Trina'S Pet Care Services

About Trina'S Pet Care Services

Trina's Pet Care Services is a professional dog walking and pet sitting service. Please contact me for further details and to discuss individual needs of your pets.

Trina'S Pet Care Services Description

Trina's Pet Care Services is a professional and experienced dog walking service that also covers cat feeds, puppy visits and small animal care. I can also offer a pet taxi service, please contact me to find out more information on all my services covered.



It was a slightly quieter week with it being the beginning of the school holidays. The weather has been great although way too hot some days, for both me and the doggies. We have been doing shorter, shaded walks and on Thursday I cancelled walks due to it being over 30 degrees and did house visits instead. Here's to a cooler week (hopefully) x


With the temperature outside increasing and set to be hot all week, I just thought I would share this.


What a fantastic week it's been, I've been very busy but had great fun. I've made some new friends (Isis the cat (named 20 years ago) and Errol the bearded dragon, he is so cute). The weather has been good, a little hot some days but we've managed to find shady walks. Next week could get very hot so will keep a check on temperatures, walks may be cut short if needed.


It's been another busy week, we've had lots of fun walking and playing and visiting cats as well. Here's some pictures x


It was busy but really good week. Just before I went on holiday I welcomed Connie back, this week Skye and Henley came back and I made a new friend Joe x Monday: was a visit to Sox, a group walk with Ellie, Ariel, Charlie and Connie. Then a walk with Bentley followed by Freddie & Meg. It was a little walk with Daisy then another visit to Sox. Tuesday: was a visit to Sox, a walk with Archie, then a group walk with Peppie, Ariel, Alfie and Connie followed by a little walk with ...Skye. Wednesday: started with a group walk of Peppie, Ellie & Skye, Bo & Joey. Then another group walk of Joe, Ariel, Charlie and Connie. Maggie and Bentley were next followed by Henley then a little walk with Daisy. Thursday: Archie was first then a group walk of Ariel, Charlie, Bo & Joey. Then a group walk of Joe, Alfie and Connie. It was then Maggie and Henleys turn. Friday: First was Freddie & Meg then Peppie and Ellie they were followed by a group walk of Ariel, Charlie, Alfie and Connie. It was then a little walk with Daisy and Henley finished the day with his walk x
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What a fantastic week it's been, I've had solo walks, group walks and some cat visits. The weathers been a bit hit and miss but the doggies didn't care. I hope that everyone is having a good weekend and I'll see you all Monday 1st July. If anyone does need to get in touch then please do but I apologise in advance if I don't get back to you straight away.


It's been another great week. The weather hasn't been great🌦 but the doggies weren't bothered about it. We had lots of walks, both solo and group, visits to Guinea Pigs and some kittie visits over the weekend.


It was a busy week last week with some nice weather as well, so here's to another good one but not convinced weather wise unfortunately 😥. Here's some photos from the walks


It was another great week although a little quieter due to the school holidays. Here's some photos x


What a great week it's been. Here's some photos of my walks and visits x


It has been a fantastic week. The weather has been great for most of it and I've had some really good walks and visits. Here's some pictures of them x


I would like to welcome the new additions to Trina's Pet Care Services x


Well, the weathers been shocking this week, cold wet and windy at times, it did start to pick up on Friday though which was good. Monday: Bank holiday so didn't have much on, it was a walk with Ellie and Peppie then later on a visit to Beemo and Honey. Tuesday: Started with Archie, then a group walk with Peppie, Rufus and Bess. A group walk with Alfie and Charlie. It was then a little walk with Daisy and a visit to Beemo and Honey. Wednesday: Started with a group walk of Pep...pie, Ellie, Ariel and Charlie, then a group walk with Bo, Joey and Bess and a group walk of Maggie and Bentley. It was then another walk with Ariel and a visit to Beemo and Honey. Thursday: Started with Archie, then went and did a group walk with Charlie, Bo, Joey and Bess. Then a group walk with Alfie, Ariel, Rufus and Peppie and then a visit to Beemo and Honey. Friday: Started with Freddie and Meg then had a group walk with Willow, Peppie and Ellie, then a group walk with Ariel, Alfie and Charlie. The weekend has been visits to Zeb, Casper and Ludo. Here's to another equally busy week ahead x
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Sorry, I forgot to post my walks from Thursday and Friday last week. Thursday started with Archie then it was a group walk with Katie, Rufus, Peppie and Charlie, then a group walk with Ariel, Alfie, Bo and Joey. Friday started with Freddie and Meg, then it was a group walk with Willow, Peppie and Ellie, then a group walk with Ariel, Alfie and Charlie. The last walk of the day was with Daisy. I hope everyone is enjoying their bank holiday weekend and I will see all my doggies this week for lots of walking and cuddles x


It's been another fab day. My first group walk was with Ellie, Bo and Joey, I then had a group walk with Peppie, Ariel and Charlie. My last walk of the day was with Daisy x


It was a busy day yesterday. Archie was first followed by a group walk of Peppie, Rufus and Bess. I think Rufus and Bess are in ❤. It was then onto Ariel, Alfie and Charlie. Harvey and Maggie were next then a little walk with Daisy


The day started a little on the cool side but did warm up which was nice. Freddie and Meg started the day, then it was onto a group walk with Peppie, Ellie, Ariel and Charlie. Harvey had a walk on his own then the last walk was with Daisy.


It's the end of another week, it's been quiet due to school holidays. The weather was gorgeous at the beginning but ended not so good (bring back the sunshine ☀️). My hubby came on a few of the walks as well, the doggies love him, and yesterday we went and looked after my brothers 2 for a few hours. Hope you have all had a great weekend and I'll see all my lovely doggies over the coming week x

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