Ballygowan & Carryduff Army Cadets

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Ballygowan & Carryduff Army Cadets

Ballygowan Detachment Army Cadet Force

Ballygowan & Carryduff Army Cadets Description

As a cadet in the ACF you can achieve many different things, as part of your training you will take part in many different interesting subjects including:

Fieldcraft Exercises
First Aid Qualifications
Map and Compass
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Leadership skills
BTEC Award (worth 4 GCSE's)
Exchange Trips
Training weekends
Annual Camp each summer

And much much more! ! !



Coming to a Screen near you on June 6th..
The full Normandy Venture 2019 Video brought to you our very own Media Guru LSgt Christine Spalding πŸ“Έ.
I was meant to keep this snippet secret but it really is just too good!
... Cannot wait for the full video 😁
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Last November Ballygowan Detachment took part in the National There But Not There project to Commemorate the Centenary of the ending of the First World War. After fundraising we got our Tommy figure which took pride of place in our home Village over the Remembrance period.
This event combined with our recent Normandy Battlefield Study made us want to do something similar to remember those lost on D-Day and the Second World War as a whole with June 6th this year marking the 7...5th Anniversary of D-Day. We have therefore designed and created our very own unique Tommy Mk.2.
We aren't giving him away just yet but here is a bit of a sneak peek of what we have been up. Tommy 2 will take pride of place in our Village over the week of June 1st - 8th to remember the 3 local men who lost their lives during WW2.
LSgt Christine Spalding has also been working her magic putting together a video from our time in Normandy - here is a short clip with the finished article being top secret until it is released on June 6th!
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Tonight the Det had some Detachment photos taken while we had most of the Cadets present before the dreaded exams really kick in over the next few weeks.
Some of those Cadets on parade have been with the Detachment 2 weeks while some have been with us nearly 6 years. Sgt Agnew and CSgt (CQMS) Ireland both are former Detachment Cadets with nearly 10 years each while yours truly (CSM Townley) has the record of being with the Detachment 17 years now having joined as a Cadet in... 2002 and never left!
Tonight marked the final night in uniform for Cadet RSM Charlie Griffith. After nearly 6 years Charlie has a few weeks left but will be focusing on his A Levels before joining us on our final night of the year to say a proper goodbye.
Here are some of our snaps from tonight and one paying homage to our centres former life when it was an operational UDR base nearly 40 years ago.
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Some of our snaps taken tonight, a few faces missing but we got most of the Detachment on Parade. More pics to follow πŸ“ΈπŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈβ˜˜


June 6th 2019 marks 75 years since the D-Day landings, the biggest land sea and air operation ever seen and the beginning of the end of the Second World War. In one day over 10,000 allied soldiers would become casualties with over 2,500 killed.
In November 2018 we unveiled 'Tommy' to commemorate the Centenary of the ending of the First World War. We plan to do the same to mark D-Day 75 so keep your eyes peeled as Tommy very soon will have a friend πŸ˜‰


Another busy evening in the Detachment tonight with RSM Charlie Griffith giving a presentation on his recent experience as part of the CVQO Duke of Westminster Award 2019 Selection.
By this time next week Charlie will know if he has been successful in gaining a place in the final and a once in a lifetime trip to South Africa - fingers crossed and what a way it eluld be to finish your time as a Cadet🀞
Our recruits are making good progress with their Basic Star training tonight conducting Skill At Arms and Marksmanship training on the Scorpion Air Rifle before firing them for the first time in a few weeks πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈβ˜˜


