Tameside Council

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tameside Council

Official Facebook page for Tameside Council. Social Media Policy at https://www. tameside. gov. uk /socialmedia



Pregnant? Get your free flu jab. Ask your GP, pharmacist or midwife about it today. https://bit.ly/2OYu5ON


Have your say on the draft Greater Manchester Cultural Strategy and help shape the future of the region’s cultural offerings by feeding this consultation. https://www.gmconsult.org/business-innova tion-and-enterp…/…/


Cake and Craft Market
TOMORROW (Saturday) we’ll be hosting our monthly cake and craft market at Ashton Market Ground. There will be around 25 stalls selling homemade cakes, buns and pies along with a selection of craft stalls offering handmade goods. 9am to 2pm.


Crossing the Boundary
ON Sunday, join us as we follow part of the Leesfield parish boundary, over Brown Edge to Park Bridge for lunch, and then back over Hartshead Pike. It's an eight-mile moderate route with some hills. Meet 10am at Mossley Market.


Looking Back: Droylsden
THE old Sunday school that was attached to Edge Lane Methodist Church, complete with its separate entrances for males and females. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs John Coomer on July 7, 1883. The church was demolished in 2011 when a new chapel was built.


“The panel knew that we were nervous and were really nice to us!” Robert & Susan have recently been approved as adopters are now embarking on the next phase of their journey, the matching process. Read their story so far on the link below http://ow.ly/e5Em30m6drt #SupportAdoption #NAW2018


Tameside College hosts its Construction Open Day on Friday 26th October and employers are invited to attend to find out more about funding for opportunities apprenticeships - like the Tameside Trade Grant & Tameside Business Grant - and meet students & suppliers.


KATHY STAFF - battleaxe with a heart of gold and star of “Crossroads” and “Last of the Summer Wine” - started out in life as plain Minnie Higginbottom.
Her original choice of stage name was Kathy Brant, inspired by a shop she used to pass on the bus. She changed the surname after marrying schoolteacher John Staff in 1951.
... Minnie, or Kathy if you prefer, was born on Astley Street, Dukinfield, in 1928. The Higginbottoms were a well-known family and her uncle, Clem, had a butcher’s shop on King Street for many years.
She never forgot her Dukinfield roots and was a life-long member of St Mark’s Church where she sang in the choir.
Kathy began her acting career in repertory as an 18-year-old. After marriage, she retired from the stage to raise her two daughters, Katherine and Susan, but started working as an extra for Granada TV in the 1960s.
Her first “big” television role was in 1969 as working-class housewife Lorna Everitt in “Castle Haven”, a daytime soap launched by the new Yorkshire TV franchise. Soon after she was cast as Vera Hopkins, wife of corner shop-owner Idris Hopkins, in “Coronation Street”.
It was in 1973 that Kathy won the part that was to make her famous. She appeared as the wrinkly-stockinged, broom-wielding Nora Batty in “Last of the Summer Wine” from the pilot episode in 1973 until her death in 2008.
Kathy also had a regular role as Doris Luke in “Crossroads” from 1978 to 1984 and 2001 to 2002, and as Mrs Blewett in “Open All Hours” with Ronnie Barker. She also appeared with Les Dawson and Benny Hill.
She was the subject of “This Is Your Life” in 1984 when she was surprised by Eamonn Andrews while shopping in Harrod’s.
Theatre roles included two West End plays: the farce “Two into One” and comedy “When we are Married” and many pantomimes.
In terms of films, Kathy appeared in “A Kind of Loving” in 1962 as Thora Hird’s neighbour, as well as “The Family Way” (1966), “The Dresser” (1983), “Camille” (1984), “Little Dorrit” (1988), and “Mary Reilly” (1996).
Kathy Staff died on December 13, 2008, in Willow Wood Hospice, Ashton, aged 80. There is a Tameside Council blue plaque to her memory at St Mark’s.
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We’re supporting National Adoption Week #NAW2018 with our regional adoption agency Adoption Now! We need families for 80 children awaiting adoption. So, if you live in Tameside & are thinking about adoption call 01204 336096 or visit the website below for more information #SupportAdoption www.adoptionnow.org.uk


Organisations across Greater Manchester are working hard to bring modern slavery to an end. Visit the Programme Challenger website to find out more: www.programmechallenger.co.uk/what_we_do/ modern_slavery/ #AntiSlaveryDay2018 #WouldYou


Looking Back: Denton
THE ivy-clad frontage and lace curtains give the Gardeners Arms the look of a village inn rather than a town-centre local. If this is the former Robinson’s pub on Stockport Road it was clearly rebuilt in the following years.


