Bodyworks Gym

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 20:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

About Bodyworks Gym

Monday: 6: 30am-10pm
Tuesday: 6. 30am-10pm
Wednesday: 6: 30am-10pm
Thursday: 6. 30am-10pm
Friday: 6: 30am-8: 30pm
Saturday: 9am-4pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm

Bodyworks Gym Description

Bodyworks gym is Armaghs lonest running independent gym. Great friendly community environment mixed with all types of training from bodybuilding /functional /circuitetc etc



Janet McParland remember back all them years ago travelling around with me like this ūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėā Suitcase jammed packed with all my essentials for the holidays.... ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ Jesus how we weren't held at the airports for hours is beyond me.....priceless though... As they say the struggle was real back Happy weekend folks.....T


Do us a favour..... To whoever was using the Super Yolk last..... put away your weights ffs, nothing as bad cleaning up weights after someone. Please, thank You.....T


Folks a lot of people have been asking for it so our Cool-Fuel shop has delivered on it.. ūüėČūüėČ
We are now stocking CBD oil at 1500mg strength, *Its Organic *Its high in purity... *Its non GMO *Its not filled with cheap fillers *& its been tried and tested by yours truly, and trust me its great ūüėāūüėāūüėā 100% bullet proof & an all round fantastic product & the health benefits that come from it are crazy. All available down here in our Cool-Fuel shop in the gym, You wont get this quality of product anywhere else in Armagh folks.....Its an exclusive to us and us only.
Cool-Fuel @ Bodyworks bringing ya's the best in health supplements in the Armagh area.....ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™
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We've now teamed up with O2 folks, bringing ya's fitness without all the fuss...ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™
Making sure ya's get the best deals out there for 2019, So for your chance to WIN A MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP just pick up a leaflet in the gym or the O2 shop..... fill it out and yehhhhh presto.... your in the draw...... Happy days ūüėČūüėČ


Ladies we have 3 more spaces still up for grabs in our girls transformation camp starting on Tuesday night at 7 bells for the month of February, just drop us a pm to secure your spot or for any more details ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™


Folks we r nearly there with a lot of hard work and late nights going in, and again thanks to all our members for your patience.... We are now at the stage folks to start re-tiling from tomorrow so just a heads up that the girls changing rooms will be closed from lunch time tomorrow, (there will still be changing facilities made available, just not in the main area & the showers are out ) .. All work to be completed over the weekend folks so thanks again for your patience......T


Girls we've a new 4 week block of our Ladies only Camp starting next Tuesday night (5th) at 7pm. Results coming from these camps have been great folks so if your interested in taking part drop us a pm for more info & to secure your spot.Camp runs 3 times per week with all nutritional advice and additional plans giving out if needed so your on a WIN WIN ūüėČūüėČūüí™


For 2 great causes folks..... so please be kind lol....


Welcome to the real world folks..... Its not rocket science, but some can find it tricky enough to master.... If your goal is to lose some fat this year & your struggling don't be afraid to drop us a pm or speak to anyone of our PT's down here, were always on hand to help ya's out.ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ Team Bodyworks folks Armaghs #1.....


A wee bit of an update folks... we've had great response with names coming in for our upcoming fun run on the 27th of April in The Jungle "RAMPAGE.... As well as the Children's fund for cancer we will now be spliting all funds raised with the Katie-Rose Foundation as well.. Both great causes folks so all of yous sitting out there...... get yourself together and please take part or please feel free to call into gym and donate and sponsor us, every pound counts. If ya think your brave enough then take a look at the clip from our last post to see what your up against lol.... please feel free to tag, like & share if you would to get as many as we can to take part..... ALL FOR GREAT CAUSES FOLKS.....T


