St Andrew'S Ce Primary School

About St Andrew'S Ce Primary School

"Achieve, Believe, Care - Together"



Thank you to everyone who helped commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Warrington Bombings - we raised £87. A cheque has been sent to the The Peace Centre.


PCSO Burke and Lesley Patterson from WBC have been enrolling the Junior PCSO scheme at St. Andrew's Primary School to help promote safer parking in and around the school premises.


WWYLD on Friday 31/3 in return for an Easter Egg!


EASTER BINGO - Monday 3/4/2017 at 1.30pm - Tea/Coffee/Biscuit - Game Card £2.00 - extra cards 50p. Tickets on sale tonight in the School Hall! Come and join our PTA for some Easter fun!


Just a reminder that the P.TA. will be selling Mother's Day gifts after school Thursday and Friday from 3.00pm - items 50p/£1.00.


Please follow the link and take our survey - thank you! arentsurvey…


Year Four had a good night over at Tyn-y-Felin. The weather apparently is lovely today and the children are off to enjoy the beach. We're sorry there are no photos available; unfortunately the signal is very poor over there so we are unable to post any!


Thanks to everyone for donating/attending our BIG PANCAKE PARTY - £72.50 was raised for The Church Urban Fund. Thanks to the lovely ladies of the PTA for their help!


Don't forget tomorrow the BIG PANCAKE PARTY - come along at 9.00am and enjoy a drink and a pancake - £1.00 - all monies to The Church Urban Fund. You'll also be able to see children from a variety of classes showing what they learnt during Arts Week!


Tickets now available for THE BIG PANCAKE PARTY on Tuesday 28th February at 9.00am - come along and help raise funds for Church Urban Fund & Together Network, helping children and families who are struggling.


Don't forget the Valentine Discos next week run by the PTA for KS1/KS2 children on Wednesday and Thursday 3.00-4.30pm - £2.00 per child which includes entrance, hot dog, cake and drink.


Our P.T.A. are arranging two Valentine Discos for KS1 and KS2 children on 15th/16th February, 2017 from 3.00-4.30pm. For £2.00 entrance fee the children will receive a hot dog, cake and drink. Send back the reply slip to school with your payment.


Keep your eyes opened for our upcoming BIG PANCAKE PARTY - supporting Church Urban Fund and Together Network. More details to follow.


We have had a very important visitor yesterday and today at school. Children had a great time breakfasting with this 'celebrity'


Reminder - School closes on Wednesday 21st December at 1.30pm for ALL pupils - please collect your child promptly! Thank you.


Congratulations to Abbie Watson - winner of our design a garden sign competition - "Garden of Life." Thanks to everyone who entered - it was such a difficult decision. Thanks to Smarter Driveway Solutions NW Ltd for their fantastic garden design - more news to follow in 2017


Santa Dash raised £500 - FANTASTIC - for St. Rocco's Hospice!

More about St Andrew'S Ce Primary School

St Andrew'S Ce Primary School is located at Mardale Avenue, PR2 1 Warrington, England