Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets

About Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets

Sea Cadets

Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets Description

Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets and Royal Marines Cadets are for young people between the ages of 12-18. If you are interested contact us by email or telephone.



TS FORMIDABLE (BELFAST) SEA CADET UNIT NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE OF IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of TS FORMIDABLE Sea Cadet Unit will be held at the Joint Cadet Centre, Kinnegar Road, Holywood on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 @ 2000 hrs... AGENDA (AGM) (For the fiscal year -1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018) 1. Apologies. 2. Opening address by the President/ Area Chairperson/ District Chairperson/ NI District Officer. 3. Minutes of last AGM held on Wednesday, 5th February 2018 for adoption. 4. Matters arising from item 3 (above). 5. Unit Chairperson's Report. 6. P&SA Chairperson’s Report. 7. Officer-in-Charge Report. 8. Treasurer's Report and Adoption of signed Annual Accounts. 9. Election/ Re-election of the Unit Management Team (UMT)*1 (either en bloc or individually, plus new nominations). 10. Any Other Business **2. *1 Election of the Unit Management Team (UMT) - individuals who are seeking election must have their nomination proposed and seconded. Nominations can only be accepted if they are submitted on the official NOMINATION FORM available from the Officer-in-Charge (OiC) TS Formidable from 22 October 2018. There are criteria laid down in SCR's as to who is eligible to sit on the UMT, please see SCR's - available for inspection via the OiC. Only fully completed forms will be accepted. Proof of posting is not proof of posting. Fully completed nomination forms should be returned to the Joint Cadet Centre, Kinnegar Road, Holywood and will need to be received by OIC / Chairperson TS Formidable (at the latest) by Monday 5 November 2018. **2 Items of any other business will only be considered if they are proposed and seconded in writing to the Secretary, three (3) days before the meeting; that is Sunday , 4 November 2018, by 1900. Directly after the official close of the AGM, the President/ Area Chairperson/ NIDO, continuing as interim Chairman, will request the newly elected members of the UMC*1 to assemble in the Ship’s Office for the purpose of electing officials for the ensuing year. The interim Chairman will request nominations for the positions of: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Each nomination requires a proposer, a seconder, a majority vote of the members. The first Meeting of the UMC will continue, under the chairmanship of the elected Chairman. All newly elected UMC members will be required to undergo a criminal record disclosure, complete a P1 form- application to join the Sea Cadets which includes a Trustee Declaration indicating that they know of no reason why they cannot become a charity trustee and attend an Adult Induction Course within 9 months of joining.
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RNP 2018: Part 4


RNP 2018: Part 4


RNP 2018: Part 3


RNP 2018: Part 2


RNP 2018, Captain Peters Birthday, P.O. Jayne’s Birthday,
What a day!
Well what can I say about the RNP, apart from it was absolutely fabulous. Every year our cadets, staff and UMT surprise me with what can be achieved when we all come together. The cadets did two evolutions the first was the narrated re-enactment of the Battle of Cape Matapan, showcasing the role in which HMS Formidable played during the battle. The second was an narrated tongue in cheek #WeAreSoFormidable f...ashion show, promoting some of the skills and activities we do within the organisation, some groovy action man and action girl cadet dancing was seen along the way. Many thanks to our AO, DO, guests, parents, supporters, UMT, staff and most of all our Formidable Cadets who make it all worth while and always produce the goods on the day. We are definitely #TheShipWhichLaunchedHerself.
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This months poster cadet is CDT Bonnie


This months poster cadet is AC Rebecca


Good luck to Northern Ireland Sea Cadets as the travel to London this weekend to compete in the National Combined Regatta at the Excel Centre especially Cdt Sgt Jonny, OC Rebecca, CFC Dillon and MC2 Jenni from Formidable. Have a great time guys and give it your best shot.


Good luck to all those cadets and young people getting their GCSE results today. Good or bad, remember you always have options.


A Level results day today. We hope everyone achieves what they wanted and worked hard for, but remember, if not, there are always other options. The world is your oyster either way.


Just as our Royal Marine Cadets return from camp, four of our cadets, AC Alex, LCpl Aaron, MC1 Kurtis and MC2 Kirk, head off to Den Helder, Netherlands, to join TS John Jerwood for a two week voyage around the Netherlands. Have a great trip guys.


This Months Poster Cadet is MC1 Kurtis

More about Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets

Belfast Formidable Sea Cadets is located at Kinnegar Ave, BT18 9JR Holywood