, really varied exercises every day, will help you with anything and adapt things for you if you need.

ItŌĆÖs the best thing I have done for myself in a very long time, I am stronger and fitter than I have been for over 20 years! And I have lost 32 Ibs! I couldnŌĆÖt not recommend enough.


I have bee training with Luke for nearly 2 years Wow I never thought IŌĆÖd hear myself say that!! Luke provides a great variety of sessions and the session flexibility is fantastic now. You can train 7 days a week with a selection of different times on offer. I hated pe at school and I have NEVER stuck to anything like I have bootcamp. I love it, couldnŌĆÖt be without it in my life!!. Luke is always available for advice and support. Provided me with a diet plan tailored to me too. Bring on my next season of the week, met some fantastic people and made some great friends x x


I LOVE my sessions at See More Fitness. Luke provides not only the know-how on fitness and nutrition but he goes above and beyond by getting to know each and every one who joins. He motivates you to help you achieve your goals and he genuinely cares.

The sessions are fun and go so quick! When I first joined I was worried about not knowing anyone but honestly, everyone is so welcoming. A very friendly bunch.


Having joined See More Fitness earlier this year I can honestly say that IŌĆÖm thrilled to bits with the results IŌĆÖm already starting to see! The variety of exercises and great group atmosphere have helped to keep me super motivated with both my diet and the daunting task of attending the gym multiple times a week. Both Luke and James are great , would highly recommend to anyone who wants to change their lifestyle for good!


CanŌĆÖt thank Luke & SeeMore Fitness enough. They always go the extra mile. Nutrition / Exercise, anything you need. Highly recommend and I personally have achieved goals and beyond in a small space of time.

More about See More Fitness Gym - Body, Health And Motivational Coaching - Huntingdon

See More Fitness Gym - Body, Health And Motivational Coaching - Huntingdon is located at Unit 16. Stukeley Road, PE29 6HQ Huntingdon
Monday: 06:15 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:15 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:15 - 20:30
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 11:00