Amandine Yoga & Wellbeing

About Amandine Yoga & Wellbeing

I am hoping to help you connect to your self with authenticity through your practice of Yoga and a deeper connection to your breath.

You can find my classes online on YouTube:

https://www. feature=youtu. be

Amandine Yoga & Wellbeing Description

"Regulate the breathing, and thereby control the mind. "
– B. K. S. IyengarI

I believe in the power of our breath to help us create positive physical and emotional change in our body and lives.

I am a Certified Jivani Yoga Teacher in the lineage of the Heart of Yoga as taught by Mark Whitwell. I hope to offer you a practice that encourages self-discovery, deepen awareness and authenticity.

My classes are infused with breath-led movements, creative expressions, dynamic poses as well as pranayama techniques and meditation.

I have a special interest in energy work and am offering chakra-themed classes that seek to help you connect and harmonise with the energy centres of your body.



Happy International Yoga Day to everyone, my students and fellow yoga teachers! Wishing you to blossom through your practice of Yoga and Meditation, may this little seed of yoga grow in you.💚 I am excited to be going to a Yoga festival, the Masters of Mind and celebrate different styles and practices. Namaste and looking forward to enjoying Yoga with you!!! Amandine


This is what I am inspired to share with you in my classes 💚 Far from "yoga-fitness" and closer to you.


I found my best practice to be in nature, especially when the sun shines like today! Wishing you all a great week ahead! 🦋


Namaste to all! Tomorrow morning 10:30 to 11:30 @ Shakti Wellness will be Saturday Morning Yoga class as usual... Last one before a little break! 💚🙃 Come-in for a dynamic class.


Pour ce mois de Mai rejoignez-moi pour une session de 90 minutes Detente et Recharge !
Mouvements doux et dynamique. Exercises de respiration detoxifiants. Meditation. Longue relaxation.
Parfait pour debutants, confirmes et quiconque souhaite conjuguer le plaisir du Yoga et celui de la langue francaise! Francophones et francophiles!
... Debutants bienvenus.
****Places limitees, RSVP et veuillez me contacter sur ma FB Page: Yoga with Amandine ou par email ****------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- Join me for a 90 minutes class
The instructions given will be easy to follow, even for those of who you have a basic to intermediate level of French (if any doubt please contact me).
This class is open to all.
£10 - Drop-in // £8 Students
A bientot! - Amandine
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++
About me: My name is Amandine, I am French and a certified Yoga Teacher. My teachings embraces the physical, the spiritual and the emotional in a body-mind-soul connection.
My classes are infused with breath-led movements, creative expressions, dynamic poses as well as pranayama techniques and meditation. I hope to offer you a practise that encourages self-discovery and a greater sense of awareness.
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Namaste everyone! There will be no Saturday class tomorrow morning @Shakti but classes will be back to normal until end of May the week after. 🦋x Amandine


