Castle Howard

About Castle Howard

Historic house & garden near York open to the public; including Farm Shop, Gift Shops, Garden Centre, Caf├®s & Adventure Playground in a 9, 000 acre estate.

Castle Howard Description

Keep up to date with all Castle Howard's latest news by signing up to receive our enewsletter, http://www. castlehoward. co. uk /news-room /e-newsletter. html, following us on twitter ( and instagram ( /) and checking our blog, http://www. castlehoward. co. uk /news-room /blog. html.



­¤ÄČ Competition Time ­¤ÄČ
Like this post and like our concert organisers page Castle Howard Live for the chance to win a pair of tickets to our UB40 concert featuring Ali, Astro & Mickey on Sunday 19th August!
Competition closes on Tuesday 7th August. Good Luck!
... n-view/ub40-concert
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The Castle Howard woodlands are full of ancient trees and itŌĆÖs our Forestry Team's job to protect them. Hundreds of years old, these amazing natural structures are home to all sorts of creepy crawlies, fungi, birds and small mammals. This week, weŌĆÖve been carrying out 'tree checks' to make sure all our ancient trees are looked after. Next time you visit us, make sure to stop and look at the oak trees in the visitor car park. They're over 350 years old!


Join us for a weekend full of archery and climbing on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th August... Take aim and watch your arrows soar through the air to hit their targets. Race to the top of the climbing wall, find the fastest route up and see what you can spot before abseiling back down. It's set to be a weekend of fun for the whole family! All included in standard admission... gle.aspxŌĆ”


Congratulations to Carolyn Weston, winner of the Yorkshire Hamper from our Farm Shop this Yorkshire Day!
Many thanks to all who took part! Happy Yorkshire Day!


Join us on 14th August for a unique private viewing of the treasures from Castle HowardŌĆÖs extraordinary collection and archive. Learn more about some of the most popular items around the house, and discover stunning hidden treasures not usually on display. Explore documents from our extensive archive and get an intimate look at the lives of the people who have made Castle Howard their home.
Your ticket includes an illustrated talk, exclusive access to the collection and refreshments.


We are looking forward to seeing our neighbours at the Ryedale Show tomorrow! We are at stand number G17, come and say hello! (Welburn Park, Kirkbymoorside)


Congratulations to Gary Wallis, winner of a pair of tickets to this years spectacular Proms event! Castle Howard LiveŌĆ”/whatŌĆ ”/castle-howard-proms-3


Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height...
Looking for a way to entertain the children this weekend? Come and catch the wind on the North Front with your kite and enjoy colourful displays take over the sky at our Kite Festival!
All included in standard grounds admission...ŌĆ”/lets-g o-fly-a-kite-festival


We have an opportunity within our team for a Retail Assistant to maintain and promote a high quality, consistent and distinctive retail offer. For further details about the role please visit our website /recruitment


It's time for this year's Big #ButterflyCount and the Castle Howard walled garden is the perfect place to spot them! A kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering from flower to flower, we spotted small whites, large whites and peacock butterflies! See how many you can find on your next visit and do your bit to help Butterfly Conservation.


Like and Share to win! Our Farm Shop can create hampers for any occasion, and to celebrate upcoming Yorkshire Day (Aug 1st), weŌĆÖre giving away this 'reight' good Yorkshire Hamper. Just Like and Share this post to enter. The winner will be chosen at random on August 1st. Fill thiŌĆÖ boots!


If you head over to our Instagram @castle_howard this week you'll find our Assistant Curator taking over the account until Friday. Eleanor will be sharing her knowledge about the wonderful collections that we look after, and giving some insight into the fascinating work that goes on behind the scenes. First up, her observations on the various lions that appear around the House.


A reminder that we are holding a meeting this evening at 6pm for anyone interested in helping with Castle Howard's new parkrun. We need a team of volunteers to help get this fantastic initiative 'up and running'! More details on the website here.ŌĆ”/latest -nŌĆ”/join-the-movement


Some of our staff team took on, and successfully completed, various events as part of the Castle Triathlon Series this weekend. Big well done to our Head of Marketing (Half Marathon), Head Caretaker (Sprint Triathlon) and hardcore Head of HR and Head of Hospitality who smashed it in the Olympic Triathlon distance. A fabulous setting and a great atmosphere, so thanks to the organisers and the crowds who showed their support across the weekend!


