Café Français

About Café Français

Learning, improving or practising your French language skills and chatting in French with old friends and new. Additional language services also available.



Bonjour! In case you hadn't already figured, we're having a Facebook break for a while... However, if you are interested in one-to-one lessons or beginner's Spanish, or you just want to ask something, please feel free on this page. A bientot for now! Jackie... Cafe Francais
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Café Francais is taking a little break for a while, perhaps until the Spring (we'll post any announcements in the New Year).
We are keeping the Wednesday morning class running at Lincoln's (was Olivia's) for the time being, but that group is chock full at the moment, so we won't be taking on any newbies just now - sorry!!
... If you're still interested in French - groups or one-to-one - then get in touch some time after Christmas and we can update you on our whereabouts and services.
Keep practising! Read, listen and chat as much as you can! Ca vaut toujours la peine!!
Salut et a bientot! Jackie Cafe Francais
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Bonjour! Due to its popularity, our Wednesday morning Advanced French Conversation group at Olivia's Bakery Stokesley is currently at maximum capacity. If this changes, I will post on here. If you are keen to join us and would be happy to be placed on a reserve list, however, do please call me on the number below.
We still have one or two spaces available at West Green Deli Stokesley on Wednesdays from 1.30-2.45pm and Bexter's Tearoom Stokesley on from Tuesdays 10.00-11.30 We also have our Just For Beginners Group at Great Ayton Library every Thursday from 10.45-11.45 am. (Please do not apply for this group if you already have a reasonably good level of French and want to have a regular chat, as this group is technically designed for those with little knowledge of the language, starting out from the most basic structures and phrases.)
Please call me on 07760148471 for details on any of these groups and/or other language needs (private lessons, one-offs, tuition, translation etc.) Merci! Jackie O'Neill
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Fancy learning or developing your language skills for the New Year? French Conversation in a coffee shop? What a great idea!! Maybe even help us start up a Spanish group? Go on! Come along to one of our daytime cafe sessions and who knows what you'll be capable of?! No classrooms, no assessments, no pressure!... Hope to see you soon! Just have a look at the post underneath this one for our new 2016 Schedule. A bientôt!
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Hope you have had a great Christmas - and a Happy New Year to you all! Just a quick reminder about our French Conversation groups for the New Year, in case you've forgotten or are a potential newcomer (Ooh! That would be lovely!) Here is the full schedule for the first part of the new term:
... STOKESLEY: * BEXTER'S TEAROOM - TUESDAY 12th Jan 10.00-11.30 am Mixed - Beginners Plus to Intermediate - currently 6-7 members.
* OLIVIA'S BAKERY - WEDNESDAY 13th Jan 10.00-11.30 am Intermediate to Advanced, all in French (but still fun!) - currently 8-9 members.
* WEST GREEN DELI COFFEE HOUSE - WED 13th January 1.30-2.45 pm Mixed Intermediate - Numbers fluctuate but gen. quite small group.
GREAT AYTON: * GREAT AYTON DISCOVERY CENTRE/LIBRARY THURSDAY 14th January 10.45-11.30 am BEGINNERS ONLY - Right back to basics, slow pace, currently about 6 members.
*SPANISH No daytime groups currently running, but I would be keen to start this up, with reasonable demand. With one or two like-minded friends, that could be enough to get the ball rolling! Why not get in touch and we'll see what we can arrange?!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch, should you require further information on any of these services. I will do my best to help!
A bientôt! Jackie O'Neill
Mobile 07760148471 Email
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BONJOUR! Well, firstly I'd like to say BIENVENUE to our little collection of newcomers across the Café Français groups - it's always lovely to see new faces - long may it continue! And well done for settling in so quickly - you are all fitting right in and clearly raring to go!
Also, BIEN-RE-VENUE to all of those who came back to the fold this week after a long (hopefully enjoyable!) Summer break! It was great to see you again! Lots of stories still to come, no doubt...! (...I look forward to that).
At last but by no means least...A huge MERCI to our aimiable hosts for indulging us with our gallic chit chat!
* Jo and Catherine at Bexters Tea Room# (Stokesley) * Ashma at West Green Deli Coffee House# (Stokesley) * Jean and Volunteers at Great Ayton Discovery Centre# and the lovely staff at our brand new venue... *Olivia's Bakery and Café# (Stokesley)
Looking forward to next week - bon weekend et à la semaine prochaine! Jackie
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Bonjour! WEDNESDAY MORNING GROUP - CHANGE of VENUE!! For any of you who have not received the message yet, this week our 10.00-11.30 group will be trialling Olivia's Bakery/Café in Stokesley as an alternative venue to Costa. And if you've never been before, come along anyway! Your first session is FREE! (all of our times are listed in the previous posting) A bientôt!... Jackie
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Hope you all enjoyed the Summer and are looking forward to joining us for more French conversation soon! For a number of reasons, I have made the decision to delay the start of our Café Français groups for a couple of weeks. (Details below).
... For those of you who haven't already heard, or for anyone looking us up for the first time, here are the details of our coffee groups:
STOKESLEY: * BEXTER'S TEAROOM - TUE 22nd Sept 10.00-11.30 am Mixed - Beginners Plus to Intermediate * COSTA COFFEE - WED 23rd Sept 10.00-11.30 am Advanced, all in French (but still fun!) * WEST GREEN DELI COFFEE HOUSE - WED 23rd Sept 1.30-2.45 pm Mixed Intermediate GREAT AYTON: * GT. AYTON DISCOVERY CENTRE/LIBRARY THU 24th Sept 10.45-11.30 Beginners only (Right back to basics, small group)
OTHER LANGUAGE SERVICES: *PRIVATE LESSONS (one-offs or extended plan - adults/children) *TRANSLATIONS *GCSE and/or A LEVEL TUITION *EXAM PREPARATION *CLUB TRICOLORE - FRENCH FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Lucky's Playbarn (Soft Play), Stokesley twice a week (Visit my Club Tricolore Facebook page for more details.) *SPANISH (No groups currently, but Private Tuition possible). Please do not hesitate to get in touch, should you require further information on any of these services.
A bientôt! Jackie O'Neill
Mobile 07760148471 Email
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Café Français is closed for the Summer now, but we will be back speaking French and drinking coffee again before you know it! A huge MERCI to all of you who have taken part this year, and the very same to the lovely establishments that have been kind enough to put up with us blathering on in French every week: Costa Coffee, Bexter's Tea Room, West Green Deli Coffee House, and Great Ayton Discovery Centre. We have covered a truly eclectic mix of conversation topics, a...nd although there has been some work (bien sur!), we have certainly had lots of fun! (Not to mention consumed our combined body weight in tea and coffee...)Thank you to you all of you and we look forward to seeing you all again soon!
*Wednesday 9th September 10.00-11.30 am Costa Coffee, Stokesley High Street Intermediate/Advanced, French spoken throughout
*Wednesday 9th September 1.30 - 2.45 pm West Green Deli Coffee House, West Green, Stokesley Mixed skill levels
*Thursday 10th September 10.45-11.45 am Great Ayton Discovery Centre (Library) Beginners only - Foundation/Basic level
*Tuesday 15th September 10.00-11.30 am Bexter's Tea Room, College Square, Stokesley (Improvers/Intermediate)
While our groups are taking a well-earned break, you can leave a message on this page anytime if you need to ask any questions or if you wish to join us in the Autumn for the first time. If you do get in touch, please leave your contact details via a private message (e.g. mobile phone number and/or email address) or email me at: Thank you.
P.S. Apologies for the distinct lack of posts recently! Café Français has been gradually expanding, and although I have been checking in from time to time, I have also been busy developing a further language project (Club Tricolore, French for Young Children) - as well as continuing to teach private lessons and juggling all of this around family life! It has certainly been a busy ten months!
Bonnes vacances et a bientôt! Jackie O'Neill, Café Français
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Bonjour, Beginners! Ready to do some more lovely French at Great Ayton Discovery Centre this morning?! See you there at 10.45 - a bientôt! Jackie


Read the prices...


Bonsoir! Great turn-out to our Costa French conversation group today - and this time the subjects couldn't have been more diverse: amongst other things we managed to cover "Chocolat" (book and film), the Second World War, and - believe it or not! - "Little Miss Scatterbrain" translated into French!!
Our West Green Deli Coffee House group this afternoon was no less interesting and jolly, either! Just the four of us today, but possibly even more giggling (it must be the caffe...ine!) and a real mixed bag of conversation topics.
Come and join us next time if you can - every Wed at Costa from 10.00am. and West Green Deli from 1.30 pm. (First one is FREE!) A bientôt! Jackie, Café Français
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Bonsoir! Cinema, Spring fairs, auctions and polling day were among our topics of French conversation at Bexter's Tearoom today - and we did a little bit of reading from the delightful book "Le Petit Prince", too. More of that to come next week, but also don't forget to bring your "Show and Tell" next time!! Maybe you have a special interest, or you could bring along a recipe, photo, postcard, article, objet d'art, poem - anything you like, really - and you can tell us all about it - en français, bien sur! A big MERCI to the #Bexter's ladies, too, who looked after us so well (as usual)! A bientôt and a la semaine prochaine!


Bonsoir!! A great week of lovely French chatting last week - nice and lively and a record turn-out at our Costa group this time! Hope to see you all Tuesday morning at Bexter's, if you can make it! If not, Wednesday - either Costa from 10am or West Green Deli from 1.30 - OR if you're in our lovely new Just for Beginners group at Great Ayton Discovery Centre, see you there on Thursday morning from 10.45 am. A bientôt! Jackie


A bientôt, mes amis!!

More about Café Français

Café Français is located at North Yorkshire, Stokesley