Virtual Reality
IF you're interested in virtual reality, don't miss this workshop coming up at Droylsden Library on Saturday (October 20).


HERE'S what's happening at Tameside's libraries today as part of Get Online Week.


If you have heart, lung or kidney disease, ask for your free flu jab. https://bit.ly/2OYu5ON


Tameside Council has unanimously passed a motion at full council committing to ending single-use plastic. The motion pledges to end council use of single-use and non-recyclable plastics, except in exceptional circumstances, by switching to alternatives either as soon as possible or when contracts come up for renewal. It also commits the council to working with local manufacturers, retailers and supermarkets to encourage them to reduce their use of single-use and non-recyclabl...e plastics. A third commitment is to an education drive to encourage residents to take responsibility for reducing the non-recyclable and plastic waste that they generate and giving guidance on how to change buying and waste disposal habits to achieve this. The motion also calls on the government to commit to introducing a nationwide ban on single-use plastics and non-recyclable packaging by 2025 as well as to tackling microplastic pollution in UK waterways. BBC One’s Blue Planet II documentary series recently highlighted the impact of plastic pollution on the world’s oceans with more than 100 million marine mammals being killed by plastic each year. Once in the environment, plastics take centuries to breakdown leaving a terrible legacy for future generations. It is estimated that, at the current rate, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fish in terms of weight. The motion also highlights the potential of consumer power in bringing about change. If shoppers swapped products packaged in plastic for ones that aren’t, supermarkets and retailers would act immediately and would use other materials for their packaging. Buying fruit loose or in paper bags instead of in plastic punnets or trays could make a huge difference and some supermarkets have already swapped plastic bags for paper in their fruit and veg sections. Councillor Chris Buglass, who authored the motion, said: “Plastic pollution of our rivers and oceans is one of the worst environmental issues of our generation and with 8million tons of plastic waste flowing into the sea each year we must act now – future generations cannot afford for us to wait. We must all - individuals, businesses, councils and governments - take responsibility for the waste we generate and change our habits to make sure that single-use plastics become a thing of the past.” Councillor Allison Gwynne, Tameside Council’s Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “The environmental impact of plastic pollution affects us all and has become a major issue. But this is a strong and ambitious commitment that shows that Tameside Council is leading the way to reduce plastic waste and help protect the environment.” The commitments on plastic waste are the first piece in a wider jigsaw of environmental policies being developed by Tameside Council.
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National Hate Crime Awareness Week
TAMESIDE Council Neighbourhood Services and its partners were busy yesterday explaining how to challenge hate crime and discrimination in all their forms.
There was a talk to the women's ESOL (English speakers of other languages) group at Holy Trinity Community Centre, Ashton, where members were encouraged to come forward and report hate incidents/crimes.
... Tameside staff joined colleagues from the police and NHS at an information stand at Tameside Hospital in the morning.
In the afternoon there was a stand at the Infinity Initiatives cafe, Ashton, and a talk about hate-crime awareness and how to report incidents.
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Mayor Meets Mini-mayor
THE Civic Mayor of Tameside was at Rosehill Community Methodist Primary School, Ashton, to attend a junior mayoral assembly and meet the school's mini-mayor, Year 6 pupil Glorienna Taller.
Cllr Ward spoke to the children about her role as civic mayor, how she was appointed, and the work she does. She also talked about the significance of her chain of office and the borough mace.
... Glorienna then led a question-and-1nswer session allowing the children to ask the Civic Mayor about her role.
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Looking Back: Audenshaw
CLLR Walter Barnes, chairman of Audenshaw Urban District Council, opens the Wellington Street estate in the mid-1930s. The 24 houses cost the authority £10,000 to build.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in England, with around 44,300 women diagnosed each year. The older you are, the more likely you are to get it – one in three women who get breast cancer are aged 70 or over.
If breast cancer is detected early, it is more treatable. Finding it early could save your life. #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BeClearOnCancer
https://www.nhs.uk/be-clear-on-cancer/sym ptoms/breast-cancer


The best run council I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with and I've deal with all 418 of them!


