Altered Image Fitness

About Altered Image Fitness

Private training for all abilities . . . specialising in body transformation. . . bringing something totally unique to training in the coleraine area



Yet another amazing milestone surpassed for this amazing lady ... and what a way to celebrate a full year with me yapping away in her ear lol .... this week marked a massive 4STONE LOSS in weight . However this is much MUCH MORE than simple weight loss . This is strength , tone , fitness ... and most importantly a healthier lifestyle that has been consistently worked for over the last 12months . There’s been non restrictive holidays , working long weeks and being away on busi...ness - yet never once has the focus shifted . It’s about knowing when to relax and enjoy life - but also being prepared to get back to the grind when the time comes . Fiona Scott and her hubby Derek Scott will always be ALTERED IMAGES 1st couple to loss 100lb between them - but this is Fiona’s week ❤️ however I’d just love to bring the rest of our wee team in on this as i can’t make a supportive and positive atmosphere myself .... and this is one thing we excel at .... every single one of you guys give your all - everyone supports each other - and this to me is the epitome of how it should be . No egos , voyeurs or jealousy .... a MASSIVE THANKYOU 💙❤️ now let’s hear it for Fiona 😊💪🏻
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The Saturday morning crew ... love this class and the guys in it tbh ... even though I do get a load of abuse lol .... never sweated a drop either 😎😎😂😂💪🏻💪🏻


The best part of training ... knowing you gave 100% your last workout and looking forward to seeing if you can better it next time round ... half fear , half optimistic... knowing damn well there’s always a way to improve - you just gotta be prepared to go there 👌🏻👌🏻


Gonna call this workout “A” this month (as I’m old school and couldn’t be assed thinking up something cooler lol) . Obviously there is a B and a C .... but this is Workout A - demonstrated by a determined Caroline Taylor 💪🏻💪🏻


If your aim is to lose BODYFAT , get stronger , fitter and gain confidence - then I would STRONGLY urge a wee read through this . It’s the time of year that lots of people feel a calling to start back into the gym , and unfortunately there are dozens of pts out there who promote damaging protocols such as zero carbs - basically to get a quick weight drop so they can post pics on their business page . Firstly - Zero carb is a LAZY way for any pt etc to have a client lose weigh...t (why pay for that information??) ... Secondly it is highly detrimental for 90% of people - for reasons such as .. muscle loss , energy loss , irritability , strength and endurance loss , basic motor function loss - I could go on .. also from a physique and healthy looking point of view - it’s actually (personally speaking) - totally shit compared to eating a well balanced diet which includes carbs . If a sunken grey face (without make up) - flat lean muscle instead of being toned , and a depressed instead of happy demeanour is what you’re looking for then by all means go for it 😊 this is only honest advice - definitely not a personal dig at ANY pt . My clients and recommendations keep my work diary well stocked .... it’s just a passion of mine to see people smashing their goals and getting longevity , passion and results in an ever murky , money orientated world of diet and fitness... 💪🏻💪🏻 as little as 25 quid online gets you a certificate to pt these day - same with diet advice 🙈🙈..... after that it’s blag or results . 100% of my clients get results - not just 2 or 3% ... just saying 😉😉 #lessblagmoreresults
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The first client of 2019 lol . Think I handled that one extra special 😂 started with a weigh in - this guy wants to grow every way - even though he’s still carrying a bit of puppy fat😂 - so that’s the goal set ... then it was into some slam balls and atlas Swiss stone balls .... this kid has a long journey ahead of him but has nothing to learn .... he avoided the squat rack and prowler like Houdini and when it came to checking the mirror out he was at it like a pro 😂😂 I was s...o impressed I took this absolute legend for a fruit shoot and some popcorn chicken (cos we don’t do the zero carb shit lol) ... it looked like it was all over but the extra calories and sugar gave him an extra bit of oomph so we decided to go the extra mile and hit the beach to loosen up - complete with freezing cold water therapy right the way up to the top of the foot ... gotta look after those feet guys !!!! .... then was the habitual crying cos the session was over and snoozeville got a visit .... there we have it folks ... attention to detail 😂😂😂💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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Happy new year everybody 😊 - 2019 is now upon us and here’s just a few of the Altered Image team who have been making amazing progress this past year (they can be a shy bunch at times lol ) ... starting with the first people ever to lose the 100lb mark with me (and more importantly - lost it the right way , as all my clients do) . If you want honesty - results - completely private training , no “quick fix” advice along with constant monitoring and support then pm me for availability . I wish everybody out there the best of luck in smashing those goals 😊💪🏻


What an example to anybody these 2 people are !!!! It’s been an absolute pleasure over the last 5/6 months for me to help them along on their journey .... guys this is what’s all about for me ❤️💙 from day one it’s been honesty , trust and continual improvement.... and the result is unreal !!!! 91 pounds of body fat has been dropped between these 2 - and if I’m honest the difference runs so much deeper than just weight loss . This has developed into so much more - this is life... changing . This is in each and every one of you (to achieve your goals)- and I’m sure if you asked Derek or Fiona they would tell you it isn’t rocket science - it isn’t me being an exceptionally awesome trainer or guru 😂😂😂 and it sure as hell isnt an endless supply of miracle supplements or other tablets ... this is real simple understanding and balance of foods and exercise . Don’t get me wrong - its also focus and determination and tenacity to make the change .... but dig in ... get those 1st few weeks behind you and let the results be your driving force !!!! No ego - no drama - just drop me a message and whatever your aim is I’ll give it to you as simply and as honestly as is possible . If you need inspiration ..... just look at these pics and understand that this comes with health - fitness - strength and new found confidence and badassery 😎💪🏻 Fiona and Derek ... Well done !!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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Love this trust 👌🏻


Always pushing forward ... protein/ammino bar near finished .. few more mats to source then a spin room to fill and then it could be time to start the blank canvas that is UPSTAIRS ... #labouroflove #positivevibes #wheredreamsaremade

More about Altered Image Fitness

Altered Image Fitness is located at Unit 1a ballycastle road, Bt522dy Coleraine, Coleraine, United Kingdom