
Monday: 06:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 17:30
Friday: 06:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Adfitness

Nutrition Advice, workouts both conventional and unconventional, Informative posts, tips and tricks to help elevate your training



Just a reminder that time and time again studies show that organic food is no more nutritious, no healthier, and no better for the enviroment than its conventional counterpart. Its also not pesticide free. . For me, the only real reasons to buy organic is to help alleviate the impending crisis of antibiotic resistant infection and for ethical reasons—organic live stock tend to live better lives. . In the comments I have attached a terrifying article from The New York Times about the rise of drug resistant fungus.


Calling eating one meal per day and fasting all weekend "wellness," is to pretend that we know absolutely nothing about wellness. This diet is dangerous and in direct contravention to what we know to be healthy for the body... Take your nutrition advice from qualified professionals... Not billionaires.


Bears Repeating


Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have likely heard that eggs are back on the no-no list again, or so the media claims!! CNN claimed in a recent report that new research has shown that eating three or more eggs a week increases your chance of cardio vascular disease (CVD). . So what the shell is going on? . Is this some sort of yoke?... . Shitty jokes aside, CNN did a pretty good job of butchering the science on this one. The study cited (which I will attach in the comments) had a critical limitation, dietary intake was self-reported, which is notoriously inaccurate, and it was only reported once, at the beginning of the study. The median follow up with participants was 17.5 years with a maximum follow up of 31.3 years. The study assumes that the reported dietary intake was accurately reported and had not changed, in some cases for up to 31 years! . Another problem with CNN’s reporting, and the media broadly, is they failed to mention that this study was an observational study, which cannot determine causality. Previous randomized controlled trails, which can determine causality, have found no association with moderate egg intake and CVD. . So I wouldn’t be eliminating eggs from your diet just yet, regardless of what the media says!!
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Awesome, bud fitness just won a youth Oscar!!! Well done everyone!


Try this Superset to really increase your explosive power...


Autophagy Autophagy is a word you may have come across if you’ve peaked your head inside nutrition circles. Proponents of Intermittent fasting and keto often use the term to bolster their claims about the benefits of the diets. So here is a quick breakdown of what it is… . Autophagy is an automatic process in which the cells in the body eat and recycle themselves. In response to a stressor, such as starvation, the cells in the body begin a process called autophagy in which ce...lls eat and recycle their own protein and other molecules to regenerate new cells. This is a natural detox system as the body can get rid of waste products, pathogens and dead or damaged components. . This is an essential bodily process which helps to increase longevity. It has also been shown to improve cognitive ability and to help avoid neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Other benefits are an improved immune system and a decrease in inflammation. . This process can be accelerated by putting stress on the body. The most effective way to add this stress to the body is through fasting and this is one of the benefits of diets such as intermittent fasting (IF). Exercise can also act as a stressor which stimulates autophagy. . The problem with this process is we are unsure of when exactly this process becomes maladaptive. Too much autophagy can lead to autosis (cell death), which can be fatal. Also fasting has been shown to contribute to hormonal imbalances in females.
Science in the comments...
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Reverse Hyper using the hamstring curl machine. Great glute builder... Try it out.


A simple but effective superset... Rope Pull Up x 15 reps Bent Over x 15 reps


Inverted KB Press
This exercise is amongst my favorite for warming up the shoulders. Give them a go.


Check out my new blog on happiness...


Bicep finisher


Happy Valentines Day!
If you have no valentine tonight remember, the bacteria in your body outnumber the human cells by a ratio of 1.3:1.
So you're never truly alone!!


Agree or disagree?


As the news has broken that Gwyneth Paltrow has secured a deal with netflix to produce a health documentary, it is important to reestablish some critical thinking ground rules and try to get ahead of this shit before it drops. . Firstly, Netflix is a great platform, I use it everyday. That said, its not a scientific authority, nor are its goals aligned with yours. Its goal is to maximise screen time from its users, not to provide them with accurate health advice. As a genera...l rule, documentaries should be taken with a dose of scepticism. . Secondly, celebrities are exactly that, celebrities. They're not scientists, they have no business telling you what is healthy, never mind selling you health products at scandalous prices.... And now say this with me.. "being on TV does not make someone an expert" —repeat ad nauseum. . Next up, the classic trick these shows pull is to get a PhD on to bolster their claims. This is a well known Fallacy called the argument from authority. You will always be able to find an expert who advocates for fringe ridiculous ideas—that doesn't make them anymore true. . In relation to the link below—and I wish this went without saying—don't put anything in any orifice just because a celebrity told you it's healthy!
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The Transcendent Workout . One of the concepts Blane, Noel, and I talked about during our recent podcast was how the psychological benefits of exercise carry-over into every day life. Take Blane as an example, in less than 10 weeks Blane will attempt Ireland’s toughest endurance race―he will complete a feat which very few humans on the planet are capable of completing. It will likely be the most challenging thing he will ever do. Imagine having this experience to draw upon a...nytime you face an obstacle or a challenge in any other domain in your life, to know that―everything―pales in comparison to the task you have already successfully completed. . The Image below is an example of a workout which my online clients complete for fat burning. These short intense workouts take you to dark places, places in which you must face the worst versions of yourself―the quitter, the coward, the relentless Cassandra, the self-derogator, the doubter, the liar, the imposter, the loafer, the procrastinator, the weakling―all in a 30minute window. In this window we do combat with ourselves, and whilst we face these negative versions of ourselves this need not be a negative experience― this is training. In the iron jungle you do not just build muscle, you build character. When you pound the roads it is not only your cardiovascular system you’re pushing, you’re pushing your boundaries. When you’re striving to hit a PB on your TT you’re not simply building muscular power, you’re building willpower. . It sounds cliché to say that your true adversary is yourself but clichés are not nonsensical, they have a purpose, they are heuristics, social rules of thumb which help us understand concepts. The transcendent workout is something which we can all experience, all we need to do is look, it lies just beyond your boundaries, but you must push them to see it. When working out stops being exercise and starts being the forge in which you craft your very character, you have discovered the transcendent workout. . Blane O Donnell Couch to 250k Raw Muscle Derry
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Online clients are doing really well, brilliant work all...


