Steve Norton Anxiety Specialist

About Steve Norton Anxiety Specialist

Hi, I'm Steve Norton Anxiety Specialist. I specialise in treating people with anxiety-related conditions. I work with teenagers upwards. If you'd you'd like to talk to me about my anxiety program don't hesitate to get in touch.

Steve Norton Anxiety Specialist Description

Check out my official Hypnotherapy site at www. anxietybreakthrough. co. uk



Wow another amazing review this week from the mother of an amazing young woman with a bright future.
It's amazing what we can do in such a short time with my unique therapy. Anxiety removed and needle phobia removed in just 4 sessions.
How long are you going to suffer before you do something about it?
... Warm regards Steve 07825018878
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Watching the celebrity SAS on channel 4 I think the same thing applies to my clients who book in with me.
It's easy to talk yourself out of doing things because you listen to your own doubts.
Every new client this week overcome there own mind telling them they couldn't do it and did it any way.
... Without realising it by doing that and committing to the full program they are already starting the process.
So this week I'll take another group of brave men and women and show them that they can beat anxiety!
Warm regards
Steve 07825018878
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Hey I have a few spaces left for late April, get in touch if you want to get rid of your anxiety!
Best wishes
Steve ... 07825018878
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We can live in this life or we can merely exist. How many times do we become shocked when someone we know dies young? 😢
Putting off the good things for when you retire is madness. At any moment life can end. Now is the time to enjoy life, to do the things you want to do. 🤘
Sort your shit out. Fix what’s not working. Stop living like you’re immortal. You aren’t. Life isn’t about getting by avoiding stress and taking the safest route.
... If that’s what you want you are already dead! If you want to do something do it. It might be hard but always remember they got a man on the moon! You can do anything you commit to.✊️
Have a great day!
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So the end of the week and 3 of my clients have just finished their gold package anxiety treatment.
I've received hugs and lovely messages from them since. (you know who you are). 👌
I'm such a soft bugger I always feel a bit of sadness when they leave as I've got to know them so well and now I won't see them as much. 😢
... It's like losing a friend but knowing they will go onto better things gives me a lot of pride.
New clients start on Monday and I'm looking forward to working with them too. Let's see what next week brings!🙏🏻
Have a great day
Steve 07825018878
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Today is a rare day. All. My clients are all men. I can't remember a day like this in a while.
I'm so glad more men are rejecting the macho bullshit that it's weak to ask for help.
Get in touch and we can end solve it and the nightmare of anxiety!
... Warm regards
Steve 07825018878
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Hi everyone, don't wait to feel even worse with anxiety before you decide to do something about it. Thinking "I'm not bad enough yet" is madness! 🤪
Also I can only help people who are on only mild doses of antidepressants so don't wait until you are a drugged up zombie before you call.🤢
Call me and we can solve this before the ceiling caves in!
... Warm regards
Steve 07825018878 /services
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One of my favourite all time quotes. Don't get stuck with trundling through life. If you want it to be exciting you've got to make it happen. Welcome change. Seek out things that will expand you. That will make you grow to be a different person. That's how you learn who you are!
Warm regards


To all the amazing mums out there who do such an amazing job. Hope you have a well earned day off.
Sending you ❤️🙏


Reality check
So I've just arrived home from a week in the sun. While I was away staying all inclusive I found myself moaning that the food was all the same every night and that the mattress was hard.
A couple of nights before we left we saw a homeless man covered in dirt. His hair looked like it hadn't been washed in months. His finger nails we're inches long and he was sleeping on the concrete door way of a shop.
... I suddenly felt ashamed of my earlier moaning as I put things into context. That guy would have loved the food I'd moaned about and the mattress I criticised would have been heaven for him.
Even though he wasn't begging we gave him some money probably because I'd felt so guilty. It's a reality check at times when you see how hard others have it.
It's important to keep our problems and moans in perspective as what we call a hardship others would view as a luxury.
Have a nice evening everyone.
Steve ❤️
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Hi everyone just to let you know that I'm on holiday from tomorrow for a week. If you send me a message it might take a little longer to reply.
I'm going to recharge my batteries as its been a year since I've been away so I'll see you soon.
Best wishes
... Steve
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More celebrity suicides this week. People are quite happy to spend £1000 + on an iPhone but won’t spend a few hundred £ on treating their mental health.
We need to prioritise our mental health before anything.
Thank you to everyone who supports and shares my posts. If we can save a few then it’s not a waste of time ❤️
... Best wishes
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Take care everyone on sertraline 🙏


Strive to be the best you can be. Work to improve yourself. Set goals and work towards them. These are the things we are told every day. I believe in the above but not at the cost of your physical and mental health.
Reaching the top sounds great but often it comes with more pressure, more hours working, less time with family and more stress.
... These things take its toll over time. We’re all sold on the idea of what success is but does anyone ever stop to think whether it leads to a happier life?
We could all do more hours at work and earn more money but does that lead to a better life? It just means we buy more things we don’t need to try to make ourselves happy.
Never forget that life is about balance. Work, family, health, exercise, fun, all have to be balanced. If they are not you enter a state of dis-ease.
Suicide rates are going through the roof because people’s minds are not balanced.
First and foremost you need to look after your physical and emotional well-being. You need to to be aware of the warning signs.
Don’t ignore the symptoms. Insomnia, anger, breathlessness, irritability are all signs you’re out of sync.
Look at the amount of people who take time off work due to stress these days. It’s not worth killing yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you died.
Always look after yourself first and foremost and remember that life is meant to be fun, to be enjoyed.
Have a great day.
Steve ❤️
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They will only do it again! 💯% True 😉


"I'll think about it"
90% of the people who say that to me after a phone consultation never come back to me. Why? Because they go away and look for reasons why it won't work.
They have sealed their doom at that point. They have chosen to listen to their doubts and given up. They have decided that anxiety is going to be a part of their life.
... They now spend the rest of their lives going to the doctors, taking pills, going on support groups and molding a life where anxiety is the boss.
Life is about decisions and choices. One simple decision can change your life or ruin it.
So when you say you'll think about it what you're really saying is that you're choosing to be anxious forever.
Come and see me or this: Trips to the doctors every month Unhappiness Feeling anxious 24/7 No social life Poor quality love life Low self confidence Prescription drugs
The choice is yours
Steve 07825018878
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An amazing day today. 2 messages. One from a woman who came with driving test nerves just past her test. And another one a young lady with a needle phobia who came 2 days ago just gave her sister an injection!!
It blows my mind!
Steve ❤️


💯% Remember this ♥️

More about Steve Norton Anxiety Specialist