A great turnout for the Detachment tonight despite now being into the dreaded exam period 😱
We now have a brilliant 9 recruits with us with the latest 2 joining us tonight. While always great to see new recruits it is especially great to see so many girls joining and we now are very nearly 50% female which is brilliant to see.
Our team who done so well at the weekends Calcutta Cup recieved a treat for all their efforts and enduring the terrible weather they faced at - judging by the lack of leftovers we think they enjoyed it!
As part of their weekly training all the Cadets also play their part in keeping our centre clean and tidy - so mums and dads the next time you want their rooms cleaned or the housework done they have no excuse πŸ˜‚
Next week we hope to have a Detachment photo taken so would ask all Cadets to attend even just for a short while at the start of the night to do this and get everyone in it πŸ“Έ
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A few more snaps from our team at the Calcutta πŸ’ͺ
QS β˜˜πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Very proud of our Cadets achievements this weekend especially having battled through the terrible weather of yesterday.
Our Calcutta Cup team return home with a 3rd place in the Shooting Trophy and for LSgt Christine Spalding an incredible runners up in the Section Commander Trophy only pipped to first place by none other than the Cadet RSM of the 1st Battalion - an impressive result Christine very well done to you and the whole team πŸ‘
RSM Charlie Griffith and his team also to compete against the elements at the Cambrian Patrol in Wales. The team done very well and came in with a Silver Medal finish so a great result for the team while Charlie was awarded the Best Section Commander Trophy - an amazing result Charlie and a fine way to finish your time in the ACF πŸ‘
QS ☘ To Inspire To Achieve πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
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Good luck to our team this weekend as they prepare to head to the North Coast and take part in the Northern Ireland Cadet Military Skills Competition better known as the Calcutta Cup.
Best of Luck to LSgt Christine Spalding and LSgt Lee Umphray who head things up as Section Commander and 2IC and to the 6 Cadets making up the final Calcutta team.
Also good luck to RSM Charlie Griffith as he leads the Battalion team into the 2019 Cadet Cambrian Patrol Competition in Brecon, Wa...les. Cambrian is argueably the toughest Cadet Competition there is and with a Silver Medal finish last year Charlie and his team are out for Gold πŸ’ͺ
Remember all no matter what only the top 8 teams in NI get to take part in the Calcutta and only 1 NI team are at Cambrian so you have won already just being good enough to be there and represent your Detachment, Company and Battalion so go and do what Ballygowan Mini Micks do best πŸ˜‰
Hang Tough πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ QS ☘
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It may be a glorious sunny Easter weekend but there's no rest for some of our Cadets who are hard at it in the Cadet Training Centre in Ballykinler working towards gaining a BTEC Level 2 Qualification in Teamwork and Personal Development.
Well done Sgts McCausland and Curran - you may be missing a day or two of the nice weather but you're gaining something that will stand by you for years to come πŸ‘
QS β˜˜πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Good Luck to Cadet RSM Charlie Griffith who is competing with some of the finest Cadets from across the UK for the chance to be crowned the 2019 Duke of Westminster Award Winner and the trip of a lifetime to South Africa.
Hang Tough Charlie and show them what Ballygowan Mini Micks are made of - you'll nail it πŸ‘
QS β˜˜πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Another busy and action packed weekend for the Detachment at our Company training weekend in Ballykinler.
Our younger Cadets got to experience living and operating in the field over a 24hr period for the first time while our Senior Cadets got to practice their command and instructing skills leading and mentoring them.
Lots of amazing First Aid qualifications were presented to many of the Cadets at various levels and a special presentation was made to CSM James Spratt to mark... the end of his time in post as Cadet Company Sergeant Major and thank him for his dedication and commitment - very well deserved James and a great example to all during your time in post πŸ‘
Well done all on a great effort!!
QS β˜˜πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
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The answer to that age old question - just how many Cadets can you fit into the Back of a Police Landrover?
10 it would seem!! 🀣🀣


A great visit tonight by the PSNI who came and talked to the Cadets on their vital role in keeping us all safe.
The Cadets learnt about being safe on the road for those now driving as well as about antisocial behaviour in the Carryduff area and its consequences as well as the job of policing in general.
A very fun and informative night and - who knew running Cadets could be detected with a speed gun - 15mph was the record πŸ˜‚
... Oh and the answer to the question how many Cadets fit into the Back of a Police Landrover - 10! 🀣
Very many thanks to Constable W and Constable H for visiting, very much appreciated.
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Another fine example of the Importance in learning First Aid as a Cadet this time a lot closer to home with a young Cadet from Ballymoney.
Well done Joseph - an amazing effort and a very well deserved award!! πŸ‘πŸ‘β˜˜πŸ’‚πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ…/ joseph-a-true-hero-…/

More about Ballygowan & Carryduff Army Cadets

Ballygowan & Carryduff Army Cadets is located at 35 Manse Road, BT8 8DA Carryduff
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -