Apex Fitness

About Apex Fitness

Apex Fitness provide a range of Fitness Classes with 2 highly motivated and experienced Personal Trainers,



Our new program starts 30th August with pre-program testing!
7pm start at Saul Hall!
... Already a great buzz and excitement for this program as it will be the first time we introduced some healthy competition into the mix!
If anyone would like any detail then feel free to send us a private message..
See you all then!!
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It is that time of year again when we start our Autumnal 8 week program!
This year our theme is "Battle of the Apexers" in which we will be getting ourselves fit, strong and healthy and also having a bit of healthy competition within our group!
The program tests start next wednesday, and is open to all our existing Apexers and any new clients who wish to join in the fun!
... If you would like any further information feel free to contact us by private message
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Tomorrow evening (Monday) sees the start of our 8-week program with pre-program fitness tests and measurements
So class will return on Wednesday evening
... Measurements will start at 6:45 with Testing starting shortly after 7pm
See you all tomorrow night!
It's time to get ready for summer!
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Hi all, for one week only we are changing the nights of classes to Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00pm
The next programme starts next week on Monday 8th if May. We will post details of the programme later in the week.
... See you all tomorrow night.
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Classes starting again! ­¤śä­¤śä­¤śä
We are starting classes again tomorrow night in Saul hall and everyone is welcome. We will be having taster classes for the next 2 weeks to give newcomers an idea of what we do and all our returners a chance to get back into the swing of things after your well earned break.
Our 8 week pre summer programme will be starting then on Monday 8th of May to get working on our beach bodies. ­¤æÖ­¤æÖ
... If anyone has any queries please don't hesitate to get in contact.
Classes on Monday and Wednesdays at 7:00pm.
Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night!
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Some great pics coming from Jimmy's 10k ­¤śé
See you all tomorrow night, in the build up to our summer program!!


Folks a reminder that there will be no class tonight. Back at it on Wednesday night at 7pm. See you then!


Reminder: Tomorrow night is the start of the programme and will begin with testing. Those who have chosen the running pathway testing and measurements begin at 6:45pm Those on the body Composition pathway tests begin at 7:30pm. We will see you all then! Anyone who is not doing the programme classes will resume on Wednesday at 7:00pm for everyone. ... ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Åā­¤Å╝­¤Åā­¤Å╝­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖ Ć’ĖÅ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗
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We are back in action tomorrow night with a class to brush off the cobwebs after the Christmas break!
We will be easing our way back into the flow of things this week in preparation for the programmeŌĆŗ starting the following week!
Class starts at 7pm sharp!
... Remember to bring a water bottle and a towel (and a smile).
See you all there!
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A very happy new year to you all. We hope you all enjoyed the festivities and are raring to go.
Our next programme is designed to ensure that you can really focus on your own individual goals. We will have initial consultations with everyone on the programme and help you set 'SMART' goals over the 8 week period. We don't want any impulsive, "new year new me", unachievable, unrealistic goals that are proven to be destined to fail! Give yourself the best ...possible chance to succeed with our help and then we can reassess your goals once you are successful. Small progressive changes will get you better sustainable results. The benefits of this is the programme will cater for everyone from the absolute beginner to the seasoned pro.
We will be commencing classes next week to give everyone a chance to get back into the swing of things and this is also a good chance for newcomers to see what our classes entail before deciding to make the plunge into the 8 week programme! These classes will be on Monday 9th and Wednesday 11th in Saul hall @ 7:00pm.
The programme will then start on Monday the 16th and will have 2 pathways to choose from. Pathway 1) Body Composition. Decrease body fat and increase in lean muscle mass. Pathway 2) A tailored running programme on your 2 home sessions with a view to being ready for Jimmys 10k on 12th of march if you so wish.
The programme will consist of 2 classes per week and 2 home or gym sessions to be completed on your own or with another person on the programme. The classes will be designed to be suitable for both pathways so everyone will attend these on Mondays and Wednesdays! The home sessions will be designed towards your chosen pathway and your individual fitness levels and these will be completed between Thursday - Sunday.
Included in the programme will be Nutritional guidance and tips. We will look to daily calorie targets broken down into specific macro targets! Note that this is not fad dieting or quick fix plans! This will be healthy eating specific to YOU and your programme goals.
So if you're wanting to shift some unwanted body fat or run your first or best 10k then get in touch now.
We have a limited number of spaces on this programme so get in to touch to secure your place.
Looking forward to getting started! ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Åā­¤Å╝­¤Åā­¤Å╝­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­ ¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ
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With there being NO CLASS TONIGHT we have now stopped for the Christmas break.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. Ōśā’ĖÅŌśā’ĖÅ­¤Ää­¤Ää
We will be back in January with a brand new programme which will cater for all. ... Stay tuned and we will be in touch.­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗
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Hi folks. We hope you all enjoyed the break and are feeling refreshed. Just a reminder that classes will recommence tonight at 7:00pm and will continue until the week before Christmas! Classes are open to anyone and we hope to see everyone there.


