Alan Gilchrist - Northern Ireland'S Top Hypnotherapist

Monday: 09:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 22:00
Friday: 09:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 22:00

About Alan Gilchrist - Northern Ireland'S Top Hypnotherapist


During his time in practice Alan has helped well over 70, 000 people at his Northern Ireland Hypnosis Centres and also in Europe using FAST TRACK hypnosis to Stop Smoking , Lose Weight , overcome phobias , stress, etc

Alan Gilchrist - Northern Ireland'S Top Hypnotherapist Description

During his time in practice Alan has helped well over 70, 000 people at his Northern Ireland Hypnosis Centres and in Europe. These include world champions, film stars, actors, world famous singers and musicians, TV and radio personalities to help them overcome their problems.



Trichotillomania – Compulsive Hair Pulling I am sure a lot of people reading this will have at sometime or other heard the expression “they were so worried/ angry / grieving, they were ready to pull their hair out”.
Hard as it may be to believe, but there is a condition that causes some people to actually pull out their hair, it is called Trichotillomania (pronounced: trik-oh-till-oh-may-nee-ah). Trichotillomania, compulsive hair pulling, is a type of psychological condition ...
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Slim Down for this year’s Holidays with The Ultimate Gastric Band Hypnosis Session By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist
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Learn to Relax using Fast Track Hypnosis with Alan Gilchrist
It is commonly accepted that some people can cope with the stresses of modern day life more readily than others can. Some people seem to fall completely apart at the slightest pressure, while others seem to be untouched by these stresses.
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Overcome Insomnia using Fast Track Hypnosis with Alan Gilchrist. Insomnia affects over 40 percent of adults worldwide on a frequent basis. However, some experts estimate that almost all of the adult population have suffered a sleep disorder at some time in their lives. Using hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Insomnia can easily be alleviated.
People who suffer from insomnia often find it difficult to lead a normal life, and may have some of the following symptoms;
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How to Hypnotise Animals!! By Alan Gilchrist. Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist A light hearted look at hypnosis ! We have all been there, the neighbours with the constantly barking dog that seems to get louder at 3.00am in the morning (the dog – not the neighbours).... Short of placing a small pellet of lead in its ear that would guarantee you a good nights sleep, (with the help of a colt 45), there doesn’t seem to be any answer to this. As a Hypnotherapist it would be wonderful if I could hypnotise the offending dog to do just that. If that were the case I would have millions of beagles at my door wanting to stop smoking! But did you know that there are some animals that you can “Hypnotise”. Many years ago in Northern Ireland there was a stage hypnotist who was famous for hypnotising chickens and he labelled himself “ The one and only Chicken Hypnotiser ”. Hypnosis in animals is more of a physical condition than it is mental. Because it makes the animal not to respond, it then makes it appear to be “asleep”.
Ok, let’s start with hypnotising Chickens! Take one chicken, preferably not from the freezer as it makes the overall effect that much more difficult, if not impossible. Hold the (living) chicken flat on the floor with its head flat down. Take a piece of chalk and draw a line directly out and away from its beak for about 2 feet. When you remove your hands the chicken will stay there. To awaken it just move its head away from the line. Try this one with the cockerel that lives on the local farm down the road that crows incessantly at dawn, you will be the hero of the neighbourhood!
Rabbits! Hold the rabbit out in a stretched position on its back, with its ears and back legs flat out. Keep it in this position for about 30 seconds then take your hands away. To awaken blow on its nose! (Have you ever noticed the ones in the European supermarkets stretched out in the fridges, is this how they do it?)
Guinea Pigs! Roll it over a few times and place it on its back. To awaken it, again just blow on its nose. Then return it to the next door neighbours frantic child!
Frogs! (And lizards) Simply flip it on its back and hold it for a few moments then take your hand away. To awaken it, just flip it back over. As regards lizards, keep them small- Komodo dragons can be a handful!
One animal that we would all love to hypnotise is that elusive creature – the Bank Manager- to forget all about our overdrafts. Sadly it can’t be done, they just don’t respond at all to anything, because if that were the case I would not be writing this article. You would find me down at their Bank swinging a watch at them, and we would all be Hypnotists
For more information on how Hypnosis can help you Call. 02890 333303
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Slim Down for this year’s Holidays with The Ultimate Gastric Band Hypnosis Session By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist
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A younger me on a TV program talking about blushing


