Calibre Performance

About Calibre Performance

A modern personal training studio where the focus is on you, a warm, intimate environment, with no distractions just hard work & good banter along the way.



Love these modified Dragon Flys, the abs will be working overtime to stabilise against the legs coming out & away from the body.
A pretty advanced exercise though & even Conall had to modify it slightly with his back position on the swiss ball (the more of your lower back that's off the ball the harder it is). Along with Ab Wheel Rollouts & a select few other exercises this is in the elite for 'core' work! ūüėČ


Family Ties ūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß
Janice & Kaitlin are the first mother/daughter combo I've trained, they are about 3 months in to their training & are making good strides with initial goals that are more than just 'lose weight'
... Has a weakness in one side of her hip, which you can see clearly when she does squats & planks, she dips to her weak side. We have strengthened that to a good degree now, using single leg exercises, resistance stretches for the glute & hip as well as mobilising areas above & below the affected area (hip flexors & obliques). She's keeping her hips more level & not compensating as much as a result.
On the dietary side of things bread has been drastically reduced, she's eating more homemade meals each day, alcohol consumption is down but by far my favourite story is this:
One of the Friday's the girls were training, they were planning on getting a takeaway that night. I think for some crazy reason they told me before they left & I said why don't you just make the curry recipe I have up on the whiteboard. They were actually both receptive to the idea, if I can remember correctly they subbed the lamb or beef I had in the recipe for chicken, the sauce is made from scratch & veg can be added as per your own preference. I stopped them getting a shitty, calorie laden, high sugar, bad fat takeaway. Victory! They both really enjoyed it too. ūü•üūü•ėūüėČ
One of the major things Janice wanted to improve was her arthritis & her movement, specifically in her neck & wrists. When turning her head Janice used to have fairly limited movement, as in she could barely get her head to look anywhere near her shoulder when rotating to the right or left. With her wrists she is just really restricted, when doing any dynamic push up plank style holds, especially going onto one hand she could barely muster the strength or balance to hold any longer than a second.
Both these restrictions have massively improved, she can now get her chin close to her shoulder when rotating her head. The wrists have improved to the point she can now go onto a single arm in a push up plank & rotate the other arm around in an arc while balancing for 3-4 seconds.
Small changes to meals, upping vegetable intake (there's a theme here) taking Paradox Oil (good quality fish oil) has seen her neck pain pretty much leave her, which is brilliant to hear.
She was also wanting to see a noticeable difference in her fitness. People always say "am I getting fitter" then when I point to sessions the girls were doing at the start vs now, with more weight, longer holds, more volume, low rest methods like Tabata, Complexes etc they are like "oh yeah, right enough" ūüėĀ
You'll be happy to hear both girls have also lost weight but my current battle is to get Janice off the wine.....ok reduce her intake so that she can really see a difference in her weight! ūüöęūüöęūüöęūüöęūüć∑ūüć∑ūüć∑ūüöęūüöęūüöęū üöę
They are a joy to train & have named me the smiling assassin which I just smile at you know ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüôāūüôāūüôāū üôāūüôāūüôāūüôā
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TC on track to putting on some muscle ūüí™ūü¶Ķ
Here is a guy that has a naturally skinny frame, a metabolism that burns more energy than a nuclear power plant & who works long shifts in work, sometimes skipping meals.
Training wise we are adding in a lot of isolation exercises like curls, flys, tricep pushdowns & pairing them up with deadlifts, back squats etc so that he can recruit as much muscle as possible on the more targeted areas.
... Onto his diet he's making use of his blender to bump up his calorie intake with fruit & nut smoothies, he's eating more good fats & protein with salmon, chicken fillets, eggs all introduced more often ūüć≥ūüć£ūü•ü
Before bed he's having a meal or snack as a means to put on more weight. The really good thing is he's getting much better at all this, he told me what he had the other day & it must have been 4-5 substantial meals, not everything perfect but the bulk of it was. A huge improvement over his one or two meals per day ūüĎĆ
TC has been training for around a month now & has put on a decent bit of muscle, anyone who knows him would see a difference, he's definitely going in the right direction.
Lastly I love someone who constantly wants to push themselves & TC not only does just that but is constantly asking for the weight to be put up in the different lifts throughout his sessions.....he's found a way to my heart ūüėĄūüíô
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Honestly I'd forgotten how tough a German Volume Training (10 sets of 10 reps) session can be as its been a while since I'd done one.
I joined Kelley in the group class yesterday & we put in an absolute shift. The results were my head gleaming with enough sweat that a team of goldfish could conceivably use my bap as a waterslide, Kelley also give me the classic "I've even got sweaty knickers" ūüėāūüėāūüėā
The feel good factor after putting in a shift like this enables me to take what I'm going to label 'smelly selfies' like this & I promise you folks we may be smiling on the outside but internally we were ready to collapse ūüõĆūüí§ūüõÄūüėī


