1St Hillsborough Squirrels

About 1St Hillsborough Squirrels

This page is for the parents of the 1st Hillsborough Squirrel Dreys.

Updates and information will be posted here to keep everyone updated.

1St Hillsborough Squirrels Description

We run two Drey's each week during term time in the Scout & Community Hall:

Monday's Drey 6-7pm - Leaders Rebecca & Christine

Wednesday's Drey 6-7pm - Leaders Natalie & Richard

Squirrels is an organisation for 4 and 5 year old boys and girls.

Squirrels meet in Dreys and enjoy games, crafts, stories and fun under the guidance of an adult Leadership team.

Squirrels will join our Dreys to have fun with their friends, but they will also make a unique Promise.

Squirrel Promise -

"I promise to be a good Squirrel and to love God"

The idea behind the Promise is simplicity. Squirrels, despite their young age, can understand the importance of making and keeping a promise. Being a "good Squirrel" means always trying to be well behaved and "to love God" encourages the Squirrels to think about how they treat others and the world around them.

The aim of the Squirrel Association is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens, and as members of their local, national and international communities, and to encourage them to become a member of the Beaver Section when they reach the appropriate age.

More about 1St Hillsborough Squirrels

1St Hillsborough Squirrels is located at 2a Ballynahinch Road, BT26 6AR Hillsborough, Lisburn, United Kingdom