Tip Top Canine Physiotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tip Top Canine Physiotherapy

Offering physiotherapy to dogs. Fully qualified and insured to treat and maintain your dogs, whether they are recovering from injury or surgery or require maintenance for long term conditions or full mots for the working dog



Contact me on how I can help your dog with a bespoke fitness, strengthening and rehabilitation plan. I will review your dog in detail, checking for muscle tone, imbalance and any areas that are over working, and tailor a bespoke plan to target any areas that need strengthening. Send me a message to find out how I can help you and your dog on a one to one basis. www.tiptopcaninephysiotherapy.co.uk


I'm back after a fab weekend at Otley Agility Show. Lovely to watch some of my amazing doggie clients working so well, and some great runs with some well deserved placings for the handlers.


I often tell people not to throw balls for dogs, as it has a negative impact on their musculoskeletal system. It will nearly always exacerbate any underlying joint and muscle problems, especially arthritis. Dogs can be stimulated and exercised in so many other ways, which I discuss with owners during our physiotherapy sessions.


I'm looking for some volunteers who would like to help me with my studies. I am training to teach canine fitness and I'm looking for people with dogs who would like to improve their dogs core muscles. This involves me teaching you 15 exercises to do with your dog. You need to commit to performing these exercises 3 times per week for 6 weeks (or longer if you enjoy doing them😁) You don't have to perform all 15 exercises each time, but it would be preferable if you could do all... of them at least once a week. You will need access to some equipment. You will need 5 cavalettis or cones with poles or 5 raised poles of some sort. You will also need a step of some type, either a normal house step or a raised surface the dog can stand on with it's front feet. I will need to visit you in weeks 1, 3 and 6 where I will show you the exercises and watch how you perform them and then take measurements of areas of muscle in your dog, to see if the exercises have added any muscle mass to your dog. Let me know if you are interested and I will have a chat and take it from there. Plus there will probably be some cake involved somewhere along the way (bribery πŸ˜‚)
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This guide is fabulous for making people aware that their dog may be in some pain. Often pain is not to the point where pain killers are always needed, but massage can help identify any areas of muscle or fascia that may be sore or tight. Massage will remove these areas of tension before the pain intensifies and causes the dog to behave and act differently Often dogs hide their pain, especially low level pain, quite well and it's often not spotted by the owners until the pain has intensified or has affected other parts of the body due to compensatory changes. Regular checks by a qualified canine massage therapist is always recommended to nip these niggles in the bud. As a Physiotherapist, along with massage, I can offer Laser therapy too.


My latest blog post is available to read on my website. It's all about arthritis and how physiotherapy can help. Take a look and tell me what you think :-)


Today I went to visit Ozzy an 8 year old lab. His owner was concerned that his arthritis had worsened especially after a particularly strenuous walk 5 days ago. Watching Ozzy walk it was obvious that he had not been standing and walking correctly for a few years now. He had developed weakness in his hind limbs, resulting in a puppy amble type walk and a sloppy sit. He was given LLLT (low level laser therapy) on his affected joints and areas in his back, shoulders and hind lim...bs where the muscles had tightened. He had massage to relieve the muscles that had tightened at a deeper level. His owner was then given some exercises to do with Ozzy to strengthen his hind limbs, help correct his sloppy sit and exercises to maintain range of motion in his forelimbs. I then suggested some lifestyle changes Ozzy's owner can make to help manage Ozzy's condition for the long term, as unfortunately arthritis is a degenerative disease which cannot be cured, but can be managed quite successfully. Ozzy was a wonderful patient and loved his treatment, falling asleep several times during his session. Well done Ozzy and I will look forward to your updates. (Sorry no photos of Ozzy, as I'm rubbish at remembering to take pics πŸ™ˆ)
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My latest blog is available to read on my new website. Here's the link. Have a wonderful long weekend everyone 😊
http://www.tiptopcaninephysiotherapy.co.u k/the-benefits-of-…


I have finally finished my new website. Have a look and tell me what you think :-)


Yup, pretty much sums me up πŸ˜‚


I am also proud to be a member of IAAT (International Association of Animal Therapists) so you know your dog is in the best possible hands 😊


I have received my diploma in Canine Merishia Massage too 😊


This is an interesting read. I have long felt that vets are promoting neutering at a young age which is not always the best thing for the dog. Neutering and spaying are important things to do for our dogs, but hopefully vets will begin to rethink the age at which it is done and wait until the dog is an adult to be spayed or neutered rather than when they are still very young. I've also been aware for a while that some breeders spay and neuter their dogs at 6-8weeks old before they go to their new home, so they cannot be used for breeding. I'm hoping that more research into this practice will mean this will stop.


#nationalpetday my 🌍 😍. Show me pics or your pets

More about Tip Top Canine Physiotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -