Rainbow Equine Hospital

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30
Sunday: -

About Rainbow Equine Hospital

Rainbow Equine Hospital is the largest fully-equipped Equine Referral Hospital in the Northeast. We offer t diagnostic and surgical techniques within a state-of-the-art facility.

Rainbow Equine Hospital Description

First opinion and referall Equine Veterinary Hospital. We have over 50 staff, 20 vets (5 of which live on site). . MRI scanner, CT scanner, trot up areas, Lunge, hard and soft etc. etc. operating theatres and more. . .



If you have recently visited our hospital you may have noticed building work being carried out. Please bear with us, it will all be worth it in the end!


Breeze is an 8-year-old gelding who was admitted to Rainbow Equine Hospital 2 years ago with a suspected pelvic fracture. Breeze was considerably uncomfortable at the walk and extremely painful when palpated over the pelvic region.
Following examination, a decision was made to do an ultrasound of the pelvis by our specialist surgeon Jonathan Anderson. This revealed evidence of irregularity over the pelvis, consistent with a pelvic fracture. Breeze was cross tied and placed on... strict box rest, adminstistered bute until the following day and nuclear scintgraphy (bone scan) was performed the following day.
The nuclear scintigraphy highlighted an unusual area over the tuber coxae and ilial shaft (areas of the pelvis) and confirmed previous suspicions that a pelvic fracture was present. Breeze was under strict instructions to be on box rest for the next eight weeks at home.
Breeze came back to the hospital, upon examination he did not resent palpation of the pelvis and no lameness could be seen, following eight weeks box rest a repeat bone scan was performed. The scan did not highlight any areas on the pelvis - brilliant news! Breeze could then start his ten-week rehab programme set out by Jonathan. This rehabilitation programme was followed down to the last letter by Miska and Breeze has been doing fantastically well.
Recently we had an update on Breeze and he is back eventing! Not only that but has stepped up to BE100 and is looking to be doing novice by the end of next season. This is fantastic, we wish Breeze and his owner the best of luck in their eventing career!
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A couple of months ago, one of our ambulatory vets had a rather exciting encounter one Saturday morning......
Meet Bob, he is an 8 year old Irish Cob. He got a little over excited, ran through his field gate, lifted it off its hinges and managed to get 3 out of four pasterns trapped between the gate bars. Bob's owners managed to keep him calm enough (with the help of some food!) until our vet arrived and also called the Fire Brigade as it was clear we would need some heavy du...ty cutting equipment.
Immediately after our arrival 'Bob' was sedated heavily, checked over and the rescue mission was started. It was decided that the vibration caused by cutting the metal would spook 'Bob' excessively so the fire service brought another piece of equipment to spread the metal bars and free Bob. He had his ears plugged to reduce the noise and a blindfold was placed to keep him calm.
Luckily, apart from a few minor cuts, scrapes and mild stiffness, Bob was back to top form soon afterwards. He also found himself a star of Horse and Hound! Thanks to Bob's owner for allowing us to share his story and to the Fire Service for all their assistance
https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/…/cob-r escued-freak-field-a…
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Tonight’s the night for our Donkey Client evening! The are still places remaining - contact the office on 01653 695743 to let us know if you’d like to attend!


Don’t forget our client evening is tonight 6-8pm. Hope to see you all there!


Just a quick reminder that this free informative and interesting evening is on this Friday in Malton! 6-8pm, contact the Dengie office to book your place!


