Matt Kemp Personal Training

About Matt Kemp Personal Training

MKPT - Personal training & nutritional guidance.

Matt Kemp Personal Training Description

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Providing high quality personal training in a range of different sporting and fitness methods coupled with reliable nutritional advice. If you're trying to shed some unwanted body weight or increase your lean muscle mass message MKPT now to discuss what training we can use to get you where you want to be.

Using a range of functional exercises and sports specific training let MKPT help you gain the edge over your competition or simply improve your game.





Sometimes there’s a benefit to people to train in groups… Whether it be due to a preference to the atmosphere, a self-confidence issue or simply just because it’s cheaper? Group personal training is a great way for you & your friends to get in shape & motivate each other to perform in order to reach your goals!
One of the perks of a group personal training session is that it allows a wider scope of activities to be performed, but there are a number of reasons it might be more... suited to your wants & needs.
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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This might seem a strange post to give information on seeing as we all know how to rest but sometimes it takes great discipline for someone on a roll with training to do just that.
You’re gaining weight, increasing all your targets & making good progress with your training…so why rest? Simple, because it’s vital to your bodies needs.
The body cannot grow without rest/sleep so over a period of time spent training you will accumulate the need to rest. There is a number of reaso...ns for this: ▪️Repairing tissues ▪️Increase growth ▪️Restock your glycogen stores ▪️Reduce physical fatigue ▪️Allows nervous system time to rest ▪️Catch up on sleep
Make sure no matter how well you are currently training you allow your body time to recover to avoid injury, illness & burnout.
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Knowing the muscle you are training means you know how it works better. This information will allow you to incorporate better engagement leading to higher levels of growth and/or performance.
▪️Triceps The key to ensuring the Triceps are hit from all angles is to vary the techniques used. From close grip bench pressing to overhead extensions right down to Lat extensions to really target the long head, all these lifts are vital when it comes to full & well shaped Triceps.
... ▪️Biceps In order to maximise the size & shape of the bicep you can’t overlook the Brachialis. This muscle literally pushes up the biceps to maximise their appearance. The method I use to engage this muscle is to swap your standard underhand bicep training grip with a hammer grip (neutral). To maximise the tension on the muscles, always perform slow reps over fast reps. This time under tension is vital for stressing the muscle fibres. Curl up to the nose to fully tighten the long head of your bicep.
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today - Lebron James
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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ABS 1,000 10 x 10 sit-ups 10 x 10 oblique sit ups... 10 x 20 mountain climbers 10 x 20 ab scissors 10 x 10 oblique mountain climbers 10 x 10 double leg raises 10 x 20 ab cycles
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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The posterior chain refers to the muscles on the back side of the lower half. Glutes, Hamstrings & Calves in brief…Just because you cant see them when you look down does not mean anyone else cant, so be sure to train them well.
Important for both function & aesthetics, these are some powerful muscles so important to train correctly.
As with all big muscle groups, I train the compound lifts first. This can include Squats, Kneeling Squats, Hip Extensions & Leg Press. Often a go...od idea to vary these lifts to increase the variety of angles & techniques these muscles endure during a workout.
Following my compounds I tend to start to isolate individual areas. I usually start with glutes as this will involve hamstring activation when good form is used. I then go on to my hammies & finish on my calves.
As with most leg workouts, volume is king so I like to involve plyometric exercises following on from any lift. Great to burn calories but mainly because it further increases the stress these muscles suffer which in turn leads to the body responding with growth!
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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If you always do what you have always will always be where you have always been.
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles #bodybuilding #body #building
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Don’t mistake the Traps for simply the bit of muscle you can see on top of the shoulder area. There is much more to it both physically as well as functionally. People often limit the work on this muscle to shrugs, but there is much more to it than that.
The muscle begins on the base of the skull on a part of the skeletal system known as the occipital bone. It branches down to the lower thoracic section of the spine. It also goes out to the collarbone (in a trapeziu...s shape).
Upper – to work the upper parts of this muscle the elevation of the scapula is necessary. This is where shrugs work a treat.
Middle – focusing on the middle section of the traps means that retraction/pinching of the scapula is required. Exercises such as rows do this perfectly.
Lower – for a focus on the lower section of the traps you must engage in scapula depression. A great exercise for this is Scapules (Hang on a bar with scapula upwardly rotated. From here, flex so the chest rises & aim to effectively pull the scapula as tight & low as possible. Relax back to starting position & repeat).
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Bronze – Silver – Gold Packages
Time to take training serious for summer!
Offering a flexible method to your training this summer with the Summer Boot Camp – 3 varieties for you to choose from depending on your schedule & wants/needs. All packages offer a weight management scheme where your body weight, body fat, clothes size & physical measurements are tracked in order to monitor progress. Choose from one of the three available options:
... Bronze - Obtain full access to the 3 classes each week aimed at burning fat & toning your physique. The classes offer a dynamic approach to each session with some games & competitions thrown in for fun!
Silver - A step up in detail, this package offers all the access of the Bronze package but has the diet & nutrition aspect included to fully cater for your training whilst you are away from the gym too!
Gold – The top level package for those looking to make a drastic change this year ready for a happy & healthy summer. This package has full access to the class & nutrition perks but has a weekly one-to-one personal training session included each week for that fine tuning of your physique. With this package there will be no stone left unturned in pursuit of your goal!
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Some people want it to happen, some people wish it to happen...others make it happy!
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Your comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Even on my rest days I like to stay active. I use this time to get in the gym & stretch my whole body top to bottom. More often than not I start my stretch session tight as a snare drum & leave feeling like I’m floating out the gym.
It’s painful…no doubt. It’s horrible…no doubt. Is it worth it? doubt!
Does your training plan include a stretch day? Does your personal trainer include this kind of guidance during session? If not, get in touch & find out more on how to maint...ain your body to the best potential it is capable of.
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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It’s the favourite day of the week for the common gym bro…its chest day! Wahoooo!
As much fun as you might find chest day make sure you mix it up from the generic bench press session. Be sure to include varied angles on your bench position. To target the lower chest get a decline on the bench & for an upper chest target set your bench to an incline position.
Flyes & scoops are another way to target the different parts of the chest muscles.
... Another method I use is to vary the width of my grip. The wider the arms are positioned the wider the feel on the muscle will be. By going narrow and running the elbows past the ribs will guarantee a higher range of motion through the elbows meaning the triceps will have more work to do.
One final thing to remember is the speed of your movement. First of all, remember this forever…time under tensions! (T.U.T) I am a big believer in this on pretty much every lift. Its benefits reach out to more than one category but in brief: tension creates stress on the muscle which triggers the bodies response to grow/condition. Secondly, hold reps…hate & love them! Hate it while I am doing it but love the benefit & the feeling of D.O.M.S you receive off it. A certainty for anyone looking to condition their muscles.
Time Under Tension
1-2 second positive section 4+ second negative section Hold Reps
Same timing as above Add a 2 second pause at the bottom section of the lift
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Dieting is easy…said no one ever! With all the distractions, day-to-day life tasks & hidden ingredients in food it is tough to stay on track without a structured diet plan.
Invest in your new training & lifestyle regime with a tailored diet & nutrition guide bespoke to you & your own physique
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on:... ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Be who you want to be, not who the world wants you to be...
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Summer Fitness Class Package
It’s time to train for summer so check out the info below for all Summer Fitness Class Packages that are starting next week!
Class format training sessions designed to make getting in shape this year more fun!... ▪️Fat Burn ▪️Fitness Blast ▪️Kettlercise ▪️Spinning ▪️Circuits ▪️Ab Blast ▪️Combat Fitness ▪️Weights Fitness
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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Fall in love with taking care of yourself: MIND - BODY - SOUL
For more information on training sessions & workout plans or with any questions please get in touch on: ❣️Instagram: @matt_kemp_pt 👍🏻Facebook: Matt Kemp Personal Training... 📧Email: 📞Phone: 07305 215938 💥 #personaltrainer #personal #trainer #training #gym #work #fitness #workout #plan #keepfit #gymlife #healthy #life #health #fit #fitfam #sixpack #abs #shredded #ripped #core #arms #legs #back #shoulders #muscle #muscles
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More about Matt Kemp Personal Training

Matt Kemp Personal Training is located at Harrogate, North Yorkshire