Splash Mermaid Academy. Manchester. Fin2Fit

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -

About Splash Mermaid Academy. Manchester. Fin2Fit

We are ManchesterвҖҷs 1st qualified mermaid instructors.
We aim to bring a child's dream a reality, by providing mermaid lessons, experiences and parties.



рҹҺ…рҹҺ… Ultimate Christmas experience last few spaces рҹҺ…рҹҺ… рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸMermaid & Shark Christmas Experience partyрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ рҹҺ…Saturday 15th DecemberрҹҺ… рҹҺ…2.15pm рҹҺ… An afternoon of magical fun рҹҺ…
рҹҗ¬ come along & make your children's dreams come true- watch as they transform into a mermaid or shark for an hours fun in the pool рҹҗ¬
... рҹҗ a visit from santa with a private meet & greet who will bring each child an ocean inspired present & certificateрҹҗ
рҹҗіmeet our real life mermaid who will show you her mermaid skills & tell tails of the seas рҹҗі
рҹҗҷ lots of photo opportunities & lots of fun and magical memories to be made рҹҗҷ
рҹҰ‘ try a taste of our sea food inspired buffet, experiencing what mermaids & sharks eat & enjoy a sea themed cocktail рҹҰ‘
рҹҗҹMagical Mermaid & Shark Experience party- limited spaces рҹҗҹ
ВЈ40 secures your child's place- book now by messaging the page to avoid disappointment. Last year's was fully booked рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҺ…
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рҹҺ…рҹҺ… Ultimate Christmas experience last few spaces рҹҺ…рҹҺ… рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸMermaid & Shark Christmas Experience partyрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ рҹҺ…Saturday 15th DecemberрҹҺ… рҹҺ…2.15pm рҹҺ…
рҹҗ¬ come along & make your children's dreams come true- watch as they transform into a mermaid or shark for an hours fun in the pool рҹҗ¬
... рҹҗ a visit from santa with a private meet & greet who will bring each child an ocean inspired present & certificateрҹҗ
рҹҗіmeet our real life mermaid who will show you her mermaid skills & tell tails of the seas рҹҗі
рҹҗҷ lots of photo opportunities & lots of fun and magical memories to be made рҹҗҷ
рҹҰ‘ try a taste of our sea food inspired buffet, experiencing what mermaids & sharks eat & enjoy a sea themed cocktail рҹҰ‘
рҹҗҹMagical Mermaid & Shark Experience party- limited spaces рҹҗҹ
ВЈ40 secures your child's place- book now by messaging the page to avoid disappointment. Last year's was fully booked рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҺ…
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рҹҺ…рҹҺ… Ultimate Christmas experience рҹҺ…рҹҺ…
рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸMermaid & Shark Christmas Experience party рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
рҹҺ…рҹҺ…Saturday 15th DecemberрҹҺ…рҹҺ… ... рҹҺ…рҹҺ… 2.15pm рҹҺ…рҹҺ…
рҹҗ¬ come along & make your children's dreams come true- watch as they transform into a mermaid or shark for an hours fun in the pool рҹҗ¬
рҹҗ a visit from santa with a meet & greet who will bring each child a present & certificateрҹҗ
рҹҗіmeet our real life mermaid who will show you her mermaid skills & tell tails of the seas рҹҗі
рҹҗҷ lots of photo opportunities & lots of fun and magical memories to be made рҹҗҷ
рҹҰ‘ try a taste of our sea food inspired buffet, experiencing what mermaids & sharks eat & enjoy a sea themed cocktail рҹҰ‘
рҹҗҹMagical Mermaid & Shark Experience party- limited spaces рҹҗҹ
ВЈ40 secures your child's place- book now by messaging the page to avoid disappointment. Last year's was fully booked рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҺ…
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рҹҺғWhat a SPOOKtacular time we have had today where do we start? рҹҺғ
Today we have been, рҹҚҸApple bobbingрҹҚҺ рҹҢҠрҹ‘ҒSearching the oceans for creepy eyeballs рҹҢҠрҹ‘Ғ... рҹҚҒрҹҺғ Pumpkin Racing рҹҺғрҹҚҒ
рҹ‘» And even trying creepy foods in our taste challenge рҹ‘»
Eerie Eyeballs рҹ‘Ғ Worms in dirtрҹҗӣ Bats and ghosts рҹҰҮрҹ‘» Frightening Marshmallows рҹ•· Blood juice рҹҘӨ
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рҹҺғрҹҺғ competition winner Sarah Fleming рҹҺғрҹҺғ рҹҺғ thank you everybody for liking & sharingрҹҺғ рҹҺғ only a few remaining places on our Half term Halloween experiences рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҰҲ a full hour of magical fun watching your children make dreams become reality рҹҺғ


