Baked With Love Baking Company



First batch of gluten and dairy free brownies!


back to it this weekend following scooter rally last weekend - Jamey dodgers went down well!!!!! so what to bake???
mum wants me to make ground rice tarts so Bero books out looking for recipe and have some Guinness left so might make some gingerbread?


Find Cando on Facebook for pictures


Good to see new stalls in handpicked hall!!! Pop down this week to see Kevin from Cando selling things made with from reclaimed slate and his showcasing his gardening services !!!


Mothers days breakfast in bed kits nearly done just need croissants adding !!! Decorations for handbag biscuits done flowers made for mini mothers day!!! Roll on Saturday!


Bread going down well malterser slice all gone!!! But still have quiche and some coffee and walnut cake left so Scott will be happy!!!!


Busy planning what to make for Saturday!?!? Oh the choices !!! Anyone have special requests?


goats cheese, roasted red pepper and red onion marmalade quiche, cinnamon buns, sun dried tomatoe bread. just a few of the goodies on the stall this week!!!


bread went down well yesterday look out for more next week!!! also trying out jamie doger recipe!!!


busy putting christmas presents to use!!! baking bread and skinny cupcakes all for tommorows stall at handpicked hall!!


This will be baked with love last stall before christmas!!!!!! so come and get your mincepies!!!! Clementine tart and Tiramisu cake, mini cheese scones and homemade truffles !!!


Mini mincepies and crumble mincepies this week, also foodie presents cupcake kits and coffee lovers treats!!! as well as my homemade mincemeat and Aunty Maureen knitted christmas pudding tree decorations and much more pop into handpicked hall saturday


Pizza Scones where v nice even better toasted !! busy making mincemeat for pies for Saturday


Due to popular demand courgette cake is back this weekend and also having a go at making malt loaf!!!!


first lot of christmas cakes out of oven!!! just waiting for mincemeat now! house smells lovely!!


Baked with love are going to the Army wife's Christmas table top sale on Saturday 10th November with a selection of Christmas goodies to buy and to order as well as some old Favourites!!!


Following last Saturday success we now doing every Saturday!!! This Saturday the stall will have a decidedly scary feel to it, as we are celebrating all things Halloween!!! With spiders and pumpkin and a treat or too!! Pop down early to get freshly baked scones and spicy cheese muffins

More about Baked With Love Baking Company

Baked With Love Baking Company is located at Ure Bank Top, HG4 1 Ripon, North Yorkshire
01765 606490