On this class we will focus in balancing and harmonising the seven chakras through specific asanas (Yoga postures), breathing techniques, visualisations, a long meditation and we will conclude with a relaxation.
Suitable to beginners. Drop-in welcome : £8. Please arrive 5 minutes early.
... To reserve your spot please contact me directly. Amandine
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Busy week-end!
Tomorrow a special class on the Third-Eye Chakra @10:30-11:30 at Shakti and on Sunday the monthly Yoga in French at Maitri Studio from 5 to 6:30.
But to start the festivities a nice French dinner tonight with BelfastFrenchies.
... A bientot! 💚Amandine
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This week focus will be around your throat chakra, the energy centre in the middle of your throat which energetically influences whether we speak with conviction, truth and integrity.
This class will entail: - An overview of the chakra & its connection to the body & emotions - Balancing of the chakra on a physical, mental and emotional level... - Specific postures, sounds, visualisations & breathing techniques - Guided reflection & discussion of home practices - Plant positive intentions - Breathing practices, meditation & deep relaxation
All mats are provided.
Please arrive 5 minutes early!
Contribution- £8
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What a beautiful class this morning on the #Heart chakra! Thanks to all of you who came and welcome onboard to the new students.
I cannot wait to share the next practise on the #Throat chakra next Saturday.
Wishing you a beautiful Easter time...from my Heart! 💚
... x Amandine
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This week focus will be around your Heart center , known to be the center of our love and compassion towards ourselves and others.
This class will entail: - An overview of the chakra & its connection to the body & emotions - Balancing of the chakra on a physical, mental and emotional level... - Specific postures, sounds, visualisations & breathing techniques - Guided reflection & discussion of home practices - Plant positive intentions - Breathing practices, meditation & deep relaxation
All mats are provided.
Please arrive 5 minutes early!
Contribution- £8
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Pour ce mois d'Avril rejoignez-moi pour une session de 90 minutes Detente et Recharge !
Mouvements doux et dynamique. Exercises de respiration detoxifiants. Meditation. Longue relaxation.
Parfait pour debutants, confirmes et quiconque souhaite conjuguer le plaisir du Yoga et celui de la langue francaise! Francophones et francophiles!
... Debutants bienvenus.
****Places limitees, RSVP et veuillez me contacter sur ma FB Page: Yoga with Amandine ou par email ****------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- Join me for a 90 minutes class
The instructions given will be easy to follow, even for those of who you have a basic to intermediate level of French (if any doubt please contact me).
This class is open to all.
£10 - Drop-in // £8 Students
A bientot! - Amandine
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++
About me: My name is Amandine, I am French and a certified Yoga Teacher. My teachings embraces the physical, the spiritual and the emotional in a body-mind-soul connection.
My classes are infused with breath-led movements, creative expressions, dynamic poses as well as pranayama techniques and meditation. I hope to offer you a practise that encourages self-discovery and a greater sense of awareness.
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Hi everyone! Our Chakra class this morning is cancelled due to snow... Stay warm everyone!


Just taught a lovely class Elms Village to students, they were happy to relax after a busy day studying!


Yay, it happened! The company I am working with part-time has inagurated a proper Yoga room and I get to run a Yoga course there...I am excited! 💚🙃


Do you want to learn more about the different energy centers (aka chakras) on your body? Or maybe you are looking for a holistic Yoga practice that brings you nurturing and growth?
Then, join me for a 7 week Chakra Yoga course and plant the seed of transformation in your life!
Course start - Saturday 24 February
... This course will entail: - An overview of the chakras & their connection to the body & emotions - Balancing of each chakra on a physical, mental and emotional level - Specific postures, sounds, visualisations & breathing techniques - Guided reflection & discussion of home practices - Plant positive intentions - Breathing practices, meditation & deep relaxation - Supportive sharing
Open to beginners and non-beginners alike.
£56 for 7 weeks
For more information contact Amandine directly by email: or phone 07 9997 92739
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A Tuesday song for all of you, Yogis and Yoginis!
"Eu Agradeço", meaning "I am grateful"🧚‍♀️💚
I love to play this song early morning and feel the sound and the vibration of Gratitude flowing through.
... I hope you will enjoy it! Oc
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C’est la période de fin d’hiver, juste avant la renaissance du Printemps et de l’énergie de renouveau.
Durant cet atelier spécial Detox, je vous propose des pratiques originales de Hatha Yoga , pour nettoyer votre organisme, booster votre énergie et vous aider a terminer l’hiver en pleine forme pour mieux renaître au printemps.
... Detox & vitalité: Un programme de yoga original et dynamique pour nettoyer le système digestif, oxygéner l’organisme, équilibrer les souffles, apaiser le mental et activer la Joie en chacun d’entre nous.
Veuillez s'il vous plait vous inscrire et me confirmer par email: our sur ma page FB: Yoga with Amandine.
Investissement pour la session: 10 pounds.
Au plaisir de vous voir sur le mat! Debutants bienvenus.
**** Merci d'arriver 10 minutes en avance pour vous installer confortablement. La salle se trouve au premier etage: Maple room.****
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Yoga class in french was really interresting and relaxing . I felt better after it. I recommend this experience for all of you! Can't wait to participate at the second class. Thanks amandine.


