Shap Post Office

Monday: 05:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 05:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 05:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 05:00 - 17:30
Friday: 05:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 05:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00

About Shap Post Office

A family run Post Office and Village Store for Papers & magazines, fresh homemade sandwiches and cakes, Hot & Cold drinks, Cards & giftwrap, National Lottery, and loads more!



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This weeks Heralds are in and on sale now!
... We will be delivering to our Home Delivery customers tomorrow instead of Saturday.
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рҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖпёҸрҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖпёҸрҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖпё ҸрҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖпёҸрҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖпёҸрҹҗЈрҹҢәвҳҖ пёҸ
Our opening hours for this Easter are:
Good Friday 7 am to 12 noon... Saturday (20th) 5 am to 7 pm Easter Sunday 8 am to 12 noon Easter Monday 7 am to 12 noon
The Herald will be on sale from late afternoon on Thursday and deliveries will be made on Good Friday рҹ—һ
Pensions and other benefits that are normally paid on a Monday will be available on the previous Thursday/ Good Friday.
Have a great Easter break everyone and thank you for your continued support рҹҳҢ
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Just a few recent Trip Advisor reviews which are very much appreciated, especially as businesses like ours donвҖҷt seem to fit into any particular category on Trip Advisor. Thank you for your continued support вҳәпёҸx


рҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮв ҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮвҳҖпё Ҹ
Well just look whatвҖҷs happened to the weather now our Slush Machine is back in for Summer! рҹҺүThere is 25% off until Easter Monday рҹҺү and this weeks flavours are Blue Raspberry or Mixed Fruit (which tastes just like Vimto) рҹҳӢ
... рҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮв ҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮвҳҖпёҸрҹҚ“рҹҘӨрҹҚҮрҹҢҹ< br> See More


As an independent family business we would really appreciate your feedback. So if you like what we do and you can spare 2 minutes to review us, we would be forever grateful. With thanks рҹҳҠ


рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·р ҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·
рҹҺүTHEYвҖҷRE BACK! рҹҺү The 2019 Lake District Pounds Are now available to buy and use... at the only outlet in Shap ANDERSONS VILLAGE NEWSAGENTS AND POST OFFICE
Lake District Pounds are worth the same as Sterling pounds. But only unique, local, independent businesses accept the LDВЈ, so you know youвҖҷre supporting our community when you spend them, and it costs nothing to swap your cash for LDВЈ.
As well as having an assortment of notes available, we also have Collectors Cards which contain a full set of perfect, uncirculated, 2019 Lake District Pounds - all featuring your own unique serial number.
Also available for the adventurous among us, we have LDВЈ Passports so you can follow the LDВЈ Passport Trail and collect stamps from the local businesses who display window stickers. #lakedistrictpound
рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·р ҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·рҹ’·
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рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·р ҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’° Shap Post Office is not just a place to post your letters and parcels We have experience in high street banking and are more than happy to help with your ... day to day Business and Personal Banking needs Check out below, the services we are able offer, whoever you bank with. We pride ourselves on our Customer Service and appreciate the support of you, our loyal customers. рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·р ҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’°
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рҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸр ҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпё Ҹрҹ’җ New design just in рҹҳҳ One4All gift cards Especially for Mothers Day Accepted in over 55,000 stores nationwide ... and online. Would make a perfect gift for a special Mum This Sunday
рҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸр ҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’җрҹ’•рҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпё Ҹрҹ’җ
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рҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпё Ҹрҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖ пёҸрҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’•рҹ’җрҹ’ҒвҖҚв ҷҖпёҸ
рҹ’қ MOTHERS DAY 31st MARCH рҹ’қ
As well as our wide range of Mothers Day cards, chocolates and gifts, we will also have our usual Homemade Cupcakes and Sweet Bags which can be filled with your choice of sweets and gift wrapped and personalised at no extra chargeрҹҳҳ... All cupcake orders will be ready for collection from Saturday 30th and there will be a selection (similar to the ones in the picture) on sale in the shop рҹ§Ғрҹ’– Thank you for your continued support вҳәпёҸ
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рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ір ҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’і
Did you know that Shap Post Office offers a range of banking services in branch which means you can withdraw, deposit or collect cash from your bank account?
Cash withdrawal: Yes - with card and PIN *** Cheque deposit: Yes - with personalised paying in slip and deposit envelope *** Payments in: Yes вҖ“ with card or with personalised paying in slip *** Balance enquiry: Yes - with card and PIN *** If you have any questions or concerns call in and see us or contact us on 01931 716450
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рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•р ҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’• Keeping the staff happy today Must be Valentines Day or something рҹҳҒ #cheesescones #homemade #freshoutoftheoven... рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•р ҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•рҹ§Җрҹ’•
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рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•р ҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§Ғ
As well as cards, chocolates and flowers we will also have homemade cupcakes for you to treat your special person this Valentines Day. Or you could just treat yourself рҹҳҳ
... рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•р ҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§ҒрҹҚ«рҹ’•рҹ’Ңрҹ’җрҹ§Ғ
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рҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ір ҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’ірҹ’·рҹ’і
... Did you know that Shap Post Office offers a range of banking services in branch which means you can withdraw, deposit or collect cash from your bank account?
Cash withdrawal: Yes - with card and PIN *** Cheque deposit: Yes - with personalised paying in slip and deposit envelope *** Payments in: Yes вҖ“ with card or with personalised paying in slip *** Balance enquiry: Yes - with card and PIN *** If you have any questions or concerns call in or contact us 01931 716450
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What a surprise to receive this lovely letter рҹҳҠ We are delighted to have not only been nominsted by the public, but to have also reached the final in our category, after being mystery shopped рҹ•өпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ•өрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ‘Җ Thank you to everyone who has voted so far рҹ’•рҹ’• #independentfamilybusiness #shapcumbria


