Social Responsibility At The University Of Manchester

About Social Responsibility At The University Of Manchester

Social Responsibility at The University of Manchester

Social Responsibility At The University Of Manchester Description

Social responsibility describes the way we are making a difference to the social and economic well-being of our communities through our teaching, research and public events and activities. Social responsibility is one of our three core strategic goals in our Manchester 2020 strategy, sitting equally alongside our commitments to world-class research and outstanding learning and student experience.

We have committed to pursuing change across five social responsibility priorities:
- Research with Impact
- Socially-Responsible Graduates
- Engaging our Communities
- Responsible Processes
- Environmental Sustainability



Due to an outstanding demand after the closing date, we have now re-opened Purple Wave registrations for a limited time only! If you missed your chance, sign-up now before all discounted places sell out.


We are delighted to announce that the University of Manchester has been ranked the best in Europe and 3rd out of more than 500 universities around the world by the THE for our social and environmental impact


The deadline to sign up to the University's Purple Wave is this Friday (5 April) at 5pm! Sign up now and don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the biggest University wave in the country.
Lemn Sisay tells us why it's good to get involved. lbei…/…/purplewave/


Come along to our free Community Festival packed with fun and activities for all the family.
On 15 June we are throwing open our doors to our local friends and neighbours to discover the variety of things we do here at the University of Manchester. Go behind the scenes at the University to find out all about our work and get hands-on with our exciting activities.
Join us for a fun-filled day of hands-on activities, including: live experiments, interactive demonstrations, work...shops, music and performances, the chance to meet our staff, researchers and scientists and much much more.
Everyone welcome!
See More


For a free, interactive festival of exploration, where kids can discover the fun behind science and engineering, head down to @intuTrafford for ScienceX on 9-10 March ScienceX is a festival like no other: bursting with fun, exciting, educational activities for children, and open to all.
Discover what the world of science and engineering is really about, with the help of robots, racing cars, and more....


Never run before? Does 10K seem too daunting? This year The University of Manchester is running a 2K & 5K Run in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University and The Great Run on Wednesday 27th February in Platt Fields Park.
Whether you're a student, staff or alumni, come and run, walk or jog with us at any of the times below and be part of the iconic #purplewave.
12.20pm - 5K (£3)... 1.30pm - 2K (£2) 2.15pm - 5K (£3)
Cost includes a free purple running t-shirt (value of £19.99) to be worn on event day.
See More


Never run before? 10K seem too daunting?
Start your preparation early - This year @OfficialUoM are running 2K & 5K runs with @ManMetUni and The Great Run on Weds 27 Feb in Platt Fields Park.
Start small and join us to run, walk or jog and still be part of the #purplewave


For a free, interactive festival of exploration, where kids can discover the fun behind science and engineering, head down to @intuTrafford for ScienceX on 9-10 March
ScienceX is a festival like no other: bursting with fun, exciting, educational activities for children, and open to all. Discover what the world of science and engineering is really about, with the help of robots, racing cars, and more @intuTrafford on 9-10 March
To all the young thrill-seekers, space explorers, creative minds and future scientists and engineers - get inspired at ScienceX @intuTrafford on 9-10 March!


Considering running as part of the Purple Wave this year at the Manchester Great Run?
Why not try your hand at our Manchester Universities 2k or 5k run first on Wednesday, 27 February in partnership with UoM Sport and Manchester Met Sport


The People’s Vote for the Better World Showcase is still open.
You can visit University Place until Friday 25 Jan to view the posters. Find out more about our nominees and vote here:


Do you know someone who is making a difference to the social wellbeing of our communities or wider society?
Enter them for a Making a Difference Award - There's just over 12 hours left to enter! So complete the entry form now!


The People’s Vote is now open for the Better World Showcase. Come to C Floor in Renold Building between 14-18 Jan, or University Place from 21-25 Jan, to find out more about our nominees. See all nominations and vote for your favourite here


The People’s Vote is now open for the Better World Showcase. Come to C Floor in Renold Building between 14-18 Jan, or University Place from 21-25 Jan, to find out more about our nominees. See all nominations and vote for your favourite here...


We're celebrating the impact our staff and students have on society, and you can be part of it.
Enter or nominate someone for the Making a Difference Awards. Deadline 21 January.


There are nine categories in our Making a Difference Awards. Take a look and find out which category is right for your project and enter now.




Dungeons of democracy - SOCIAL NETWORK CENSORED and other forms of violence to silence independent journalists victims of abuses...

Os “subterrâneos da democracia”, in portuguese ...

... Em meio ao charco moral que vivemos há mais de 20 anos, estamos levando ao Judiciário Brasileiro questionamentos bastante relevantes e oportunos sobre direitos e deveres constitucionais. Preceitos que devem ser respeitados por todos os brasileiros. Ou não ?????


- Um político, ou o "Legislativo" como alguns preferem (diluindo responsabilidades), está autorizado a usar o poder conferido nas urnas para interferir a favor de seus cupinchas na iniciativa privada, esfera totalmente estranha ao serviço público???

- A Constituição Brasileira confere a um homem público o poder de pedir a cabeça, prejudicar irremediavelmente um(a) jornalista independente, sem qualquer vínculo partidário e que, por isso mesmo jamais seria útil a projetos de poder ???

-Nesse mesmo cenário, inimaginável num Estado Democrático de Direito, um presidente da república poderia ignorar o capítulo das garantias fundamentais que asseguram direitos iguais para todos os cidadãos brasileiros ??? Poderia ele interferir a favor de profissionais de sua confiança, em qualquer segmento da sociedade, de acordo com suas conveniências pessoais e políticas, em detrimento dos direitos dos que recusam proteção dessa natureza, mesmo sofrendo violento assédio moral por parte dos que têm blindagem oficial e certeza absoluta da impunidade ???

No nosso entendimento, trata-se de um exemplo típico de abuso de poder, só possível em regimes totalitários como o que vivemos de 64 a 85.

Numa democracia seria o impensável. Uma promiscuidade entre o público e o privado, corrupção, um achincalhe.

Como nós, outros cidadãos brasileiros também devem estar buscando respostas para situações inimagináveis como essas. E há muito tempo.

São os devidos, e já absurdamente tardios pontos nos iiiii.


Whatever the human law may be, and that is not the case, neither an individual nor a nation can commit the least act of injustice against the obscurest individual without having to pay the penalty for it. By hook or crook .

Elizabeth Buchmüller

More about Social Responsibility At The University Of Manchester

Social Responsibility At The University Of Manchester is located at 186 Waterloo Place, M139PL Manchester, United Kingdom