Took part in a 90 minute yoga session w/ Amandine. It was very relaxed w/ emphasis on combining breath & some basic movement.

On a personal level, it was challenging, as it had been awhile since i'd participated in any yoga but I found it extremely grounding, rewarding & it worked out a lot of knots in my body, the benefits of which I am still felling.

The emphasis on breath was particularly cathartic & Amandine keeps the individual's spiritual awareness in perspective throughout the session as well as entirely "en Francais" which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I am very much looking forward to the next session - merci! � ��


Really enjoyed this class! Perfect balance of movement and "resting" for me �Looking forward to next one!


I'm a total beginner when it comes to Yoga. I'm also a bit cynical about meditation. But Amandine is such a nice person and makes you have your freedom, while at the same time, your physical health definitely improves. In my case, my back.


I really enjoyed the yoga class with Amandine. I felt very relaxed and connected to myself. Loved the breathing exercises.


I loved the Yoga French Class!



I had private classes with Amandine. She is really amazing! Very interesting and different classes:for stability, balance, flexibility and etc. all will find something that will perfectly suit you! Thank you, Amandine�


I had around 6 private classes with Amandine. She is a gem! No matter if you are just starting out or are very advanced-she will adapt. I find myself implementing her breathing methods in every day life.


I did my first session with Amandine yesterday. She is a good teacher. Her instructions and moves are clear and easy to follow. Her follow up email information is great for a beginner. I can continue my practice at home.


Great class given by Amandine! I felt relaxed and refreshing ! It was my first one last week and looking forward for more.


Amandine is absolutely spectacular! I thoroughly enjoyed Yoga en Français yesterday evening. Great way to start the week! Xx


Yoga class in french was really interresting and relaxing . I felt better after it. I recommend this experience for all of you! Can't wait to participate at the second class. Thanks amandine.


Took part in a 90 minute yoga session w/ Amandine. It was very relaxed w/ emphasis on combining breath & some basic movement.

On a personal level, it was challenging, as it had been awhile since i'd participated in any yoga but I found it extremely grounding, rewarding & it worked out a lot of knots in my body, the benefits of which I am still felling.

The emphasis on breath was particularly cathartic & Amandine keeps the individual's spiritual awareness in perspective throughout the session as well as entirely "en Francais" which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I am very much looking forward to the next session - merci! � ��


Really enjoyed this class! Perfect balance of movement and "resting" for me �Looking forward to next one!


I'm a total beginner when it comes to Yoga. I'm also a bit cynical about meditation. But Amandine is such a nice person and makes you have your freedom, while at the same time, your physical health definitely improves. In my case, my back.


I really enjoyed the yoga class with Amandine. I felt very relaxed and connected to myself. Loved the breathing exercises.


I loved the Yoga French Class!



I had private classes with Amandine. She is really amazing! Very interesting and different classes:for stability, balance, flexibility and etc. all will find something that will perfectly suit you! Thank you, Amandine�


I had around 6 private classes with Amandine. She is a gem! No matter if you are just starting out or are very advanced-she will adapt. I find myself implementing her breathing methods in every day life.


I did my first session with Amandine yesterday. She is a good teacher. Her instructions and moves are clear and easy to follow. Her follow up email information is great for a beginner. I can continue my practice at home.


Great class given by Amandine! I felt relaxed and refreshing ! It was my first one last week and looking forward for more.


Amandine is absolutely spectacular! I thoroughly enjoyed Yoga en Français yesterday evening. Great way to start the week! Xx

More about Amandine Yoga & Wellbeing

Amandine Yoga & Wellbeing is located at BT7 1 Belfast