We would like to wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy & Peaceful New Year 2019 and thank you for your continued support.
We never forget that without you and our wonderful staff, we couldnвҖҷt do what we do, so thank you for making this past year another happy one for us
We are open today until noon then the Shop and the Post Office will be closed tomorrow for News Years Day. We will reopen on Wednesday at the usual time of 5.00 am.... Have a Great New Years Day everyone рҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺү
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рҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺ ҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸр ҹҺҒ
All of us at Shap Post Office would like to wish our customers, friends and family a brilliant Christmas 2018... We would like to thank you for your loyal support over the last 12 months and we are looking forward to another busy year
рҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺ ҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸр ҹҺҒ
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рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…р ҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…
One4all Christmas Gift Cards are still available from our Post Office Counter.
... Available from ВЈ10 up to ВЈ400
The One4all gift card can be used in thousands of outlets or online including M & S and Primark to name but two.
We are open tomorrow until 4.30 pm рҹҳҠ
рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…р ҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…
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рҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„в ҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпё Ҹ
Our Christmas and New Year Opening Hours Phew looking forward to the 2 days off вҳәпёҸ
... рҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„в ҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпёҸрҹҺҒрҹҺүрҹҺ„вҳғпё Ҹ
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Super duper service from lovely people. A proper paper shop with sweeties and a vital post office for our village.


Dave and Bev were so helpful when I was sending off a parcel today, they helped me post it as I was unsure how to post such a large parcel and they told me how best to pack it! Thank you both! пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


Super duper service from lovely people. A proper paper shop with sweeties and a vital post office for our village.


Dave and Bev were so helpful when I was sending off a parcel today, they helped me post it as I was unsure how to post such a large parcel and they told me how best to pack it! Thank you both! пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ

More about Shap Post Office

Shap Post Office is located at Manchester House, Main Street, CA10 3NL Shap
Monday: 05:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 05:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 05:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 05:00 - 17:30
Friday: 05:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 05:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00