Right folks a bit of a change of plan for our fund raising event to raise a few bob for the Cancer Fund for children. We have now moved it and now will be taking part in The RAMPAGE Run in Moneymore on Saturday the 27th April.
Take a second & look through the video link below folks to see what your in for, it's going to be some day's craic. Thanks to all you have shown interest and put there names forward but it's coming to the time folks to all those thinking about it to rea...lly see if your hard enough lol and too put your name forward, we now need names in ASAPūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™. it's time for all the talking to end ūüėāūüėāūüėā I could go on & on about the Cancer fund for the kids folks but i really think ya's all know how good it is to raise a few quid for them and the difference it can make. And remember the event is opened to all levels of fitness and for all our members and NON-MEMBERS.. it's all about getting together and raising a few bob & in the process having a bit of craic. So all that said if you want to take part and help us raise a few quid, please pm me and i'll get back to you with the details.
** Again folks i'd appreciate a wee share of the post if ya's would to get it out there to as many as wee can.. looking forward to hearing from ya's all ..ūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎć BRING IT ON ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ū üí™
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We are more than just a gym down here folks...... With one, if not the best TEAM of personal trainers in the Armagh area, each top of there game in there own field. We offer top quality advice on all nutritional and supplementation for all aspects of life.... We stock only top end supplements in our Cool-Fuel shop here at the gym and offer you the best of whats out there with all the experience and knowledge to go along side it. And here's just an example of one for ya's to ...check out......
Well check out JOINT DEFENDER by 5% folks...... works great in keeping your joints feeling great. This product is not only quality but it provides effective & immediate results. Example of this folks is the high quality type 2 collagen derived from chicken. A lot of other collagen products folks will not list if its a type 1, 2 or 3, that's because they typically use type 1 or 3 which is a cheaper form that is intended for hair, skin & nails rather than joint repair, it's loaded with Glucosamine, Chondroitin & Turmeric so you've all you need to relieve inflammation, muscle pain and it plays a vital role in joint recovery from heavy training and to boot you'll experience the results after just a few days.... So before you waste your well earned money on cheap supplements and poor advise call down to us anytime to go through your plans......T
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A nice wee one for ya's to look over for the next time you ask your trainer..... "Whats the purpose of drinking all this water ūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēū ü§Ēūü§Ē There's a reason for our madness ya know ūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėā


What a week ffs...ūüė≤ūüė≤ūüė≤ūüė≤ūü§™ Jesus if things were sent to test ya, we'll I've just had But as always down here we turn the negatives into positives... * So it's all new revamped changing rooms. * A new roof downstairs. ūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėāūüėā ( watch this space on this one folks cause if i can get the video evidence of it i'm posting it up... it was like a scene out of Only Fools & Horses lol & bar the fact we nearly killed Armaghs best rock star all in the process... ain't that ri...ght Marty ūüėČūüėČūüėČūü§™ūü§™ * And to boot we've some of our new kit which has started to arrive and rest to follow before the end of the month. So all good now and if there was ever an excuse to start on the wine........we'll i've certainly earned mine this week.ūüć∑ūüć∑ūüć∑ūüć∑ūüć∑ Happy Weekend folks, and please god i hope i don't have another week like this any time soon.ūüėČ
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Folks just giving ya's all the heads up.... Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances that's out of our control, there'll be no showers available in the gym over the next few days, We are sorry for this again folks but it's out of our hands. The changing rooms are still operational its just the showers, We are getting this rectified as we speak. Thanks for your patience....T


We all need our wee cheat meals ehhhhh, but some just go to the extreme lol ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ Busy week ahead of us so hope ya's all had a good one and are fresh/ready & raring to go.... kicking off with all you Campers at 6.30 in the morning were the big man has loads of surprises in store ūüėČūüėČūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™


Yep folks, sometimes it's as simple as that ūüėāūüėā & it's something my mother drilled into me from no age........... "Treat people the way you yourself would want to be treated in this world"....... but as always it's unfortunate that we still have some around.... ūüėČūüėČūüėČūüėČūüėČ hope ya's are having a good one ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ū üí™


Nice way to finish off a busy week.... Been after one of these bad boys for a while now & finally got our hands on one (this model is like hens bloody teeth) ūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćūüėćū üėć On the pallet and all, shipped out and on its way, with us at the start of the week, so no excuses now girls & boys for not doing those dips & chins....ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ Nice way to kick off 2019 by giving back to our members ūüí™Have a great weekend folks......T


With all these new year resolutions with fitness folks and everyone looking to get in shape here‚Äôs a few wee tips I‚Äôve put together for some of ya‚Äôs to read over before ya‚Äôs start that journey for 2019.ūüí™ It‚Äôs always important to have a few fundamental tips in place which may help you achieve your goals and stop you from crashing out after a few weeks!!!!! & how many of ya‚Äôs is guilty of that ūüė≤ūüė≤ūüė≤ūüė≤
First of all……….. Mindset...
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I started Bodywork GYM on May 2001 until today 16years.