Nicola & Rebecca at the end of today's Group PT session, their smiling faces masking exhausted bodies ūüôāūü•Ķ
They both share a goal of improving their shape, with Rebecca looking to lose weight & Nicola wanting to be as lean as possible ūüí™
The girls juggle uni & work, fit in training twice per week, have really taken to changing eating habits straight off the bat, with 2-3 recipes (that I put up on the whiteboard in the studio) having already been made at home.
... Nicola is even sending me pics of natural protein bars, asking if they are ok to eat ūüėč there is a real determination to do this right.
ūü•¶ūü•¨ūü•íūüćõūüć† One thing that I have encouraged Nicola & Rebecca to do, is try making lunches or certain meals together if they have time, it keeps both girls motivated & seems like less effort if they both chip in making a healthy meal, leading to less snacking & keeping their goals on track.
In their programs today was everything from standing chin ups to walking lunges, a rower challenge, boulder press with kettlebells, goblet squats with holds at the bottom & both finally getting a handle on the technique of their Romanian Deadlifts ‚úÖ
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Blimey this man has some serious single leg strength ūüėģ
Yesterday we were working on single leg squats, eccentric single arm push ups, single arm barbell romanian deadlifts & single arm bent over cable rows ūü¶Ķūü¶∂ūüí™ūüĎä
Darren has a bit of time off his racing before he hits a crazy superbike schedule of road racing & short circuits over the summer so we are hitting the strength sessions hard for the next few weeks ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ


Did someone say a 2-3 ingredient dessert that tastes like Terry's Chocolate Orange without all the crap? Yep me ūüėč
ūüĒłÔłŹ2 Tbsp of Pip & Nut Chocolate Orange Almond Butter ūüĒłÔłŹSplash of Rice Milk ūüĒłÔłŹOptional - Tsp of Chia Seeds
... Its epic that it hits those sweet cravings, feels like you've basically melted down a chocolate bar & started to eat it, plus it's all natural.
Keep it a sensible amount if your keeping calories lowūüĎć If your going on an all out binge the full jar should satisfy ūüėĄūüôä
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Starting Point ūüí†
Kelley's first attempts on the crow pose & headstand, she's never tried them before ūü§ł‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
You can see how much of a beginner at these holds she is but from here you embrace the challenge, be prepared to fail & slowly start to get better with repeated efforts over three coming weeks!ūüôā
... Everyone is sort of like a learner driver, with trying new things, be it a couple of new exercises or being completely new to working out in general.
Its always better to start something you want to do now, not on:
1. A Monday 2. After a holiday away ‚ėÄÔłŹ 3. New Year's Resolution after XmasūüéĄ (which usually lasts from January 5th - January 17th)
There's no time like the present, like right now, on Tuesday 7th May just after 6pm in the evening ūüėÄ
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Bonus Ball 4ÔłŹ‚É£1ÔłŹ‚É£
Congrats to Geraldine Dalton on the bonus ball coming up on last night's lottery, you win the gift voucher for 12 Group Coaching Classes @ Calibre Performance. Well done ūüôā
PM the page to get booked in/collect your gift voucher.