The Castle Howard Triathlon starts tomorrow! Here is our lovely Head of HR and Head of Hospitality warming up in the Great Lake ­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ Please see our website for further information on race times and traffic management systems.ŌĆ”/castle -howard-triathlon-20ŌĆ”


It's a great pleasure to have the Ryedale Festival here at Castle Howard this evening, a great local event to be a part of!ŌĆ”/ryedal e-music-festival-conŌĆ”


Why not make the most of the glorious summer weather with a walk in the stunning Howardian Hills? There are 54 miles of footpaths and bridleways across the Castle Howard Estate so what are you waiting for? Get exploring! You can find some great suggested walks on our website to get you started...


­¤ÄēCompetition Time­¤Äē
With just one month to go until our Proms event, like this post and like our concert organisers page Castle Howard Live for a chance to win a pair of tickets to this years spectacular classical concert!

...ŌĆ”/whatŌĆ ”/castle-howard-proms-3
See More


We are very excited to announce that BBC Countryfile Live is heading to Castle Howard in August 2019! Read more here... gle.aspxŌĆ”


As the Year of the Dog continues we introduce you to another two of our staff dogs... Zeb and Elf are both from our Building Services team, clink the link to read their blog... lys-staff-dog-blog
Don't forget to take part in our Dog of the Month competition by sharing photos of your canine friends at Castle Howard. At the end of each month a winner will be announced and entered into the end of year draw. Remember to tag us! ­¤É║


What an amazing night weŌĆÖve had was brilliant start to end we loved seeing the wizard, elf and of course Santa our son was amazed by it all. Worth every penny thank you


We had a wonderful day out here just before Christmas. The Christmas decorations were truly magical! Food was amazing. I have specific dietary requirements but there was plenty for me to choose from. Will be back soon!


We had a great day with you guys! Especially big thank youŌĆÖs to Steve on the boat for making the trip fun and interesting and the lady at the entrance to the Peter Rabbit show who was very kind and helpful to us... (twice!) hehee xx


Superb day here. Very quiet as the house was closed but had a wonderful long walk in the grounds. ItŌĆÖs a very magical place, and it ranks equal with Chateau Chambord in France. ItŌĆÖs so much more than a ŌĆśstately homeŌĆÖ. The Atlas fountain is as magnificent as expected but the whole estate has an aura of the ethereal about it. Thousands of snowdrops everywhere and of course, Castle Howard is unsurpassed in Britain for its stunning architecture and location. Highly recommend the food in the courtyard bistro/ cafe. All fresh from the estate. I shall visit again in Winter!


Spent the day at Castle Howard on Sunday 3rd June.. always wanted to go there because I am a huge fan of the seriesŌĆ£ Brideshead RevisitedŌĆØ which was filmed there.. Very magical place ,the castle itself and the grounds are absolutely stunning and beautiful ..the guides in all the rooms were very helpful and informative.Had a wonderful time ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į5 stars


Just come back from a magical day at the Castle. The rooms were beautifully festive. Our visit to Santa in the Grecian Hall was a blast, very entertaining for adults and children alike. Every single member of staff were so friendly and helpful. Absolutely loved it and highly recommend this as a fantastic family experience. Thank you to all at Castle Howard!


Had a brilliant day today at Castle Howard.

Unfortunately the gardens have suffered with the recent hot weather but still looked lovely.

Staff extremely helpful and friendly and the guides in the house very knowledgeable.

Food in the Fitzroy restaurant was lovely and it was nice to see a good choice of healthier options.

Would recommend this place for a lovely day out. Plenty of quiet places to sit and relax too.


Great place to go its just up the road and weather its to let the kids just loose for a hour or for a walk around the house its probably are favourite place to go as a family. People moan about the price of the new passes if you pay ┬Ż25 deposit its only ┬Ż7 a month with a direct debit how can you moan at that and thats for 2 adults & 3 kids!


We had a lovely family day out looking at the stunning Christmas displays. They only thing that was the problem was the woman that refused to sell us a guide :-( she said she would not sell us one as we would going round the house in a different order. We did say we dident mined but she point black said NO :-(


Loved the palace and grounds the train driver was great he waited for me to get our picnic out the car and took me back to the boat house the play area was fantastic but the icecream shop closed rather early so had a un happy 3 year old we did manage to get one when we wer leaving on the way out the only down side was found it expensive


Just had a lovely morning walking around the grounds and gardens, followed by a walk around the beautiful house. We then went into the Fitzroy room. l need a gluten free meal and couldn't see anything suitable so l asked the lady serving who was very helpful. She said the chef was going to come in to give options. The 'chef' came in ignored me entirely took the other person away to talk to her, who then told me the only option they had was the salmon salad already on display. I said that l didnt like salmon and the so called chef gave me a disgusting look, rolled her eyes and tutted. I found this reaction both rude, upsetting and very unprofessional. I am used to not being able to eat at places but have never been treated like this before, so we will NOT be back.


visited Saturday with 4 year old grandson - it was very hot so decided to have a ice cream from the cake shop at the entrance - very disappointed when asked for a childrens ice cream was told by the young girl =' we dont do them' = she was quite sharp. Its a shame that children are not catered for 1/2 a scoop would have been ideal instead we had to buy a full cone for ┬Ż2.50. We were offered a tub instead but it was the same size and price.

