Cairnshill Primary School

About Cairnshill Primary School

The official Facebook page of Cairnshill Primary School. Set up to inform parents and families of the latest updates in the school.

Cairnshill Primary School Description

A large inclusive primary school in South Belfast.



Reminder... Tomorrow is our PSA Coin Trail so it’s the final opportunity for children to bring in coins for the competition. Each class will be trying to make the longest/widest line of coins. There will be a winner from each key stage so check down the back of the sofa or under the bed & send them in. Thanks for all your help and support.


It was great to have two of our past pupils visiting assembly this morning. Both boys were part of the Methodist College Belfast rugby team who recently won the Schools’ Cup. Congratulations & thanks for helping to inspire the next generation of players. Maybe some of our current rugby enthusiasts will be lifting the cup in a few years time!


Yesterday it was the turn of P4G and P4M/T to be ‘evacuated’. They had a great time at Castleward and enjoyed all the activities. Life as an evacuee wasn’t easy; there were lots of jobs to be done!


Our P4 classes have all been ‘evacuated‘ to the country this week! On Wednesday, it was the turn of P4G/S to head to Castleward to learn about life for evacuees during WW2. There was lots to see and do and everyone learnt lots about this period in history. It was fantastic to see everyone dressed of the occasion - even the teachers!


It’s almost time for our next PSA event - the annual ‘Coin Trail’. This is eagerly anticipated by the children as they compete to see which classes can collect the most coins. Over the years, this has been a fantastic fundraiser which has helped boost our PSA profits! Already this term the disco has raised just under £1000 with an additional £180 from the ‘Curry Night’. Many thanks to everyone who supported these events. All of the PSA profits help enhance the experiences we offer our pupils. This year we’ve purchased additional iPads and reading books which are being well used in school. We really appreciate the support of parents and local businesses who contribute so much throughout the year.


Many thanks to everyone who came along to our ‘Family Daily Mile’ this morning. The weather may have been a little damp but it was great to see lots of families getting the day off to an active start. Thanks also to those who helped organise and serve the snacks at the end. Hopefully next time we’ll have some sunshine!


Our Feet First Family Daily Mile takes place tomorrow morning (weather permitting!). Please take this opportunity to join in with your child and staff for a walk/jog around the pitches before school. We will meet at the entrance to the pitches at 8.25am. Afterwards, a healthy snack will be provided for the children in the hall as well as tea/coffee for the adults.


Some of our P5-P7 pupils enjoyed a trip to Windsor Park stadium today. They visited the Education & Heritage Centre to learn about the history of NI football & also had a stadium tour. The children who attended selected a ’seat on the bus’ for this special morning out as their prize for achieving their Accelerated Reader targets earlier in the term. Well done to them all - keep reading!


Another day, another P1 trip to the fire station! Today it was the turn of P1S to have a morning out of school and enjoy learning about all the different jobs that members of the fire service do. The team at Central Station were great but the tour was interrupted by an emergency call out! Thankfully, there was no fire to extinguish and the fire fighters were back quickly to continue with the visit.


Yesterday P1B had their class trip to the fire station. They heard all about the job of a fire fighter as well as looking at (and playing with) some of the very important equipment!


Well done to all the girls who represented Cairnshill at the BDO Northern Ireland McCloy Cup hockey festival yesterday. The team played brilliantly, reaching the semi-finals of the competition. Special congratulations to the tounament’s MVP who won a cool Chamrox grip. Our new hockey kit looked great - many thanks to the Cairnshill parents who funded it.


Congratulations to Mrs Vallelly and the Class Ambassadors who have helped in securing Cairnshill Primary School’s first International School Award.
We have successfully completed our Foundation Level and will now be working towards our Level 1.


P1B/B enjoyed a trip to the fire station today. It was very exciting to travel there on a coach! There was lots to see and do and the children explored almost every part of the station. Many thanks to the team at Central Station who helped the children really enjoy their trip.


Following the success of the Coffee Morning in January, we were able to present a cheque to the Air Ambulance for £500. Special mention goes to Mavis Hamilton for raising £120 herself for this cause!! Well done Mavis!!
We also had a Super Hero dress up day in February which raised £550 for Autism NI.
Thank you so much for all your support for these local charities.😊


Some of our P3 pupils took part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation today at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is an important step in their religious development. Well done boys and girls!


Reminder... Tomorrow is ‘World Book Day’. This year we’re celebrating by encouraging everyone to come to school wearing pyjamas or onesies to enjoy some bedtime stories. We’ll also find out the winners of our ‘500 words’ stories.


Our P7 classes enjoyed a fantastic trip to Titanic Belfast today. The weather wasn’t great but that didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits! A highlight was ‘The Ship of Dreams’ tour where lots of information was shared by the fantastic and very knowledgeable tour guides. There was also time to explore the SS Nomadic - the last remaining White Star Line ship. Overall, it was a very enjoyable and informative day.


Today was ‘Pancake Day’ and all of our Nursery children had great fun learning about how pancakes are made. There were lots of willing helpers and everyone enjoyed sampling the finished product!

More about Cairnshill Primary School

Cairnshill Primary School is located at 6a Cairnshill Drive, BT8 6RT Belfast