рҹҺғрҹҺғHalf term Halloween competionрҹҺғрҹҺғ рҹҺғFor a chance to win x2 mermaid experiences please like, share & tag 4 friendsрҹҺғwinner will be announced Sunday 21st OctoberрҹҺғExperiences to be redeemed October half term 29th Oct to 2nd NovрҹҺғ рҹҺғlimited spacesрҹҺғ рҹҗҹlooking for a Halloween treat with a difference?рҹҗҹ рҹҗ Join us for an hour of fun & gamesрҹҗ  ... рҹҰҖOctober half term 29th, 30th & 31st 1st & 2nd Novemberрҹҗҷ рҹҗҡlimited places, small class size, from age 4yrs up. ВЈ25 full payment secures placeрҹҗҡ
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рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ¬ exciting news рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ¬ рҹҗҷOctober half term spooky Mermaid Halloween Experience here at Splash mermaid academyрҹҗҷ рҹҗҹlooking for a Halloween treat with a difference?рҹҗҹ рҹҗ Join us for a hour of fun & gamesрҹҗ  рҹҰҖOctober half term 29th, 30th & 31stрҹҰҖ ... рҹҗҡlimited places, small class size, from age 4yrs up. ВЈ25 full payment secures placeрҹҗҡ
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рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ¬ exciting news рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ¬ рҹҗҷOctober half term spooky Mermaid Halloween Experience here at Splash mermaid academyрҹҗҷ рҹҗҹlooking for a Halloween treat with a difference?рҹҗҹ рҹҗ Join us for a hour of fun & gamesрҹҗ  рҹҰҖOctober half term 29th, 30th & 31stрҹҰҖ ... рҹҗҡlimited places, small class size, from age 4yrs up. ВЈ25 full payment secures placeрҹҗҡ
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Beautiful mermaid Freya on her sunny holidays рҹҢһ we have loved seeing all the mermaids рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ from our mermaid courses, taking their tails & skills on holiday рҹҗҷ #mermaidsrock


рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ Mermaid & Shark parties рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ рҹҗҷ 2019 dates now available рҹҗҷ рҹҗҹ are you looking for a party with a difference?? рҹҗҹ рҹҗӢ book early to guarantee party date рҹҗӢ рҹҰҖ each child gets to choose a tail & transform into a mermaid or sharkрҹҰҖ... рҹҗЎ 5* reviews рҹҗЎ
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What better way to spend a misrable wet Saturday afternoon??? рҹҢ§ Here at Splash mermaid academy these girls forget the everyday demands & pressure to become mermaids рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ¬рҹҗҹрҹҗ  Mermaid courses run each Saturday working towards the ASA fin2fit awards schemeрҹҘүрҹҘҲрҹҘҮ Lessons are jam packed with mermaid skills, learning whilst having fun & making forever mermaid friends рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸвқӨрҹ’Ұрҹҗҡ


One of our mermaids Hollie who looks beautiful on her holidays in Spain xвҳҖпёҸрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ№#mermaidsrock


Looking forward to seeing all our mermaids & sharks today after the summer break рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ңвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ҰрҹҗҹрҹҰ Ҳ #mermaidsrock


One of our littlest mermaids Grace who looks beautiful on her holidays in Spain xвҳҖпёҸрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ№#mermaidsrock


Our beautiful mermaid Maddie enjoying her holiday in Portugal #mermaidsrock рҹҢһвӣұрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ


Another one of our beautiful mermaids, Sara enjoying her holidays #mermaidsrock рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ№рҹҢһ