Not all small children can eat a full ice cream.


I have loved Castle Howard for many years. Previously a Castle Howard member, I switched to HHA so that I could continue to visit Castle Howard many times in the year (always spending money in the cafes, on the boat and in the shops) whilst enjoying other lovely properties in the local area (shouldn't you all support each other as heritage properties?) However, I am saddened that I am now only allowed 1 visit per year as an HHA member and not at Christmas, where I visited with a group of family as a lovely tradition and always did lots of my shopping at the shops and in the Christmas market. I appreciate that there are ever increasing costs, however I am disappointed not to be able to visit Castle Howard anymore.


Attended yesterday for my birthday as was my favourite place but felt let down yesterday as usually in holidays there's lots going on for kids with fairs or animals or face painting etc but yesterday the only things going on was climbing wall & a go at archery, both over in a matter of mins and my LG who is 4 only went up a metre as too little really. Feel really disappointed especially for the price u have to pay just for the grounds I mean ┬Ż11.95 for adults to take in the scenery and that's pretty much it! The playground is nice but could do with making it bigger and adding additional play things like a big sandpit and water play or something as small children get a bit lost and that is only thing they can do! My daughter who I bring every hols was gutted there was no face painting :( also don't think u should pay extra for the lake when u pay so much to get in, felt like a total rip off yesterday and that's gutting for me because I love the place. My mum who came with us for the first time literally said it's a nice place to look at but for the money u can take the kids to piglets or a farm for the same price and it's a lot more entertaining. Mum was especially looking forward to the rose garden as keen gardener and loves roses, but again disappointed as no roses to be seen and all areas really not well taken care of, no de-heading of flowers to encourage re-growth and looked generally untidy! Again for the price u pay to get in I'd of thought a gardener would b tending to it regularly. Because of all of this we won't b going again and I'm sorry but if u don't take heed of this you will see your regulars will not b returning and word of mouth is the worst advertising u can get. Also I am a NHS worker and apparently no discount - first I'd ever heard but then again the lady who I paid I couldn't even understand literally having to ask four times what she was saying! Not sure where she originated from but pls get people who can speak fluent English working on reception cash taking areas!


We attended the Last Night of the Proms event on 19th August. The organisation, other than the parking, was appalling. Insufficient toilets (the queue was around 15 mins long in the middle of the performance, not at the interval). We arrived around 1845 for a 1930 start, and were sitting at the back, the sound system barely reached there, and the only screen was immediately beside the stage, which was only any use to those who could see anyway. The firework display at the end was so disjointed, and do badly announced that hundreds of people, including us, left after the first batch and missed the two following sets, possibly because we could not hear the stage announcer (we couldn't hear her all night!) the event is very expensive compared to others we have attended, which have been, without exception, better.


Very disappointed. Over priced food v quality. No proper atmosphere. Small garden centre with little on offer & over ┬Ż20 each to then get into the main grounds to look around / access kids play area which we refused to pay as it is well over priced. (There were 5 in our group). Spoke to a local who explained a new family member has taken over & as a result they have been losing out ever since. Will not be returning to this particular venue. Very sad because with the right management team behind it, it could be fantastic!!!!


Lovely grounds and lovely place but was visiting family in this area and we all decided to take our children on the understanding there was easter activites . ┬Ż38 to get in and nothing but a tiny little petting station and a small tent with colouring . We roamed about to find the eggs around the grounds for the kids to get the tiniest egg ever a little disappointing for the price it was to get in


I have been an annual member paying ┬Ż70 last year for myself and an unnamed guest to visit. It is now ┬Ż120 for myself and an unnamed guest. Also the discount in the cafes has been reduced and on this new membership I no longer have free access to the arboretum on the two designated days in the year. I visit regularly to walk the grounds with my dog and a friend, we always buy a meal in the courtyard cafe and invariably buy something in the plant centre or butchers shop. Why is there not a membership for locals just to walk the grounds and why does the membership discriminate against single people who may want to visit with different friends and not a named partner. Very short sighted of the management who are obviously relying on the tourist trade and not the local trade like myself who visit throughout the year. Shame on Castle Howard 71 percent increase!!!


