Ardaluin House

About Ardaluin House

Ardaluin house is a residential outdoor education centre situated at the foot of the Mourne Mountains.

Ardaluin House Description

Ardaluin Regeneration Trust evolved from a heritage of supporting the needs of young people from North Belfast. Initially (1970 to 1996) under the variable stewardships of Ballygomartin Boys Secondary School and Cairnmartin Community High School, young people from the school catchments regularly accessed Ardaluin House for a range of residential and extra-curricular adventure learning programmes. During the 1970’s Ardaluin House provided an important opportunity to provide an out of Belfast respite from the conflict between the communities within North Belfast.
Following the formation of Ardaluin Trust as an Independent Trust in 1996, although access was opened up to a wider market of voluntary and community groups, organisations and networks across Greater Belfast and Northern Ireland, the core client user base continued to be weighted towards the Greater Shankill and North Belfast.
This weighting towards supporting the needs of young people from the most disadvantaged communities within the Greater Shankill and North Belfast has been consolidated following the more recent partnership agreement with Belfast Activity Centre (BAC) in 2011. Increasing numbers of young people have accessed Ardaluin through BAC Youth Build BAC’s longer term personal development programmes.



North Belfast Area Project YWIC Sky Camp spent a week at Ardaluin taking part in lots of fun activities. #youthbuild


Great having Campbell College Belfast staying in Ardaluin over the weekend. Glad you all enjoyed yourselves!


A great week had at Ardaluin House with a great bunch of young adults! The Centre is perfect for supporting young people with Independent Living Skills such as cooking, cleaning, washing, gardening and socialising to name but a few! #towardsindependence #residential #adventures


Our day so far has involved sliding, jumping and swimming in the river and the sea! Feeding the ducks and seagulls and getting lost in Castlewellan Maze! Best of all the sun is still shining ☀️! Everyone now getting their glad rags on for our final dinner out tonight!


The young people I work with are amazing,they just presented me with a beautiful bunch of flowers and a lovely card! #greatbunchofyoungpeople #independentliving #residentialexperiences


Today has been the first day of our five day Towards Independence residential at Ardaluin House, Newcastle. It was a day of menu planning, shopping, cooking, a short walk in Tollymore Forest Park (running through puddles) and finally a movie to finish of our day! Keep checking back each day as the group will be updating you on their adventures during the week!


Another successful @DofE Practice Expedition with Longstone Special School in the Mournes. A very tired bunch of young people.


Longstone Special School enjoying their Bronze @Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition! Camping in the walled garden at Ardaluin! Managed to dodge most of the rain today! #DofE #campinglife #campfires


A little maintenance done on the tree climbs this morning getting them ready for the all the groups who will be using them over the summer! Also some interesting tree fungus growing around the site. #treeclimbs #personaldevelopment #residential #summerfun #challengeyourself


105 more trees ready for planting!!

More about Ardaluin House

Ardaluin House is located at 99 Bryansford Road, BT330LF Newcastle, United Kingdom