Ripon Lions

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About Ripon Lions

Local service-minded men and women who are doing local volunteer work to support the community, and help raise funds for causes in and around Ripon

Ripon Lions Description

Local service-minded men and women who are doing local volunteer work to support the community and help raise funds for causes in and around Ripon



Happy Mothering Sunday! Sending love to all those doing the role of mum in someones life x


Ripon Lions have worked alongside Defibrillators for Ripon for a few years now. When Bishop Monkton Parish Council decided to install a second defibrillator in the village, we gave a donation towards the installation costs. Hopefully the unit will never need to be used but it is nice to know ir is there should an emergency happen!


We had some fabulous young people and their parents help out with the sleigh collection. They have decided that the donation they received will be put towards fitting a life saving defibrillator somewhere locally. Thank you so much x


VX players from the local area came and helped out during December with the sleigh routes. In return we have given a donation towards their World Cup taking place later this year. Thank you for your help! x


We had some amazing young people and their parents help out with collecting on the sleigh, they were raising funds to take part in World Challenge 2020. Thank you for your help, you helped us out a few times when we were low on numbers. x


Some fabulous ladies from Yellow Ribbon Pre School in Ripon came out and helped us with our sleigh collections and so we have made a donation to the group, we hope the children get some lovely new things to play with. x


We made a donation to 3 scouts who have all been selected to attend the World Scout Jamboree. As part of their fundraising they came and helped out on our santa sleigh collections. We hope they all have a fantastic time and make lots of amazing memories. x


Ripon Lions made a donation to Ripon City Netball Club in return for their help with collecting during our sleigh nights, many of the members, partners and children came out knocking on doors in all weathers. Thank you x


Ripon Lions made a donation to Kidney Research as a thank you for some help we received during our sleigh collections from Caroline Bentham. You really got us out of a pickle on that night so thank you! x


Ripon Lions made a donation to Ripon YMCA in return for their help during our sleigh collections in December last year. Thank you so much for your help, without the help of volunteers we would never manage to get round as many streets as we do. x


Today is National love your Pet day, get a picture posted in the comments of your pet looking their best (or worst)!


Today is Random Act Of Kindness Day. Sometimes it’s the smallest act that makes the biggest impact, something as simple as saying please or thank you can turn a day around, and make a life seem that much better. Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages you to get out there and be the light you want to see in the world.


Happy Valentines Day everyone!


National Pizza Day today! Not going to lie, this has to be one of my favourite days, mmm pizza.....


Always observed on February 7th, National Send A Card To A Friend Day is the day to send our friends a card and let them know that we are thinking of them! It is always a pleasant surprise to receive a card from a friend in the post rather than a bill! Send a card to one of your friends today to make them smile!


Today is World Cancer Day. Most people know someone that has been affected by cancer. There are more than 360,000 new cancer cases in the UK every year, that's nearly 990 every day.That is someone being diagnosed nearly every 2 minutes. Breast, prostate, lung and bowel cancers together account for over half (53%) of all new cancer cases in the UK. If you can make a donation, no matter how small, you are helping find cures. x


Today is Young Carers Awareness Day...Being a young carer is a risk factor for the mental health of children and young people. Young Carers Awareness Day 2019 will focus on mental health, and will link in with the #CareForMeToo campaign.


Its National Storytelling Week and who doesn't love a good story? Whether you prefer fact or fiction, read every day or have not picked up a book in ages. Make time this week to ask for a recommendation for a book to read, go buy it or go support the local library and expand your mind! x


This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. Early detection and treatment through cervical screening in the UK can prevent up to 75% of cervical cancers from developing. So, ladies, when you get your invite get yourself booked in and men, tell the women in your life to get it done!


Wonderful kind caring people xx

Hugs Mabel Sills


Thank you so much,got 3 very happy excited boys tonight �