Holy hell, there's a lot more people doing Veganuary than I expected! Well done to everyone having a go!
That said, there are some considerations those who are trying veganuary should make. Typically, diets which exclude all meat and dairy will be lacking in some vital nutrients. Luckily, most of these nutrients can be supplemented to make a complete diet.
Here are some of the typical pitfalls of no meat diets...


The Emancipation of “you” . Have you ever noticed that you act differently around certain people? When interacting with people in your life, your behaviour can be radically different from one situation to the next depending on who you’re talking to and what environment you’re in—so much so as to make it seem like you can behave like two completely distinct people. . . ... This foible of the human condition is particularly noticeable over the holidays. For some, our families only gather together a few times per year, and they can perceive you as they did when you were younger—they expect that you have not changed. What’s funny is that sometimes you will actually start to behave as you did when you were younger. . . Some draw the analogy of wearing different masks around different people, but I feel this misses the point. You see, the mask analogy implies that there is a true “you” underneath all the masks which, for whatever reason, you don’t reveal. But this ignores the facts about biological determinism which suggest that the person you are is a result of genetics, random synaptic firings in the brain, and interactions with your environment. The thing is, its not that there is a true “you” which you are hiding, it’s that.... there is no true “you” there. None of these versions of yourself is you! There is no thinker of thoughts, there are just thoughts arising in consciousness and there is no driver behind the wheel there is only the car. The car is built however its is built and that cannot be changed, the car will react to obstacles in the environment which can change its course, and the car is a tesla... It has no driver. . . What this means is that you are not condemned to be the same person you were. If a social situation made you anxious in the past, it does not have to the next time. You have the ability to be a completely different person next time. Every time you do something, it is an opportunity to be a new better “you” and when you fail at something, move on. The person who failed is no longer you anymore, because that person didn’t have the experience of failing, now you know better, you are better equipped, you are... Free.
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Mr Doherty sure knows his stuff, he’s a machine � He ensures that you train at your level however pushes you to achieve your own personal goals.. He is 100 percent professional and supportive throughout and he’s eye candy too ��� its a plus plus of a must really guys ���


I have to many good things to say about Aidan I'd need a whole day


I am over the moon with my results of my weight loss and my fitness level.. gutted it all over now.. Would recommend aidan and raw great atmosphere


His answering grin is scorching, completely in tune with the hunger in his eyes and his impatient erection. Again I catch my breath, thrilled to my core when his low tone washes over me, “you’re a rare beauty Anastasia, I cannot wait to be inside you. I’ve clung to the memory of what you feel like around me.” He runs the back of his hand down my cheek, then lovingly traces the line of my jaw with a knuckle and gently whispered in my ear “last set” upon hearing this it was like the amazon river bursting its banks between my legs. What a guy

P. S. We’re going steady now �


Great trainer, knows his stuff, will get you the results you are looking for.


Excellent nutritional and exercise advice on a daily basis. Great for new ideas and perfecting form for difficult exercises!


Mr Doherty sure knows his stuff, he’s a machine � He ensures that you train at your level however pushes you to achieve your own personal goals.. He is 100 percent professional and supportive throughout and he’s eye candy too ��� its a plus plus of a must really guys ���


I have to many good things to say about Aidan I'd need a whole day


I am over the moon with my results of my weight loss and my fitness level.. gutted it all over now.. Would recommend aidan and raw great atmosphere


His answering grin is scorching, completely in tune with the hunger in his eyes and his impatient erection. Again I catch my breath, thrilled to my core when his low tone washes over me, “you’re a rare beauty Anastasia, I cannot wait to be inside you. I’ve clung to the memory of what you feel like around me.” He runs the back of his hand down my cheek, then lovingly traces the line of my jaw with a knuckle and gently whispered in my ear “last set” upon hearing this it was like the amazon river bursting its banks between my legs. What a guy

P. S. We’re going steady now �


Great trainer, knows his stuff, will get you the results you are looking for.


Excellent nutritional and exercise advice on a daily basis. Great for new ideas and perfecting form for difficult exercises!

More about Adfitness

Adfitness is located at Unit 11, Northwest Business Complex, Skeoge Industrial Estate, BT48 8SE Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Monday: 06:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 17:30
Friday: 06:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -