Anglesey Hypnotherapy



A phobia is more than just a fear of something (ie going outside, lightning, vomiting, and many more) people build their life around avoiding the thing that causes this fear. Which leads to all sorts of problems including being unable to work due to the fear that they will encounter there phobia. Hypnotherapy can help you to be free of your phobia


Bereavement as people say it will hurt less over time. But that is not always the case. bereavement Hypntherapy allows you to come to terms with the pain of loss without forgetting the love you feel for the person


A phobia is more than just a fear of something (ie going outside, lightning, vomiting, and many more) people build their life around avoiding the thing that causes this fear. Which leads to all sorts of problems including being unable to work due to the fear that they will encounter there phobia. Hypnotherapy can help you to be free of your phobia


my phobia story, when I was about 20 years old I was working at sea on the tug boats, we were caught in a thunder storm I watched as the lightning bolts hit the water close by creating holes in the sea an awesome show of the power of nature and quite frightening especially as I was on a large steel boat in the middle of it all. afterwards I developed a phobia of thunder (brontophobia) after that each thunder storm we had my phobia increased. however whilst in my hypnotherapy I had treatment for this phobia. As there's no feeling to hypnosis I thought nothing more of it until about 6 months later when we had our first thunder storm after my treatment I was watching the lightning through the bedroom window thinking how beautiful the flashes of lightning where I had a strange feeling that something was wrong, something had changed that I could not quite put my finger on ! then I realized what it was, I wasn't hiding under the bed my fear had gone thanks to hypnotherapy
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Inner Child therapy We all have, with in us, an Inner Child, and yet for those of us who have been abused in childhood, that inner child is very often a hurt, lonely and very frightened inner child. Inner Child work, and inner child therapy, are a means by which we can start to learn to love ourselves, feel safer within and reduce the nightmares in order to recover from that childhood sexual abuse. and indeed other forms of childhood abuse. The use of Inner Child therapy, an...d Inner Child work, is growing in popularity among abuse survivors. Many find this type of therapy is far less invasive of "exactly what happened" and that it also helps survivors to understand where their own behaviors and fears come from. Inner Child work can also help us understand any dissociative tendencies that we may have as well, no matter where we are on the disassociative scale. Becoming a friend to your inner child can also help with self harm behaviors, comfort eating, flashbacks and panic attacks etc. Inner child therapy can also be one of the more fun parts of recovery from childhood sexual abuse. A free consultation is available to all. This session allows the therapist to assess the client in order to provide the most suitable treatment. During this session, clients also have the opportunity to ask questions and alleviate any concerns they may have with regards to the therapy
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More about Anglesey Hypnotherapy

Anglesey Hypnotherapy is located at Harvest Moon 4 newry street, LL65 1 Holyhead