Sereno School Of Dance

About Sereno School Of Dance

The Sereno School of Dance Classes: R. A. D. Ballet I. S. T. D Modern, Tap and Jazz Classes for children and adults Children accepted from 2 1 /2 years

Sereno School Of Dance Description

The Sereno School of Dance

Classes: R. A. D. Ballet I. S. T. D Modern, Tap and Jazz

Classes for children and adults

Children accepted from 2 1 /2 years

Registered Teachers for all Exam subjects

Principal: Beryl Sereno R. A. D. Teaching Diploma

CLASS TIMES From January 2017

BALLET - All in Studio 1
4. 30 - 5. 30 Grade 4 Ballet
5. 30 - 6. 30 Intermediate Ballet
6. 30 - 6. 50 Pointe Work
6. 50 - 7. 50 Advanced 1 Ballet
7. 50 - 8. 20 Pointe Work
4. 30 - 5. 30 Grade 3 Ballet
5. 30 – 6. 30 Adv foundation Ballet
6. 30 - 7. 30 Grade 7 Ballet
7. 30 - 8. 30 Adult Ballet
4. 30 -5. 30 Grade 6 Ballet
5. 30 -7. 00 Adv 2 Ballet
7. 00 - 8. 00 Grade 8 Ballet
4. 30 - 5. 45 Inter Foundation plus pte work
5. 45 - 6. 45 Grade 5 Ballet
9. 30 -10. 15 Pre-Primary Ballet
10. 15 -11. 00 Primary Ballet
11. 00 -12. 00 Grade I Ballet
12. 00 -1. 00 Inter / Inter Foundation Ballet
All Studio 2
4. 45 - 5. 30 Grade 2 tap
5. 30 - 6. 15 Grade 3 Mod
6. 15 - 6. 45 Silver Jazz
6. 45 -7. 30 Grade 6 Mod
7. 30 - 8. 15 Adult tap advanced
8. 15 – 8. 45 Grade 6 Tap
8. 45 - 9. 30 Inter Mod
All Studio 1
4. 45-5. 15 Primary Tap
5. 15-5. 45 Grade 1 Modern
5. 45-6. 15 Grade I Tap
6. 15-7. 00 Grade 2 Modern
7. 00 - 8. 00 Senior Troupe
8. 00 - 8. 45 Grade 6 Tap
8. 45-9. 30 Inter Mod
All Studio 2
9. 15 -10. 00 Tots Ballet
10. 00 -10. 30 Adv 1 Tap
10. 30 –11. 15 Adv 1 Modern
11. 15-12. 00 Grade 3 Tap
12. 00 -1. 00 Junior Troupe
1. 00 -1. 45 Grade 4 Modern
1. 45 -2. 30 Grade 4 Tap
2. 30 – 3. 15 Grade 5



Summer Holidays After a busy few last weeks of term with both ballet and modern and tap exams and finally our troupe members performing at the Blackpool Opera House on July 21st we are now approaching the end of term. We break up on Saturdy July 20th and classes restart Monday September 9th. Have a good holiday everyone


Our congratulations to Staci Moran who has been accepted at the Addict Dance Academy in Leicester. Staci joined us at a comparatively late age of 12 and never having danced before soon showed us her talent and capacity for hard work quickly catching up with students who had been dancing with us for years and often overtaking them. Even though, come September, we will miss you loads Staci we are very pleased that you have successfully negotiated the next stage of your career.


Exciting news for the Sereno School of Dance. We have become a Learning Destination of the Children's University. This means, that for all of the pupils who already have Children's University passports we can now stamp all the activities you do to help you achieve those certificates. For those children who don't have and would like to get a passport these are obtainable from the local primary schools. So, don't forget to bring those passports along. I can't wait to start stamping your accredited hours of learning.


Easter Holidays From Monday April 8th until Monday April 22rd. Classes will restart on Tuesday April 23rd, Have a good holiday everyone and don't eat too many Easter eggs.


Closing the show


To all you wonderful troupe dancers who performed at Liverpool on St Patrick's day, we will be dancing again at the Blackpool Opera House on July 21st. It is on a Sunday this time because apparently all Saturdays at the Opera House are busy. I hope not too many of you will have started your holidays by then because, as all our experienced Blackpool performers know, this is always a really enjoyable day.