Prudhomming the trees on our village green,clueless wonders no castle Howard supervision our beautiful village green destroyed you may as well have cut em down for what's left!


­¤ÄēCompetition Time­¤Äē
With just one month to go until our Proms event, like this post and like our concert organisers page Castle Howard Live for a chance to win a pair of tickets to this years spectacular classical concert!

...ŌĆ”/whatŌĆ ”/castle-howard-proms-3
See More


What an amazing night weŌĆÖve had was brilliant start to end we loved seeing the wizard, elf and of course Santa our son was amazed by it all. Worth every penny thank you


We had a wonderful day out here just before Christmas. The Christmas decorations were truly magical! Food was amazing. I have specific dietary requirements but there was plenty for me to choose from. Will be back soon!


We had a great day with you guys! Especially big thank youŌĆÖs to Steve on the boat for making the trip fun and interesting and the lady at the entrance to the Peter Rabbit show who was very kind and helpful to us... (twice!) hehee xx


Superb day here. Very quiet as the house was closed but had a wonderful long walk in the grounds. ItŌĆÖs a very magical place, and it ranks equal with Chateau Chambord in France. ItŌĆÖs so much more than a ŌĆśstately homeŌĆÖ. The Atlas fountain is as magnificent as expected but the whole estate has an aura of the ethereal about it. Thousands of snowdrops everywhere and of course, Castle Howard is unsurpassed in Britain for its stunning architecture and location. Highly recommend the food in the courtyard bistro/ cafe. All fresh from the estate. I shall visit again in Winter!


Spent the day at Castle Howard on Sunday 3rd June.. always wanted to go there because I am a huge fan of the seriesŌĆ£ Brideshead RevisitedŌĆØ which was filmed there.. Very magical place ,the castle itself and the grounds are absolutely stunning and beautiful ..the guides in all the rooms were very helpful and informative.Had a wonderful time ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į5 stars


Just come back from a magical day at the Castle. The rooms were beautifully festive. Our visit to Santa in the Grecian Hall was a blast, very entertaining for adults and children alike. Every single member of staff were so friendly and helpful. Absolutely loved it and highly recommend this as a fantastic family experience. Thank you to all at Castle Howard!


Had a brilliant day today at Castle Howard.

Unfortunately the gardens have suffered with the recent hot weather but still looked lovely.

Staff extremely helpful and friendly and the guides in the house very knowledgeable.

Food in the Fitzroy restaurant was lovely and it was nice to see a good choice of healthier options.

Would recommend this place for a lovely day out. Plenty of quiet places to sit and relax too.


Great place to go its just up the road and weather its to let the kids just loose for a hour or for a walk around the house its probably are favourite place to go as a family. People moan about the price of the new passes if you pay ┬Ż25 deposit its only ┬Ż7 a month with a direct debit how can you moan at that and thats for 2 adults & 3 kids!


We had a lovely family day out looking at the stunning Christmas displays. They only thing that was the problem was the woman that refused to sell us a guide :-( she said she would not sell us one as we would going round the house in a different order. We did say we dident mined but she point black said NO :-(


Loved the palace and grounds the train driver was great he waited for me to get our picnic out the car and took me back to the boat house the play area was fantastic but the icecream shop closed rather early so had a un happy 3 year old we did manage to get one when we wer leaving on the way out the only down side was found it expensive


Just had a lovely morning walking around the grounds and gardens, followed by a walk around the beautiful house. We then went into the Fitzroy room. l need a gluten free meal and couldn't see anything suitable so l asked the lady serving who was very helpful. She said the chef was going to come in to give options. The 'chef' came in ignored me entirely took the other person away to talk to her, who then told me the only option they had was the salmon salad already on display. I said that l didnt like salmon and the so called chef gave me a disgusting look, rolled her eyes and tutted. I found this reaction both rude, upsetting and very unprofessional. I am used to not being able to eat at places but have never been treated like this before, so we will NOT be back.


visited Saturday with 4 year old grandson - it was very hot so decided to have a ice cream from the cake shop at the entrance - very disappointed when asked for a childrens ice cream was told by the young girl =' we dont do them' = she was quite sharp. Its a shame that children are not catered for 1/2 a scoop would have been ideal instead we had to buy a full cone for ┬Ż2.50. We were offered a tub instead but it was the same size and price.