***Cinders Update***
It’s been a lovely quiet few weeks for Cinders. She recovered extremely well from her last surgery and is fighting fit. Due to the nature of burns healing and the reorganisation of the scarred tissues we are still keeping a close eye on her to make sure her top lip doesn’t contract back and make eating tricky for her.
... She has had a couple of weeks away from the hospital, enjoying life as a happy pony at one of our vets houses. As you can see, she has made some new friends, and particularly enjoys being the head of the herd!
She has daily checks but does not require dressings or bandage changes anymore - just a fly mask with UV protection.
She is due for a reassessment at the hospital in the coming weeks with our resident specialists and from others who have helped her along her journey. We are hopeful that she can go to her forever home before too long.
Thank you for all your interest and your incredible generosity in this case, it’s truly heartwarming.
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July is a busy month for client evenings in Malton......
13th July 2018 @ Malton & Norton Golf Club
... We are pleased to invite everyone to an informative evening with talks given by experts at Dengie Horse Feeds and Rainbow Equine Hospital .
Topics covered will be latest information on gastric ulcers, respiratory health and the link between health and performance. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to Dengie Marketing Office by 06/07/18 (tel: 01621 841188 / feeds@dengie.com)
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**Missing Dogs***
Last seen Friday evening, 2 terriers, one black and one tan both wearing collars, are missing from Crambeck village.
If you have any information / sightings please ring the office on 01653 695743.
... Please share far and wide.
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CLIENT EVENING 18th July 2018, Rainbow Equine Hospital, Malton, 7pm
We are pleased to once again welcome Anna Harrison from the Donkey Sanctuary to Rainbow Equine Hospital as a guest speaker for our 'What Makes Donkey's Different' client evening. There will be talks on commonly encountered problems and how best to manage our donkey companions from both Anna and one of our own vets, Mandy Platt.
Everyone welcome, Please RSVP to meetings@rainbowequinehospital.co.uk or phone 01...653695743 to join us for an informative evening and light refreshments.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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Cinders pops over another hurdle
For the past 3 weeks Cinders has been having daily dressing changes as the Tilapia dressings have been removed in stages as Cinders’ skin has healed beneath them. Most of the damaged areas have healed but on either side of her face and around her eyes she has been left with bands of scar tissue. Scar tissue always contracts and the contraction of tissue on Cinders’ face has caused distortion of her eyelids and muzzle. Her eyelids had become pu...
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A week of relaxation for Cinders
Cinders continues to do well. The novel tipila fish skin treatment worked brilliantly and her deep burns are healing well, almost too well. She is having daily bandage changes and is extremely well in every way - she has developed a quite the attitude and hates being caught in the field! She has had a full clip and looks really well!
Due to the healing the skin around her muzzle is pulled tight, meaning her nostrils are a little narrowed and h...er top lip is little contracted. In order to improve her airflow and the reduce the tension all our specialists are working to a solution to help her out next week - we will keep you updated.
We had a couple of questions about her eyesight - this is unaffected and her eyelids are healing well meaning she hasn’t developed any eye ulcers or worries at this point.
Again, thank you once again for the amazing generosity shown to Cinders, we continue to overwhelmed by the offers of support and kind wishes - thank you.
Here are a couple of pictures of her wearing her kindly donated rug (before the hot weather!) and grazing non stop!
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***May is Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month!***
Here at Rainbow Equine Hospital, we have 12 dedicated equine nurses, 5 are Registered Equine Veterinary Nurses (REVNs), and other are working towards their qualifications. They are integral to the running and success of our hospital and carry out many important roles from preparation of surgical sites, advanced imaging and nursing of in-patients, to trotting up lame horses, preparing surgical equipment and assisting our hospit...al vets.
We couldn't run the hospital without their hardwork! #whatVNsdo #VNAM2018
Go to https://www.bvna.org.uk/…/veterinary-nu rsing-awareness-mont… for more details of their invaluable work
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Welcome to Sarah Gough, new vet in the hospital team
Sarah joins us all the way from Wagga Wagga in Australia to strengthen the hospital team. She has spent the last 4 years working in the equine hospital at Charles Sturt University and brings with her expertise in equine medicine and specifically foal medicine. She has a broad range of medicine experience but is particularly interested in the intensive care of adult horses and foals. Sarah started work with us 2 weeks ago and is relocating to North Yorkshire with her husband and their Kelpie who are currently en route. We know they will be made welcome in North Yorkshire and hopefully won't miss the Ozzy climate too much!


Super Cinders has a relaxing bank holiday weekend
Steady progress in the right direction for Cinders. All the eating is paying off and remarkably given all that she's been through she's increased her bodyweight by 10% since she's been at Rainbow. She's a lot more comfortable and is now happy with her face being examined, touched and having dressings adjusted with a small amount of sedation. Still a long way to go and still work to do getting the wounds to heal without excess...ive scarring; however, we remain confident of an excellent outcome. Thanks for all your messages of support and supplies and thanks to all of the following companies who have (unsolicited) been generous in supporting Cinders treatment: BATA, BOVA UK, Farm and Stable, Healthcare 21, Henry Schein, Kruuse, Natriderm, Pelnac, Robinsons, Royal Veterinary College, The Old Lodge, Zimmer Biomet.
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***Foster Mare Available*** Due to the sad loss of a foal, we have a foster mare available - call the practice on 01653 695743 for more details


At 7pm this evening (1st May) Cinders had a second surgery to speed the repair of the wounds caused to her face by a chemical attack early last week. Surgery was completed just before 10pm and Cinders was back in her box (eating!) by 11pm.
Cinders is the first horse in the world with burn injuries to be treated with a novel biological dressing made from Tilapia fish skin. There are no reports on how best to treat chemical burns in horses so from the moment Cinders was admitt...
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Quiet weekend for Cinders
With her new dressings doing all the work of protecting and cleaning her injuries for the next few days, Cinders has had a quiet weekend. She continues to receive regular medication both in her food and via an intravenous catheter - neither of which she notices! She received another plasma transfusion yesterday afternoon to top up her protein levels. Otherwise, she's just been relaxing and doing what she does best, eating! She's been out when the sun is shining and rarely lifts her head. She is blissfully unaware that there's been a lot going on in the background preparing for her surgery second this coming week. News of this to follow.


my horse had a CT scan on his head at Rainbow with amazing results. The images were unbelievable and gave a true and very accurate diagnosis of what was going on in just the 1 visit


do you remember the TB who came in January for a DDFT operation which happened to be a 3cm tear with the outcome of only 50% chance he'd return back to full work? well without you guys i wouldn't have got the chance to get my horse back! who is happily galloping with me through the stubble fields just 8 months on! (picture below☺️) it may of been a huge risk and a long hard time from in hand walking but without your team i would have never of known the outcome! can't thank you guys enough for the hard work and daily phonecalls when he had his sleepovers and i couldn't come visit! from the MRIs right through to his operation and aftercare your team have been so helpful and we can't thank you enough☺️� - laura and mountie Xxx


You deserve 5* for helping the pony that was attacked with acid. Great work!


The most professional and caring people when you need them the most. Up to date equipment and vets specialising in every area. These guys saved our pony and we will be forever grateful. Jonathan Anderson is an amazing vet with time and patience to spend with you in your hour of need. On the phone or in person he totally gets how precious our equine family's are. I have one VERY happy 11 year old girl. Thanks team rainbow

Suzy Maisy and Rosie the pony xxx


Rupert came to Rainbow a couple of weeks ago for surgery. From diagnosis through to surgery and his recovery the care he received has been fantastic. Brian and Jonathon have both been brilliant, thoroughly explaining all aspects of his treatment and giving honest and practical advice during a pretty stressful time! I was worried about leaving him post surgery as he has a few trust issues and can be nervous around strangers, however when I arrived to collect him he was happy, relaxed and also very well groomed! I was kept well informed throughout his recovery with daily updates, staff went above and beyond to ensure Rupert was as comfortable as possible. Cannot recommend highly enough


Rainbow was recommended by a friend and what an amazing hospital it is. I've had the pleasure of johnny looking after my horse jäger following a suspensory ligament Injury. I can't thank johnny and the team enough. The girls are very helpful especially belle, nothing is a bind nor a problem, everything is explained and if you don't understand anything the reception staff are brilliant. I would highly recommend rainbow equine.


Our Gelding was referred to rainbow a week ago with painful thoracic & lumbar spine & disuniting on the right rein in canter. Thankyou to Jonathan Anderson & the team involved in diagnosing & caring for Jasper for the last 8 days. When we arrived our very stressy thoroughbred who suffers bad separation anxiety had been on meltdown on the journey there but the team were so quick to ease our worries & make Jasper feel right at home. Their professional, caring approach put our minds at ease 100%, they kept us upto date with everything from his scan results then x.rays I never once felt out of the loop. Although the outcome wasn't exactly what we were hoping for I'm so pleased with the care he received. The discharge instructions give my daughter all the advice she needs to aid Jasper with his recovery & we know we can ring for advice at any point in the future.....Thankyou again for the great Job you've done in caring for our boy.


My pony ended up at Rainbow 6 weeks ago for emergency colic surgery. Rainbow were absolutely fantastic from the moment arrived. It was a very unexpected and upsetting time. All the staff were professional, helpful and sympathetic. They made a very difficult situation as easy as possible. The care given to my pony could not be faulted. He was in surgery within 30 minutes and I was kept up to date through out. He was then in ICU for 4 days and again I could not fault the service. Luckily the outcome was a good one for us and he is now at home recovering. If it had not been for the swift professionalism of Rainbow I have no doubt the outcome would have been very different. Thank you so much and particular thanks to Jonathan for getting us through it ���. He is my pony for life and hopefully we will now have many more years �.


My mare, Louise, has just come home from her week and a half stay at Rainbow where she underwent surgery for kissing spines. I cannot fault the care my girl received while there. I was kept completely in the loop, regularly updated, staff were more than happy to answer any questions I had. I can’t thank all the staff at Rainbow, especially Jonathan Anderson and Amy enough. So professional, well run, compassionate and caring staff. Thank you ��


My mare was admitted yesterday for CT scan and surgery to her fetlock. The staff were amazing, the receptionist was so so lovely and really calmed me down. The surgeon, Jonathan, explained every step to me, so professional and so caring. The whole team there, AMAZING. They've got my girl for a few days now and they've called every step to keep me fully informed. Couldn't ask for more. Thanks so much x


My mare ended up going to rainbow, it was the first time we had been and unfortunately it was a sad ending!!but I can not express how overwhelmed I am with the amount of respect and dignity the team gave to her in her last few hours!!Johnathan Dixon and the other two vets that were there (I’m sorry I didn’t get your names!!)were absolutely amazing!!its the first time I have every experienced losing a horse and I can’t thank you all enough for everything!!


My horse was brought here in March this year and underwent an operation on his right hind. Then Sod's law at almost full recovery he slipped fell and damaged his left hind, he had the operation on Friday and is still there recovering. I can not thank Jonathan enough. I've never felt so at ease with a vet, he has explained everything in detail, I've had a phone call everyday to tell me how my horse is getting on. I wish I was closer to rainbow hospital as this practice would define to be my first choice. Thankyou so much x


I would like to say a huge Thank you to everyone at rainbow equine hospital especially Dave & Mandy. My little RSPCA rescue Shetland who I've now owned for 5 years, came in from the field with a huge eye, within 24hrs a vet had arrived to treat her, immediately referred her to the hospital and removed the eye.. Summer a very scruffy little Shetland was treat with the upmost respect and care.. She is now safely home and on the mend.. Thanks all very much appreciated xx


I sadly lost my Welsh d mare a wk ago to colic the compassion rainbow showed early hours that morning was first class. I can't thank your vet aimi duff enough who went above and beyond to help. It wasn't the outcome we wanted but magic crossed over to rainbow bridge with dignity. Thank you once again xx


I really can't thank you guys enough for looking after William for his surgery. A few sleepless nights and oh my god have I done the right thing! Well yes glad we did and thank you for being so supportive of him and me felt like we'd been welcomed into the family. Jonathan and Laura especially. Xxxxxxx


I have been coming here for a few years now with weird and out of the norm cases which have challenged veterinary science but the team here are just amazing! This week has been particularly challenging and saw not one but three horses have their lives sadly cut short but I cannot thank you guys enough for your love and support. You made very heartbreaking times a little easier with your empathy and the way you dealt with my losses. Particularly want to say a very special and heartfelt thank you to Jonathan Anderson. You are always my rock and I hold you in the highest of regards. You guys are utterly amazing and your skills and mannerisms are second to none. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. X


I have been at Rainbow for 27 years this year...Totally top vets... Proven...even when I have I doubted them..... to be right....Fair and amazing with customers...Sometimes we don't like what is wrong with our horses...or what it costs to fix them..But Rainbow are still the best....x


I called Rainbow back in July 2018 after a recommendation from the physio over concerns about my ponies hind legs. Ellie initially assessed him and it was decided to take him into the practice for further assessment, scans and X-rays. With a plan in place for box rest and limited movement, I took him home, only to be calling in an emergency 3 weeks later for my pony colicing And then requiring surgery!! All of the staff that were involved in his colic treatment were amazing and I couldn’t fault them at all. He wasn’t a simple case as he then contracted an infection in his wound when he had returned home but the ongoing support from each vet and nurse was incredible. 8 months of rest and a re-assessment and we are finally getting working again and riding. Today we had a canter on both reins with no problem and all the months of worry and rest have been worth it! Thanks again to Ellie and every other member of staff I have spoken to and have helped me. A fabulous team! Thank you.


Couldn’t ask for better care for my tb mare - referred by my vets and arrived there 9pm on a Saturday night - everyone and everything was ready for her arrival and within half an hour I had been updated on her injury and what they were going to do to treat her. Left her overnight knowing she was in the best hands. Would definitely recommend.

More about Rainbow Equine Hospital

Rainbow Equine Hospital is located at Rainbow Lane, YO17 6SG Malton, York, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30
Sunday: -