TBC do a great job with the resources at their disposal. A big gripe of mine is the lazy, intellectually challenged people who throw litter and fly tip all over the place & expect somebody else ( TBC ) to clear it up.

It's OUR community so we all have to play our part in looking after it.

Have called the council a number of times & they've always responded quickly.


If I was to moan about something on here do you actually respond or am I wasting my time �


I have just watched bin men emptying blue bins,someone had left a large cardboard box halfway up street, I was really pleased to see a bin man pick it up as he collected another blue bin, unfortunately he looked inside box and threw contents onto road but he did take box. I walked across road and picked up 'contents' of box -- an old plastic carrier bag which I put in one of the three green bins he had walked past.!!!

Well done for taking extra box but surely you could have put bag in green bin as you passed .


Your parking attendants really need training. Telling a customer to F**K off and failing to correctly secure a parking ticket, explain procedures to a disabled person wow! Even gives a thumbs up for job well done. Are you sure this is how you want to be portrayed


You are number 1 in a que and been waiting 30 min to and still no one answered !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wouldn’t even give 1 star absolutely shocking service brown bin not been emptied for 3 weeks now ring up been advised to leave out for catch up still not emptied bin wagon drove past the top of the Ave this morning still not emptied

Sent emails not answered them

Customer service a joke won’t ring you back to update on collection have to send an email

Fuming is an understatement

Get your act together


Well done your waste company not collected bins from LAST WEEK and now been told to take them all back in because they are not collecting them FOR ANOTHER 2 WKS we are talking about the food bin which is stinking and will attract rats. If you don't want us to recycle then fine but get the waste company to warn the money you pay them which we as tac payers contribute to


This rabble should be renamed league of villians. Not intrested at all in doing the right thing.


The absolute worst council going! Spending 300K on signs welcoming you to Tameside, trying to make it appear nicer but not actually making the area nicer, what a sham! And the fact that your website has been down for over a week is utterly shocking! Sort your service out before trying to entice people with silly signs to a hell hole!


Tameside council how many of the green bags do you go through because whenever I seem to ask for some by putting the label on the bin it never gets a return of a fresh roll. And today I even left a note to say some bags please to still not get any and I even watched them empty it but couldn’t go out as I had just got out of the shower. Shows how much as an industry your bothered about recycling. From now on the rubbish getting hidden in the other bins, at least you won’t need to empty my brown bin now though. Jokers


So I parked outside MY OWN HOME to drop Darcie off and some new furniture we had just bought. Was parked there for no longer than 8 minutes.

I GOT A PARKING TICKET. No yellow lines, left enough room for wheelchair access yet they are rejecting my appeal despite the parking on my road being taken up by TAMESIDE COUNCIL STAFF as they refuse to pay 50p to park in the car park.

TO MY DISMAY, one of the official Tameside Council cars parked exactly as I did, yet haven’t received a parking ticket and this is ok??????

I will NOT be paying this! See you in court Tameside council!


Please could you name the evil genius that allowed so many road closures at the same time?

It must have taken months of planning to effectively shut saddleworth and Tameside off from each other.

Hours of queing and effectively making people prisoners in their homes....


Pathetic dont know who to respond to complaints are all kids or adults? a simple question about a bad crossing gets bugger all


Nothing but money grabbing idiots who repeatedly charge you for the same council tax bill you have previously paid then make another up and force you to pay it with the bailiffs. Well council I will be contesting and taking you to court!


My online requests numbers 258140 and 259364 also failed to even get a response. Is there any point in having such a system when people get ignored.


It's official, the river Tame is the most plastic polluted river in the WORLD, way to go folks. While I'm here I have to say that the Shameside litter problem is probably on the same scale.


I live on Shakespeare rd. The grass on the green has not been cut this year! It is 12 inches high and there are many weeds taller than this. It is a complete mess. There are many more visible areas of grass that are mown and are looked after. Tameside now seem to ignore our green . Over the last 2 years the maintenance of this area has deteriorated noticably. Wanted to post a complaint but the service is not available and you can't find a telephone number for the parks dept.


Absolutely sick to death of having to walk on roads including busy mains roads with my 2 year old & 5 week old baby in his pram because your bin men can't be arsed to put the bins back properly!! Instead they leave them in the middle of the pavement!!!


The best run council I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with and I've deal with all 418 of them!


TBC do a great job with the resources at their disposal. A big gripe of mine is the lazy, intellectually challenged people who throw litter and fly tip all over the place & expect somebody else ( TBC ) to clear it up.

It's OUR community so we all have to play our part in looking after it.

Have called the council a number of times & they've always responded quickly.


If I was to moan about something on here do you actually respond or am I wasting my time �


I have just watched bin men emptying blue bins,someone had left a large cardboard box halfway up street, I was really pleased to see a bin man pick it up as he collected another blue bin, unfortunately he looked inside box and threw contents onto road but he did take box. I walked across road and picked up 'contents' of box -- an old plastic carrier bag which I put in one of the three green bins he had walked past.!!!

Well done for taking extra box but surely you could have put bag in green bin as you passed .


Your parking attendants really need training. Telling a customer to F**K off and failing to correctly secure a parking ticket, explain procedures to a disabled person wow! Even gives a thumbs up for job well done. Are you sure this is how you want to be portrayed


You are number 1 in a que and been waiting 30 min to and still no one answered !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wouldn’t even give 1 star absolutely shocking service brown bin not been emptied for 3 weeks now ring up been advised to leave out for catch up still not emptied bin wagon drove past the top of the Ave this morning still not emptied

Sent emails not answered them

Customer service a joke won’t ring you back to update on collection have to send an email

Fuming is an understatement

Get your act together


Well done your waste company not collected bins from LAST WEEK and now been told to take them all back in because they are not collecting them FOR ANOTHER 2 WKS we are talking about the food bin which is stinking and will attract rats. If you don't want us to recycle then fine but get the waste company to warn the money you pay them which we as tac payers contribute to


This rabble should be renamed league of villians. Not intrested at all in doing the right thing.


The absolute worst council going! Spending 300K on signs welcoming you to Tameside, trying to make it appear nicer but not actually making the area nicer, what a sham! And the fact that your website has been down for over a week is utterly shocking! Sort your service out before trying to entice people with silly signs to a hell hole!


Tameside council how many of the green bags do you go through because whenever I seem to ask for some by putting the label on the bin it never gets a return of a fresh roll. And today I even left a note to say some bags please to still not get any and I even watched them empty it but couldn’t go out as I had just got out of the shower. Shows how much as an industry your bothered about recycling. From now on the rubbish getting hidden in the other bins, at least you won’t need to empty my brown bin now though. Jokers


So I parked outside MY OWN HOME to drop Darcie off and some new furniture we had just bought. Was parked there for no longer than 8 minutes.

I GOT A PARKING TICKET. No yellow lines, left enough room for wheelchair access yet they are rejecting my appeal despite the parking on my road being taken up by TAMESIDE COUNCIL STAFF as they refuse to pay 50p to park in the car park.

TO MY DISMAY, one of the official Tameside Council cars parked exactly as I did, yet haven’t received a parking ticket and this is ok??????

I will NOT be paying this! See you in court Tameside council!


Please could you name the evil genius that allowed so many road closures at the same time?

It must have taken months of planning to effectively shut saddleworth and Tameside off from each other.

Hours of queing and effectively making people prisoners in their homes....


Pathetic dont know who to respond to complaints are all kids or adults? a simple question about a bad crossing gets bugger all


Nothing but money grabbing idiots who repeatedly charge you for the same council tax bill you have previously paid then make another up and force you to pay it with the bailiffs. Well council I will be contesting and taking you to court!


My online requests numbers 258140 and 259364 also failed to even get a response. Is there any point in having such a system when people get ignored.


It's official, the river Tame is the most plastic polluted river in the WORLD, way to go folks. While I'm here I have to say that the Shameside litter problem is probably on the same scale.


I live on Shakespeare rd. The grass on the green has not been cut this year! It is 12 inches high and there are many weeds taller than this. It is a complete mess. There are many more visible areas of grass that are mown and are looked after. Tameside now seem to ignore our green . Over the last 2 years the maintenance of this area has deteriorated noticably. Wanted to post a complaint but the service is not available and you can't find a telephone number for the parks dept.


Absolutely sick to death of having to walk on roads including busy mains roads with my 2 year old & 5 week old baby in his pram because your bin men can't be arsed to put the bins back properly!! Instead they leave them in the middle of the pavement!!!

More about Tameside Council

0161 342 8355
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -