Ally - Personal Training

About Ally - Personal Training

One of Northern Ireland's top Powerlifters, Commonwealth Medalist, Northern Ireland record holder. Specialising in fat loss, fitness and managing back pain



The most common scenario in anyone's journey to a better, fitter, stronger or leaner them...
People putting in hard work and then giving up when they see no change.
They don't realise that things probably are changing but if they persisted they would break through that mental and physical barrier they would see the benefits of their hard work.
... Remember, you didn't suddenly wake up and were two stone heavier then you wanted to be, it's been an on going process for months or maybe even years. Two weeks of good diet and exercise aren't going to take years of neglect off your body.
So stay strong. Keep pushing forward. Don't quit. The changes are coming. You just have to keep going.
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Feeling generous!
Simply like and share for the chance to win a completely personalised full body programme, gym or home based.
I'll contact 5 winners on Wednesday, good luck!
... This offer is running on my Instagram as well so if you want to find, follow and like my post over there search for ally_drysdalept to double your chances.
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The feels ๐Ÿ˜…
I'm thinking of running a 6-8 week intense online training plan to help people lose weight for the run up to summer.
Concept... An intense training plan and nutrition approach with the fundamentals of lifestyle changes to maintain the results.
You just have to ask yourself- Are you ready to make a change? Are you prepared to give 100%? Are you willing to create a new lifestyle? Are you prepared to be open and honest with me as your coach? Are you willing to build new habits and change your mindset to maintain your weight loss?
What's included- ๐Ÿ”ดProgramme including personal requirements ๐Ÿ”ตCalorie calculations, nutritional support and guidance including meal ideas ๐Ÿ”ดFacebook support group ๐Ÿ”ตProgress tracker and accountability
Spaces would be limited so I can provide the best service possible. If you're interested in making a permanent change, drop me a message.
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Boxing circuit
30 seconds work : 10 seconds rest 3-5 rounds
... Set it up with a great tabatta timer I found in the app store.
Give it a try, russian twists can be swapped for any other abs exercise.
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Are shin splints holding you back from progressing with your running?
Try these!
Start with a light weight (this is only 4kg) and point the toes down (within reason to prevent the kettlebell falling off) and then bring the toes up.
... Shin splints is an inflammatory condition and usually occurs when training volume or intensity changes.
Start with 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps, gradually increase sets, reps or load and watch how you transform.
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Not a competition, just a nice giveaway ๐Ÿ˜
A wee like and share wouldn't do any harm though!
You'll be PM'd today ๐Ÿ“ฉ


What can I say about this girl ๐Ÿ†
After many, many attempts, trials and defeats she's risen up and conquered her goal of seeing 11 stone on the scales.
It hasn't been easy, but she's persevered and has absolutely smashed it!
... She wanted a medal, but she deserved a trophy.
Goal one unlocked ๐Ÿ”“
Time to level up!
I currently have 1 space for online personal training, if you want to take the first step at achieving your weight loss goals drop me a message for more information.
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Here's a quick circuit to add into your training -
Stiff leg deadlifts x 15 Ball toss x 20 Single alt leg raises x 50
... Buuuuurn ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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The great thing about online personal training is that I can be sick as a dog for over a week but my clients still make progress ๐ŸŽ‰
Everyone still doing well and dropping weight, measurements and making gains.
Well done everyone!


Facebook and Instagram are social media platforms that are suppose to allow us to keep up to date on another lives and share anything we like.
Unfortunately, they have become platforms that people now showcase how rich they are, how successful they are, how they've bought a new 100K car... generally how great their life is.
We've now started to compare our lives to these people.... but the reality is we have no idea what goes on in other people's lives.
... People will only post the best bits of their lives, they tend not to post about their struggles or their failures.
Let's stop comparing our lives to these people, these unrealistic expectations are only causing us to feel inferior and bad about ourselves.
Just be you.
You are enough โค
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A snippet of my circuit training last week
Pull ups - Press ups - Jump squats
I'm really enjoying fitness and circuit training right now and taking a step back from heavy lifting.
... I'm pretty full at the moment but I could squeeze one more person in my books and then they will close until Mid April. If you have inquired about a space it's not secured until a payment is made. There's currently 3 people interested in my last space so be quick!
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Another client testimonial, we've lost 17.5cm in 4 weeks of training ๐Ÿ’ช majority of them from around her middle.
Well done Ash!
I have 1 more space for online coaching and then my books will close for a month. Summer is only 4 months away so let's get cracking ๐Ÿ‘™


It's Monday again!
Here's an example meal plan courtesy of Grenadefit, so if you're stuck for ideas, here's one you can't go wrong with.


Things that success people do to lose weight -
๐Ÿ—Track their calories and keep protein high
๐Ÿ“” Have a gym plan and record their training
... ๐Ÿ’ช Train with intensity and progressive overload
๐Ÿ“ธ Measure progress through different ways, not just the scales
โœ” They try to be as consistent as possible
๐Ÿ• Allow flexibility to eat foods they enjoy
๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ They get straight back on the wagon after they've slipped up
โค They aren't too hard on themselves and know that it's going to be a lengthy process
Message if you'd like help to lose a bit of weight and feel better about yourself, summer is around the corner!
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If there's one pet hate for personal trainers it's this phrase -
"I had a biscuit with a cuppa tea and thought 'oh well I've ruined my diet, that's the whole day ruined, so I went off the rails and ate everything I wanted the rest of the day."
... Let's be real here; unless you gobbled down a big mars bar, that biscuit is probably only about 110 calories.
It's not going to make you fat overnight. It's not going to affect your goals THAT much. It's not the end of the world. It's no reason to go nuts the rest of the day.
The biscuit didn't ruin your diet, YOU did by going off the rails over a biscuit.
We shouldn't demonize any food groups. Yes, there's optimal and suboptimal; but a wee biscuit isn't the end of the world. If you tracked your calories you can minimize the damage by being under for the next couple of days.
Your 'diet' should have some sort of flexibility, if you're not allowed a biscuit or feel guilty for eating one, you need a new eating plan and you need to improve your relationship with food.
I have 1 space for online personal training. So if you want to have a cuppa tea and a biscuit and still lose weight, drop me a message and let's get working together.
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It's not always about massive weight drops but it's things as simple as walking your dog without being out of breath that can be a real sense of progress for some people.
Chris got in touch for help regarding his calories and nutrition, I helped him work out his calories and sent him some meal ideas to give him an idea of what a days eating could look like.
3 weeks later we're 16 pounds lighter ๐Ÿ‘
... If you want to lose a bit of weight and feel better about yourself, get in touch! Both gym based and home based workouts available.
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