Antrim Coast Vineyard

About Antrim Coast Vineyard

A Church making room for another! Planted from Carrick Vineyard to the Antrim Coast. Gathering three Sundays per month at 11am in Larne High School, all are welcome!



P e a r l | Reminded of this today. Recent steps we have taken for the Kingdom may have cost us, but as followers of Jesus we always take them. We risk everything not for man or for something of this world, but for the One who gives and continues to give us breath, the One whom we long for others to know and experience. Faith is about believing in far beyond what we see with our own eyes. We trust Him with everything because He is the pearl of great price #Jesus #disciple #beginner


P e n t e c o s t | On Pentecost Sunday, reflecting on the Vineyard Ireland family evening of worship & intercession this time last week, where we prayed “Come Holy Spirit” as we cried out to God for His Kingdom to come in our beautiful land #Ireland #legacy #Vineyard #churchplanting #Pentecost #worship #prayer #thisischurch #comeasyouare


O N E S U N D A Y * We are having a Sunday morning service next Sunday 16th June at 11am. It will be an all-age service so that we can worship together as ONE family * Coffee is served from 10.45 am, followed by family worship, a short talk and a prayer... * We will have craft and play tables for kids during the service; finishing up no later than 12pm * If you’ve never been to Church before or it’s been a long time, you will be made very welcome. There is no dress code; just come as you are – we are making room for you! * For further info, please email: #makingroomforanother #ACV #Antrimcoast #churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare
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S U N D A Y 1 6 t h J U N E * All-age Service 11am Moyle Primary School * Come as you are - we’re making room for you... * #ACV #Antrimcoast #Churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch
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F o o d b a n k | Larne Foodbank invite you to an event in Glenarm Castle on Friday 21st June at 7pm


A l p h a | Good discussion on sharing our faith tonight at Alpha; reminded of this quote from Francis Chan #makingroomforanother #ACV #lovepeople #Antrimcoast #churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare


A l p h a | We are looking forward to Wednesday evening together as we continue with the Alpha film series. All welcome at 7.45pm for tea, coffee and some chocolate! #makingroomforanother #ACV #Antrimcoast #Larne #Ballygally #Glenarm #churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare


This time last year | 3rd June 2018


O N E S U N D A Y * We are having a Sunday morning service in 2 weeks on the 16th June at 11am. It will be an all-age service so that we can worship together as ONE family * We start with coffee and refreshments from 10.45, then we will have some family worship; followed by a short talk and a prayer at the end... * We will have craft and play tables for kids during the service; finishing up no later than 12pm * If you’ve never been to Church before or it’s been a long time, can we assure you that you will be made very welcome. There is no dress code; just come as you are – we are making room for you! * For further info, please email: #makingroomforanother #ACV #Antrimcoast #churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare
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J U N E * O N E S U N D A Y | We can’t wait to gather as ONE family on the 16th June for our all-age Sunday service. Coffee will be ready from 10.45am ☕️ * A l p h a | Continues next two Wednesdays 5th & 12th June at 7.45pm... * W e d n e s d a y | Our final two Wednesday evening ACV gatherings will be 19th & 26th June. Join us for coffee, worship and a talk at 8pm * #Makingroomforanother #ACV #Antrimcoast #churchplanting #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare * 📷: #Ballygally Beach
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S p a c e | Tonight at #Alpha we heard incredible stories of people rejecting evil and turning their lives towards Jesus. We discussed making space for God to move in our lives and not allowing space for the enemy to get a foothold #makingroomforanother #food #discussion #community #Antrimcoast #churchplanting #trychurch #comeasyouare


P a r t n e r s h i p | Last night’s ROC Northern Ireland Larne conversation was all about getting people who love Larne around the table to to see how we can work together for the benefit of our community. It was a privilege to be there with other churches & organisations who want to make a difference! Thank you Phil from Redeeming Our Communities for this photo #bettertogether #Larne #Lovelarne #ourtown #community


Tonight | Alpha week nine - everyone is so welcome to Moyle Primary at 7.45pm as we continue the film series together as community #makingroomforanother #ACV #Antrimcoast #Larne #Ballygally #Glenarm #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare


R O C | Exciting evening at the ROC Northern Ireland #Larne conversation. Fabulous turnout from the greater Larne community, looking forward to seeing what happens next! #Larne #Lovelarne #community #Redeeming Our Communities


O N E S U N D A Y * * We can’t wait to gather as ONE family on the 16th June for our first Sunday service as Antrim Coast Vineyard in 3 weeks time! *... * #makingroomforanother #ACV #churchplanting #antrimcoast #thisischurch #trychurch #comeasyouare
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E n c o u n t e r | EM2019 has begun and we’re delighted that a few of us from Antrim coast vineyard are here for the weekend! Expectant for what’s to come! #makingroomforanother #comeasyouare #EM2019


R O C | 100 places now booked! There’s room for more - still time to join in the conversation #Larne #Antrimcoast


J e s u s: “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke‬ ‭11:9-13‬ #Alpha ‭#askandyoushallreceive #comeasyouare

More about Antrim Coast Vineyard

Antrim Coast Vineyard is located at 20 Sallagh park, BT40 1NS Larne