The 1:1 Diet By Cambridge Weight Plan In Catterick With Julia Holling

About The 1:1 Diet By Cambridge Weight Plan In Catterick With Julia Holling

Hi, I am an Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant in Catterick. Let Cambridge Weight Plan be the very last diet plan you ever need to follow!



Self care is not selfish. You owe it to yourself to take care of you!


Monday Motivation: for anyone that may have over indulged this weekend. Forget it, draw a line and get straight back on plan. Give 100% every day and have a fabulous week folks.


Well, that’s me out of office for two weeks. Please remember, I won’t be able to answer any calls, pick up any texts or WhatsApp messages on my business phone. If you need me please private message me via here which I can pick up on my personal phone. This page will still be getting updated but these are scheduled posts. Be good ladies and gents, stay to plan, keep doing what you are doing, stay fabulous! See you all in two weeks!


I’ve seen the last of my clients today before I’m out of office for 2 weeks. Stay on plan everyone, keep going, you CAN do this. Stick to it 100%, read your steps book so you know the plan inside out and back to front, it’s your bible! Stay on the green path as much as possible, drink your water and be as active as you possibly can. Give it all your very best for the next two weeks and let’s see some fabulous losses when I’m back!


Fun Friday 😆 Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Be good, stay on plan, give it 100%


Huge shoutout to my lovely young lady who hit her target today of 9 stone! She’s lost 1 stone 6lb following steps 3 and 4 and her BMI is now 20.3. She has achieved this despite having serious chronic health issues. She will continue to see me for weight maintenance and will always receive my help and support. Massive well done, I’m so very proud of you.


My weight update: so this morning I’ve done my weigh in. Ignore the start weight as it was back in 2015 before I started Cambridge. My starting weight with Cambridge was 15 stone 9.5lbs. My target weight was always 10 stone which gave me a loss of 5 stone 9.5lb. BUT recently I’ve wanted to bring it lower to give me some leeway for my holiday and to hit a 6 stone loss and today I’ve done it! 6 stone 1.5lb gone! So, for all you out there thinking you can’t do it please believe... me YOU CAN! It may be hard at times but being fat is much harder, it may take time but it’s not a race or a competition. And when you reach that goal weight the feeling is absolutely priceless!! On top of that you’ll have learnt so much about yourself, your whole lifestyle will have changed, you won’t miss the food & drink you thought you could never live without and you’ll be prepared for maintenance which I will continue to support you with. So what are you waiting for? Do it for yourself and make yourself proud.
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Certainly is 😉


Sweet tooth? Chocoholic? We cater for those sweet cravings but our chocolate is packed with all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements your body needs!


You’re more than capable of making changes and having a much happier and healthier life. Why put it off? Just do it. Contact me for more information on how I can help you achieve what you really want.


This is really good news and about time too! I’m also enrolling in a diabetes course next month. Cambridge Weight Plan can reverse type 2 diabetes and this is the way forward.


Motivational Monday: Every single day you stick to plan you are making progress & the results are adding up. You may not be able to see a daily difference or be fully happy with your progress BUT one day you will look at yourself and say ‘Wow, I did it’ Never ever quit or give up on yourself.


Sunday shoutout to my fabulous clients. I’ve given out 1 and 2 stone awards this week! I’ve also got clients getting so close to their goals now, so they’re moving up steps. Massive well done to everyone! I love seeing their transformation and hearing how much better they’re feeling physically & mentally. Keep smashing it! 🤛


Fun Friday. Have a great weekend everyone. Keep out of the fridge, no snacking and picking folks 😉


Have you over indulged during the summer months ? Is it time to get into shape? If the yo-yo dieting you’ve been doing all your life hasn’t worked, then why not try it my way? Apart from lbs, what have you got to lose? 😉 let’s make Cambridge the last diet plan you ever need to follow 😀


Join the 60 Day Challenge and let’s get rid of your summer excess 🤛 contact me for more information 😃

More about The 1:1 Diet By Cambridge Weight Plan In Catterick With Julia Holling