Amnesty International Qub

About Amnesty International Qub

The Amnesty International student society at Queen's University Belfast, a non-partisan group dedicated to campaigning on human rights and justice issues.

Amnesty International Qub Description

We are a student activism group campaigning at QUB on behalf of Amnesty International on a variety of human rights issues affecting the world today.
Throughout the year, we try to highlight and raise awareness of these issues by petitioning, write for rights campaigns, small activism demonstrations, as well as relaxed social events such as film screenings, pub quizzes and AmnesTea events.
We are a member-run organisation, so what we do and how much we get done depends on the contribution of everyone involved. All students interested in human rights are welcome to our group!

Some of the recent issues and activities we have been involved with are:
-Greeting card campaign to encourage prisoners of conscience around the world
-Rights to address the destitution of asylum seekers & refugees
-For the abolition of the death penalty
-Women's right, in particular the abortion laws in NI
-Panel discussion with MLAs on fighting human trafficking in NI
-Raising awareness and support for a comprehensive international Arms Trade Treaty

More about Amnesty International Qub

Amnesty International Qub is located at c/o QUBSU, University Road, BT7 1NN Belfast