Bonus Ball in tonight's lottery decides who wins the gift voucher for 12 Group Coaching Classes ūüéĀ
Here's the list:
1. Helen Anderson
... 2. Kelley O'Neill
3. Stephen McCone
4. Jessica Houston
5. Joyce Crawford
6. Lenny Crockard
7. Sonia Millar
8. Nicola Atcheson
9. Lesley Rice
10. Maura McRory
11. Edna Fullerton
12. Claire Louise
13. Susan McConnell
14. Andrew Spiers
15. Siobhan Dunphy
16. Christina McMahon
17. Clare Kidd
18. Christina Caroline Millar
19. Jemma Armstrong
20. Terri Haggan
21. Billy Ray McGookin
22. Jackie Huston
23. Lisa Marie Hill
24. Louise Hartley
25. Eileen Beattie
26. Lyn Lyttle
27. Melissa Mahwhinney
28. Karen Fleming
29. Christine Smith
30. Trina Boyd
31. Erin McKeown
32. Lios Knox
33. Katie Clements
34. Joanne Heaney
35. Dg Diane Gards
36. Darren Haggan
37. Leanne Monaghan
38. Louisa Watson
39. Tanya Houston
40. Helen Stranney
41. Geraldine Dalton
42. Laura Topping
43. Lynsey Woods
44. Dorothy McCombe
45. Charmaine Adamson
46. Danielle Hanna
47. Vera Cuthbert
48. Alan John McIllwaine
49. Kevin McReynolds
Keep an eye out for your number ūüĎÄ‚¨ÜÔłŹ‚¨ÜÔłŹ‚¨ÜÔłŹ
Good luck!
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Set a targetūüéĮ, burn ze absūüĒ•, make pain face ūüėĖ, repeat multiple timesūüē£ūüēďūüēúūüē§
#hangs #kneesup #abdominalwall #carrickfergus #embracethegrind


Kim Todd is the bonus ball winner in tonight's national lottery (number 9), with the prize a gift voucher for:
ūüĒłÔłŹ8 - 1 to 1 Personal Training SessionsūüĒłÔłŹ
... Message the page to get your prize sorted, congrats on the win! ūüôĆūüôā
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Third gift voucher up for grabs tonight!ūüéĀ
Check the list below for your number & if the bonus ball in tonight's lottery comes up you win:
ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹÔłŹ8 - 1 to 1 Personal Training SessionsūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
... Good luck everyone!
1. Siobhan Dunphy 2. Jo Procter 3. Susan Deirdre McCombe 4. Susan McConnell 5. Andrew Spiers 6. Lesley Rice 7. Barbara Park 8. Helen Anderson 9. Kim Todd 10. Maura McRory 11. Edna Fullerton 12. Claire Louise 13. Laura Topping 14. Andrew Spiers 15. Darren Keys 16. Christina McMahon 17. Clare Kidd 18. Christina Caroline Millar 19. Jemma Armstrong 20. Lynne Savage-Watson 21. Gareth Millar 22. Jackie Huston 23. Lisa Marie Hill 24. Matt Boden 25. Sally Knight 26. Tony O’Neil 27. Andrea Sands 28. Julie M Gorman 29. Susan Penney 30. Sonia Millar 31. Stephen McCone 32. Karen Fleming 33. Melissa Mahwhinney 34. Jessica Huston 35. Caroline Johnston 36. Gareth Gourley 37. Joyce Crawford 38. Leanne Bennett 39. Lynsey Woods 40. Eileen Beattie 41. Kelley O’Neill 42. Lyn Lyttle 43. Katrina McGregor 44. Louise Hartley 45. Billy Ray Mcgookin 46. Lenny Crockard 47. Nicola Atcheson 48. Terri Haggan 49. Lauren Phyllis
If your number comes up message the page. There will be one more draw for the last gift voucher on Saturday ūüôā
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Full house.
Training the 5 girls in their group PT session last week, ran smooth as butter. This part of the session consisted of:
6 exercises... 40 secs work time Many reps as possible 20 secs change over
I think they were slightly exhausted by the end of the session but through their good humour, fits of laughter & really good work ethic, they survived the onslaught of exercises.
They are in today again ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü ŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
This is a group that are all friends, 3 of them work together, so kudos to Pauline for organising 2 sessions per week were all 5 show up & get trained together ūüôĆ
There should never be any barriers to exercise, its there for everyone ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ‚õ∑ūüŹä‚Ä ć‚ôāÔłŹ‚õĻÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ no matter what you do.
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ūüéČūüéČūüéČ ÔłŹJulie McCord Sloan your number came up as the bonus ball in last night's lottery so your the winner of the Gift Voucher for 8 Group Coaching Classes!
PM the page for your prize, congratulations!! ūüéČūüéČūüéČ