Another well done to Miss Karen and the troupe dancers for their performance at the Liverpool Empire on St Patrick's day. Two dances this time. The first performed was Dream Girls which has been danced so brilliantly at Disney in Paris, the Blackpool Opera House, the Southport Atkinson and now, still keeping up the standard, at the Empire. Then because it was St Patrick's Day Karen brought back Lord of the Dance and I could watch this again and again. With our excellently trained dancers (ages ranging from 6 to 18) excecuting Karen's choreography this never fails to excite and got a rousing response from the audience. It was a fitting performance with which to close the show. We felt very proud of you all. The photo shows the dancers backstage waiting to perform Lord of the Dance.


Half term holiday is coming up already. Monday February 18 to Saturday February 23rd inclusive. Classes resume Monday February 25th.


The DVDs of the show are now ready. They are only £10 a set of 2 and all the proceeds are going to the Alzheimer's Society. There is a form on the notice board to use to order any but they are available to everyone not just those connected with the school. If interested phone 01704 567152


NEW TERM After a busy winter term, appearing at Disney Paris, the Blackpool Opera House and then everyone in our own show at the Atkinson, we are ready to start again. Classes restart on Monday January 7th. We cater for all ages from 2 1/2 years . We teach ballet, modern stage, tap and jazz. Prices of individual classes are from £38 to £45 a term but everyone is entitled to a free taster class. Adult classes include ballet and tap. We have a beginners tap class if you are just starting out or haven't done it for a long time. and a more advanced class for those with more experience.


Night two of Razzle Dazzle.Thank you everyone, back stage as well as dancers, for making this a fantastic show. Karen and I are so very proud of you all.


Razzle Dazzle. First night of our show. Well done everyone, backstage as well as on. You should all feel very proud of yourselves.


Less than two weeks to go! Get your tickets now for a great show and remember all proceeds are going to the Alzheimers Society so come along and enjoy!


Miss Karen and the troupe dancers - you have done it again. I am so proud of you. Your performance to Dream Girls at the Blackpool Opera House was brilliant. For those of you unable to see them dance this number you will get the chance at our Razzle Dazzle concert on November 30th and December 1st at the Atkinson.


Wow! Karen, Disney dancers - what can I say? Not having been able to see you dance from our non-existant view point from the wings at the back, watching Kate's grandfather's expertly produced video gave me my first chance to watch you all properly. I knew you had all done brilliantly from all the comments at the time, many from very discerning critics and not just loving parents, but I didn't realise just how good you had been. You were absolutely fantastic. Well done everyone, particularly Karen and thank you so much Mr Fleetwood for producing such a professional looking video.


New time table showing alterations in times of modern and tap. Thursdays 5.00-5.45 grade 5 tap 5.45-6.30 grade 6 modern 6.30-7.15 gold jazz... 7.15-8.00 adult tap 8.00 -8.45 beginners' adult tap Friday 4.30-5.00 Primary tap 5.00-5.30 grade 1 modern 5.30-6.00 grade 1 tap 6.00 -6.45 grade 2 modern 6.45-7.45 senior troupe 7.45-8.30 adv 1 modern 8.30-9.15 adv 1 tap Saturdays 9.15-10.00 tots ballet 10.15-10.45 grade 2 tap 10.45-11.30 grade 3 modern 11.30-12.00 bronze jazz 12.00-1.00 junior troupe 1.00 to 1.45 grade 4 modern 1.45-2.30 grade 4 tap
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Following on from our hugely successful show in Disneyland Paris, we are getting ready for our new term.
We offer classes in ballet, modern stage, tap and jazz at all levels including adults.
... From our ballet based but informal tots class for 2 ½ to 4 year olds, the classes gradually become more structured so that those who want to pursue a career in dancing are well equipped to go on to vocational dance schools. We are here for those who love to dance; whether career or hobby.
All staff are RAD/ISTD qualified. New pupils are entitled to a free taster session. For further information message us through this page or phone 01704 567152/500343.
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Congratulations to several pupils who have passed the difficult vocational exams with brilliant results.Tash Davies, Kayla Jones, Jess Jones and Lauren Jones got the Intermediate tap. Jess and Lauren ,Olivia Rigby and Fleur Daly passed the intermediate Modern Stage. Well done girls.

More about Sereno School Of Dance

Sereno School Of Dance is located at 117A Eastbank Street, PR8 1DQ Southport
01704 567152___01704 500343