Great gym and everyone are helpful and easy to get on with


Great gym always feel welcome ...definatley recommend it


Great and friendly gym the best in the town keep it going tony for another 19 years


Best gym in town..unpretentious & friendly.

16 yrs ago I joined at my heaviest weight of over 18 stone.

Tony helped me get to my target weight then & over the years maintain it. No one better than Tony to kick my butt into shape for summer!!

Tony & the team at Bodyworks are always on hand to help out, offer advice & motivate....I'm fitter & healthier now than I was in my 20's!

I highly recommend Bodywork gym if you are serious about your health & fitness!


Best gym in town great atmosphere always feel so welcome AпҝҪ


I started Bodywork GYM on May 2001 until today 16years.


Great gym and everyone are helpful and easy to get on with


Great gym always feel welcome ...definatley recommend it


Great and friendly gym the best in the town keep it going tony for another 19 years


Best gym in town..unpretentious & friendly.

16 yrs ago I joined at my heaviest weight of over 18 stone.

Tony helped me get to my target weight then & over the years maintain it. No one better than Tony to kick my butt into shape for summer!!

Tony & the team at Bodyworks are always on hand to help out, offer advice & motivate....I'm fitter & healthier now than I was in my 20's!

I highly recommend Bodywork gym if you are serious about your health & fitness!


Best gym in town great atmosphere always feel so welcome AпҝҪ


I started Bodywork GYM on May 2001 until today 16years.


Great gym and everyone are helpful and easy to get on with


Great gym always feel welcome ...definatley recommend it


Great and friendly gym the best in the town keep it going tony for another 19 years


Best gym in town..unpretentious & friendly.

16 yrs ago I joined at my heaviest weight of over 18 stone.

Tony helped me get to my target weight then & over the years maintain it. No one better than Tony to kick my butt into shape for summer!!

Tony & the team at Bodyworks are always on hand to help out, offer advice & motivate....I'm fitter & healthier now than I was in my 20's!

I highly recommend Bodywork gym if you are serious about your health & fitness!


Best gym in town great atmosphere always feel so welcome AÔŅĹ


I started Bodywork GYM on May 2001 until today 16years.


Great gym and everyone are helpful and easy to get on with


Great gym always feel welcome ...definatley recommend it


Great and friendly gym the best in the town keep it going tony for another 19 years


Best gym in town..unpretentious & friendly.

16 yrs ago I joined at my heaviest weight of over 18 stone.

Tony helped me get to my target weight then & over the years maintain it. No one better than Tony to kick my butt into shape for summer!!

Tony & the team at Bodyworks are always on hand to help out, offer advice & motivate....I'm fitter & healthier now than I was in my 20's!

I highly recommend Bodywork gym if you are serious about your health & fitness!


Best gym in town great atmosphere always feel so welcome AпҝҪ


I started Bodywork GYM on May 2001 until today 16years.


Great gym and everyone are helpful and easy to get on with


Great gym always feel welcome ...definatley recommend it


Great and friendly gym the best in the town keep it going tony for another 19 years


Best gym in town..unpretentious & friendly.

16 yrs ago I joined at my heaviest weight of over 18 stone.

Tony helped me get to my target weight then & over the years maintain it. No one better than Tony to kick my butt into shape for summer!!

Tony & the team at Bodyworks are always on hand to help out, offer advice & motivate....I'm fitter & healthier now than I was in my 20's!

I highly recommend Bodywork gym if you are serious about your health & fitness!


Best gym in town great atmosphere always feel so welcome AÔŅĹ

More about Bodyworks Gym

Bodyworks Gym is located at units 21-35 Armagh Business Centre, BT617 Armagh
Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 20:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00