Not all small children can eat a full ice cream.


I have loved Castle Howard for many years. Previously a Castle Howard member, I switched to HHA so that I could continue to visit Castle Howard many times in the year (always spending money in the cafes, on the boat and in the shops) whilst enjoying other lovely properties in the local area (shouldn't you all support each other as heritage properties?) However, I am saddened that I am now only allowed 1 visit per year as an HHA member and not at Christmas, where I visited with a group of family as a lovely tradition and always did lots of my shopping at the shops and in the Christmas market. I appreciate that there are ever increasing costs, however I am disappointed not to be able to visit Castle Howard anymore.


Attended yesterday for my birthday as was my favourite place but felt let down yesterday as usually in holidays there's lots going on for kids with fairs or animals or face painting etc but yesterday the only things going on was climbing wall & a go at archery, both over in a matter of mins and my LG who is 4 only went up a metre as too little really. Feel really disappointed especially for the price u have to pay just for the grounds I mean ┬Ż11.95 for adults to take in the scenery and that's pretty much it! The playground is nice but could do with making it bigger and adding additional play things like a big sandpit and water play or something as small children get a bit lost and that is only thing they can do! My daughter who I bring every hols was gutted there was no face painting :( also don't think u should pay extra for the lake when u pay so much to get in, felt like a total rip off yesterday and that's gutting for me because I love the place. My mum who came with us for the first time literally said it's a nice place to look at but for the money u can take the kids to piglets or a farm for the same price and it's a lot more entertaining. Mum was especially looking forward to the rose garden as keen gardener and loves roses, but again disappointed as no roses to be seen and all areas really not well taken care of, no de-heading of flowers to encourage re-growth and looked generally untidy! Again for the price u pay to get in I'd of thought a gardener would b tending to it regularly. Because of all of this we won't b going again and I'm sorry but if u don't take heed of this you will see your regulars will not b returning and word of mouth is the worst advertising u can get. Also I am a NHS worker and apparently no discount - first I'd ever heard but then again the lady who I paid I couldn't even understand literally having to ask four times what she was saying! Not sure where she originated from but pls get people who can speak fluent English working on reception cash taking areas!


We attended the Last Night of the Proms event on 19th August. The organisation, other than the parking, was appalling. Insufficient toilets (the queue was around 15 mins long in the middle of the performance, not at the interval). We arrived around 1845 for a 1930 start, and were sitting at the back, the sound system barely reached there, and the only screen was immediately beside the stage, which was only any use to those who could see anyway. The firework display at the end was so disjointed, and do badly announced that hundreds of people, including us, left after the first batch and missed the two following sets, possibly because we could not hear the stage announcer (we couldn't hear her all night!) the event is very expensive compared to others we have attended, which have been, without exception, better.


Very disappointed. Over priced food v quality. No proper atmosphere. Small garden centre with little on offer & over ┬Ż20 each to then get into the main grounds to look around / access kids play area which we refused to pay as it is well over priced. (There were 5 in our group). Spoke to a local who explained a new family member has taken over & as a result they have been losing out ever since. Will not be returning to this particular venue. Very sad because with the right management team behind it, it could be fantastic!!!!


Lovely grounds and lovely place but was visiting family in this area and we all decided to take our children on the understanding there was easter activites . ┬Ż38 to get in and nothing but a tiny little petting station and a small tent with colouring . We roamed about to find the eggs around the grounds for the kids to get the tiniest egg ever a little disappointing for the price it was to get in


I have been an annual member paying ┬Ż70 last year for myself and an unnamed guest to visit. It is now ┬Ż120 for myself and an unnamed guest. Also the discount in the cafes has been reduced and on this new membership I no longer have free access to the arboretum on the two designated days in the year. I visit regularly to walk the grounds with my dog and a friend, we always buy a meal in the courtyard cafe and invariably buy something in the plant centre or butchers shop. Why is there not a membership for locals just to walk the grounds and why does the membership discriminate against single people who may want to visit with different friends and not a named partner. Very short sighted of the management who are obviously relying on the tourist trade and not the local trade like myself who visit throughout the year. Shame on Castle Howard 71 percent increase!!!


Prudhomming the trees on our village green,clueless wonders no castle Howard supervision our beautiful village green destroyed you may as well have cut em down for what's left!

More about Castle Howard

Castle Howard is located at Castle Howard Estate, YO60 7DA Malton, York, United Kingdom