We Used To Be The Hole In The Wall Cafe

About We Used To Be The Hole In The Wall Cafe

Great little stop for a brew and a butty where you can meet up and relax in the fresh air and catch a bit of sun



Well this is my last post from us as “Hole in the Wall Café” The deal’s been done today, café will open on Friday when Ann and I will probably be about if the new owners want any help. I will be closing the page down this weekend. If any body still wants to keep in touch they can message us. I’ve got a Facebook page which is Jon Parry which I’ve had for some time but never really looked at it, so I’ll be watching that from now on Thanx again to everyone and we hope to see you all out and about in the future


Well it’s almost Easter 2016, time for the Hole in the Wall to be opening up for another season, although this year it’s going to be different. Ann and I have decided that it’s time to call it a day, hang up the tea towels and burger slices and take time out to relax, although we will be there over Easter to help the new owners to settle in, if they need us. Apologies for the lack of activity on here over the past few months but we haven’t known whether we’ve been coming or ...going with the sale, so just a case of "when in doubt, say nowt". Sadly the council have taken forever sorting out the lease etc. but it’s all done now and we should complete the sale just later on this week We didn’t manage our annual getaway this year as it’s been necessary to be here to sort out the sale, so instead of a nice healthy tan I’m looking as white as a ghost, Ann’s not too bad as she goes to Spain to sit in the shade anyway. We’ve loads of house maintenance and gardening to catch up with over the coming months and then perhaps a trip away in the autumn when the weather starts to turn cooler over here. It’s been ten great years running the café and we’ve both enjoyed it very much, but time waits for no man and it’s all getting a bit too much for this old man and his young woman although we will both miss it very much. Over the last ten years we’ve met hundreds and hundreds of lovely people and it’s been a pleasure to have had you all as customers and friends over that time. Many thanks to all our very regular customers who visited despite some very daunting weather conditions on occasion. Our success over the years has been due to all you hardy visitors, walkers, bikers, mums, dads, kids and dogs and I’m sure you’ll all know which ones you are, that is of course if there are any dogs out there who read Facebook. All our regulars have been special and we’ve formed some really good friendships with lots of you. We hope to stay in touch one way or another. We’re passing the business on to a much younger couple now who I’m sure will want to make every one of you as welcome as we tried to do. The new owners are a very nice couple and I feel sure they’ll make everyone very welcome. We hope you’ll all carry on visiting for your teas and coffees as before and enjoy the sunshine, a brew and the relative peace and quiet on offer. I’m going to be shutting this site down soon so just wanted to put everyone in the picture beforehand, perhaps the new owners will start something up again, I’m sure that they’ll be wanting to keep everyone up to date and entertained with what’s going on. Once again it’s a great big thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years, we’ll look forward to seeing you when we’re visiting down there, seal and dolphin watching or just chillin out, so we will keep in touch and hope to see most of you from time to time All the very best from Jon and Ann.
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Well the back end of the season worked out pretty well and the good weather compensated for what had been a very poor start. Didn’t manage the last two days 7th and 8th of November as by then the weather had turned bad and it’s still a bit dramatic at the moment, I’ve had to battle the elements and go down there to “mop” up on a couple of occasions, although nothing too serious as yet. It’s been a good year for spotting the seals etc and even a couple of dolphins gave us a ca...meo appearance which I almost missed with the camera, some good events going on but mostly a great year to see all our old regulars back and plenty of new regulars as well. Had a couple of days away when we closed and managed to put my back out so have had a pretty miserable November, anyway I’m a bit better now and I’m going for physio next week so should improve with a bit of luck, touch wood Ann’s been OK up to now. We’re unsure what next year is going to bring but for the moment Ann and I would like to thank everyone who has visited over the season and say it’s been a pleasure for us and hope you have all enjoyed your visits to us. Hope that you all stay fit and well and if it’s not too early, to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year from us both, we’ve met so many nice people, thanks to all of you
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Halloween arrived early this year. Maisie all dressed up and it's been a lovely sunny day today


