True Balance Fitness

About True Balance Fitness

True Balance Fitness is a page dedicated to inspiring and helping people to lead active and healthy lives. Providing bespoke personal training and nutritional guidance as well as general fitness advice. Anything is possible - let's start today!

True Balance Fitness Description

You can ACHIEVE anything you want in life if you have the COURAGE to dream it, the INTELLIGENCE to make a realistic plan, and the WILL to see that plan through to the end.
Sidney A. Friedman, Speaker & Author

My Name is Sintija (Cynthia) and I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer. I am passionate about well-being, fitness and a healthy diet, which I believe are key to a better life.

I founded TB Fitness to offer a premium, personalised fitness service, which features advice, encouragement and support to help people make healthy choices. I focus on my clients’ goals and develop bespoke training programmes and plans that are suited to each individual’s abilities. I also take into consideration their circumstances, allowing people to train wherever suits them, be it at the gym, their home, office or outdoors - all whilst ensuring their health and safety.

My services encompass fitness and nutrition and can be viewed in the ‘Shop’ section. All prices are based on one-on-one client support. However, I also offer personal training to small groups (2-4 people) if required.

To reach best results, TB Fitness offers block training of six, eight and 10 + sessions with workout plans tailored to each individual. These include periodisation with planned exercises for each day of week, even on days where you may not have time to go to the gym. One-off sessions are also provided, but these don’t include periodisation and weekly plans.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. You can get in touch with me here on Facebook, check out my website on www. truebalancefitness. co. uk or find me on Instagram as @trubalancefitness.

TB Fitness
Sintija Mundure



Why not to start your Saturday morning with kettlebell workout?! 💪👍 . It’s been a while since I posted a workout for you guys, so here it is! . This time it’s all about progression. There are six blocks. In each block 2 exercises. You start with the easiest and progress to higher intensity.... . Working load is 20-30 seconds per exercise, so if you decide to do 30 seconds, then after 1st exercise 30 seconds you have to jump in to the progression exercise with no rest in between. Then take a short rest, like 10-15 seconds and do the next block, until you finish all set. . 1️⃣Block: Circle Kettlebell around you body then progress it to figure 8 2️⃣ Start with goblet squat and progress it to sumo squat with upright row 3️⃣Swing and then take it to next level one arm swing 4️⃣Clean, then clean with shoulder press 5️⃣Next one is standing oblique crunch and progression is sidewinder 6️⃣ On last block start with plank kettlebell drag and progress it to drag and push up ✅ Aim for 3-5 sets . Have a great workout and have fun! 💪 . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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Never skip Mondays! I love to come in on Monday and to some lifting, especially if I had a lazy weekend. Well to be honest this weekend wasn’t that lazy, but anyway- lifting it is. . I started with: 1️⃣Squats 5x5... 2️⃣Push ups 5x5 (stupidly deleted video, so it’s not on video) 3️⃣Plank walks 10x5 4️⃣Shoulder press 5x5 5️⃣Chin ups 2x5 6️⃣Clean with press 5x3 . Took me 40 minutes, so not too bad. Later on did kettlebell session with few gals, so not to bad for Monday! 💪💪💪 . Never skip Mondays and find your true balance! . TB Fitness
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Exercise is essential for mental health, but remember, you need rest days to make it work. 💪💪💪


Show Monday who’s boss! You definitely are! . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness


These exercises will definitely be in my class routine.💪 Can’t wait to try them. Muhahahaha 😂