Stop Blushing using Fast Track Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy Whenever I first started in practice over 30 years ago, like most people, I assumed that the most common phobia I would treat would be either mice or spiders.
This, in actual fact, is not the case. The most common phobia that I treat is Blushing using Fast Track Hypnosis.
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Weight Loss Woes? Not anymore – thanks to Fast Track Hypnosis! By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist Christmas has long since gone and with it, the festive spirit, food and the parties., while Easter is just around the corner.! ... But, have the pounds you gained been lost in the interim? When it comes down to it, we’re here to eat to live, not to live to eat. The problem is programming that into the brain. Especially as our culture is centred on food. What is the Sunday lunch if not a chance to gather around a table of hearty food, while enjoying the company of good friends and close family, it’s no wonder that we have an obesity epidemic on our hands. Hypnosis is a state of mind. Inducing the state of hypnosis is something that separates my clinics from the average practices . I use state of the art technology as well as Laser therapy to bring about this state of mind. These techniques combine to create what I call Fast Track Hypnosis. It’s here that we can change beliefs that have been set in stone. The very reason you eat, why you overindulge, we can address these topics here; find the solution and forever alter your relationship with food. You might consider yourself as having a healthy attitude towards food. But are you overweight? A simple yes is proof positive that you and food are not the best of friends! Together, we can reform the relationship you have with food. We can alter your perceptions of it so you no longer need to stuff yourself to feel replete. We will address any couch potato issues you have, something that will kick start your fitness plan. In one, thirty minute session, with either the Weight Control or the Gastric Band Hypnosis session we really can change your life. Dieting doesn’t have to be hard, nor does losing weight. Especially if you go the Fast Track way. #
"Hi Alan, I came to see you in and since then I have lost an amazing 7 stone ( 44.45 kilos). I found that your Fast Track Hypnosis really works...Kirtsen." " I went to Alan and within 2 weeks I lost 11lbs ( 5 kilos ) . I play the CD every night as it helps me to relax. I hope my weight keeps coming off. Thank you Alan............ Trevor..........." "I had tried to stop smoking a few times without any success at all! Decided I didn't want to have a smokers cough so I had 1 session and have never smoked again......biggest surprise ...... no craving, none, despite me waiting for the craving to start never did . And no I didn't put weight on either.........Tina "
You can read hundreds more testimonials on Alan's web site
For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 02890 333303 Or visit his web sites Discounts available for group bookings. Kick-start your life today; take the first step on the path to a slimmer you.
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Weight Control using Fast Track Hypnosis By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist Over the years my waiting room walls have gathered quite a lot of letters from past clients telling of how my Lose Weight Hypnosis has helped and from their weight loss also builds confidence. This one that I received explains it in great detail.
... "Hi Alan
Can I just start by saying a huge Thank you for changing my life. This is why I am thanking you. I loved the session and it lasted approx 30 mins. I was going to do what you had said and listen to my CD every night for a month . A few days later I went to do the groceries and I can only describe the thoughts in my head as "unbelievable". I can honestly say that I had never bought so much fruit and veg before... and when I saw the snacks, biscuits, crisps and sweet stuff, all I definitely knew was, that there was no way they were going into my trolley, NO WAY. To date, 10 months later, I have NOT even taken one sip of alcohol.. No one can believe I haven't had a drink. Even last Christmas a friend poured me a glass of wine and I refused, she was asking was I pregnant or something, what was going on. I just couldn't, wouldn't and didn't want to take the glass of wine. Over the months since the session, the weight has just been falling off. It was easy, effortless and smaller portions, no crisps, no alcohol (sort of unknown for me), have become my new way of life. It is honestly as if this is the way my life should be!!. My session then was just over 10 months ago and I have lost a whopping 3 stone 10 lbs, wow, wow, wow and wow. I am a new woman. I have a new wardrobe, new hair style and my confidence levels have soared. The best way to describe the new me is that "I am happy in myself, I am happy in my space and most of all I am happy in my skin". My family and friends are just delighted for me and I put all of this down to the wise choice of going to get Hypnosis for weight loss. It has changed my life. I am far happier and far more confident. I seem to be able to deal with situations in a more relaxed and logical manner. Alan, thanks again for everything and hopefully someone reading this will be inspired just as I was and it will work for them too.
