Stan Pennington Allotments

About Stan Pennington Allotments

Allotments for the local community, based on Alderhey Road, Eccleston, St Helens, with a honesty stall for spare produce and a shop for seeds, onions, etc.

Stan Pennington Allotments Description

The Stan Pennington Allotments on Alder Hey Road, Eccleston were named the winners of North West Best Allotment Site 2016. We're a close knit community of gardeners who enjoy what we do!



Summer BBQ 20th July 2019 11am to 3pm
Tickets available now.... £2-50 each Tickets available on site from Ken Plot 53
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Community Day
Lots of plotters working on a range of tasks around the Allotments. Tea/coffee,crumpets and toast provided by those in the kitchen to keep everyone happy. Some shots of this morning and a big thankyou to all.... Many hands make light work, saves paying to go to the gym and the site looks a lot better for everyone's hard work.
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Anyone got any Rice Plants ready for planting out. We have a few plots ready for planting.😁


Diary date


Plot 26
Been pottering tthis morning as no need to water😉 Planted out red Cherry Tom's, iceberg,salad bowl and lollo Rosso lettuce and cucumber. Existing cucumber fruit coming but need a bit of warmth.


Plot 26
Morning tasks achieved. Clear, manure and turn over two beds, plant out tomatoes in outside bed, assemble and position Quadgrow and plants.


Plot 26
Pleased with mornings work, planted out last of cauliflower and filled the rest of the raised bed with cabbage edged with leeks. Also planted out yard long beans with a courgette in the middle of the bed.


Tomato plants plus available on the "Honesty Stall"


Plot 26 Globe Artichokes Further to discussions on site, ways of using Globe Artichokes, in Gardeners World magazine.


Plot 26 Planting out this morning including Cucumbers Turmeric Chillies... Red Basil Red Cherry tomatoes Aubergine Sweet Peppers Butternut squash Lettuce
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Plot 26
Planted out in the Quadgrow pots, ready for assembly. (Right to left) Cucamelon... Red Cherry Tomato Cucumber Marmade type Tomato
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Dates for the Diary


Plot 26
After the coffee morning and between the showers, front of plot tidied, potatoes earthed up.


Coffee morning and plants on sale NOW.


Plot 26
It might be raining now but managed to get bed of cauliflowers and leeks in and netted before it got too bad.


Plot 26 So much for Barby weather, drizelled most of afternoon but still managed to do some clearing and then potting on later in greenhouse. Everything coming on nicely after my break and lots ready to plant out.


Plot 26
After the heavy rain and hail yesterday, beds nicely watered so two beds planted out with potatoes this morning before it started raining again.

More about Stan Pennington Allotments

Stan Pennington Allotments is located at Alder Hey Road, WA10 4DP St Helens, Merseyside