Animate Fitness



Animate Fitness are currently in the Lake District running the trails on a bit of a holiday lol. Running in the snow in minus 1 in shorts not wise as they say. #grizedaleforest #hills #lovetrailrunning #9miles


So my Battle Rope arrived yesterday. Naturally it won't be secured to the cats scratching post this was just for a check of the equipment lol. This will be a good addition to my clients workouts it's something different, fun and a great all rounder for the body it will work cardio, legs, abs, upper body you name it. To get a burning fun session on these give us a shout. Happy Wednesday everyone!!! #PT #battlerope #feeltheburn #loveit


Workout Wednesday !!!! One client done this morning at thier home, my training fitted in at lunch and now an evening running session with my neighbour. My days fly in and I love it. If interested in what we can offer just message us for some animate fitness fun :) #getfit #stayhealthy #wecanhelp


What a great start to the New Year with my (Tina's) client this morning. A home workout at her house and we had some helpers too with equipment thanks boys. At Animate we are willing to travel to your home no problem we understand its dfficult to fit everything in with our busy lives and sometimes our health and fitness gets left behind. So why not check us out !!! And if we are what you are looking for fire us a message. Am off to prepare for my next client a wee Sports Massage.... I could be doing with one myself though lol :) #lovingfitness #lovemyjob #happynewyear


It's New Years Eve and Xmas is near done. Am rallying my troops for some new year animate fun. So come join the animate gang and bring 2019 in with a fitness bang 💥. Happy New Year to one and all x


Merry Christmas from Tina & Emma at Animate Fitness. May all our clients have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2019. See you all in a few days am sure. 2019,is going to be our wee year we already have a number of things lined up for the New Year. Watch this the meantime enjoy this family time but don't forget to spare a thought for those for whom this time of year is tough xx See you all soon :) #skye-bluposing


Stuck for a last minute Christmas gift? Grab an Animate Fitness gift voucher to the value of your choosing. It can be for a one-off personal training session, a full set of sessions, or maybe go for Tina's excellent deep tissue massage, and sort out all those wee aches & niggles. Contact us & we'll get it straight to your inbox. #LastMinute


****SPORTS MASSAGE OFFER ***** With Christmas fast approaching and the stress levels arising. Tina at Animate Fitness can help kick start 2019 with a lovely post Christmas Sports Massage. Just what we all need to unwind after the Christmas rush. So for the month of January I am offering a 60 mins Sports Massage for £20 a nice tenner off. My type of massage is tailored to you and your needs. I will do a postural assessment and range of movement tests as part of the massage. If I were me needing or wanting a massage I would snap this offer up it's a great deal. Just send me a message to or a Facebook message and I will get back re booking you in for this great offer.


Stuck for last minute gift ideas? Look no further...


***Stuck for ideas for Christmas???*** Well I am offering Gift Vouchers for Sports Massage. They are £20 for a 40 minute massage or £30 for a full hour. Massage will include Postural Assessment and Range of Movement Tests. You don't have to be training to benefit from my massage. They help with everyday life. Relieving tightness, general feeling of wellbeing and helping in taking the pressures of Christmas away for a great start to 2019. For more info or too grab your voucher for that Xmas pressie just send me a pm or email :)


It's official. Running to work is quicker than driving - at least if you work in Belfast. And it keeps you fit & saves a load of money on fuel & parking - win win! On Friday, Tina ran 10 miles in to work, but even a short distance is worth getting the running shoes on for. And believe it or not, it can leave you feeling more energised & ready for the day. #RunCommute #OutsideIsFree #GetOutside…/running-to-wor k-quicker-than…/amp/…


We're really excited to announce this new project - Animate Fitness: Lost in Pace! Our Dublin Marathon 2019 group training programme.
If you've always wanted to run a marathon, but just don't know where to start, this is for you. We'll put together your own bespoke marathon training plan - and we'll help you review and adapt it throughout your 16 weeks of training. Each week, we'll deliver a group training session, limited to a maximum of 5 people. You'll be best buddies wit...h these training partners by the time you get to Dublin! When we get to our long weekend runs, we'll support you with those, so you aren't on your own. And we'll even throw in a fantastic sports massage, to keep you limbered up before the big day.
We'll take the pressure off with the logistics - all you need to do is sign up for Dublin Marathon and secure your place. There are less than 2000 places left, so be quick - they'll go fast. If you'd like us to, we can take care of booking travel & accommodation for the weekend. We'll take you to the Race Expo to collect your number, we'll make sure you get to the start line ok, and we'll run alongside you if you'd like the company. And we'll help you back afterwards if your legs are a bit wobbly!
We think this is a fantastic way to discover the amazing world of marathon running, and at £200, we think it's fantastic value for money. We'll deliver the programme over 16 weeks, starting early July 2019. All you need to be able to do at that point is to run continuously for 45-60 minutes. If you want help to get to that stage, let us know - we can help you get ready to start your marathon training.
Between us, we have over 25 marathons and 3 ultra marathons under our belts. We've learned a lot over the years, and we know how much a programme like this would have helped us first time around. We'd love you to be involved with us. If you're interested, email or drop us a message on FB - we'd love to have you on board.
See More


Had an awesome morning with my regular PT client in lisburn training in good old Wallace Park for an hour and then an hour sports massage afterwards with me. What a great way to spend your morning. A good all rounded holistic approach to training and aftercare. Give me a message if you are interested in either or both. Sports massage is a great way to help the body relax and unwind its not all about pain or doing regular sports for that fact. I can help with day to day tightness in our muscles that we all feel as part of our jobs or home life. I am very client driven and what they want or need with thier massage I assist with. I have slots free on Thursday for anyone wishing to join our animate gang. Can do a PT session and massage afterwards not a problem. :)


It's nearly Christmas! If you're in a panic over what gifts to get - look no further. We are making gift certificates for Animate Fitness available - you can select your own package, or contact us if you'd like something a little more specific. Embarking on some Personal Training is a fantastic way for someone to build fitness and confidence, achieve goals, and have a lot of fun in 2019. It's a great gift! You can also buy gift certificates for Sports Massage sessions - or even just treat yourself!
Contact us via FB or


SEELY CUP ROAD RACE Saturday 1sr December. If any of you runners out there fancy a pre Seely Cup massage this Wednesday I have some slots going. Just PM me. Let's get you race ready. #blackandyellow :)


****BIG NEWS ALERT **** So today Tina became a LEVEL 3 SPORTS MASSAGE THERAPIST. I passed my final practical assessment this morning. This is something I have been working towards for a while. Loved every second of the course and am so excited as to the help I can offer to clients. So if you are in need of a Sports Massage give me a shout. Watch this page for Xmas Vouchers coming soon :) happy Sunday everyone xx


Out this afternoon with a fantastic client in Victoria Park. It is so rewarding to see the improvements with her and am so proud of what she has achieved so far. It's not easy juggling family life and two kiddies super work. Couldn't think of a better way to spend my afternoon at work. Give us a shout if you fancy joining us for our Dash to Christmas Fitness Frenzy :)

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