Star Child Glastonbury

Monday: 10:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:30

About Star Child Glastonbury

All of our products are created, blended and packaged by hand in Glastonbury, England.

Star Child Glastonbury Description

We source high quality materials from all over the World aiming to work with organic and sustainable growers wherever possible to create high quality products such as Aromatherapy essential oils, incense, bath oils and botanicals. We do not use any synthetic additives in any of our products, selecting only the best materials for all of our blends which in turn we make available as raw ingredients for you to use for your own purpose.

We work with the cycles of the Moon to collect materials for our magical lunar infusions which we then add to all of our magical blends. We believe in working with the natural rhythm of the Earth and in doing so create truly potentised magical products.





Sunday 23rd September 2018 Sun enters Libra 02:54 BST
... Gone are the lazy summer days. Autumn is knocking on the door. With a last burst of exuberance the sun paints the leaves for a festive display before its final decline. It is a time to get busy - bringing in the last of the harvest and preserving it for the lean times to come. Now is the time of reckoning - for we shall reap as we sowed. For the moment there is plenty, a cornucopia of fruit to be grateful for and to celebrate with a harvest feast - but will it last through the dark half of the year' Today is a day of equilibrium - night and day hold their balance - but tomorrow the dark forces are beginning to win the upper hand.
Autumn Equinox is a time to celebrate the harvest and the abundant gifts of the earth. It is a time to reflect and be grateful for that which nourishes and sustains us.
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Wednesday 1st August 2018
The corn is ripening and swaying heavy with seed. It is a season of plenty. The promise of Spring is coming to fruition. The dying Sun has spent his power and burns off the last of his energy in the blazing heat of Summer. Its power has gone into the ripening fruit and grains. Lughnasadh is the feast of the corn harvest. Like the Sun-God, the grain must die - a life-giving sacrifice that sustains us through the coming dark season. This yea...r's seed will become next year's crop and so the cycle continues for another round. Lughnasadh is the last of Summer's feasts; the wheel is inevitably turning towards the dark half of the year. It is a time to reflect on the creative power of manifestation and the divine spark within.
#StarChildGlastonbury #StarChild #Lughnasadh #Lammas
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Thursday 21st June 2018 Sun enters Cancer 11:07 BST
... At the Summer Solstice the Sun has reached its climax. It is the longest day of the year. At its most glorious peak the Sun God sacrifices his power and bestows his solar seed upon the Earth womb. On this glorious day we celebrate his fertilizing power, even though from now on it will be waning. The Summer Solstice is the midpoint of the year. But just as Yang contains the seed of Yin, the peak of the Sun power marks his demise - yet, his selfless sacrifice gives life to all.
Summer Solstice is a time to celebrate the creative power of the Sun. It is a time to reflect on both, the process of becoming and the process of death.
#StarChildGlastonbury #StarChild #SummerSolstice #SummerSolstice2018
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Monday Eve 30th April 2018
... Fresh growth covers the ground, juicy and lush. The air is abuzz with busy bees and the Earth is decked out in her prettiest flower dress - it's the wedding day of the Goddess and the young Sun God. Fully grown and fertile they join in loving union. Nature is celebrating with them and everywhere, love is in the air. The fires of Bel are lit and people join the wedding feast of the May King and Queen, jumping the fires to purify their souls and showing the corn how high to grow. Beltain is a time to celebrate love and life and the marvellous miracle of fertility. It is a time of divine ecstasy - full of potential yet to take shape.
#StarChildGlastonbury #StarChild #Beltain #Beltane #Bealtaine
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More about Star Child Glastonbury

01458 834663
Monday: 10:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:30