Never skip Mondays. 💪 6 exercises 5x5 and it’s done! Yasss! . Keep lifting and find your true balance! .... TB Fitness
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Sunday funday! 👍 Perfect drink in perfect day - fruit and berry shake. . Ingredients: 1️⃣Strawberries ... 2️⃣Banana 3️⃣Blackberries 4️⃣Milk (I used soya milk) Super tasty and loaded with vitamins. Enjoy! 😋 . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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Lunch break and it’s pancake time! 😋 . Banana protein pancakes. Ingredients: 1️⃣Milk ( I used soya, like the sweet taste and that soya is low in saturated fat)... 2️⃣Banana 3️⃣Wholemeal flour 4️⃣Egg (if plant based, can leave it out or use chia seeds as replacement) 5️⃣Cinnamon 6️⃣Vanilla extract 7️⃣Banana protein powder 8️⃣Berries blended with a bit of milk for sauce . That’s was amazing! If you want to find out for yourself, do some cooking! . Enjoy your pancake moment and find your true balance! . TB Fitness
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Here are some pictures from yesterdays festival fun and classes. It was a great day, no matter the weather! :) Happy days! :)


Happy Monday! ☺️ . Don’t think of Monday like it’s something awful, a long week you need to survive. There is a good in every day, so grab on it and make your day shine. Have a great week! . Hope you all had a fabulous weekend, because I did. We went to health and wellness festival to get fresh air and get loaded with positive energy.... . By the way if you will have one good day, most likely you will be loaded with positive energy not just for one day, but couple more. So, keep smiling, it’s gonna make not only your day, but most likely somebody’s else as well. . Think positive and find your true balance! ☺️ . TB Fitness
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Watch out from these carbs! 🤔


I want to send massive thank you to @grunnillfitness. No matter what weather we got today, festival went awesome! . Best Sunday Funday ever! Today was proof that no matter what you can be active! . Find your true balance! 🙏... . TB Fitness
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I love this! 😁 Let’s consider this is today’s tip. Let’s do some exercising, because it will burn 100% more calories than just thinking about it. 😂😂 . No, honestly just do some exercise! 💪... . I don’t know who originally posted this, but this picture leads to So thanks for the positive thinking! . Let’s burns calories and find your true balance! . TB Fitness
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Let’s work that core! 5 exercises all around the plank. . Plank takes strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and improves balance. .... Hold each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 second rest. After first set have 30 second rest and then jump straight back in to next set. Aim for 3-5 sets. Have fun! . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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Hiya! Lately I am taking quite a bit about HIIT training and it’s benefits. . HIIT training is great for burning a good amount of calories for the time you are working out, what can vary between 10 min and hour (that’s completely insane). In addition to fat loss, HIIT could help increase muscle mass in certain individuals, so that means, your metabolic rate goes up 🔝 . Here is a example of HIIT training you could perform anytime and anywhere, because you don’t require any eq...uipment. Happy days! . Hit each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 second rest in between. If you will finish 5 sets, that’s will be just 20 minutes workout. I recommend warm up before and stretch after as well. Have fun! . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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So, HIIT training... Hight intensity interval training involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. This type of training can be adjusted almost for everyone, because you can start from different intensity levels. . HIIT training is great for burning a good amount of calories for the time you are working out, what can vary between 10 min and hour (that’s completely insane). In addition to fat loss, HIIT could help increase muscle m...ass in certain individuals, so that means, your metabolic rate goes up 🔝 . If you will include more cardio exercises in your HIIT routine, you might gain cardiovascular benefit on top of fat loss and possible muscle gain. . Sounds good! 💪 . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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Happy weekend! 😁 This Saturday comes with tip and personally I think it’s a big one, because no mater what you want to achieve, weight loss, strength training, competition training etc., this has to be thought of. . So, why not to skip a meal? Well there are few reasons. Your metabolism slows down, your blood sugars runs low, low energy levels, mood changes etc. .... So bottom line, if your goal is to lose weight, stick with small meals more frequently thought day, for composition and strength training larger meals and frequently through day as well. . I would say a healthy and balanced diet is hardest part, but that’s long term goal. If the diet won’t be right, it’s gonna be just short term fix in whatever you will want to achieve. . Find your true balance! 🙏 . TB Fitness
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More about True Balance Fitness

True Balance Fitness is located at Preston, Lancashire