Tonight's entries for the bonus ball in the national lottery, up for grabs is:
ūüĒłÔłŹ 8 Group Coaching Classes Gift VoucherūüĒłÔłŹ
... If the bonus ball is above 44 we'll divert to tge first ball drawn, if that's too high the second ball drawn etc
Good luck everyone!
1 & 23. Julie M Gorman
2 & 24. Susan Penney
3 & 25. Sonia Millar
4 & 26. Stephen McCone
5 & 27. Karen Fleming
6 & 28. Melissa Mahwhinney
7 & 29. Jessica Huston
8 & 30. Caroline Johnston
9 & 31. Gareth Gourley
10 & 32. Julie McCord Sloan
11 & 33. Joyce Crawford
12 & 34. Leanne Bennett
13 & 35. Lynsey Woods
14 & 36. Eileen Beattie
15 & 37. Kelley O’Neill
16 & 38. Lyn Lyttle
17 & 39. Katrina McGregor
18 & 40. Louise Hartley
19 & 41. Billy Ray Mcgookin
20 & 42. Lenny Crockard
21 & 43. Nicola Atcheson
22 & 44. Terri Haggan
If your winner PM the page & you'll get sorted with your prize ūüĎĆ
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ūüéČūüéČCongrats to Lynne Kane who is the winner of the 10 - 1 to 1 Personal Training Sessions Gift Voucher.ūüéČūüéČ
No.42 was the bonus ball in tonight's lottery & you were no.42 on the list so well done ūüĎćūüĎĆ
PM the page for your prize.


The competition post finished up over 80 shares so that's 4 of the Gift Vouchers unlocked.
ūüĒłÔłŹThe first Gift Voucher up for grabs is the 10 - 1 to 1 Personal Training Sessions. All family have been filtered out ūüėĀ
Note that there will a different batch of people in the draw for Saturday's bonus ball in the national lottery.
... ūüĒłÔłŹAll the people below watch out for the Bonus Ball in tonight's national lottery, here are the names & assigned numbers:
1. Siobhan Dunphy 2. Jo Procter 3. Susan Deirdre McCombe 4. Susan McConnell 5. Andrew Spiers 6. Lesley Rice 7. Barbara Park 8. Helen Anderson 9. Kim Todd 10. Maura McRory 11. Edna Fullerton 12. Claire Louise 13. Laura Topping 14. Andrew Spiers 15. Darren Keys 16. Christina McMahon 17. Clare Kidd 18. Christina Caroline Millar 19. Jemma Armstrong 20. Lynne Savage-Watson 21. Gareth Millar 22. Jackie Huston 23. Lisa Marie Hill 24. Matt Boden 25. Sally Knight 26. Tony O’Neil 27. Andrea Sands 28. Lauren Phyllis 29. Christine Smith 30. Trina Boyd 31. Erin McKeown 32. Lios Knox 33. Katie Clements 34. Joanne Heaney 35. Dg Diane Gards 36. Darren Haggan 37. Leanne Monaghan 38. Louisa Watson 39. Tanya Houston 40. Helen Stranney 41. Geraldine Dalton 42. Lynne Kane 43. Stuart Watkinson 44. Dorothy McCombe 45. Charmaine Adamson 46. Danielle Hanna 47. Vera Cuthbert 48. Alan John McIllwaine 49. Kevin McReynolds
Good luck everyone!
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More about Calibre Performance

Calibre Performance is located at 26 West Street, BT38 7AR Carrickfergus