Our beautiful mermaid Madison enjoying her holidays #mermaidsrock рҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ№рҹҢһ


Beautiful mermaid Grace on her holidays in Cornwall. вҳҖпёҸвӣұрҹ§ңрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ Having a mermaizing time in the sea. рҹҸ–вҡ“ Lovely to see our girls on holidaysрҹҗ¬рҹҗі


Yesterday my daughter had the loveliest day surrounded by family and friends celebrating her birthday. But this couldnвҖҷt have happened without some unbelievably generous people going the whole hog for her, after her silly mother completely messed up the party booking, so she could still have the birthday of her dreams and swim like a mermaid.. I canвҖҷt express in words how unbelievable amazing and lovely the staff are at @SplashMermaidAcademy . You are all so wonderful and I cannot praise your care and concern for the children and their experience highly enough!!! Thank you so so much xx


Won as a fb comp and I cannot thank you enough me and my daughter loved every minute of the experience and would love to do it again x the staff are so friendly and made us both really feel at ease x we had the pool to ourselves which was great x great workout also x thanks again and canвҖҷt wait to be a mermaid again soon x


We had a joint party for our girls last week and Wow! An absolutely unbelievable experience! This is by far the best party we have ever had..ever!! 13 girls and every single one of them loved every second of their experience as mermaids. It was so well ran and so safe, our girls were taken such good care of and had so much fun from start to finish. Mine is already asking when we can do it again. I can not explain how much we loved it! Thank you so much.. We are all waiting for the day us mums get to give it a go too пҝҪ


We can on Saturday 16th september for my daughter Freya's 11th Birthday. All staff were just amazing so friendly and understanding as my other daughter 6 who had Autism swam too. There ended up being in 9 children in the group and every one had the best time. Thank you for making it special xx


We booked our girls (4 and 8) a mermaid experience for Christmas and they've just been today! It was a fantastic experience for them, from the friendly man taking their names, the opportunity to take their photos against the undersea background to the swimming experience itself. Just wish we lived nearer!!


Today we had Amelia's party and all of the children had such a magical time!! Not only did you go out of your way to make the birthday girl feel super special but made it such an amazing e experience for all of the children. A special thank you so the man in the pool who supported Amelia's friends who are twins with autism in the pool, the caring kind patient manner you had with them truly made the day perfect. Would highly recommend to everyone! пҝҪпҝҪ


They are fantastic with kids go the extra mile and are more than happy to make every littles ones dreams come true highly recommended my little one loved every minute will definitely be doing it agin thank you xx


The best birthday suprise ever, my daughter and my step daughter had a truly amazing time becoming a mermaid! Thankyou for making it so magical xxxx


Thank you so much for a lovely mermaid experience my 5 year old thoroughly enjoyed it! Staff are lovely and great with the children in the water. Just wish we lived closer to attend more often!


Such a brilliant idea!! My mermaid crazy daughter has been so excited to do this.. she did the one off session...and I have a feeling we will definitely be back. All staff were lovely.. the instructor was lovely and so patient with the children. Thanks for a fantastic experience x


My little girl Lucy won the Facebook competition and wow what can I said fab experience all round for Lucy and her two little friends. Great set up, I can't thank Claire enough! The girls loved every minute of it, we will definitely be returning. Thanks again Katy Xxxx


My daughter came today for the first time, we travelled from the other side of Manchester after her friend won the competition. And wow, what an experience. The girls were living their dream! Everything was well thought out and organised. They packed lots into their time slot. I love that they seem to cater and do different things with different ages and abilities. Our girls are not quite 4 yet, but we're made to felt reassured, and supported! Would highly recommend, and we will definitely be coming back soon.

Thank you x


My daughter absolutely loves her weekly mermaid swims. Shes had the experience . This was fab and is now on her third course of lessons. Every week is different.. one week they even had mermaid party food after.. we are so lucky this is only an hour away for us. My daughter has made lovely friends and the staff could not be nicer and are great with the kids.. see you next week.


Millie went to the experience session today with her 2 friends and absolutely loved it! The staff are lovely and it's very well organised as well as being a dream come true! Thanks for making her feel so welcome. She immediately asked 'when can we come again?' X


I took my mermaid mad girls (7 and 4 year old) to the mermaid experience today which they thoroughly enjoyed. My girls got greeted by a lovely man at reception, Heather was helping my girls to put the tails on, the boy instructors were lovely, especially Jacob who guided my 4 year old in the pool all through the session. My 7 year old finished the session with the question: "Can we come again next week?" Very nice staff, great experience, well thought through the whole concept. Will "have" to come back again! Many thanks to all involved!пҝҪ


Fantastic time doing the mermaid experience both my girls loved it! They thought it was amazing! The man who signed us in made us feel very welcome! And the instructor was really nice! Definitely recommend and will be doing it again!


Evie (7)and her friends 6-7 have been so excited looking forward to the mermaid swim party. It lived up to all their expectations. They all had a fabulous time being a mermaid and being able to swim just like ariel. The boys had a choice of being a shark too. It was all well organised with a Fantastic co ordinator, instructor who was in the pool as well as 3 other helpers making sure all children was having fun and keeping safe in the water. Little ones 3 and 4 years old where very well looked after in the pool ensuring they where having fun and they where safe in the water. Thank you for a party the children will never forget. Making memories. Xxx


Birthday celebration for my daughter who was given a gold star service, thank you all for such a wonderful afternoon.


Amazing 12th birthday party! What a fantastic, professional and well organised event by the team. Friendly, helpful and responsive пҝҪ. The girls had a fabulous time being mermaids пҝҪ thank you! пҝҪ


Yesterday my daughter had the loveliest day surrounded by family and friends celebrating her birthday. But this couldnвҖҷt have happened without some unbelievably generous people going the whole hog for her, after her silly mother completely messed up the party booking, so she could still have the birthday of her dreams and swim like a mermaid.. I canвҖҷt express in words how unbelievable amazing and lovely the staff are at @SplashMermaidAcademy . You are all so wonderful and I cannot praise your care and concern for the children and their experience highly enough!!! Thank you so so much xx


Won as a fb comp and I cannot thank you enough me and my daughter loved every minute of the experience and would love to do it again x the staff are so friendly and made us both really feel at ease x we had the pool to ourselves which was great x great workout also x thanks again and canвҖҷt wait to be a mermaid again soon x


We had a joint party for our girls last week and Wow! An absolutely unbelievable experience! This is by far the best party we have ever had..ever!! 13 girls and every single one of them loved every second of their experience as mermaids. It was so well ran and so safe, our girls were taken such good care of and had so much fun from start to finish. Mine is already asking when we can do it again. I can not explain how much we loved it! Thank you so much.. We are all waiting for the day us mums get to give it a go too пҝҪ


We can on Saturday 16th september for my daughter Freya's 11th Birthday. All staff were just amazing so friendly and understanding as my other daughter 6 who had Autism swam too. There ended up being in 9 children in the group and every one had the best time. Thank you for making it special xx


We booked our girls (4 and 8) a mermaid experience for Christmas and they've just been today! It was a fantastic experience for them, from the friendly man taking their names, the opportunity to take their photos against the undersea background to the swimming experience itself. Just wish we lived nearer!!


Today we had Amelia's party and all of the children had such a magical time!! Not only did you go out of your way to make the birthday girl feel super special but made it such an amazing e experience for all of the children. A special thank you so the man in the pool who supported Amelia's friends who are twins with autism in the pool, the caring kind patient manner you had with them truly made the day perfect. Would highly recommend to everyone! пҝҪпҝҪ


They are fantastic with kids go the extra mile and are more than happy to make every littles ones dreams come true highly recommended my little one loved every minute will definitely be doing it agin thank you xx


The best birthday suprise ever, my daughter and my step daughter had a truly amazing time becoming a mermaid! Thankyou for making it so magical xxxx


Thank you so much for a lovely mermaid experience my 5 year old thoroughly enjoyed it! Staff are lovely and great with the children in the water. Just wish we lived closer to attend more often!


