Activfit Circuits

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:30 - 20:30
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Activfit Circuits

Enjoy circuits with a difference, with Hugh McNulty and Nuala Lilley. For people who love to train.

Activfit Circuits Description

ActivFit Circuits-What is it?

Every session provides a full body workout that helps build cardio fitness, core strength and muscular endurance for all fitness levels.

Every session works all the main muscle groups of the body-no muscle is left out!

Every station has progressive levels so you can complete ActivFit circuits irrespective of your fitness level.

Every session is different so your training is kept interesting, challenging and varied.

Everyone is welcome from 16 years and over.

Its circuits with a difference-for people who love to train.

Hugh McNulty
Hugh is an experienced fitness instructor and personal trainer .

Hugh provides successful target focused personal training for individuals and pairs .

Hugh runs intense training classes in kettles, boxercise, swiss ball, circuits and spinning.

Hugh is co-founder of the popular Activ8 fitness and nutrition programme that he runs in conjunction with Nuala Lilley.

Hugh formulates and delivers the training sessions and programmes used within the Activ8 programme.

Hugh devises and supervises each Actifit circuits session.

Hugh's own training is primarily focused around Gaelic football. He plays for Dromore, Co Tyrone.

A trainer who loves to train - that's Hugh.



Great news!! Following our Summer break Circuits recommences tomorrow evening, Wed 10th Sept, at 7.00pm in St.Fanchea's.
We help all abilities train at their own level, so everyone is welcome from first timers to experienced gym goers!
... I hope you all can make it - spread the word!! See you tomorrow at 7.00pm! Hugh
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Remember there is no Activfit Circuits tonight as we've finished for Summer. If you're not sure what to do for exercise today try this- it'll take around 35-40 minutes.
Warm up for 5 minutes (Do each exercise for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest x 4 times- then move on to the next exercise)
... 1. Press ups 2. Lunges 3. Russian Twist 4. Bunny hops 5. Tricep Dips 6. Squats 7. Marching Plank 8. Burpees 9. Reverse Flyes 10. Deadlift (or leg curls) 11. Skipping 12. V-Sit Ups
5 minute cool down and stretch. Enjoy :-) Let me know how you get on!
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What steps are you taking to your goals this week?? Eat breakfast? Get to gym 4 times? Cut out junk food?
Whatever small steps you're planning, write them down and see them through!


You never grow too old to exercise...................... ...........but not exercising might help you to grow old!


So that's Activfit Circuits finished for the Summer holidays now- thank you all for your attendance and efforts every week! I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!! :-) ..and have a great, fit and healthy holiday!!


I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening's Activfit Circuits already! If you haven't been in a while, you're very welcome to come up again at 7.30pm. A similar session to last week in store, ideal for anyone to train at their own intensity without holding anyone else back! Hopefully there'll be enough time left at the end for a bit more 'craic' this week ;-)


Training Myth Buster!
'Lots of Crunches will give me a toned stomach/six pack!'
You can do all the crunches you like but if your abdominal muscles are covered with a layer of fat then you`ll never see the tone or muscle definition. You need to shift the fat while at the same time toning the muscles.... Good abs come as a result of combined cardio and resistance training and proper eating -there really is no other easy way!
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Nutritional preparation for running the Enniskillen 10k. Carb up! Porridge is king for breakfast tomorrow morning. Have it early enough to allow time for a second meal. Include protein along with carbs in your second meal to ground you! A piece of protein with a medium sized portion of marks and spencers salad tubs,(the 2 for £3 ones), provide great pre event eating.... Stop eating 2.5-3 hours before the event starts. Sip on water or a well formulated energy drink during this time ..........and away you go fully fueled and raring to run!!!
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Best of luck to everyone taking part in the Enniskillen 10K tomorrow. Do your best and remember to enjoy it!! :-)


Great turnout and a brilliant effort by everyone on a lovely evening! Only one thing I forgot that could've made Activfit Circuits better tonight... Burpees!!!


Exercise with a friend is more enjoyable and can increase your chance of getting results!
I hope to see you all at Activfit Circuits tomorrow evening 7.30pm at Erne Integrated - and bring a friend! 😃


Plan Your Training
A Sunday is a great time to look at the week ahead and plan what exercise you're going to do. You could 'wing it'- but that'll end up in mediocre sessions and mediocre results. Make concrete plans, even put them in writing -it'll most likely end up in brilliant sessions and brilliant results! ... But of course in your planning, don't forget to include Activfit Circuits on Wednesday evening!
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It's all about making progress!!!


Are you taking part in the Enniskillen 10k on Saturday 14 June? Would like to run or walk it for Parkinsons Support Fermanagh? If so please call into Nature's Choice, Enniskillen and pick up your sponsorship form. You can check out the link below for full details of the 10k, including a map of the route.


The weather was on our side again this evening! An even deeper tan earned by our outdoor enthusiasts while training hard at the same time! Thanks to all of you for coming. A great session put in by everyone!


We are trying to assess the interest in continuing with Activfit Circuits through the summer, going with more of a boot camp style circuit. To run this successfully we need to feel secure in the numbers that might attend. While we know many might intend to go, that doesn`t always happen.
The best way for us to assess the level of real interest is to judge by the numbers that attend circuits over the next few weeks. So if you would like a summer boot camp to happen please ple...ase attend circuits during June. The number attending has slipped a bit since we`ve moved outdoors and if that trend continues during June, we`ll just leave the summer idea and start again indoors in September.
Thanks to all of you who attend regularly and not so regularly. Everyone is welcome any time they can make it. However if you are someone who means to come and doesn`t make it happen, maybe the thought of a summer boot camp will be your incentive! Hugh & Nuala
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‘Only cardio burns fat.’
Of course this is partly true, but you’d end up selling yourself short! ... Cardio exercise definitely burns fat but although you might fit into smaller clothes, you could well end up looking and feeling quite ‘shapeless’ or ‘soft.’ You’ve forgotten to tone up! If your goal is a fitter, slimmer, stronger, more toned, and healthier you, then you should include an all over body resistance (weights) programme as part of your training regime from the outset. More importantly, lean toned muscle is more efficient at burning fat than soft muscle. So the more you tone, the more you burn. Hugh
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More about Activfit Circuits

Activfit Circuits is located at Enniskillen
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:30 - 20:30
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -