Bloody Bridge Backpackers



Nice campsite with lots of different sections, so although it was busy when we were there it didn't feel it. Nice views. Toilet/shower facilities were ok- one of the toilets in the women's bathroom didn't lock and they could have been cleaner. Washing up facilities also could have been better but they did the job. Quite a tough drive up from the main road - we were very glad to have a Land Rover as it wouldn't have been fun in a normal car, however lots of people were there in normal cars so they obviously made it. Fairly strict rules from owners, but we didn't mind sticking to them and had no problems. Good campsite for young families or couples (like us) who have early nights, but probably wouldn't recommend for groups etc due to noise/alcohol policies.


We were very happy with the campsite. The owner, Frank, was very clear beforehand regarding the ban on alcohol and noise after midnight and we were very happy to comply. The campsite is quiet and peaceful and ideally located for climbing Slieve Donard and walking in the Mourne Mountains. Our kids also enjoyed playing in the Bloody Bridge River, which is close by. It also has lovely views over the Irish Sea. We found Frank friendly and helpful to deal with.


Great location and friendly service. Wash up area provided and I was very impressed with the cleanliness of the toilets and showers. Overall great experience!!


I had to give 1 star as the site wouldn't let me leave 0
Worst camp site I have ever stayed in. Owners dogs allowed to run all over the capsite with no leads on.

How Frank the so called owner of this site makes money!! Well he steals from his customers of course.

We paid for 2 nights however on the first night at around 12.15 we were quietly talking, my little niece was asleep in the tent. All of a sudden Frank appeared with 3 dogs shouting and ranting like a mad man that we had broken the rules as we had the fire lit after 12!! The fire had been supplied by him with 4 pieces of wood and he charged us £10 for it. Frank proceeded to Shout and came back with a bucket of water and threw it in the fire. Spraying the hot ash all over us and our tents. We were lucky that no one was hurt or that the tents didnt catch fire.

In addition to this he made a very serious comment. 'I have the right to shoot your dogs if you let them off their leads'. My dog is a small Yorkshire Terrier. This comment alone sent shivers down my spine. The fact he had a gun and was prepared to use it!!

I have to tell you at this stage we felt very threatened by his behaviour. The next morning we packed up and as we were leaving the site asked him for our money back. Frank point blank refused. At no stage did Frank ask us to leave the site we left because of his threating behaviour. We have video footage of the whole thing as it happened.

Such a pathetic excuse for a business owner. Please of you read this review dont go to this campsite.


I have camped in many places in NI & Ireland and this has to be down there with the worst experience I have ever had!
On arrival we were greeted by a sour faced man (the owner) he did not introduce himself or say a simple hello - not the greatest first impression for him or his business. He started rhyming off a list of rules 'no excessive noise after midnight, no alcohol after midnight, no fire after midnight, no burning your own wood, you must only burn the wood on the campfire I supply' what struck me the most was what he continued to say after he gave the rule of 'all dogs must be kept on a leash' - 'I am a farmer and I have the right to shoot any dogs not on a leash on my property!' This was very extreme and we were all so taken back. Why he thought it was ever ok to say this to any customer is beyond me! His rudeness should of been a sign but we decided to stay as we had planned this camping family trip for quite a while now
He then continued to collect all the money for 2 nights stay, supplied the campfire and wood and was on his way - the use of the fire and wood was VERY over priced. £10 for use of the fire and 4 chunks of wood. He said this was supposed to last 3-4 hours. I'm not really sure how.
All our tents set up, BBQ on, a drink poured we were enjoying the great views of the sea. Such a beautiful spot and the weather stayed great. The little one fell asleep outside with the 2 dogs and we were all having a chat, catching up as families do. 12.25am came and around he walked with his 3 dogs, 2 of which were not on leashes. He started giving off in an angry manner because we were still awake and outside at this time. What he forgot to mention was we were supposed to be in our tents and sleeping by 12am with absolutely NO TALKING! I have never heard of rules so ridiculous in my life. We asked had there been any complaints but there hadn't he said it was his property so these are his rules. Everyone was talking quietly around the fire but this had seemed to annoy him terribly! The fire was still simmering away with the last of the wood, he then poured a bottle of water over it to put it out. He was raising his voice a lot and told us that we had to leave or he would phone the police because we had broken his rules! We were all so shocked and taken back that, it was so bizarre and very very over the top. Not any way to treat your customers or run a business. Off course we couldn't leave as we had had a few drinks so he told us we had to leave the campsite the next morning. My niece had now been woken up and was crying and the dogs were barking. He had created a hell of a lot more noise ensuring he woke up the rest of his customers. He lurked about outside, behind the bushes and creeping around the tents until everyone cleared up their things and went to bed. At this point it was very creepy and scary to say the least and we were afraid to go to sleep.
The next morning arrived and there were more raised voices (not the first thing you want when you wake up) he refused to give us a refund for our 2nd night stay which we had paid for. And accused us of paying less than we should of at the beginning.(The money had all been counted by him on collection).
He is a thief and a very, VERY arrogant man. Treats adults like children and leaves people too scared to even sleep. Never have I or my family been treated like this before and I would never wish it upon anyone else! Stay away from this campsite at all costs. They're plenty more beautiful areas for a great stay in Newcastle. Maybe this explains why there was hardly anyone else staying of the campsite!

On a lighter note.. Adamant to not let this experience ruin our family camping trip away. We packed up and travelled to meelmore lodge camsite for our 2nd night. We we were greeted with a smile and welcoming words. The campsite was amazing, clean and spotless with the most incredible views. And it was packed! We were allowed to use our own campfire and wood and we were even allowed to stay outside our tents and talk after 12am! Could you imagine that!!


If I could give 0 stars I would.

The man who owns this place is just horrible, he done nothing but give us hell the whole time we were there, not to mention watching us in the bushes like a creep.
Only arrived and didn't get a warm welcome or even a hello, he just started rambling about his rules and policy's no drinking or fires after 12 and that he had the right to shoot our dogs if they weren't on a lead (bearing in mind later on that night he had his two dogs sniffing around my two year old daughter with no leads on)
His prices for wood is ridiculous, he gave us 4 pathetic peices of wood and had to pay £10 for it. We hadn't even got the tents up and we already felt unwelcomed. We paid for two nights then he finally disappeared after throwing out his orders.
Anyway we were all settled around the fire my daughter was fast asleep then he comes barging over giving off because the fire was lit still but it was only a little bit over 12, all was relaxed some of the family members were just finishing off their beers then we were heading to bed, but he went completely nuts shouting at us like we were children going over and over about his rules, he really is the most insane person I've met.
He gave off that much he woke my daughter and she was terrified to go back to sleep because he was sitting watching us all in the bushes, he told us all we had to go to bed and we are all 28+ and if I wanted someone to tuck me into bed it sure wasn't going to be him. He also said that TALKING WASNT ALLOWED I'm surprised we were allowed to breathe actually. He also threw water over our fire and gurned because we put a different bit of wood the the fire (because we only got 4 logs for the whole evening)
We didn't want to stay for the second night as we felt unsafe with this clearly deranged man lurking around the bushes watching our every move, he told us he would give us our money back for the second night the following morning at eleven.
After everyone was so upset we eventually went to bed although my daughter never slept a wink because she thought 'the man' was going to hurt us, and I also was worried about him so much that my partner had to stay up the whole night.
Morning came and he was already lurking about at six in the morning, eventually he slithered over and states he wasn't giving us our money back until he gets a letter from us stating that we wanted it back, and that he'll take it further to see if we have the right for our money back because 'we broke the rules'. I also talked to the couples at the camp site and they said we didn't disturb them at all and it wasn't until that thing came over and started giving off.
There's no reasoning with this poor excuse of a man and we left, going to the most amazing camp site Meelmore with a warm welcome and a very relaxed vibe were we all felt safe and comfortable!
So! If you want to stay at a camp site who is owned by the worst possible 'business man' who is a complete control freak, who watches you in the bushes when you walk to the bathroom, shouts an terrifies small children and adults to the extent that they can't sleep, states that we're not allowed to talk after 12, throws water over the four £10 logs you paid for and STEALS YOUR money then by all means please go and stay with him, and when I say stay with him I literally mean he will watch you sleep.
Keep up the good work Frank you waste of space no wonder your camp site is empty!


Been camping here in the past and had a good time although the man that runs this area is very rude and thoroughly ruined our experience. He threw water over the camp fire that he provided at 12pm, told us we were 'breaking the rules' due to quiet talking after 12 and then refused to give us a refund for the following night as our whole group felt uncomfortable staying in this mans campsite. Overall, DO NOT ATTEND THIS CAMPSITE. There are many other campsites with even better views and that will allow you to have a conversation at 12pm. Avoid at all costs.

More about Bloody Bridge Backpackers

Bloody Bridge Backpackers is located at 77 Ballagh Rd, Newcastle BT33 0LA, UK
+44 7788 127730