As the clocks change back to GMT this weekend it seems the weather has changed to BSW (British Standard Weather) or crap as we call it here We closed Wed and Thurs because of winds and today Saturday is also forecast poor so that's just another day closed. Just so everyone's in the picture we are attempting to stay open until November 8th but that is weather permitting. If it's dry and not too windy we will be here, kettle and grill at the ready. Plenty of bacon and tea bags still in stock. Hope to see youi all soon


A lovely sunset from Sat 26th There aren't that many totally cloud free ones


Took some pics of the "Blood Moon" early Monday morning. Not too successful but still learning all the camera settings. Hopefully better next time, 2033. There's a chance I might miss it though.


Thought the fire brigade training exercise went very well. Hope it was more interesting than their normal run of the mill stuff. Makes a change from burning the toast. Car has survived OK so no insurance claims.


Some courier companies are better than others


In response to previous comment re deliveries
Unfortunately now to carry out deliveries we have to comply with European Directive 149A subsection2 Paragraphs 4 and 7 re deliveries from cafes bill 2014 We also need full comprehensive insurance to cover against anyone being harmed by said sandwiches etc falling from vehicle, so a co driver and separate banksman are needed for parking assistance when arriving at delivery address. Bacon is out for fear of possible offence being c...aused to certain ethnic minority groups, sausages may be regarded as perverse and egg breaches animal welfare act subsection 4 chicken and poultry act 2014. So, in answer, collection only, provided it’s discrete and conforms to takeaway food collection regulation EU56 subsection 6 which is too lengthy for me to quote, I’m afraid also in a plain brown paper wrapper not for consumption between 10:00am and 6:00pm.
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Strange rig is key to cleaner waters The strange looking vessel is part of a new five-year project by United Utilities aimed at helping to improve the quality of bathing water on the Fylde coast. The 18-metre high pontoon rig will be used to test the ground conditions of the sea bed. The information will then be used to help the company plan how it can construct parts of a new sewer network. The rig has been assembled in Morecambe ... to improve the sewer network to help the area comply with stringent new European bathing laws.
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There has been a lot of waiting but finally June 30th, "Hey Presto" dolphins. Very difficult to get a photo of, especially when running in and out of cafe serving but there it is. There were four or five backwards and forwards for about twenty minutes sadly this was the best I could do.


Just found these pics on camera from last September. These show the better side of Blackpool, views that could be taken anywhere in the world, if not for the "boating pool" sticking ou. Nice though just the same


Tide was a long long way out this morning. Noticed this lot out on the waterline so had a walk out with Kevin and the dogs to investigate. Looked like an old wreck or something from outer space til we got up to it. The old breakwaters that normally only show up about a foot above the sand at low water were sticking up about 3 feet today, the "ball" shaped objects seem to be a build up of barnacles around the top of the broken off pylons, they're about 3 or 4 feet across, the odd shaped thing looks to be cast iron and is probably some bit off a ship or boat. The other two pics are taken before and after of Daffy the dog's "stroll" on the beach. Charlie was almost as bad


Weather's been a bit better this last week or so but it does catch a few out on a sunny day at the beach. The two swans made a safe getaway, these others needed help from the beach patrol when the sand mysteriously started to disappear. How on earth does that happen? Works both ways though, when the tide goes out some can be left stranded, still we cater for everyone seals and all.


Just read in Gazette that the lifeboat turned out on Tuesday evening to two rescues at around 19:30. Could have made the "Hat Trick" with these two at exactly the same time Tuesday on the ledge at the boating pool (GoKarts). When parents eventually turned up 10 minutes later we showed pictures and told them what had gone on to which the reply was "aren't they allowed on there then? Answers on a postcard please


Some of the signs that don't seem to work. Can't think what more is needed

More about We Used To Be The Hole In The Wall Cafe

We Used To Be The Hole In The Wall Cafe is located at Lower Walk, Gynn Sq, FY1 2 Blackpool