Hi folks unfortunately we are unable to return to classes this week as planned but will be starting again for the lead up to christmas next week on Monday at 7:00pm. Feel free to do a home session on the usual nights ­¤śØ­¤śē­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗ We hope to see you all next Monday and apologies for the short notice. Please spread the word as we don't have everyone's number and not everyone is on Facebook!


Hi folks
Just a reminder that there will be no class tonight as we will have our body composition testing for those completing the 10 week programme! Classes will commence on Wednesday at 7:00pm
... Many thanks ­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗
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Hi folks
We are delighted to announce that in our next programme we will be working alongside Aspire Fitness Lab for state of the art Scientific testing! Namely the use of 'THE BOD POD'
There are numerous changes to the programme which we need to discuss with all class members and newcomers before we start on Monday. Therefore, we are holding a registration evening tomorrow at 8:15pm to, sign up to the programme, make you aware of the changes and also to book your slot for th...e pre programme testing! This will take no longer than 20-30mins! Apologies about the short notice!
Please reply to this by PM or text us to confirm your attendance tomorrow evening! We are looking forward to making this our best programme to date and hope you are too! ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­ ¤æŹ­¤Å╗
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Well tonight's class was an absolute 'hoot' ­¤śé­¤śé­¤śé Who'd have thought you could do that much work in 20 seconds! Fantastic effort from everyone, you will all be flying for the start of the next programme!
Let's keep up the great work ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗


Tonight's class will be focusing on cardio and core! The perfect class to test yourself against yourself! You go at your own pace so it will benefit the absolute beginner or the seasoned athlete!
See you all at 7! Everyone welcome


Tomorrow nights session will mainly focus on core and flexibility as we countdown the weeks until our next 8-week program!
So if you're deciding to get back into fitness, then come along and join the team!
Class starts at 7pm.
... See you there ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬
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Hi folks just a quick reminder we are going to be continuing our classes from tomorrow night on Mondays and Wednesday's throughout the summer at 7:00pm!
We are aiming to maintain our fitness levels throughout the summer to enable even better results when our next programme starts in a few weeks!
... Classes are open to everyone including all newcomers so bring along a friend or family member and start the next chapter of your fitness journey together!
Look forward to seeing you all then!
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Just finished a great class with Apex Fitness in the Saul Centre. Bring on the skinny Christmas Arms! On a serious note a very innovative circuit tonight with professional instruction, welcoming atmosphere and genuine motivators!! It takes a lot to impress meWell done boys!


Great classes, tough but varied and always enjoyable. Great results from 8 week programme


Great Class tonight. The lads are very professional.


Just finished a great class with Apex Fitness in the Saul Centre. Bring on the skinny Christmas Arms! On a serious note a very innovative circuit tonight with professional instruction, welcoming atmosphere and genuine motivators!! It takes a lot to impress meWell done boys!


Great classes, tough but varied and always enjoyable. Great results from 8 week programme


Great Class tonight. The lads are very professional.


Just finished a great class with Apex Fitness in the Saul Centre. Bring on the skinny Christmas Arms! On a serious note a very innovative circuit tonight with professional instruction, welcoming atmosphere and genuine motivators!! It takes a lot to impress meWell done boys!


Great classes, tough but varied and always enjoyable. Great results from 8 week programme


Great Class tonight. The lads are very professional.


Just finished a great class with Apex Fitness in the Saul Centre. Bring on the skinny Christmas Arms! On a serious note a very innovative circuit tonight with professional instruction, welcoming atmosphere and genuine motivators!! It takes a lot to impress meWell done boys!


Great classes, tough but varied and always enjoyable. Great results from 8 week programme


Great Class tonight. The lads are very professional.

More about Apex Fitness

Apex Fitness is located at St Patrick's Road, BT30 7 Downpatrick
+44 7859 043144