Shahid Bukhari

About Shahid Bukhari

Practitioner in Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, specialising in Eastern (Tibb) Medicine.

Shahid Bukhari Description

Shahid enjoyed a successful career in the field of computing, and co-starting and successfully ran a number of IT companies and offered consultancy. After studying traditional medicine for some years inspired by a number of practitioners, Shahid graduated in Tibb Traditional Medicine and Herbalism.

As a child, Shahid noticed, when he visited aboard, that most of the older members of the community went to consult practitioners of natural medicine, preferring them over so called modern health care providers as they felt that pharmacological medicines, in the long term, left them feeling weaker and worse off. This left a lasting impression and shaped Shahid’s understanding of different schools of medicine. Shahid found, in his own experience, that treatment targeting root causes of illness met with better long-term well-being and this persuaded him to follow his instincts into a profound and ancient profession.

Because Shahid wanted to experience living in an healthy environment, he spent a number of years living in a natural and holistic place; in the semi desert. Thereby obtaining a appreciation and an understanding the life of simplicity where there was very little in terms of pharmaceutical drugs used but more natural remedies. The people here were living simple but lived long and very few people were ill which also helped clear Shahid’s mind in following his heart and passion in caring for people.

Shahid initially started a Clinic in London but then moved to Manchester opening his own highly success practice in Northwest England. Shahid is a Master Iridologist and studied Irdiology at the Holistic Health College with Peter (late) and Angela Bradbury. Currently, he is studying for a Post Graduate Diploma In Homeopathy.

Shahid is also interested in helping the community and is a trust member of an esteemed Greensville Trust in the North of England.

More about Shahid Bukhari

Shahid Bukhari is located at M22 Manchester, United Kingdom