Such a brilliant idea!! My mermaid crazy daughter has been so excited to do this.. she did the one off session...and I have a feeling we will definitely be back. All staff were lovely.. the instructor was lovely and so patient with the children. Thanks for a fantastic experience x


My little girl Lucy won the Facebook competition and wow what can I said fab experience all round for Lucy and her two little friends. Great set up, I can't thank Claire enough! The girls loved every minute of it, we will definitely be returning. Thanks again Katy Xxxx


My daughter came today for the first time, we travelled from the other side of Manchester after her friend won the competition. And wow, what an experience. The girls were living their dream! Everything was well thought out and organised. They packed lots into their time slot. I love that they seem to cater and do different things with different ages and abilities. Our girls are not quite 4 yet, but we're made to felt reassured, and supported! Would highly recommend, and we will definitely be coming back soon.

Thank you x


My daughter absolutely loves her weekly mermaid swims. Shes had the experience . This was fab and is now on her third course of lessons. Every week is different.. one week they even had mermaid party food after.. we are so lucky this is only an hour away for us. My daughter has made lovely friends and the staff could not be nicer and are great with the kids.. see you next week.


Millie went to the experience session today with her 2 friends and absolutely loved it! The staff are lovely and it's very well organised as well as being a dream come true! Thanks for making her feel so welcome. She immediately asked 'when can we come again?' X


I took my mermaid mad girls (7 and 4 year old) to the mermaid experience today which they thoroughly enjoyed. My girls got greeted by a lovely man at reception, Heather was helping my girls to put the tails on, the boy instructors were lovely, especially Jacob who guided my 4 year old in the pool all through the session. My 7 year old finished the session with the question: "Can we come again next week?" Very nice staff, great experience, well thought through the whole concept. Will "have" to come back again! Many thanks to all involved!пҝҪ


Fantastic time doing the mermaid experience both my girls loved it! They thought it was amazing! The man who signed us in made us feel very welcome! And the instructor was really nice! Definitely recommend and will be doing it again!


Evie (7)and her friends 6-7 have been so excited looking forward to the mermaid swim party. It lived up to all their expectations. They all had a fabulous time being a mermaid and being able to swim just like ariel. The boys had a choice of being a shark too. It was all well organised with a Fantastic co ordinator, instructor who was in the pool as well as 3 other helpers making sure all children was having fun and keeping safe in the water. Little ones 3 and 4 years old where very well looked after in the pool ensuring they where having fun and they where safe in the water. Thank you for a party the children will never forget. Making memories. Xxx


Birthday celebration for my daughter who was given a gold star service, thank you all for such a wonderful afternoon.


Amazing 12th birthday party! What a fantastic, professional and well organised event by the team. Friendly, helpful and responsive пҝҪ. The girls had a fabulous time being mermaids пҝҪ thank you! пҝҪ


Yesterday my daughter had the loveliest day surrounded by family and friends celebrating her birthday. But this couldnвҖҷt have happened without some unbelievably generous people going the whole hog for her, after her silly mother completely messed up the party booking, so she could still have the birthday of her dreams and swim like a mermaid.. I canвҖҷt express in words how unbelievable amazing and lovely the staff are at @SplashMermaidAcademy . You are all so wonderful and I cannot praise your care and concern for the children and their experience highly enough!!! Thank you so so much xx


Won as a fb comp and I cannot thank you enough me and my daughter loved every minute of the experience and would love to do it again x the staff are so friendly and made us both really feel at ease x we had the pool to ourselves which was great x great workout also x thanks again and canвҖҷt wait to be a mermaid again soon x


We had a joint party for our girls last week and Wow! An absolutely unbelievable experience! This is by far the best party we have ever had..ever!! 13 girls and every single one of them loved every second of their experience as mermaids. It was so well ran and so safe, our girls were taken such good care of and had so much fun from start to finish. Mine is already asking when we can do it again. I can not explain how much we loved it! Thank you so much.. We are all waiting for the day us mums get to give it a go too пҝҪ


We can on Saturday 16th september for my daughter Freya's 11th Birthday. All staff were just amazing so friendly and understanding as my other daughter 6 who had Autism swam too. There ended up being in 9 children in the group and every one had the best time. Thank you for making it special xx


We booked our girls (4 and 8) a mermaid experience for Christmas and they've just been today! It was a fantastic experience for them, from the friendly man taking their names, the opportunity to take their photos against the undersea background to the swimming experience itself. Just wish we lived nearer!!