Thanks again Priscilla............."
For more information Call me on 02890 333303 rol-hypnosis
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Would you be prepared to die for vanity? By Alan Gilchrist. Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist
The reason I ask that question is because after 30 years in practice and having seen well over 75,000 clients, people would still say to me that the reason they haven't stopped smoking in the past by themselves, is simply because they were scared of putting on weight.
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Northern Ireland Top Hypnotherapist Alan Gilchrist is holding a special one day clinic to help you overcome your problems. You can do it ! I can Help! For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 02890 333303 Or visit his web sites...
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Do YOU need more Motivation? By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist
Have you ever decided on losing weight or stopping smoking or tried to set a goal but failed to stick to it?... Successful people are the ones who have set goals for themselves and stick to them!
What stops most people from achieving goals in life is because they never get around to taking the first step at all! Using Fast Track Hypnosis helps greatly by motivating the client to keep on track to achieve their goals in life such as stopping smoking or losing weight. Others can come in many different forms, ranging from common ones, such as a career change, being better at sports, moving house. Over the years I have helped well over 75,000 people to do just that - succeed !.
Fast Track Hypnosis helps the client to choose where they want to go and do in life, by knowing precisely what they want to achieve, then concentrating their efforts to do precisely that.
“Hi Alan my name is Sylvia and I just want to give you a wee update on my weight loss. It’s now 7 weeks and to date I have lost 17 lb ! This is the most weight I have ever lost and I have been on diets for years. I would never have been able to do it without your help. I don’t eat between meals anymore and I eat good healthy food. A thing I was unable to do in the past as I was easily tempted into choosing the wrong type of food especially crisps and chocolate which I now have no desire to overeat. Once again I thank you for changing my life and letting me feel good about myself Regards Sylvia B….. “
“I came to Alan on the 06/06/00, half hoping it didn’t work because I loved my smokes – approx. 30 per day. But I have never looked back ! It was easy peasy, 16 years and have NEVER been so much as tempted from Day One. Thank you Pauline K…. “
For an Appointment , Brochure, Free of Charge initial consultation, contact Alan : 02890 333303
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Still Smoking after your New Years resolution? By Alan Gilchrist Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist
The New Year has come and gone, it's almost the end of January and let me guess... you broke your New Year's Resolution. As you read this, you're guiltily stubbing out your cigarette or you're defiantly puffing away! ... How do I know this? Because I know the way you think. What will you do without a cigarette? How will you cope? If you have an argument with a friend, you can't stomp off to have a smoke, so what will you do instead? If you go on a diet, what will replace the cigarette you smoke to quit the hunger pangs? All of these questions and millions more float through your mind and do you know what? That's perfectly natural. The time for New Year's Resolutions has come and gone. And if you made one and your resolve failed... you're not alone. A New Year's Resolution works on the promise of a new year, a new you. It's the perfect time to turn your back on the past and turn over a new leaf. But really, it's a tradition. The best time to turn your back on the past is NOW. The present! It doesn't matter if it's the first of the first month or the tenth of it, all that counts is the decision to make that change. If you're ready, then Fast Track Hypnosis will help you do just that !
" I started smoking from the age of thirteen and when I got to my 40's I realised I had premature wrinkles and tried to give up . At 25 cigarettes per day and 40 per day at weekends, this proved to be very difficult. I tried gum and patches but still smoked.. I eventually sought the help of Alan in 2004 and 12 years later, I am still off the cigarettes.! The process was painless and effortless. I have never looked back. MONEY WELL SPENT!!!!! AND SAVED!!!! Thank you Alan......Geraldine.........." . For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 02890 333303 Or visit his web sites g_with_hypnosis
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Having a tough time sticking to your New Years resolution to stick to your diet?
Read this on how to do it with Fast Track Hypnosis eview-and-experien…
... For information or and appointment Call Alan Gilchrist
02890 333303
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Happy New Year New Year .... New You !

More about Alan Gilchrist - Northern Ireland'S Top Hypnotherapist

Alan Gilchrist - Northern Ireland'S Top Hypnotherapist is located at 37 Lisburn Road, BT9 7AA Belfast
Monday: 09:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 22:00
Friday: 09:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 22:00