Slr Hypnotherapy



Day 8 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle
Why I started my business: the simple answer is to help people. I’ve always loved making people feel better or helping out if I can whether that be simple help for family and friends, helping students achieve their potential or helping colleagues out at work by sharing resources. I just like to make people’s lives easier if I can and therefore a little bit better. I couldn’t imagine a life where I wasn...’t involved with people in some way.
I found myself forever recommending hypnotherapy to people as a means to overcome or achieve anything as I knew, from my own hypnobirthing experience, just how powerful it could be and how effective. It was only after convincing a few people to try it out that I had my lightbulb moment of realising that actually I could do it myself. And by doing so I could finally get my other greatest wish- to be around more for my children as they grow up. Working for myself would mean I wouldn’t have to sacrifice either.
And so, quite impulsively, I booked myself onto both a hypnotherapy diploma course and a hypnobirthing training course and here I am! I love that I still get to feel the same emotions that I had teaching and the same satisfaction as I watch people transform and develop in ways they didn’t even know possible.
#hypnotherapy #relaxation #hypnotherapist #hypnobirthing #anxietyreduction #stressrelief #helpingpeople #thewhy
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Day 7 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle
My first ‘proper job’ was as a legal assistant/paralegal in a law firm in Milton Keynes the year I graduated. I remember being so excited as this was what was going to get me to where I wanted to be. It was all set out in my head. I was good friends with the girls I worked with and we had a blast. The employers were not so lovely and it soon became apparent that I didn’t want to work like that, or ther...e for much longer. It made me doubt everything about everything I’d ever wanted career wise but I decided that happiness came first so I handed in my notice and left.
My husband (boyfriend at the time) was fab and so supportive as I spent the next six months re-evaluating and figuring out my next move and that was when I started teaching. Another hard job but sooooo much more rewarding.
It was only after having my children that I realised I needed more. More time to focus on our family and more freedom to do what felt right for me at this time.
After 8 years it was scary but I decided to have a (possibly long) break from teaching and qualify as a hypnotherapist. Who knows now what the next 8 years will bring but I’m excited to find out.
#hypnotherapy #hypnotherapist #hypnobirthing #relaxation #stressrelief #anxietyreduction #workingformyself #majorlifechanges #aylesbury
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Day 5 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle
University was always part of my ‘plan’ so straight after a-levels off I went to Nottingham (it fitted within the two hour distance limit my mum had given me!). Nottingham Trent was a city campus and I loved being right in the middle of it. I definitely wouldn’t say I lived or loved the ‘uni life’. I’ve always been quite good with small groups of friends and I find my people and stick with them so I’t a massive party animal with a group of 20-30 friends. I loved that I got to live with my home bestie in my second year and she brought @lknardone into my life. My one longstanding uni friend! 😘 I worked hard while I was there (law lectures and seminars always seemed to be the only 9am ones 🤦🏼‍♀️) and also whist I was home - I worked in a local pub each holiday in order to fund the next term and still managed to max my overdraft by the time I left my final year. I look back at my university days fondly but I don’t think they were the best days of my life like they are for some people. I’m grateful I had the experience and met the people I did - and again, it got me where I wanted. I finished uni and did some temp work until I got my first job as a legal assistant/paralegal in a law firm.
#nottinghamtrent #universitydays #graduate2008 #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapist #hypnobirthing #stressrelief #relaxation
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Day 5 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle.
I loved school. Probably not as much as I think I did in my head (possible rose tinted glasses!) but I don’t ever look back at it as a negative time. In fact I loved it so much I became a teacher 😆 and got to see the other side of it all. I’ve always liked working hard and I suppose, learning came naturally to me. I was considered a ‘boffin’ but liked it, I’m a natural geek and proud 🙌🏻 I did well at ...a school where that wasn’t the normal expectation and it got me to where I wanted to be. @theartsva and I stuck together and went to a new school for a-levels which wasn’t the same but again, got me to where I needed despite me bunking off more than I ever had before! 🙈 It makes me so sad when people haven’t had a good school experience as it can give you so much and that’s what I always tried to give as a teacher - positive memories of school (and in particular, English lessons!) that last. 😊
#proudtobeageek #hypnotherapist #hypnobirthing #relaxation #hypnotherapy #smallbizowner #mumboss #schoolmemories
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Day 4 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle
What did I want to be when I grew up?
After an initial want to be an air hostess the answer was always a solicitor. It never changed after that... the whole way through secondary school, a-levels and university where step 1 was completed and I got my law degree 👩🏼‍🎓. It was only when I was doing my LPC part time and working in a solicitors firm that I doubted my choice. It wasn’t right. The bit I was b...est at was being with and helping the clients not having to follow set procedures and restrictions when they didn’t feel right. So I left! Major life change one followed shortly after and I ventured into teaching. Not something I’d ever thought of growing up but I loved it and was very happy in that career for 8 years. I was in charge is my own space and had the freedom to plan and create lessons that felt right to me. It was a tough job but I loved it and do still miss aspects of it every day. 😊 Hypnotherapy wasn’t something I was even aware of growing up so I’m pleased that my children and my friend’s children will always know that it’s there.
#hypnotherapist #hypnotherapy #hypnobirthing #relaxation #smallbizowner #mumboss #stressrelief #changeisalwayspossible
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Day 3 of #thebeinginbusiness with @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle.
I have found this really difficult. I never knew I had so many and absolutely cannot pick a favourite but it’s clear what stands out the most - the spontaneous and unplanned things that happened between my mum, my sister and I (as it was just us three 💪🏻) are the best... the days where we snuggled in my mum’s bed when we were poorly and we always had our ‘sickie blankets’, or the two seconds of hair st...roking where I was determined not to fall asleep so she’d keep going 🙈 and then the day she decided we were painting the kitchen lime green, and off we went to the shops 😆 these things just happened. Nothing planned and extravagant but wonderful still the same. Feeling loved and supported always, I hope my girls look back and feel the same. The other favourite childhood memories I have involve my grandparents who had us for numerous sleepovers involving keeping track of ‘who gets the big bed’, cheese and crackers for supper, bacon for breakfast and the goodie box always being stocked with chocolate! What a lovely trip down memory lane, thanks @thewhitethistle and @thefreestylecoach. This is fun! 😍 #memories #hypnotherapist #relaxation #smallbizowner #hypnobirthing #mumboss #anxietyreduction #stressrelief
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After a wonderful introductory period I am going to be changing things slightly for my relaxation classes from the end of September.
So, September is the last month where all sessions will be £5 whether they are drop in or pre-paid. From the end of September pre-paid classes will still be £5 a session when booked for the month but I am increasing the drop in price to £7. Not a massive difference but a nice treat and thank you for you regular attendees 😊
#hypnotherapist #hypnotherapist #relaxation #relaxyourmind #relaxyourbody #selfcare #selfesteem #anxietyreduction #hypnobirthing #stressrelief #smallbizowner #mumboss


Day two of @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle and their #thebeinginbusiness - where I grew up.
I was born and raised in Aylesbury (hence the ducks) and still live here now. I had a break and change for three years at uni when I lived in Nottingham and loved the city life and close proximity to everything. We then brought our first two houses in Milton Keynes and lived there for 5 years as we both worked there at the time. Our eldest daughter was born in Milton Keynes an...d we absolutely loved living there. But, after our struggles with our eldest as a newborn I was determined that I wanted to be closer to family if we were to have any more children... so yet again we moved (to house number three 🙈) back to Aylesbury. I’m so thankful every day that we are now so close to family and the girls get to grow up seeing their cousins most days and their grandparents and great-grandparents so easily. 45 minutes isn’t far but when you feel lonely and isolated and are struggling it feels a lot more. I’m really close to my sister and we now live round the corner from each other so moving back here was definitely the best decision for our family 😍
#hypnotherapist #aylesbury #relaxation #hyonotherapy #mumpreneur #hypnobirthing #bewhereisright #familylife #wemovehousealot
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Day one of #thebeinginbusiness challenge to share snippets of my story and my business. I’m excited to start this as I’ve found that ‘putting myself out there’ has been one of the hardest parts about starting my own business so joining in with other people has given me the boost to start sharing more frequently 🙌🏻.
I’m Steph 👋🏻, mum of two gorgeous girls, ex secondary school teacher and now a hypnotherapist. Quite a leap to make but I am loving it... despite all the uncertai...nty and doubt 🙈.
I’m pretty normal (ish), I love September as a new beginning as it’s always been the start of a new year for me so am thrilled this challenge is now. I’m a lover of candles, coffee, wine and now gin! I really enjoy being at home and cosy yet I wear flip flops for as much of the year as is possible, even when it’s cold! My husband thinks I have a notebook addiction and I’m forever changing rooms around in my house... I like change when I’m in control of it!
My love of hypnotherapy began when I used hypnobirthing for my second daughter and I’ve loved learning more about how it can be used to make people feel better about themselves. Helping people to feel better makes me happy. 😊
#thebeinginbusiness #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapyworks #mumboss #relaxation #aylesbury #challengeaccepted #whoami
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I’m in 🙋🏼‍♀️. Really excited to be joining @thefreestylecoach and @thewhitethistle for their September challenge competition.
I’ll be positing my answers each day to their prompts and sharing a bit more about me and my business story along with everyone else on the #thebeinginbusiness journey.
I can’t wait to find out a bit more about lots of other businesses and people I follow and respect as they participate too.
... #letsgetstarted #excited #mustremebertopostdaily #businessmum #hypnotherapist #hypnobirthing #hypnotherapy #aylesbury #positivity
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A really great offer for all new mummies out there. A full postnatal check is so essential but so overlooked. Delinda is lovely and will put you at ease immediately... and then help fix you if you need it! I took my baby for mine and found it so informative and useful. Would definitely recommend. 👍


Finalising dates for the next taster session in September. 🙌🏻 If you’re interested in finding out more about hypnobirthing, how and why it works or hypnotherapy in general this is a fab opportunity for you to find out and more and leave with some usable skills to start practising immediately. No obligation at all just a chance to have your questions answered 😊 #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapyworks #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingclass #aylesbury #bucks #mumboss #positivethinking #relaxation #calmmind


Have you ever felt like you struggle to switch your brain off? Or perhaps you feel continually stressed and anxious but can’t quite pinpoint why? Or just generally feel like you wish you could be calmer and more positive about yourself or about particular situations? You might just be a busy parent or have a job that requires a lot of you and feel like you need to do something for yourself that requires minimal input for maximum gain. If this sounds even remotely familiar the...n properly and fully relaxing could be of great benefit to you.
A deep, hypnotic relaxation will enable you to see the difference between what you may consider to be relaxing (on the sofa, drink in hand watching the tv?) with what true relaxation can feel like. And with regular practice you can master blocking the world out and feel more in control of your mind.
A full, deep and hypnotic relaxation is on offer weekly on Monday evenings, 8pm at Fairford Leys Community Centre for £5. My relaxation sessions can give you the opportunity for not only a deep relaxation and chance to just ‘be’, but positivity, calmness, optimism and a greater feeling of self esteem that lasts.
All you need to bring is a yoga mat and a pillow (blankets, socks and eye masks are optional... as are pyjamas!) to ensure maximum comfort as you lay down and allow yourself some time for you.
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A nice summer holiday offer for you all ... sign up for all of August and get one class free. Spread the word and I’ll see some of you at 8pm. Pay as you go drop ins are still available, this is just a little treat for those of you who want to come every week to make time for yourself, reset and come away with a nice self esteem boost and some positivity. 😊


Final reminder for my free hypnobirthing workshop tomorrow morning, 10:15-11:00am at Fairford Leys Community Centre. Come along and find out how you can achieve the labour and birth you want using hypnosis. This is a no obligation session and there will be no ‘sales pitch’ from me - just a chance to give you some information and for you to ask any questions you might have. Hope to see you there 😊


Blankets might actually be needed for this week’s classes! If being cosy and snuggled up warm will help you to switch off, be peaceful and relax then please bring one and enjoy 😊. The heat has been hard work for some people so hopefully you’ll all have an even more wonderful relaxation session this week 🤞🏻 see you Sunday morning or Monday evening.


We all experience hypnosis every day. Every time we fall asleep or wake up, every time you find yourself day dreaming or distracted, every time you’re driving without really thinking about exactly what you are doing. It’s all hypnosis. There’s nothing weird in hypnotherapy, it’s just using these every day trances and deepening them to allow you to be open to suggestions for positive change. It’s relaxing and peaceful and incredibly powerful. My relaxation classes are a chance for you to experience part of this. However, there’s no element of change or therapy, only a peaceful mind and a bit of positivity. 😊


**For all expectant couples**
I am so excited to announce that I am holding a free hypnobirthing essential workshop on Sunday 5th August at 10:15 am. Come and find out why so many people are now using hypnosis to help them through labour and birth.
This session will be a brief taster of what to expect from a hypnobirthing course; why relaxation is essential for labour, what hypnosis is and a chance for you to experience what it feels like to be in a trance. It’s also your opp...ortunity to have any questions answered by a hypnotherapist.
You can come away feeling more knowledgable and more confident in a decision regarding hypnobirthing and which courses may be right for you.
It’s completely free and open to anyone interested or possibly interested in using hypnosis for birth. So why not come along? There’s nothing to lose and the opportunity to see that you absolutely can have the right labour and birth for you and your baby.
Please message or contact me for more details and information or to reserve a place. Please share and spread the word. 😊
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Really looking forward to this week’s relaxation classes. I missed last Sunday’s class.
It’s so wonderful to give everyone the chance to fully relax, let go of worries and leave feeling refreshed, and more of top of things... and maybe have a sneaky nap too! 😴
Time for yourself is so important and it’s lovely to be in a room surrounded by people who appreciate this and the benefits of real downtime and relaxation.
... See you in the morning or on Monday evening. 😊
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