Today we had Amelia's party and all of the children had such a magical time!! Not only did you go out of your way to make the birthday girl feel super special but made it such an amazing e experience for all of the children. A special thank you so the man in the pool who supported Amelia's friends who are twins with autism in the pool, the caring kind patient manner you had with them truly made the day perfect. Would highly recommend to everyone! пҝҪпҝҪ


They are fantastic with kids go the extra mile and are more than happy to make every littles ones dreams come true highly recommended my little one loved every minute will definitely be doing it agin thank you xx


The best birthday suprise ever, my daughter and my step daughter had a truly amazing time becoming a mermaid! Thankyou for making it so magical xxxx


Thank you so much for a lovely mermaid experience my 5 year old thoroughly enjoyed it! Staff are lovely and great with the children in the water. Just wish we lived closer to attend more often!


Such a brilliant idea!! My mermaid crazy daughter has been so excited to do this.. she did the one off session...and I have a feeling we will definitely be back. All staff were lovely.. the instructor was lovely and so patient with the children. Thanks for a fantastic experience x


My little girl Lucy won the Facebook competition and wow what can I said fab experience all round for Lucy and her two little friends. Great set up, I can't thank Claire enough! The girls loved every minute of it, we will definitely be returning. Thanks again Katy Xxxx


My daughter came today for the first time, we travelled from the other side of Manchester after her friend won the competition. And wow, what an experience. The girls were living their dream! Everything was well thought out and organised. They packed lots into their time slot. I love that they seem to cater and do different things with different ages and abilities. Our girls are not quite 4 yet, but we're made to felt reassured, and supported! Would highly recommend, and we will definitely be coming back soon.

Thank you x


My daughter absolutely loves her weekly mermaid swims. Shes had the experience . This was fab and is now on her third course of lessons. Every week is different.. one week they even had mermaid party food after.. we are so lucky this is only an hour away for us. My daughter has made lovely friends and the staff could not be nicer and are great with the kids.. see you next week.


Millie went to the experience session today with her 2 friends and absolutely loved it! The staff are lovely and it's very well organised as well as being a dream come true! Thanks for making her feel so welcome. She immediately asked 'when can we come again?' X


I took my mermaid mad girls (7 and 4 year old) to the mermaid experience today which they thoroughly enjoyed. My girls got greeted by a lovely man at reception, Heather was helping my girls to put the tails on, the boy instructors were lovely, especially Jacob who guided my 4 year old in the pool all through the session. My 7 year old finished the session with the question: "Can we come again next week?" Very nice staff, great experience, well thought through the whole concept. Will "have" to come back again! Many thanks to all involved!пҝҪ


Fantastic time doing the mermaid experience both my girls loved it! They thought it was amazing! The man who signed us in made us feel very welcome! And the instructor was really nice! Definitely recommend and will be doing it again!


Evie (7)and her friends 6-7 have been so excited looking forward to the mermaid swim party. It lived up to all their expectations. They all had a fabulous time being a mermaid and being able to swim just like ariel. The boys had a choice of being a shark too. It was all well organised with a Fantastic co ordinator, instructor who was in the pool as well as 3 other helpers making sure all children was having fun and keeping safe in the water. Little ones 3 and 4 years old where very well looked after in the pool ensuring they where having fun and they where safe in the water. Thank you for a party the children will never forget. Making memories. Xxx


Birthday celebration for my daughter who was given a gold star service, thank you all for such a wonderful afternoon.


Amazing 12th birthday party! What a fantastic, professional and well organised event by the team. Friendly, helpful and responsive пҝҪ. The girls had a fabulous time being mermaids пҝҪ thank you! пҝҪ

More about Splash Mermaid Academy. Manchester. Fin2Fit

Splash Mermaid Academy. Manchester. Fin2Fit is located at Water street, OL6 7AN Ashton-under-Lyne
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -